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Gotta Love Dragons

Page 11

by Aeryn Jaden

  Python’s slack face was starting to worry him and Johnny quickly pulled a sheet to cover himself. Apparently sexy times were over before they began. Figures.

  “I’m sorry? I didn't think you’ll be mad.”

  He could smell the anger on Python, he didn't need to met the naga’s eyes to see it too. Where the hell had he thrown his clothes? He needed to be dressed for this.


  “I’m sorry. You were hurt. I didn't want you hurt. At first I thought I was doing it for Rei, saving his mate. It just… I wanted you okay. I needed you okay. ‘the hell are my pants?”

  “Johnny. Slow down. Johnny!”

  Johnny wanted to cry. He needed not to cry. He was crying. The first tear felt as if it was tearing his soul apart and he distantly heard Python gasp. It was too soon, he was losing too much water, too quickly.

  “Your tears...So- Johnny! You said!”

  He felt more than heard, Python panicking next to him, trembling hands grabbing Johnny and positioning him close to a warm, strong body. Johnny relaxed in the embrace and just like that his tears stopped completely, leaving him wrung, exhausted with burn-like scars slowly appearing in the trail of his tears. The gentle fingers tracing the healing trails made it somewhat better, distracting an already out of it Johnny from the pain of knitting skin.

  “That was- Was that? What was that?”

  “My Water. Too soon, too much, it hurts me.” His voice came out weak and shaky, barely there.

  “Gods, Johnny. I don't want you hurt, not for me, not for anyone. Promise me-”

  The door jumped and hit the wall, startling the men cuddled on the bed. Johnny raised his head slowly, hearing but not hearing as Trojan hurriedly said something to Python, though the smell hit his nostrils fast. Blood. Rei. He knew and instantly rose on unsteady legs, more leaning on Python’s protective arm than standing on his own. He cast a last regretful look at the messy bed, the flavor of their unconsummated passion a heady perfume. The naga brothers were watching him with worried expressions and Johnny felt lighter under their warm regard. He felt that everything will be okay. He’d got through worse things and he had friends now. Mates. Python’s possessive stance helped a lot. Johnny could have this and have Rei too.

  “I’m guessing Rei’s in trouble. Let’s go get our wayward mate.”

  So they could all continue where they left off. All this dancing around each other and bullshit angst was giving Johnny indigestion. And a kappa could safely eat iron so that was saying something.

  * * * *

  Python didn't know how he was supposed to react, what he was supposed to be doing. Johnny was still weak and half of the time they spend hashing the plans to go get Rei, the kappa had been nodding off on Python’s shoulder. His face with those pouty lips and half-lidded satisfied expression will be Python’s undoing one day. They had been derailed earlier from their make-out session first by themselves and those weird weird tears, then by finding out their other mate had not intended to be gone but had been apparently kidnapped. Python felt as if every moan and gasp, every curve of Johnny's body was burned in his memory, he so wanted to be alone with his mate again, but surprisingly the stronger instinct was to care for him and less to get back to what they had been doing before things got serious. That and he needed his other mate safe and within reach, regardless of Rei wanting this mating or not. He wanted to see the man and reassure himself that he was well. Python was trying to not feel guilty that he’d been so absorbed by Johnny that he’d never wondered exactly were Rei was expect for away. His mind jumped again to the memory of those insane looking tears that his smaller mate had produced. He shuddered, the sight of the luminous tears burning his Johnny’s precious skin making him pull Johnny closer still. He’d not been mad about the healing part but worried and angry that Johnny had to obviously suffer in order to help Python. He wondered if the curse was broken now, if he was finally free of it. Python felt better, but somewhat still off. It didn’t matter either way. He needed both his mates happy and safe, that was all that mattered.

  “What do you say, Python? Johnny?”


  “They didn't hear a word you said right now, Troy.”

  Ryuu flopped in his mate’s lap and sighed before continuing. They were all squeezed in one of the spare bedrooms, sitting in chairs around where Hermaphroditus lay too still on the bed, hoping that the Greek god would wake up any minute now.

  “This sucks. I thought I managed to not screw up the tracking spell on the bracelt.” Ryuu bit his lip in distress. He’d just reconciled with his brother not long ago after being trust in the supernatural life. He didn't want to ever lose him.

