by Julia Child
with cream and mushrooms (à la parisienne), I: 216
with wine and garlic (à la provençale), I: 218
soup (marmite dieppoise)
cream of (velouté de Saint-Jacques)
in stews and chowders
timbales, I: 175
filling for vol-au-vent (garniture dieppoise; aux fruits de mer)
see also crab; fish; lobster; etc.
sel épicé (spiced salt)
semolina gnocchi, I: 183
serving suggestions: see individual recipes
shallot(s) (échalotes)
general information, I: 19, 23
to dice or mince, I: 30
butter (beurre bercy; beurre marchand de vins), I: 103
shellfish (crustacés)
butter (beurre de), I: 104; 1.1
filling for appetizers (fondue de), I: 202
filling, creamed, for vol-au-vent and bouchées (garniture dieppoise; aux fruits de mer)
garnitures for fish filets, I: 212–16
mousse, I: 564
soups (bisques)
see also clam; crab; lobster; etc.
for appetizer tartlets, I: 200
for dessert tarts, I: 634–5; 7.1
for patties
for puffs, I: 177–80
for quiches, I: 143–6; 2.1
upside down
sherbets: see desserts, frozen
sherry for cooking, I: 32
short paste: see pastry, dough
shrimp(s) (crevettes)
in aspic, I: 549
bisque (bisque de)
butter (shellfish butter), I: 104; 1.1
to cook, I: 213
quenelles, I: 189
quiche, I: 149
soufflé, I: 167, 170
soup (marmite dieppoise)
simmer, to (definition of), I: 11
skillets, I: 6, 192
electric, I: 254, 259
for potatoes Anna, 6.1, app1.1, app1.2
slice, how to, I: 27–8
snail butter (beurre pour escargots), I: 103
sole, filets: see fish, filets
sorrel soup (potage crème d’oseille), I: 42
sauce, I: 64
with rice and onions, I: 355, 485
soufflé(s) (soufflés)
general information, I: 157–63
dishes for (charlotte molds), I: 161–2; app1.1
entrée, I: 157–74
cheese (au fromage), I: 163
with egg whites only (aux blancs d’oeufs), I: 173
variations, I: 173
eggplant (d’aubergines en persillade)
fish (de poisson), I: 166, 168, 170
lobster, crab, or shrimp (de homard, de crabe, ou aux crevettes), I: 170
with poached eggs (Vendôme), I: 165
salmon (de saumon), I: 166
variations, I: 167
spinach (aux épinards), I: 165–6
unmolded (démoulé, mousseline), I: 171
vegetable variations, I: 166
sweet or dessert (sucrés), I: 613–22
general information, I: 613–14
almond (aux amandes), I: 618
apple in apples (pommes, Calvados)
other ideas
caramel almond (île flottante), I: 622
caramelized almonds (praliné), I: 617
chocolate (au chocolat), I: 619
coffee (au café), I: 617
Cointreau, curaçao (à l’orange), I: 616
glacée of fruits and kirsch (Rothschild), I: 617
half-and-half (panaché), I: 618
macaroon (aux macarons), I: 617
and rum, unmolded (démoulé), I: 620
orange (à l’orange), I: 616
soufflé glacé
tart with lemon or lime (tarte au citron ou aux limettes), I: 645
vanilla (à la vanille), I: 614
soup(s) (potages et soupes et bisques), I: 37–53; 1.1
general information, I: 37; 1.1
kettles (marmites)
cream of green (crème d’asperges vertes)
white European
bean, white, with garnish (à la Victorine)
bouillabaisse, I: 52
fish for, I: 50
of scallops
cabbage (aux choux; garbure), I: 48
cauliflower and watercress (de la Fontaine Dureau)
celery with potatoes and leeks (Célestine)
cauliflower and watercress
herb, green
leek and potato, I: 39
vichyssoise, I: 39
watercress, I: 39, 41; 1.1
see also end of recipe texts
bisque (de crabes)
cream of (velouté de crustacés)
crayfish bisque (d’écrevisses)
cucumber (aux concombres)
eggplant and tomato garnish, for bean
fennel and tomato garnish, for bean
fish (de poisson), I: 49–53
bouillabaisse, I: 52
fish for, I: 50
of scallops
matelotes, meurettes, pauchouses
stews and chowders
fish for
with garlic mayonnaise, Provençal-style (bourride)
with sole, shellfish, Normandy-style (marmite aux fruits de mer; marmite dieppoise; chaudrée normande)
with wine, onions, mushrooms, Burgundy-style (matelote; meurette; pauchouse)
garlic (aïgo bouïdo), I: 46–8
with poached eggs (à l’oeuf, provençale), I: 47
with potatoes (à l’ail aux pommes de terre), I: 48
herb, green (aux herbes panachées)
leek and potato
with celery (Célestine)
Parmentier, I: 37
vichyssoise, I: 39
and watercress (au cresson), I: 38–9
leek and sweet pepper (catalane aux poivrons)
bisque (de homard à l’américaine)
cream of (velouté de crustacés)
mushroom, cream of
Île de France
velouté, I: 40
mussel (aux moules), I: 231
onion (à l’oignon), I: 43–5
cream of (crème aux oignons, soubise)
and potato (Parmentier), I: 37
pea-pod (belle potagère)
peasant types
pepper, sweet, and leek (catalane aux poivrons)
pistou, I: 45
potato (pomme de terre)
and garlic (à l’ail aux), I: 48
and leek with celery (Célestine)
and leek or onion (Parmentier), I: 37
with watercress (au cresson), I: 38–9
vichyssoise, I: 39
pumpkin (le potiron tout rond)
scallop (velouté de Saint-Jacques)
bouillabaisse (les Saint-Jacques en bouillabaisse)
cream of (velouté de crustacés)
