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Stolen Passions: Forbidden Passions, Book 1

Page 2

by Crystal Jordan

  Now the distance was physical as well as psychological. Zander sighed, suddenly weary. Their family had never been a peaceful one—especially since Jason’s one act of rebellion against their father had been to mate with the werewolf Alpha’s human stepdaughter. Hector had always regretted letting Celeste come to Refuge to do a story for one of the werekind newspapers. Even then, the Leonidas brothers had always had one another’s backs against all outsiders.

  And Zander damn well missed his family.

  The she-wolf tilted her head and answered his unvoiced thought. Her gaze softened with quiet sympathy. “You must miss him. I’m sorry your father died.”

  “You know, I actually believe you.” And he did. The sincerity in her eyes and on her pretty face couldn’t be faked. His face felt as though it might crack as he forced another small smile to his lips. It had been harder and harder in the last few months to maintain the optimism that used to come so naturally to him.

  He shook the moroseness away. It wouldn’t help, and his family was none of this woman’s business. For all intents and purposes, she was a trespasser on Leonidas land…and a member of an enemy shifter species. Just because she was beautiful didn’t mean she needed to know anything. He scooted forward in his chair, preparing to rise. It was time to let Nico and Adrian have a go at her.

  She cleared her throat and seemed to grope for a more neutral topic. She waved a hand to encompass their surroundings. “If you have a clinic, where’s your medic?”

  “Died in the same crash that killed my sister-in-law and father.” The smile was more a baring of teeth this time.

  “Ah.” She swallowed audibly and glanced away.

  There was one piece of information he’d get before he left. He braced his hands on his thighs and leaned into her space. “And who are you, Doctor Wolf?”

  “Marcus.” Her gaze flashed to him again as their knees brushed. “Doctor Lyra Marcus.”

  “Lyra.” He rolled the name on his tongue, savoring the sound. Lovely. It suited her. Then realization snapped through him as her last name connected to what he knew about the wolf clan. “Marcus…the werewolf Alpha’s—”

  “Niece.” She finished the sentence for him.

  “You’re Celeste’s cousin.”

  “Yes. Though we were never close, and I haven’t been on wolf clan land since long before she died.” She crossed her arms over her chest and lifted her chin. “Is any of that a problem for you?”

  Shit. How the hell hadn’t he made that connection already? Now that he viewed her objectively, he could see the resemblance in the high cheekbones and gray eyes. A knot of dread fisted in his belly. Michael Lykaios was the werewolf Alpha, the wolf equivalent of Adrian, who led the leopard clan in the States. One of Lykaios’s sisters had mated to a wolf named Marcus. Zander didn’t remember the man’s first name, but it didn’t matter. That the Alpha’s niece had been left for dead on leopard land made this situation a lot more complicated than it had been a few minutes before.

  “No, it’s not a problem for me. Wolves only come to the resort with special permission, and they aren’t generally allowed west of the Mississippi.” He leaned back in his chair, folding his arms. “But a woman in your family would know all that. So, what are you doing on leopard land?”

  “I don’t know. I’m a doctor at a werekind clinic in New Orleans.” She shook her head, confusion and anger flashing in her gaze. Staring at the floor, she seemed to concentrate on something only she could see. “All clinics are neutral territory, so I’m not sure what happened. I was the last one out and locked up the clinic that night, and I was attacked. I woke up in Arizona. Trust me, this little trip wasn’t my choice, but since I know you have a small charter airport here, if you’ll point me to a phone, I’ll make arrangements to get on the first plane out of here.”

  “No.” The thought of her leaving was unacceptable. He arched a brow and shook his head when she looked startled. “Absolutely not.”

  Her eyes narrowed to dangerous slits. “You can’t keep me here.”

  “We don’t know who left you here, but we sure as hell know they want it to look like leopards had a part in what happened to get you here. You’re not leaving until I know this isn’t going to land back on my doorstep.” Not until he knew it was safe for her to be out of his sight. Protectiveness fiercer than he’d ever known for anyone outside of family members swamped him, but he didn’t fight it. For as long as she was on his resort, the woman was his responsibility. Hell, she was just his. It didn’t matter that the thought sounded insane even to him. It simply was. Some fundamental instinct inside him claimed it was so.

