Boss Likes Curves: A Curvy Girl's Billionaire

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Boss Likes Curves: A Curvy Girl's Billionaire Page 8

by Reed, Kristabel

  Chapter Ten

  Sabrina exited her office as nonchalantly as she could—which wasn’t as nonchalant as she’d hoped, but it was hard not to look giddy and happy and all glowy when she felt giddy and happy and all glowy. But she schooled her features as best she could and closed her office door behind her.

  By now, she should’ve had plenty of practice. Since confronting Gideon about dating her at the beginning of the week, and their subsequent mad consummating of the relationship she hadn’t realized they’d had, Sabrina had done nothing but smile and glow.

  She had never been so glad Eliza was in the Hamptons for pre-production on her new project for work and Audrey was with Duncan, visiting her family in Chicago. While it would’ve been nice to have one of her friends to talk with about this turn in her relationship with Gideon, she embraced their alone time.

  Cynthia, on the other hand, had clearly noticed. And her questions had been blunt, too.

  “New man, Ms. McKenna?” Sabrina knew she’d blushed, as she was no doubt doing now. The woman was too observant by half.

  “I’m leaving for the day, Cynthia,” Sabrina said in what she hoped was an indifferent voice. Considering it was barely one in the afternoon.

  Cynthia’s eyebrows rose. “You don’t have any appointments listed,” she said but didn’t so much as glance at the computer or calendar. “Something personal?”

  Caught. Bluffing her way out, she nodded. “Yes. Personal. I have errands to run, you know.” She laughed. “Audrey’s wedding is coming up.”

  Cynthia’s eyebrows did not move. “Have they decided on a date for the wedding?”

  Blanching, Sabrina shook her head. “Not yet.”

  The knowing look Cynthia gave her did nothing to ease not only the very slight guilt she felt over leaving early to meet Gideon at his apartment, but also made her feel as if what she and the boss had done this past week was all over the office by now.

  The other woman gave her a sly smile. “You sure it’s not a new guy?” Cynthia asked as if she already knew the answer to her question.

  “Better go!” she said and stumbled away from the desk. Sabrina cursed and picked up her purse from where it fell down her arm. She tried for a winning smile in the no doubt vain hope it’d stop Cynthia’s questions. “Lots to do! See you Monday!”

  With that she walked quickly and calmly out of the office. She didn’t look left or right. She didn’t even make eye contact with the people in the elevator. At street level, the paranoia she felt that everyone had raced from their cubicles to the window to watch her on the street—from twenty-five floors up—hadn’t eased.

  But with a deep breath she nodded to Vince, Gideon’s driver, and climbed into the back. She hadn’t expected Gideon to be there; they’d made plans to meet at his place. Sabrina blinked at him and was about to say something but then noticed the dark partition was already raised between them and Vince.

  Before she could comment, Gideon’s mouth was on hers, and before the car pulled from the curb, she’d climbed on his lap and forgot all about paranoia, Cynthia, and the fact they’d both left work very, very early on a Friday.

  Could be worse, she supposed. Could’ve been on Wednesday, like Gideon had tried to convince her.

  Sabrina loosened his tie just enough to undo several buttons on his shirt. She nipped her way down his neck and across his collarbone, her fingers shoving the jacket and shirt out of her way. Gideon’s fingers slipped beneath her blouse, the warmth of his touch making her shiver as his fingers circled along her skin.

  Suddenly the door opened.

  Sabrina jumped, nearly hitting her head on the roof of the car. She pulled back and dropped to the seat next to Gideon, frantically trying to right her clothing. When she glanced up at him, she saw that half-smile that made her want to forget all about arriving at their destination, the fact Vince stood outside the car, and even that the door stood wide open.

  “Gideon,” she whimpered.

  But he was already fixing his tie. “Come on, let’s get inside.”

  That smile didn’t diminish.

  Giving up on the buttons on her blouse, Sabrina smiled back and took his hand. She wrapped her suit jacket tighter around her and for the first time didn’t care what anyone thought. In fact, she wanted people to know she was with Gideon—or Gideon was with her.