  Arun’ stony face got darker, purple-violet almost as he turned from the bed holding a half-dead, covered in welts and bruises, Hermaphroditus. The Greek god had transported in Troy’s caves, aided by the bracelet that gave him passage and with a great effort on his part. They had surmised that he’d somewhat found Rei and then been caught while trying to escape with the human. The wounds on his body were most peculiar, a blend of snake bites and whip lashes, most likely dipped in poison too considering they weren't healing as they were supposed too. Even more surprising after Hermaphroditus sudden collapse seemingly from the ceiling of Troy’s common room, had been Arun’s reaction. That man had not left from Hermaphroditus bedside and his stormy expression was chilling. Whoever did this was in deep trouble.

  “The tracking should work, godling. But not if a stronger power intervenes. You and your mate both, are strong at magick but still young.”

  Arun got up and Python looked at the others, equally confused. Theoretically the guy was supposed to be a minor god and not a really old one at that. Arun for sure didn't behave like that. And what was exactly happening between him and Diti? Trojan’s speculating face didn't provide any answers. If Trojan didn't have a clue...well, that was worrying.

  “Would you take care of Johnny, brother? He’s weak right now-”

  “I’m coming with you.” Ryuu stricken face paled but his brother-in-law just nodded at his mate.

  “You’re not. No way. Tro-”

  “Neither of you is going anywhere.”

  They turned as one towards Arun, incensed with fury at even the suggestion they weren’t going after Rei.

  “What do you mean we’re not going? My mate is missing! A god of Diti’s power came half-dead from confronting this guy, whoever it is, mumbling-”


  “-about Rei and some sort of den. My mate is there!”

  Arun sigh seemed very put upon as if his patience was stretched thin and for a second Python felt like a child again; the guy had the same expression as Mama when she was made to explain something to Trojan and Python as children and she didn't have the time.

  “Yes. And mine is right here, fighting for his life. You have no idea how long I’ve waited to meet him. I’ll get your mate back. I’ll take care of Vasuki too.”

  Python felt Johnny quietly tremble next to him and he totally understood. The guy’s tone was ruthless. Still. Rei was missing, he couldn't just stand around-

  Yeah, apparently he’ll have to.

  Arun disappeared just like that, leaving the naga brothers and their mates blink in confusion at the space he’d formerly occupied. Hermaphroditus groaned and frowned in his sleep and they helplessly stood there, frozen in surprise.

  “He knew where this den is, didn’t he? I thought nobody but Mama could use their own magick while in your caves, Trojan.”

  “Yeah, I thought so too. Guess we found Nobody.”

  Ryuu slapped Troy’s chest in annoyance and the naga looked down at his mate, chastised.

  “Now isn't the time for bad jokes. We need to get my brother back.”

  “Our mate.”

  Johnny rolled his eyes and imitated Ryuu’s gesture from earlier, warningly slapping Python’s chest.

  “Rei can be our mate and Ryuu’s brother at the same time. Focus here. Now,
what do you guys know about incomplete mating bonds?”

  Apparently, not so much. Johnny was suggesting that maybe even incomplete bonds could be tracked somewhat from one of them to Rei, or even both of them towards their third mate. They tried, it didn't work. They tried gently rousing Diti with even less success, which was most worrying. At Trojan’s suggestion that their own bond was maybe still incomplete and getting in the way of tracking Rei through their other bond, Johnny and Python rushed to the bedroom and just froze there for a second, half undressed, cocks soft and the scent of misery wafting all around them. Neither of them wanted to do it this way, forced by circumstances and panicking to find their third. They could feel their connection and didn’t know if sex and the mating bites were still needed to complete the mating. They would do it but their bodies refused to cooperate and that was that. They lingered for a moment just cuddling, reassuring themselves with soft caresses that everything will be okay. That was about when the door slammed in the wall again, making one of the wall’s crystals tumble and shatter noisily on the stone floor. This was the second time in only five hours. Busy day.

  “We need locks installed on that door.”

  “Or just our place?”

  They smiled shyly at each other and took a deep breath to deal with whatever news there were. They could deal with anything as long as Rei was returned to them unharmed.

  “Arun is back! He’s got Rei!”