  “Well…when you put it that way. Shit.” She sighed and rubbed a hand over her forehead. “You never told me which Leonidas brother you are. From what you’ve said, I can only guess you’re not Adrian.”

  “I’m Zander.”

  “The youngest.” Her breath caught when their legs slid against each other again, the same awareness he’d been fighting since she woke up flashing in her pale gray eyes.


  She licked her lips, staring at his until he wanted to grab her and shake her for tempting him. But if he touched her he wasn’t going to shake her. No, he had much more carnal things in mind for her. She inched forward until she sat on the very edge of the cot, until he could feel the heat from her slim body. “You run Refuge Resort.”

  “Right again.” It was hardly a secret what his job was. Or that Nico took care of security, or Adrian was the Leonidas CEO. When your family ruled a species, everyone knew everything about you. Or thought they did.

  She rose, and he stood with her, wrapping his fingers around her biceps to steady her in case she might fall. The feel of her satiny skin under his fingertips made his cock ache and turned the supportive action into something far more sexual than he intended. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have her long limbs and soft hair wrapped around his body as he drove himself inside her until this insane hunger was spent. He barely bit back a groan, his fangs sliding forward a bit as the leopard within him fought for feral supremacy.

  She jerked back, tripping over the edge of the sheet in her haste to escape him. He snorted and caught her close to keep her upright. Her body pressed to his, and an audible gasp erupted from her. How the hell had he gotten himself into this? The instincts that kept him by her side when she was unconscious had only intensified since she’d awoken. The fierce intelligence and strength of character shone from her face, drew him in. Fire fisted tight in his belly as her curves molded to his harder body. She was tall for a woman, tall enough to fit him just right. Unusual. Intriguing. Far too tempting.

  Her jaw jutted pugnaciously, a challenge filling her narrowed eyes. “I’m fine. You don’t have to coddle me. I’ve completely healed.”

  “What’s the matter, little she-wolf? Are you scared?” He lowered his head until his breath ruffled the short hairs at her temple, and he felt how she shivered in response. His grip shifted on her arms to draw her closer when she tried to pull away. He’d never been able to resist a challenge. “If I wanted to hurt you or take advantage of you, I had all the opportunity in the world. I’ve touched all that pretty naked skin. We don’t have a doctor, so who do you think washed the dirt off you?”

  “Oh, God.”

  “What?” Grinning down at her, he rubbed his thumbs in slows circles on her arms. “I thought you weren’t shy, Doc. So it won’t shock you to hear I’ve been hard since the moment you opened those lovely gray eyes and looked at me. You won’t be surprised when I tell you the feel of you makes me wild, that I want to suck your pretty nipples into my mouth until you scream and claw my back.”

  Her gaze burned incandescent with a desire that punched hard through him. His muscles shook with the need to rip the sheet away and stroke over her supple flesh again. Sucking in a breath, he caught the scent of her dampness. Nothing was ever as sweet as that lush fragrance, heady and provocative.

  “I can smell ho
w wet you are for me. All for me. Would you be hot and tight around me if I slid my cock into you right now?” He wanted to know. Desperately. Lust wound tight inside him, squeezing off his ability to breathe. She whimpered, lifting her hands to stroke across his chest. He damn near purred at the feel of her petting him.

  “Zander.” His name was a breathless whisper on her lips, and he wanted nothing more than to plunge his tongue into her mouth, his cock into her hot, slick body.

  He swallowed. “Are you seeing anyone, Lyra?”

  The very idea was repugnant, made him want to hunt someone down and hammer his fists into them, but he had to ask. He’d be a fool not to know that this was going somewhere, and he didn’t share.

  “No.” Her head fell back to expose her neck, her mouth opening on a low moan that exposed her elongated canines. He sensed the wolf within her clawing for freedom.