  Sabrina wondered how this new relationship was going to go over in the office once it became public knowledge. Which wasn’t too far away, given how neither she nor Gideon had bothered to do much hiding these last few days. Or, rather, they hid this sudden affair poorly. Plus Vince had to be part of whatever Gideon dating pool currently ran through the company.

  Good Lord, how many women had been part of that pool? How many wanted to be part of it, wanted to be attached to Gideon Marquez? Dozens, more likely. And where did that place her? Dead last? Of course.

  Even with the knowledge that she and Gideon had been going on business dates, Vince witnessed them. He’d have reported back that they were simply that. Business dates. No way could anyone have had a clue. Especially since she’d been clueless.

  Blushing at the thought, part in mortification at being the topic of so much office gossip and part because Gideon’s hand had slipped from hers up her back to lightly caress the nape of her neck, Sabrina nodded to the doorman. Gideon greeted the man by name as he held the gleaming glass door open. Inside the grand foyer, another doorman stood with a tray and two glasses of champagne.

  Sabrina blinked. All thoughts of betting pools, lists of women, and Gideon’s long fingers on her skin vanished. Well, maybe not Gideon’s fingers. Hard to forget those. He had very talented fingers. Wonderfully talented fingers.

  Shaking her head, she stared at the tray of champagne. Okay, granted Gideon’s building was far swankier than hers, but Sabrina had never seen her doormen do such a thing. She turned to her lover and smiled.

  He plucked the champagne glasses from the tray with a nod to the other man, and handed her one.

  “I’m impressed,” she whispered as she sipped the drink.

  Gideon winked at her, that half-smile still in place. Sabrina moved closer in the mirrored elevator and stood up on her tiptoes. Any other time she’d tease him, but right then all she wanted to do was jump him.

  It was a far turn from just a week ago.

  The elevator dinged, and the slow, sultry beginnings of big band music floated into the car. Sabrina finished her champagne and turned to Gideon. “Interesting choice of music,” she said as his hand settled on the small of her back and he escorted her out.

  In the hall before his penthouse apartment, a small band stood off to one side. Stunned, Sabrina looked up at Gideon.

  “Dance with me?” he whispered, already taking her empty glass from her and setting it on the nearby table.

  He swung her around, one hand clasping hers, one low on her back, and moved. It wasn’t like their dance at Playland; it was slower, more a joining of bodies than a dance. Gideon turned her so his back was to the band, and she rested her head on his shoulder.

  His hand smoothed down her skirt and cupped her ass. Sabrina jumped in surprise, surprise and arousal, and pressed her body closer.

  “You have the art of seduction down to a science, Mr. Marquez,” she whispered. Sabrina lifted her head just enough to see him.

  He leaned down, his lips trailing over her cheek. “It was my best subject in school. Practicing just for you.”

  The words had little meaning, though they made her heart soar. But the tone, the way they were whispered across her skin, made Sabrina forget they weren’t the only two people in the world. She turned her head just enough to catch his lips and kissed him, slowly. Not with passion, though that bubbled just beneath the surface.

  But with tenderness and thanks and all the emotion she didn’t know how to say.

  “Perhaps we should see just how good you are with homework,” she said. Sabrina nipped his lower lip and tugged it. “However this homewor
k requires less of an audience.”

  Before she’d finished speaking, Gideon had pulled back just enough to look over his shoulder and dismiss the band. Sabrina didn’t even watch them go. She grabbed his hand and tugged him toward his front door.

  The second the door closed behind Gideon, she pressed him to it, her hands combing through his hair to bring his mouth to hers. She didn’t bother looking around, though she’d only been to his penthouse once before.

  The décor wasn’t important. He was.

  She tugged his tie and pulled him toward her as she walked backward. Sabrina didn’t care where she went; she wanted him. Now. Her skin hummed with need, and little sparks of desire danced wherever he touched her. With his mouth on hers and his fingers unbuttoning her blouse to spread it open, she doubted they’d make it to the bedroom, and she was determined to do so.

  They’d spent much of the last week making love in every available place. She wanted him in bed where she could touch and taste to her body’s content.

