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The Best American Magazine Writing 2016

Page 6

by Sid Holt

  Things could respond and change according to inputs. You could distribute your software to hundreds of millions of people this way, and JavaScript would work for them. It wasn’t as controlled as Java, it was much slower than natively compiled C, and it had a terrible lack of niceties. And yet: Gmail, Google Maps, Flickr, Twitter, and Facebook. Every single pixel on a webpage can be manipulated now; the type can be changed, the words can move around; buttons can be pressed.

  As with any celebrity, there’s a whole industry dedicated to spackling up its deficiencies and making it look good. There are books about the “good parts” of JavaScript; there are libraries that make it easier and more consistent to program, too, such as jQuery, which can turn the many lines of code necessary to make a paragraph disappear into a single $(“p.optional”).hide();.

  Back in the era of the iPod and candy-colored Macintoshes, Apple took the code of an open-source web browser called Konqueror and modified it to create Safari, its own web browser to compete with Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. Then in 2008 Google started to make its own modifications to the web engine underneath Safari, called Webkit, and made its own version called Chrome with a spanking-fast JavaScript engine called V8. They made JavaScript fast. “Devs still approach performance of JS code as if they are riding a horse cart,” tweeted one developer, “but the horse had long been replaced with fusion reactor.” Google does better when JavaScript is fast.

  In 2009 a developer named Ryan Dahl modified the V8 engine, which was free software, and made it run outside the browser. There had been freestanding versions of JavaScript before (including some that ran inside Java, natch), but none so fast. He called this further fork Node.js, and it just took off. One day, JavaScript ran inside webpages. Then it broke out of its browser prison. Now it could operate anywhere. It could touch your hard drive, send e-mail, erase all your files. It was a real programming language now. And the client…had become the server.

  Here’s some JavaScript, squaring some numbers for you:

  function squares(count) {

  var x = [];

  for (var i=1;i





  In a great and sudden wave, thousands of developers began to use Node.js and create modular libraries. If you knew how Java-Script worked on a webpage, then you could make it work on a server. And a few interesting characteristics of the language made it good for writing software that handles lots of simultaneous users. JavaScript listened for lots of things at once in a web browser: A mouse moves; a key is typed; some information comes in from the network. On a server it could listen to dozens or hundreds of people all at once and give them the information they requested.

  Soon the community developed a huge library of packages—bits of software that do specific things, such as reading files, or chattering with databases, or talking to Amazon’s web services tools. At this writing, has 150,000 packages, and more than a billion copies of various packages have been downloaded in the past month.

  NPM stands for Node Package Manager. It’s software that helps you install packages and…well, it’s unwieldy, honestly, because many of those 150,000 packages are just not that great. It’s a lot of searching and testing and sighing. But when you have this much stuff to pick from, for free, you shouldn’t complain. Java-Script is a hodgepodge designed in a hurry, and it runs on, well, who knows, but let’s say a billion-plus devices, so you might as well get with the program. Your customers may not have iPhones, but they probably have some way of running JavaScript.

  So you might use JavaScript to make a more interesting web-page. You might use it to make the client side of a full-fledged application, like Google Docs, that runs in the browser. You might use it to make a web server that talks to a web browser. Or you might use it to make an API that serves up data to a “client,” and sure, that client could be a laptop web browser. But it’s 2015, and that client is quite probably an app on a smartphone.

  6. How Are Apps Made?

  One of the privileges of owning a Mac is that you can download a program by Apple called Xcode. This is an IDE, an Integrated Development Environment.

  It’s an enormous download, more than 2 gigabytes, or roughly the size of an hour of DVD-quality video. Xcode is the heart of Apple. It’s not only how the company writes software, it’s the tool for everyone who wants to write software for the Mac or iPhone.

  Within Xcode are whole worlds to explore. For example, one component is the iOS SDK (software development kit). You use that to make iPhone and iPad apps. That SDK is made up of dozens and dozens of APIs (application programming interfaces). There’s an API for keeping track of a user’s location, one for animating pictures, one for playing sounds, and several for rendering text on the screen and collecting information from users. And so forth.

  There are other ways of working—I tend to do most of my code in a text editor with a black background, far less to see at first glance, though actually just as complex—but this right here is some serious code life. You fill out some fields, wire some things together (really, sometimes it’s done by connecting virtual wires into virtual holes), and start coding.

  When someone from Apple stands onstage and announces some new thing that ends with “Kit,” such as ResearchKit or HealthKit—or WatchKit, the set of routines specifically for the Apple Watch—Xcode is where those kits will land, fully documented, to be used to make software.

  Some functions are reserved for the manufacturer. You know how Apple is touting that you can track someone’s heartbeat using an Apple Watch? Apple hasn’t documented how to do it yet, not for the world. Maybe the company is worried that you’ll misuse it somehow. Perhaps heartbeat monitoring requires careful battery management, and because the watch already has battery issues, Apple wants to avoid making things worse by letting anyone in there. It’s likely that people are trying to figure out how to access that heartbeat API right now, though. That’s just the way people are.