  Chapter Six

  Of all the places he’d been trapped in - and during his military carrier Rei had tried unsuccessfully to keep that number to single digits- being held hostage in a den of snakes with old fashioned manacles attached to his arms and legs, yeah, that took the cake. He hated snakes, especially the oily, obsidian, creepy ones crawling all over the stone floor. What worried him the most though, was that he’d lost track of time. Rei never lost track of time, it was a hard earned skill he’d honed from young. He could maybe explain his disorientation with the time he’d lost being unconscious. Several times. Still, his internal compass was all screwed up and he suspected some of the ‘mosquito bites’ on his ankles and arms were in fact some type of...venom. From the freaking pool of snakes right in front of him. Great. He chose not to worry about any other side effects and looked around carefuly as not to give himself away. He much preferred that his captor still thought him passed out. Luckily for him, no one seemed to be around.

  “Great. Now I just need to lose half my hand and get out of these cuffs. Jeepers Creeper, those are some weird ass snakes. I wonder how Python’s other shape looks like. Because after this experience we may have some problems about it. Focus, Rei. Houdini escape now, solving your love life later. If you have what to solve.”

  So, the good thing about being kidnapped and bored? One has a lot of time to think about things. Important things, those that one usually avoids thinking about and pushes aside because off course there are more important things happening. Only there aren’t and it’s just an avoidance method. Obviously. Rei was very good at those; he’d probably tried all the avoidance methods known to man. Stands to reason that he’d never had a meaningful relationship in his life and now that it had been offered to him on a tray, he’d somewhat found a way to sabotage that too.

  Python’s fuck up with Ryuu? A really good reason for Rei to behave like a dick towards a man for all appearances already down and feeling really guilty about everything. A man that was too attractive for Rei’s piece of mind, especially after he stumbled upon another dangerous person. After all, Rei was an island. Yeah, no. Johnny had wormed right under all his defenses and occupied a part of Rei’s soul effortlessly. He could feel the cute kappa like a light shining over the troubled waters Rei hid inside his core. Same as he could feel Python, solid and shaken, firm and weathered, the shore that could hold Rei up in times of need if only Rei could learn to trust it, to lean on another. Funny, considering by all means Python was sort of a water creature? And why was Rei waxing poetic lines about the dudes now? He was so gone on them both that he was making himself nauseated. Or maybe that was from the ‘mosquito’ bites.

  He really needed to learn more about his mate. About his new family, considering his own brother was some sort of creature now and he had nephews that had hatched. And had their own tails. How had his life become this? Some thinking about it led Rei to the conclusion that his life finally had some color in it and he wouldn't trade the weirdness for anything. Even in his current predicament. Now he only needed to get the hell out of here and try proving to his bla bla fated mate whatever (aka hottest guy he’d ever fucked and surprise! Had wanted to cuddle with after) that Rei could be more than an asshole (or dick at that) and they could maybe have something. And as life was proving anything was possible and just how short his time could be, Rei had started to believe...err, maybe Johnny could be a part of whatever they would have? God, the lips on that guy. Python should appreciate those and maybe give him, err them, a chance. The lips too. Maybe. Definitely- he doubted Python could resist the adorable kappa for long even if he resisted the lips. Rei knew he hadn't before he went totally gaga over the guy.

  A louder, different type of hiss made Rei freeze and stop struggling with his manacles. Had his captor come back or worse, had one of the snakes decided Rei looked appetizing? He really was not. Neither tender, he was in his thirties. He’ll also bite back if needed to.


  Squinting his eyes made the shadowed corners a bit more defined and Rei was positive he knew only one person so glam and glittery.



  Alright then. Well, that was freaky. Some of the snakes turned creepy eerily stares on him and Rei got the impression they were studying him. Shit, were these things just snakes or something else?

  “They cannot see me, or hear me. Fucking idiot, don't just go looking straight at me! I thought you were supposed to be military or something! Are you a moron?”


  Shit. He was supposed to be pretending nobody was there, wasn't he? His mind was hazy but he knew he’d screwed up when the pool of snakes hissed in tandem and headed straight to the corner where Hermaphroditus was.

  “FUCK. I’m so screwed.”

  “I’m afraid not, bum boy. I don't partake in that.”

  Rei squinted again and closed his eyes right away. He didn't just see that. A man made of snakes, what the hell!