  “I want you in bed,” she moaned against his mouth, arching into his touch. “I have plans for your body.”

  “Do you now, Ms. McKenna?” His mouth grazed along her jaw, her cheek, to her ear. “I certainly hope those plans are as lascivious as mine.”

  Gideon’s words swept along her skin in a rush of heated desire. Sabrina whimpered, arched into his touch even as her fingers brushed over his hard cock, a teasing promise of what she planned to do to him. He groaned her name then stepped back, a move she did not like.

  No matter how much she wanted him naked and in bed where she could take her time with him, she wanted his body pressed to hers. Sabrina blinked to clear her gaze as he took her hand, his lips brushing across the back of it, and led her through the living room and down the hall.

  “Sabrina,” he whispered against her skin. His mouth nipped down her neck, and she shivered.

  Sabrina pushed his jacket off his shoulders, her fingers flying over the buttons to his shirt. She tugged it off him as she pushed him to the bed. He immediately pulled her to stand between his legs, his fingers quickly unbuttoning her own blouse to toss it aside. Her bra followed.

  Gideon’s teeth closed over one nipple, his fingers rolling the other until Sabrina’s knees weakened.

  She wanted to go slow. Wanted to take her time and taste Gideon. To make him forget his name as he had with her. But she wanted him as she’d never wanted anything in her life. Wanted to feel him inside her, wanted to feel his touch, his skin against hers.

  He’d wound around her so much so that she wasn’t certain she’d be able to extricate herself. Sabrina didn’t think she’d even wanted to. Not with his fingers yanking off her tights and panties, and his mouth doing deliciously erotic things to her.

  Her hands were frantic on his skin. Biting, nipping, caressing with every moan and sigh and hitch of breath as they touched. Pressed closer and closer together. Skin against skin.

  Pushing him to lay back, Sabrina climbed atop him. She burned for him, ached for him, but what she really wanted was to spend the night tasting him. Learning his secrets, learning how to drive him mad with desire.

  Sabrina caught Gideon’s hands and held them, watching him through half-closed eyes, his impossibly dark eyes gazing up at her. Where was his tie? She wondered even as she knew she wouldn’t move from her position atop him to search for it. Still, it’d be a good way to keep him at her mercy.

  Her fingers danced down his chest and his muscles rippled beneath her touch. Her mouth followed, relearning the specific flavor of her lover as if they’d been separated for far longer than a couple hours. A muscle in his right hip jumped beneath her mouth, and Sabrina swirled her tongue over it, her laughter muffled.

  Before Gideon, she hadn’t known sex could be so fun. Not just a quick tumble of sweaty bodies to satisfy a need, but fun and flirty and taking her time to taste this muscles as it jumped beneath her tongue.

  Gideon made a sound in the back of his throat, possibly of her name, probably a grunted plea of her name.

  It sent a surge of arousal and power through Sabrina and with a tremor of need, she licked up his hardness. He shuddered beneath her. She looked up, saw his eyes closed, fists curled into the bedding, jaw clenched. All from her.

  Her hands rested on his hips, felt the tension there, and was utterly shocked at the wetness that flooded her core at the knowledge of the power she held over him. No, not power—but what she’d done to him.

  Sabrina swirled her tongue over the tip of his cock and heard him suck in a deep breath. She grinned as she opened her mouth and took him in, just a bit. She’d never really done this before, at least not with any level of skill, but to know Gideon clearly wanted her, wanted this, made her fears blink out of existence.

  She took him deeper into her mouth and felt, rather than heard, the deep groan as it ripped from him.

  “Sabrina.” The name was a plea and a command and sounded like she was the center of his universe.

  With a start, Sabrina realized there was more to the way he said her name. Body aching to feel him moving within her, arousal pumping through her veins, she sat up.

  He didn’t say her name like she was the center of the universe only now, when they were about to have sex. He said it that way all the time.

  “Sabrina.” The word floated around them. A whispered plea. A strangled order.

  Watching him, Sabrina climbed over him, pressed her hands hard to his chest as she tried to find some purchase against the wave of pulse-pounding need that threatened to sweep her away. Gideon did that to her and her heart flipped in her chest at the realization.

