The Inner Level
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* Martin Daly’s book Killing the Competition summarizes and references his own and others’ research over more than thirty-five years.
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39. Paskov, M. and Dewilde, C., ‘Income inequality and solidarity in Europe’, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 2012; 30 (4): 415–32.
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87. Wood, A. M., Boyce, C. J., Moore, S. C. and Brown, G. D., ‘An evolutionary based social rank explanation of why low income predicts mental distress: a 17 year cohort study of 30,000 people’, Journal of Affective Disorders 2012; 136 (3): 882–8.
88. Wetherall, K., Daly, M., Robb, K. A., Wood, A. M. and O’Connor, R. C., ‘Explaining the income and suicidality relationship: income rank is more strongly associated with suicidal thoughts and attempts than income’, Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology 2015; 50 (6): 929–37.
89. Osafo Hounkpatin, H., Wood, A. M., Brown, G. D. A. and Dunn, G., ‘Why does income relate to depressive symptoms? Testing the income rank hypothesis longitudinally’, Social Indicators Research 2015; 124 (2): 637–55.
90. Daly, M., Boyce, C. and Wood, A., ‘A social rank explanation of how money influences health’, Health Psychology 2015; 34 (3): 222.
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