  With the thought came a harsh slap of reality. What was he doing? Forcing some small distance between them, he pried his fingers off her arms one by one. It was madness. He shouldn’t touch her. She was a wolf. An enemy.

  And he wanted her.

  Chapter Two

  Lyra reached for him. A tiny part of her mind wondered what the hell she was doing, but her hormones bitch-slapped those sensible thoughts into submission. His nearness, his scent, his naughty words were driving her mad with want, making her burn in a way she never had before. Every instinct within her sang, the wolf wanting to taste him. The leopard was a breed apart from the men she’d been with in the past. The predator was there, enticing the animal within her, but the man lured her in just as surely with his light, wicked smile. So different from the men in her clan. He was exotic, intoxicating. Hers, for the moment. If she took what she desired.

  It was complete madness, and she didn’t care. Her sex clenched as her nipples brushed against the hard muscled planes of his chest. His breath hissed out, and she smiled, loving the way he reacted to her touch. Good. At least she wasn’t alone in this. Her breath raced out. Her heart pounded. No man had ever gotten to her this fast, made her so wet she ached, made her skin feel hot, flushed, and tingly—the way her body shrieked for more shocked her, but she couldn’t stop it. And she didn’t want to.

  He backed away, toppling his chair in the process. She followed him, fisted her fingers in his navy T-shirt and pushed him against the wall next to the bedside table. The sheet fell away, slithering down her body and making her shiver. He cupped her hips as his back hit the wall. The pads of his fingers were rough with calluses, the friction making goose bumps ripple over her arms and legs. His grip bit into her flesh, stilling her movements when she rubbed herself against his hard length, the heavy muscles of his chest, the impressive erection between his thighs.

  A harsh groan ripped from his throat. “This is a bad idea.”

  “Wouldn’t be the first one I’ve acted on.” Or the last, she was sure. She couldn’t argue with him though, and her body wanted no part in logic. Cupping her fingers around his cock, she stroked him through his khaki pants.

  He went rigid, his hips thrusting into her touch. A strained laugh rumbled in his chest. “You’re my kind of woman.”

  “Prove it.” Narrowing her gaze on his handsome face, she made it a challenge—to please her, to make her scream. She caught a flash of white teeth before he whipped her around and shoved her back against the wall. She gasped when his hands closed over her breasts. Shutting her eyes, she let the excitement twist within her when his hot mouth closed over her nipple.

  Heat flowed through her veins like lava, making her back bow as she tried to get closer to that talented tongue. He flicked it against her nipple, teasing her. Then he switched to the other breast, and the damp skin cooled in the air-conditioned room. She shuddered at the contrast of heat and chill as he sucked her nipple deep into his mouth. When she felt the sharp points of his fangs and the rough texture of a cat’s tongue on her sensitive flesh, she sobbed out a breath. She’d never experienced anything like it before. It was too much. Her breath exploded out in frantic gasps. His claws raked lightly against her hips as he held her still.

  “Zander. Oh, my God.”

  Her nipple popped out of his mouth as he sank to his knees before her, stroking his fingertips down her body as his claws retracted. A flush of need ran under his tanned skin, and his chest heaved for breath. His voice was rough when he spoke, but a roguish grin curved the corners of his full lips. “You wanted me to prove it, didn’t you? I never back down from a challenge.”

  “I—I’ll keep that in mind.” She smiled down at him, lifting her leg to hook it over his shoulder and open herself to him. “Since you’re down there… Don’t stop now.”

  “I won’t.” The teasing left his tone, and his green gaze burned into her flesh as he looked at her. He curled his hands over the top of her thigh, holding her in place. She shivered, her anticipation building the longer he waited. Tension ran through her muscles until she shook with it. Sliding her fingers into his thick, golden brown hair, she let her head fall back against the wall. A single finger trailed up the inside of her thigh until he stroked the slick lips of her pussy lightly.

  She moaned, her hips arching to offer herself up for more. Perhaps it was how forbidden it was to let him touch her, but no one had ever excited her this way. Anticipation boiled in her veins, made her heart pound and her breathing speed until she panted. She tightened her fingers in his hair. “Now, Zander. No more playing.”

