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Love's Lost Embrace

Page 7

by ChaShiree M.

  “Well. As I live and breathe. Trimble MacIntosh. What brings the prodigal son back to Karis?”

  I begin to stand in some sort of effort to minimize the confrontation, when quicker than lightning Trim is on my side of the booth, guessing my intention. His hand quickly goes to the back of my neck essentially preventing me from moving, but most of all…...staking his claim. I manage to peek up at him and the firm set of his jaw and the matching set of his eyes, lets me know he means business. Is it bad that I find his caveman display hot as hell?

  “My woman and son. Heard Holly found greener pastures. Tough break.” Oh man. Trim kicked the hornet's nest. Everyone in Karis knows the mention of Holly is his Achilles heel.

  “That’s funny. Love and I spend a lot of time together and she never mentioned you being a factor.”

  And we’re done.

  “Austin. Thanks for stopping by. I hope Drake feels better. As you can see Trim, TJ, and I are having lunch.” I can feel Trim’s hand adding more pressure to my neck and now in front of Austin, I really don’t want to cream my undies. But if this dominate display of ownership doesn’t stop right now, that is what is going to happen. Something about the way he is trying to stand between me, and another man is a huge turn-on.

  “Love are you serious? Where was he when you were 16 and pregnant in high school with no friends and the whole town was shunning you? Holly and I were your only friends. You really want to let this...this…. loser back in your life?”

  Again, I move to get up and confront him about his words, but of course the attempt is futile and not needed.

  “Alright. Listen asshole and listen well. Appreciate you being there for her and MY son while I was away. There are things you don’t know, and frankly it is none of your fucking business. But Daddy’s home now. In the future, I would like for you not to address my woman again. The skills I have acquired while I was away, would be put to good use on someone like you. Don’t make me your enemy Austin Wayland. Now, if you will excuse us.”

  My mouth is literally hanging open at the way he dismissed him. The fact he also used his first and last name is not lost on me. Dirk Wayland is Austin’s father and the lawyer that helped Trim back then. He is basically letting him know, even your lawyer father is no threat to me. I look to Austin expecting a comeback, but after a few seconds he turns abruptly and stomps away. I notice that there are quite a few people looking our way, and I know my attempts to remain invisible have just gone out the window.

  “Mom!!!” TJ says as he is running towards me from the arcade room. “Me and dad had a great day. You will never guess where we went.”

  Right as TJ gets in the booth, Trim leans down to my ear.

  “Now you know. There is nothing and no one that will stand between us again. I don’t give a flying fuck who their father is.”

  His claiming me in public should piss me off. But it makes me feel womanly, desired, and protected. To feel that way after years of feeling nothing, is like taking a hit after years of being sober.

  Why, oh why, did I bother wearing panties?

  Chapter Eleven


  Fucking Austin Wayland. We were on the Varsity football team together, and even than he was a cocky little shit. As team captain, I made it my life's mission to knock him down a few pegs. Walking in with my son at my side and this douche is hitting on my woman pisses me off. He is lucky there was a vast audience, or I would have said a few more words. Maybe, even used my fist.

  Pansy ass.

  I refuse to let anything spoil this day for us. Spending the morning with my boy, getting our life lined up, and in order is the greatest feeling. Damn it, I will not let anyone get in my way.

  Sitting down after the little blip with Austin, can’t help but smile at my animated son as he tells his mother some of my news.

  “We went to the new car shop because dad owns it”, he blurts out. His eyes are as big as a large marble and his hands are moving around, while his excitement seems to have no end. It does my heart good to see that my son is excited about the business I started, that could be his someday if he wants it.

  “What?!” She answers with her voice full of shock. She looks over at me as if she is expecting me to dispel him of this notion. I simply smirk at her, knowing she never expected that.

  “Trim. Is this true?” The look of awe and disbelief on her face is kind of funny.

  “Yes. It’s true.”

  “How? I mean...when…. you were in Afghanistan.”

  “I will explain everything to you later. However, to make a long story short Aunt Lei and my buddy Lansing, from the service, took care of my business interests while I was over there.”

  “Are you serious? You’re talking about the custom car shop on the corner of Main St.?” Still not believing that it is possible and true.

  “Yes. The very one.” I say with my chest puffed out with pride.

  “I know you get paid for being in the military, but seriously Trim, where did you get the money for all of that?”

  “Believe it or not… poor excuse for a dad. The one thing he did right in his life is pay his life insurance and made me the beneficiary. He also left me the money in his account. With those combined and a loan from the bank, you would be surprised what you can do.”

  “Wow. That’s incredible. I remember the summers when you would go with your grandpa to work and learn about vehicles. Your excitement on going was through the roof. Though I was happy for you, I always felt left behind. Then I would turn around and feel bad because I was jealous of your enthusiasm and the time away from your father.” She says the last part in a whisper as if she still feels shame for her feelings. Unable to allow her to feel a moment of guilt, I lift her chin with my finger. When she is looking me in the eye, I let her know the truth.