  With fingers that shook, she guided him deep inside her slick body. Her breath caught on a gasp of his name, and for one long moment she stilled. His name a moan caught in her throat.

  Gideon’s eyes darkened even further, intensifying. His hands gripped hers even as he moved their joined hands to her thighs. He caressed up in teasing dual movements—his touch and hers—just brushing her core.

  Their hands still joined, she brought them up her belly, over her hips, to her breasts. Finally she moved. Slowly at first, with restrained movements to draw out their passion when all she wanted was to quicken the pace. His fingers pinched her nipples, tugging hard, and Sabrina gasped. Moving faster, she felt her pleasure build and build.

  She’d never felt passion like this. Hadn’t known it had really existed outside of movies and books. This consuming want, the constant need. This wasn’t simply arousal. It was more than that. So much more.

  Gideon’s hands still gripped hers as if unwilling to let them go. Sabrina tossed her head back and moved faster, rolled her hips, and took him deeper into her. Felt her nails dig into his hands and wanted more.

  Her orgasm broke over her, crashing through her until she lost herself in the intensity of it. Until she forgot where she ended and Gideon began. Moments later, still moving over her lover, she heard his release and shuddered once again.


  0-14 days—100:1

  15-30 days—50:1

  31-40 days—20:1

  41-50 days—15:1

  51-55 days—10:1

  56-60 days—8:1

  64-69 days—6:1

  61-63 days—7:1

  70-80 days—5:1

  81-90 days—4:1

  91-100 days—2:1

  100+ days—1:1

  Chapter Eleven

  “You don’t have to go in,” Gideon said, his mouth trailing along her neck.

  Sabrina shivered at the touch. Even after an entire weekend of the hottest sex of her life, of Gideon making her scream his name until she was a boneless pile of goo in his arms, his touch still had the same effect on her.

  Her fingers tangled in his hair, and she arched into his touch. Pressing closer to him, she hummed noncommittally.

  “I do,” she whispered. It wasn’t a very firm statement. “Plus I need clothes. I can’t go in naked to the office.”

” He growled. “Then again, Naked Mondays…” he wiggled his eyebrows and looked utterly ridiculous. “Should be a new policy.”

  Sabrina gave him a smirking laugh.

  They’d gone to her apartment Saturday afternoon for a few of her things when it became all too clear they were going to spend the weekend at his place. The only other time they’d left the penthouse was for breakfast Sunday morning.

  Gideon pulled back, but his hands rested on her hips as she stood between his legs. He leaned against the wall opposite the elevators, though neither had bothered to press the button.

  “If I didn’t have this meeting,” he said, pulling her just a bit closer, “I’d come up with some excuse to take the whole week off with you.”

  Sabrina smiled. Her heart felt so full and, yes, she still felt giddy. And knew Cynthia would notice and comment. She didn’t care. This was perfect; her weekend had been completely perfect. It didn’t matter what he’d done with the champagne or the band; that was great, but simply spending time with him, making love with him, exceeded any expectation she’d ever had.

  She’d never been wooed like Gideon wooed her. Hell, Sabrina didn’t think wooing had been in anyone’s vocabulary when it came to her.

  “We could pretend we went to Macau,” she said and rested her head on his chest. She could feel him hard against her stomach and very badly wanted to forget all about work, obligations, and the outside world and stay right there for the rest of the month. “Or actually go to Macau.”

  She slipped her hand under his shirt, purposely ruffling the business look he had going on. “Mix a little business with a lot of pleasure.”

  “I love the way you think.” The words were soft, and she felt his lips brush the top of her head.

  Sabrina pulled back and looked up. “After your marketing meeting this morning.” She smiled.

  “Slave driver.” But he smiled against her mouth, his lips hungry on hers.

  She moaned his name, her hands dancing down his clothed back to grasp his ass and grind against him. The problem with teasing him was that it drove her mad with need as well. Her skin hummed and he’d barely touched her, her body clenched in arousal, and despite their weekend of sex, Sabrina really wanted him again.


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