  Two fingers speared her, thrusting deep into her pussy. She screamed, her pelvis jerking forward. He spread her lips wide, leaning in to swipe his tongue in a long, slow lick. “So fierce, but eating your pussy tastes sweeter than sugar.”

  She rolled her head against the wall, and she clenched her jaw to keep from howling. Her fangs punched through her gums, and she wrestled to keep the wolf at bay as his lips settled over her clit, sucking and biting at the hard nub. Her sex clenched around his fingers as he built a slow, hard rhythm inside her. The feel of his tongue against her, the occasional rasp of a cat with the soft heat of a human man made her choke.

  The muscles in her legs shook as she fought to stay upright. Beads of sweat broke out across her forehead and gathered between her breasts to slip down her skin. The combination of sensations was beyond erotic. His hands and mouth worked her faster and faster until she tugged on his hair insistently, demanding more. It was already more than she could handle, more than she’d ever had before, but still she craved him. Every thought was wiped from her mind. All that was left was the drive toward orgasm. She could feel it rising like a tidal wave inside her, and she arched her hips away from the wall. His fingers slipped away from her as he pulled back.

  She sobbed a denial, fisting her fingers in his hair with a wolf’s superhuman strength—so tight it had to hurt. But he was bigger than she was, stronger.

  Jerking to his feet, he towered over her. “Here. Taste how good it is.”

  His lips slammed down over hers, his tongue shoving into her mouth. And she did taste. Herself and him, mingling on his hot tongue. The flavor shocked her, but it also turned her on even more. Her pussy flexed on nothingness, craving the feel of his hard cock pounding inside her. She moaned when he pulled away for a moment. “You can’t stop!”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? I’m just getting undressed.” And he suited action to words, stripping so fast she was surprised he didn’t rip his clothes. Though with the fire burning inside her, she wished he would just hurry this up. She was dying here.

  “Thank God.” Wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his lean hips when he stepped forward again, she tried to get as close to him as humanly possible. They both groaned at the full skin-to-skin contact. The light furring on his chest rasped against her hardened nipples. His big hands gripped her ass, lifting her to rub the head of his cock against her pussy. He shoved himself deep, going to the hilt in one hard push. She bared her claws, digging into his shoulders as pleasure and pain rocketed through
her system. He was so damn thick, the stretch of it hurt. And she liked it. Her body twisted to get closer, seeking a fuller penetration.

  His breath rushed against the side of her neck, cooling the sweat there and making her shiver. “You’re so hot, so tight. And the way you smell…wetness and woman. Do you know how good your pussy feels around my cock, Lyra?”

  “Jesus,” she breathed. Amazingly, she grew slicker at his words. She’d never been with a man who said the kinds of things he did to her. It was dirty and raw and so naughty it made her hotter for him.

  He withdrew until just the head of his cock remained inside her, then he shoved back in. She pressed her hips forward to meet him, and the sound of their naked skin slapping together echoed in the wide room. The rhythm they set was desperate and almost punishing in its speed. She didn’t want to think of anything outside of this moment with a man who made her burn.

  Rolling his pelvis against hers, he changed the angle of his thrusts. “Do you like this, sugar?”

  “Yes.” The position was so fucking perfect, his cock hitting her just right as her walls clamped around him. He groaned, his fingers biting deeper into her ass as he pulled the cheeks apart. Flames danced inside her, heating her skin until they threatened to explode. She threw her head back. “Yes.”

  His chuckle vibrated against her chest, and he brushed his lips over the base of her throat. “Me, too.”

  “Make me come, Zander.” She closed her eyes and smiled, remembering his warning. “If you can.”

  Drawing a hand back, he slapped the fleshy part of her thigh. She jolted at the shock of sensation, one more piling on top of those that already threatened to overwhelm her. Her pussy flexed around his thrusting cock, and she cried out as he smacked her again. Her eyes snapped open to meet his, and the green of them burned into her. She couldn’t look away, caught by the intensity of what transpired between them.


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