  “Love, I loved my grandpa more than anyone in the whole world. Except for you. You were the one person I hated to leave behind in those summers. Hence, the reason the visits began to get shorter. It started to get so I couldn’t bear to be away from you for that long. Even when we were younger. So, no shame, baby. My feelings were the same as yours.”

  “Thank you.” She says. “Ok, what are we going to do once we leave here?”

  “Well baby. That is up to you.”

  “It’s Sunday. Typically, on Sundays TJ and I stay home, and just lounge around.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  We finish our lunch and the conversation flows easily and without incident. Always the one on guard, I keep a steady gaze on everyone in the restaurant, taking note of faces, demeanor, and exits. One thing being in the military taught me is you can never be too cautious, and always know your surroundings. I take note of a few curious and shocked stares. There are some not so veiled whispers, all of which is a blip on my radar. As long as no one says anything untoward to Love or my son, they can whisper and stare all they like. They just better not fuck with my family.

  Parking the car after we return home, I pick up TJ to carry him in because he fell asleep in the back. Laying him in his bed for a nap, I walk down the stairs and see Love standing in front of the back door looking out the window, obviously in deep thought.

  I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her stomach. We both inhale, while taking a second to bask in the closeness. Leaning down I kiss the top of her head as she leans into me. Having her in my arms is more than I ever hoped for.

  “What are you thinking about baby?” I ask, hoping that she is as content with me being here and in my arms as I am with her.

  “Where do we go from here Trim?” The question doesn’t take me by surprise. I figured I would have a lot of explaining and even groveling to do.

  Turning her completely around in my arms, she looks up and I can see apprehension in her eyes. It guts me more than anything, seeing her standing there and unsure. Uncertainty should never be something she feels when thinking about our future. I take her hand and lead her to the couch. After planting myself on it, I p
ull her onto my lap.

  “Love, my only thought when I received my walking papers was making you my wife and starting our family. Finding out about TJ is more than a beautiful gift, but it changes nothing. We are and were always meant to be. I know this and I know you know it. So, you tell me. Tell me what you need to make it less scary for you. I would do anything to get us to where we need to be.”

  “I think I need some time. Hearing everything that happened has gone a long way in lowering my guard. But I need time to reconcile everything that I have been told, and to get to know you as you are now. I know you want to say you’re the same Trim, but if you’re honest with yourself, the military changed you and life has made me different. I need to know, and I would hope that you would too, that the us we are now is as compatible as the us then. In saying that, I think the answer is time. Can you give me some time?”

  Time. It takes a lot to temper the frustration I can feel peaking. In my mind we have had nothing but time. But I have to remember, she has basically been in the dark about everything. Whereas I have had five years to prepare for the inevitability of our reunion.

  “I can do that baby. But you need to know this. Time doesn’t mean we will be sleeping apart. I spent five years without you. Every night you will be under me. We are going to continue on with our lives as we should be living it. The only time I am allowing you is the time it takes to get you down the aisle. Got it?”

  Shaking her head and chuckling, she leans over and says. “Got it babe. Now kiss me.”

  That, she never has to ask for.

  Chapter Twelve


  One Month Later…

  “Hey baby.” The butterflies in my stomach flap every time he opens his mouth. But when he uses endearments, my whole body heats up and quivers.

  It has been a month of nothing but bliss. When I told Trim I needed time, I knew he would respect it. But I didn’t know how much patience he would have, and he’s been amazing. He takes TJ and drops him off at school every day, which is a novelty in and of itself. My mornings as a single mom were chaotic to say the least. Not to mention trying to make sure everything was in order the night before.

  Do not get me started on how early I had to get up and get myself ready, before getting him ready. Since Trim has been back, I have had half the work and it has been wonderful. The nights are even better. The time the three of us spend talking, playing games, and watching movies is more than I ever dreamed. Aunt Lei has taken to coming over on Friday nights for dinner, which we deem family game night.

  “Hey yourself handsome. What’s up?”

  “I have a question. And before you get upset, it’s a question. I was wondering how attached to this house are you?”

  “I mean, it is my house. So, I would say pretty attached.”

  “Love. You know exactly what I mean. Is this the place you want to grow old in?”

  The question, as exasperating as it is, is one I have been pondering before he came back. I used to sit outside after TJ went to bed and play the ‘what if’ game. I would think about where I would live and what I would do with my life. In the end it all seemed mute. As much as I didn’t want to live in my childhood home, where I had such a nightmarish ending, it was paid for and that was a godsend for me and my young child. So, I just vowed to make new memories here and move on.

  “Well, I mean not necessarily, but…”

  “If you could move, would you? Answer the question baby. Stop thinking and just feel. What would you want?”

  Just feel. Huh. Easy for him to say. “Trim. Why are you asking? I honestly haven't thought about it in quite some time.”

  “I want us to start new. A fresh start. And we cannot do that here with all the ghost from the past. I am not proposing we leave the town, only this house.”

  I certainly cannot argue with that. “Where would we go?” I ask him repetitiously.