  Apple is really good at all of this. It publishes interface guidelines and gives people tools for arranging app interfaces in predictable ways that end users will find familiar. It sets the flow with which to go.

  Let’s say you’re making a podcasting application, and playing an audio file is a key feature. Great. Create an object of class AVAudioPlayer, and add a button to the screen, then connect that button to the code so that when clicked, the button sends the message “play.”

  There’s a lot going on at once, so you want to leave it to the operating system to keep track of where windows are. It’s up to an IDE to help you connect your ideas into this massive, massive world with tens of thousands of methods so you can play a song, rewind a song, keep track of when the song was played (meaning you also need to be aware of the time zones), or keep track of the title of the song (which means you need to be aware of the language of the song’s title—and know if it displays left-to-right or right-to-left).

  You should also know the length of the song, which means you need a mechanism for extracting durations from music files. Once you have that—say, it’s in milliseconds—you need to divide it by 1,000, then 60, to get minutes. But what if the song is a podcast and ninety minutes long? Do you want to divide further to get hours? So many variables. Gah!

  I guess you have problems to solve after all. The IDE doesn’t do everything for you.

  The greatest commercial insight of the technology industry is that if you control a computing environment, you can move the market. You can change the way people do things, the way they listen to music, watch videos, and respond to advertising. People who work at technology companies are supposed to take an idea and multiply it by a few million people, yielding a few billion dollars.

  A great way to do that is to wrap up your intentions in APIs and SDKs and IDEs. That’s why so much software to make software is free: It stimulates the development of even more software

  Sometimes this is the result of corporate ambition: Java was very much a Sun product, down to the class library; the same is true of C# for Microsoft. But much of the code in the world is freely available, created by generous volunteers over decades to serve their own needs. The give-and-take between corporations and programming languages is complex. Some language developers are hired to work on their open-sourced languages; Go and Python have been funded, to varying degrees, by Google; and the creator of PHP works at Etsy.

  Apple and Microsoft, Amazon and Google: factory factories. Their APIs are the products of many thousands of hours of labor from many programmers. Think of the work involved. Someone needs to manage the SDK. Hundreds of programmers need to write the code for it. People need to write the documentation and organize the demos. Someone needs to fight for a feature to get funded and finished. Someone needs to make sure the translation into German is completed and that there aren’t any embarrassing mistakes that go viral on Twitter. Someone needs to actually write the software that goes into making the IDE work.

  The modern OS is a feast of wonders: fast video, music players, buckets of buttons. Apple may be the best imaginary button maker in history. Just the bezels are a work to behold. Today there are fifteen bezel styles, from NSThickSquareBezelStyle to NSSmallSquareBezelStyle. Freedom. (Sort of. They’re still just bezels.) Things that used to require labor and care—showing a map, rotating a giant 3D landscape—can now be done with a few lines of code.

  When everyone goes to Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco and they stare rapturously as some man in an untucked, expensive shirt talks about “core data,” this is the context. Onstage, presenting its Kits, Apple is rearranging abstractions, saying: Look at the new reality we’ve defined, the way that difficult things are now easy and drab things can be colorful. Your trust in our platform and your dedication of thousands of hours of time have not been misplaced.

  They’ve pitched variations on this annually for thirty years.

  In Xcode you can compile everything with one command, and up pops your software for testing. You can see the button you made. You need to click on it. It yearns for clicks. It cries out in a shrill signaling voice like a nano cat on a microfence. Everything inside a computer beseeches everything else. It’s a racket. You click your mouse, and the button cat is finally satisfied. Now the computer can increase the volume, change the color, or bring out the talking paper clip. Destiny fulfilled and, after many rounds of this, test complete.

  When your app is done, you may sell it in an app store. And if users are excited to use your app, they’ll be motivated to buy more apps. Loops upon loops, feeding into one another, capital accruing to the coffers of the patient software giants. An ecosystem. “Ecosystem” is another debased word, especially given what we keep doing to the real, physical one around us. But if a few hundred thousand people are raising their kids and making things for 100 million people, that’s what they call it.

  7. The Triumph of Middle Management

  “I mean, this company will do everything imaginable to slow down shipping,” TMitTB says as the CTO winces. That’s fine; you expected this to be a stressful meeting. “First, I needed to pass everything through the security team, which was five months of review,” TMitTB says, “and then it took me weeks to get a working development environment, so I had my developers sneaking out to Starbucks to check in their code…”

  You listen, the same way you listened to people criticize the re-architecture project. But these people promised new, exciting ways of working that would cut through the problems experienced by failed technology initiatives of yore. They would be agile; they would use new tools; they would attract talent; and they would ship code. They knew this was a big company, not a startup, when they signed on. And the re-architecture is, to any casual observer, a failure.

  TMitTB has, you noticed, gained weight. The CTO, who has several projects on roughly the same footing scattered across the organization, has lost weight.