  “Aha. Sure. That’s why you have a half naked man in manacles in a basement dungeon? In the suburbia nonetheless. And honey, everyone partakes when this bum strolls into a room. Especially when I wear my black heels. See? Don’t you just find black heels much more sexier that trashy red? Though red has it pur-”

  The strike sounded like a lash of thunder and Rei looked just in time to see one of the guys arm transform back from snake to humanoid. Hermaphroditus leaned before collapsing to the cold floor, the side of his head a fiery, bloody mess.

  “Now then. Apparently he was just bark after all. Such a disgrace what the Olympians had become- Hmm. I really didn't expect it, he fell too fast, don't you think? You know maybe he’s just pretending, after all I didn't even use the whole dose of venom.”

  The loony guy just stood there, pretending to ponder that for a second before his arms grew and divided into long, thick, black snakes, tongues hissing and beady eyes gleaming with the same excitement as their -Master? Human impersonator?- whatever this guy was, sane and cuddly it wasn't. Those snakes turned to hiss once in Rei’s direction as if to make sure he was watching carefully, before they hit and bit repeatedly at Hermaphroditus prone body. The Greek god didn't move at first, no sound escaped him either. Rei shook his hands, pulled and twisted and probably shouted too some inventive slurs at crazy snake guy. With every slash, he became even more frantic. He didn't know if gods could kill each other but it didn't look like Hermaphroditus’ skin was mending after every bite. In fact, the purple hue seemed to be spreading until the skin looked discolored in parts or raise
d and bloated in others. He saw one of Hermaphroditus’ wrists snap with a sickening sound and suddenly Rei was almost dislocating his shoulders and pulling his manacles from the wall, crumbly wall included, before falling to his knees, legs still very much immobilized.

  “Oh for heaven’s sake! I knew that guy did a poor job of fixing those on the wall. It’s practically impossible to find reliable workers nowadays.”

  From his new position Rei could see Hermaphroditus eyes. Wide open. His mouth shut tight probably trying to hold his cries of pain and the glare on the guy! His eyes slowly started to twirl and mist and Rei averted his own eyes, afraid he’d become hypnotized or god forbid give Hermaphroditus away, again.

  “Does Hindi even have Heaven? I thought you guys believed in reincarnation or something? You are Hindu, yes? I don't want to discriminate or anything but your general look betrays you. Like the glitter and stones and are those bouffant trousers under that dress you’re wearing? Dude, way avant-garde of you! Or is it old fashioned?”

  Snake’s guy attention was definitely on Rei now. Joy.

  “Shut up shut up! There is loka and it was just an expression and THIS IS NOT A DRESS!”

  “You know, when you stomp your leg like that you look like a three year old. Touchy, aren’t we?”

  Yeah, that probably took it a bit too far. He had a moment to see Hermaphroditus blink out from the room before one of those weird ass snake-arms came straight to him and it was lights out again.

  * * * *

  Next time Rei became aware of his surroundings it seemed that he was late to the party. Arun -another weird guy-creature-thing-err whatever, he had strange flashes of the guy literally sparkling and shining like the sun- Arun was carrying Rei’s dumb enough ass to be kidnapped in the first place. He was back at his brother-in-law’s trendy new-age-old-cave place and he had the impression people were fluttering all around him but he couldn't hear a thing. Hearing was a problem for sure, but for the moment he was much more worried about his swollen tongue and his inability to move any part of his body. Not to mention, his vision was hazy around the corners. He focused on Johnny’s wide, scared eyes, Python’s face looming over the kappa’s shoulder and soon he was in a bed looking up at his favorite guys. The way they were looking down at him, horrified, that was not a pleasant way to be looked at. Rei’s first time in a bedroom with these two guys shouldn’t involve probably dying of poisonous snake-man bites. Though with his luck it will probably involve more horrified looks. He saw them talking, then probably shouting at him but he still couldn't hear. His lip-reading was a joke but Rei thought he could make some works like “dying”, “Python”, “bite”, “water”. He was on his deathbed, not stupid and considering the situation last year with Ryuu, when Trojan had bit Ryuu to get rid of Python’s venom from his system, yeah, Rei could understand that could be a solution for him too. He didn't want it. He didn't want for Python to mate him like this or for him to be tied to the naga out of necessity. One part of him though, yeah, the comitaphobe part, was curiously silent. Seems like taking that choice out of Rei’s hands could and did do wonders to Rei’s mood and peace of mind. He really was a twisted, twisted man. A thirsty one too, where was that water?


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