  “I saw a for sale sign over in the new subdivision off Cossett. The houses look really nice. There is definitely enough space for all the babies I am going to put in you.”

  “Oh really.” I ask him while laughing.

  “Really, baby. You and I both know where this is headed and I never got to see you blossom and ripen, while you were carrying the gift, I left you with. I am ready to watch more of my seeds as they grow inside of you. And we need the space to raise them.”

  “Trim……...” I begin as my voice starts to grow husky. Before I can finish my thought we are interrupted.


  “Hello.” His voice as he answers his phone tells me how annoyed he is now.

  “What the fuck, you mean operating license. Wentworth, we both know all my papers are up-to-date. Who the hell filed the complaint? Son of a bitch. Did you tell that cocksucker to go straight to hell with gasoline drawers on?”

  I can feel tiny tingles starting to creep up my neck. I know that whatever has happened can’t be good, as evident by the yelling and rage emanating from him. I have been waiting for this moment. Everything has been to good, calm, and just...utterly wonderful. I knew eventually the other shoe was going to drop.

  “You remember what I told you Wentworth? I told you when that bastard started making trouble for me and mine, I was going to bring them all down. Drop the first boom. I’m on my way.”

  “Trim...What...What’s going on?”

  “Fucking pansy ass sheriff is trying to get my business closed down. He is citing a lack of appropriate paperwork. Of course, it's a pot shot because all my shit is on the up and up. But he wants to provoke me. He has succeeded. The difference is he doesn’t know all the places my hands and eyes have been. But he is about to fucking find out. I want you to stay here. Don’t answer the door for anyone or the phone. Do you understand? When TJ wakes up from his nap, tell him I will be back soon.”

  “But Trim what are you going to do? Please don’t do anything stupid to get taken from us, after we just got you back.”

  “Baby, nothing in this world can keep us apart. Everything I have is legal and above board. I love you. See you in a bit.”

  “I... I love you too.” He kisses my forehead and walks out the door.

  Please let him come home to me tonight. I have been so afraid of being happy. Scared that peeling away the last guard I have against being hurt and would leave me vulnerable to Trim hurting me again. It never occurred to me to be more afraid of what the outside world could do to change the life we are building on the inside.

  With my heart in my stomach and a feeling of forlorn, that has now taken up residence in my heart in just a few seconds. I walk over to the couch and lay down. Without Trim here to hold me right now, everything seems bleak and cold.

  Please don’t take him from me.

  Chapter Thirteen


  By the time I pull up outside my shop, I am fuming. I could literally break the fucking Sheriff in half. My rage doesn’t abate, and in fact becomes even more fueled when I see my workers standing around outside looking worried as if their job is in jeopardy. The fuck. The only thing holding me back from unleashing five years of military training is thinking about Love and TJ and knowing at the end I will have the last laugh.

  Expecting nothing less, Lansing is walking out the door as soon as I step out the car.



  “Want to fill me in. What the hell is going on.”

  “Wentworth called and said he got some sort of injunction halting business for the day, because supposedly our OSHA and county papers are not valid.”

  “WHAT!!!! That’s bullshit. I have copies of them in the office. Framed and on the wall. Who in the hell would be trying to sabotage you?”

  “I can only think of one person. The Sheriff. Cocksucker hated my father and painted me with the same color. I can’t outrun him no matter how much I try.”

  “Wait! Is this the same Sheriff, whose wife’s floral shop we bailed out? Bailed her out, because he gambled all her money away a
nd she didn’t know it? Oh fuck! This is excellent. I know you didn’t want people to know who the silent investor is around town, who is saving all the failing businesses, but buddy it might be time. This asshole needs a wakeup call. I still have all the paperwork for every business we ‘invested’ in, as well as all the info from the P.I. Where do we start first?”

  That is why he will always be my brother in arms. From day one, Lansing has had my back. Basic training was hard as fuck. Not to mention, I had yet to learn how to block thoughts of Love and home from my mind. Those first few weeks I was a wreck. I cried in my bunk every night like a fucking punk. I thought I hid it, but Lansing never one to miss anything, knew. Instead of ridiculing me, he took me under his wing. He comes from a military family, so he knew what to expect. He became my mentor and then my brother. There is no one I trust more.

  “I think it's time Mrs. Everhart gets a package of polaroid’s and a dossier of their finances.”

  “Hell yea! I will have it delivered within the hour. What do you want to do about the tape on the door?”

  “Fuck ‘em. Give everyone the day off with pay. Let them know everything is fine and they should be here bright and early in the morning.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m taking a trip to the Sheriff’s office. It’s time he knows who the fuck I am and who the fuck I’m not. I will not be dealing with this asshole for the rest of my life. Love is never going to want to move and to be honest, neither do I. I spent most of my life thinking I wanted out of this town. However, being in the military showed me how important it is to have roots. So, I will be here until the day I die. But on my terms. Do you think I would look good as the Mayor?” I ask him rather cheekily. Should have known the fucking maniac would take me seriously.


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