  “I was told I could, that I should do this right,” TMitTB says. “So that it wouldn’t need to be done again eighteen months later.” He sits back in his chair, but it’s a shallow visitor chair with a lightly padded back, so any intended dramatic effect is diminished.

  One of the lessons that TMitTB has tried to get across to you, the big message that matters most to him, is that code is never done; after shipping the new platform (no longer a website, this is a platform), with all its interlocking components, he and his team will continue to work on it forever. There will always be new bugs, new features, new needs. Such things are the side effects of any growth at all, and this platform is, he insists, designed to scale.

  What no one in engineering can understand is that what they perceive as static, slow-moving, exhausting, the enemy of progress—the corporate world that surrounds them, the world in which they work—is not static. Slow-moving, yes, but so are battleships when they leave port. What the coders aren’t seeing, you have come to believe, is that the staid enterprise world that they fear isn’t the consequence of dead-eyed apathy but rather détente.

  They can’t see how hard-fought that stability is. Where they see obstacles and intransigence, you see a huge, complex, dynamic system through which flows a river of money and where people are deeply afraid to move anything that would dam that river.

  You feel some pity for the coders now. Obviously, they will inherit the earth. But in their race to the summit, they missed a lot of memos.

  “I just want to ship,” TMitTB says. By which he means: “I just want to do what I was asked to do.” But so much of the company hears that as, “I just want to destroy everything I touch. For I am Kali, destroyer of best practices.”

  “OK,” you say. “I understand that. Here’s what you are going to do for me.” You look at the CTO and she nods. “First, no more conferences.”

  His mouth opens, then shuts.

  He’s afraid, you realize, that you can’t understand the work he’s doing, that you see software as a thing and not a golden braid forever weaving.

  But you’ve been coming around. Finding your way to some programmer meetings. It’s like your smartphone and its constant updates. Nothing is ever done. That’s fine.

  “You have to let me help with optics,” you continue. “I need you here every day walking the halls with a big smile on your face. Giving high-fives. Looking sleepy. Second, I need a release date, a real one.”

  “Next month.”

  The CTO says his name, shakes her head.

  “We’ll work on it,” you say. “For now, no more conferences. And don’t talk about sprints. Don’t talk about milestones and releases. Talk to people as if this platform exists, as if it’s been working for months. Ask them if they updated their product listings.”

  The time is up. The CTO asks TMitTB, “We’re clear?”

  “Yes,” TMitTB says. He’s not, but the fact that he doesn’t ask any more questions indicates he might be learning. He’s done a lot of work, and now it’s time for him to get corporate and pretend to work.

  “And can you pick a language?” you ask. This is for you.

  “We did,” TMitTB says. “We’re using Node.js. With the Express framework.”

  “Great,” you say. “Can’t wait to see the code.”

  7.1. How Do You Pick a Programming Language?

  Beware of arguments related to programming speed. All things being equal, faster is better. But all things are never equal. Do you need the kind of speed that lets you get a website up and running quickly? Or the kind that allows you to rotate a few thousand polygons in 3D in real time? Do you need to convert 10,000 PDFs into text per hour? Or 10 million PDFs into text once? These are different problems. What do we need to do, how many times do we need to do it, and what existing code can we use to help us do it that many times? Ask those questions.

  It’s possible to spend productive months preparing for a project without deciding on a language. It m
ay be the sign of a fine manager, someone who assumes his people can learn new things, someone who’s built an agile team capable of experimenting with new technologies and getting ideas into production. It could also be that this person is totally useless. You’ll find out!

  Let’s say your programmers are developing a huge website that serves 5 million people who each visit five times a month. Do you use Python, which is slower, or Go, which is fast, or Node.js, which is something in between? Trick question! Twenty-five million webpage visits isn’t that big a deal, unless they involve some deep wizardry or complex database queries that are very different for each page (good example: Facebook).

  Now, that number isn’t trivial; if it takes a minute to make a page, you’d need forty-eight years to make that many, which is way too slow. If it takes a second to make a page, that’s still too slow—there are only 2.6 million seconds in a month. So you need to figure out how to serve about ten pages per second. You’ll probably want more than one computer, a little redundancy, some good server setup. It will take some doing and planning. But it can be done in any language.

  What if you are going to serve only a few hundred thousand pages a month? Then you’ve got tremendous breathing room. You don’t need too many engineers to create the system architecture. You still need to plan, but in general you can read some blog posts and follow along with what others have done. You can be pretty sloppy, to be honest. Again, any language will do.

  What if you want to include a live, person-to-person chat on those pages, and you expect thousands of people to use that chat at once, all speaking to each other? Now you’re dipping your hand into that godforsaken river. But that is exactly the problem that Go was designed to solve. It’s a language for creating highly available servers that use as much of the computer’s processor as possible. It has other features as well, but this is where Go shines. Actually, Node.js works pretty well for that sort of server, too, and Clojure certainly has the capacity. Oh, right, Java works, too. If you really needed to, you could even do it in PHP.


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