shrimp bisque (de crevettes)
sorrel (crème d’oseille), I: 42
spinach (épinards)
cream of (crème d’), I: 43
Florentine (à la florentine)
sweet pepper and leek (catalane aux poivrons)
tomato with rice, Mediterranean (Magali)
turnip (Untel)
vegetable (Provençal) (au pistou)
�s, vegetable
vichyssoise, I: 39
watercress (au cresson)
and cauliflower (de la Fontaine Dureau)
cream of (crème de), I: 41
and potato, I: 38–9
white bean with garnish (à la Victorine)
zucchini (aux courgettes)
sour cream, I: 16; 1.1
dressing (vinaigrette à la crème), I: 95
sour dough
spice bread; spice cake (pain d’épices)
spiced salt for charcuterie (sel épicé)
spices for charcuterie (épices fine)
spinach (épinards), I: 467–76
general information, I: 467–8
blanched chopped (precooking) (blanchis), I: 468
braised, I: 470–1
in butter (étuvés au beurre), I: 470
in cream (à la crème), I: 471
with ham (au jambon), I: 470
with onions (gratin d’, aux oignons)
in stock (au jus), I: 470
canapés, I: 472
crêpes (pancakes), I: 473–4
under giant crêpe (en surprise), I: 473
custard mold (timbale d’), I: 175, 474
filling for crêpes, I: 194
frozen, I: 475
gratin with potatoes (à la basquaise), I: 474
gratinéed, I: 471–3
with cheese (au fromage), I: 471
with cheese sauce (à la mornay), I: 472
with ham (au jambon), I: 470
omelette, I: 136
pâté, with veal and chicken (terrine verte)
puréed (purée d’, simple), I: 469
quiche, I: 153
with sausage mixtures
with beef (tous nus)
with pork and liver (caillettes)
soufflé, I: 165
soup, I: 43
Florentine (potage à la florentine)
in stuffings, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
timbales, I: 175, 474
with zucchini, sauté of (courgettes aux)
spirits for cooking, I: 32
for chicken, I: 242
for duck, I: 275
butter (biscuit au beurre), I: 669
chocolate (le Marquis), I: 679
orange (gâteau à l’orange), I: 671
and almond (et aux amandes), I: 676
with orange-butter filling, I: 672
spreads for appetizers: see appetizers, spreads for
squab, roast (coquelets sur canapés), I: 246
squash (courges, courgettes)
general information, 6.1
to blanch
grated and salted
summer squash
versus winter
see also pumpkins; zucchini
starch (corn, potato, rice)
for soufflé sauce base, I: 614, 619
thickening for brown sauce, I: 70
steak: see beef, steaks; pork, steaks; etc.
stew: see beef, stew; fish, stew; veal, stew; etc.
stocks (and bouillons) (fonds de cuisine), I: 106–15
general information, I: 106–7
brown (brun), I: 110
beef, I: 67
chicken, I: 57
clam, I: 115
consommé, I: 67
chicken (volaille), I: 236–7
brown (brun de), I: 110, 236
white (blanc de), I: 109, 237
chicken scraps for
clarification of, I: 111
degreasing of, I: 108
duck, I: 272
fish (fumet de poisson)
emergency (clam juice), I: 115
for fish stew
white wine (au vin blanc), I: 114
goose, I: 282
jellied (gelée), I: 112–14
meat (simple), I: 107
mushroom (fumet de champignons), I: 512
veal (blanc), I: 109; 216
white (blanc), I: 109
strawberry(ies) (fraises)
bavarian cream (bavarois), I: 600
in brioche cake (le Marly; la Riposte)
Chantilly (whipped cream), I: 608
malakoff, I: 605
plombières (custard), I: 595
in puff pastry shells
with rum babas, I: 661
sauce, I: 592
sherbet and ice cream (mousse aux)
tart (tarte aux), I: 640
straws, potato with cheese (bouchées Parmentier au fromage), I: 198
stuffing(s) (farces)
list of, with suggestions for use
for beef
for case, mushrooms and olives (boeuf en caisse, surprise)
for filet, foie gras with truffles (filet de boeuf braisé Prince Albert), I: 304
for rolls (paupiettes)
chard, sausage, ham, and onion (Gargantua)
olive and pimento (niçoise)
peppers, onions, and diced mustard bread (à la catalane)
pork and veal, I: 319, 565
rice and garlic with herbs (à l’ail de Mme. Cassiot)
for tenderloin, mushroom (duxelles)
boudin blanc, 4.1, 5.1
for ham (jambon farci et braisé), I: 394
for lamb
garlic and herb (aux herbes), I: 336
ham and mushroom (duxelles), I: 337
mushroom and kidney (duxelles aux rognons)
mushroom and spinach (Viroflay)
olive and ground lamb (aux olives), I: 338
pork and herb (de porc), I: 336
rice and kidney (aux rognons), I: 337
salmon and anchovy (mentonnaise), I: 338
for pâtés, I: 565; 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
for pork, for suckling pig, rice, sausage, and apricots (Trébizonde)
for poultry, 5.1, 5.2
for chicken
chicken livers, foie gras, and rice (à la d’Albuféra)
herb and giblet (poulet roti à la normande), I: 243
mushroom (duxelles), I: 251
rice, chicken livers, mushrooms, and garlic (évocation d’Albuféra)
white forcemeat with mushrooms (normande, aux boudins blancs)
for duck
sausage and apple (caneton rôti à l’alsacienne), I: 275
for goose
foie gras in prunes (oie rôtie aux pruneaux), I: 284
pork and veal, I: 565
sausage and chestnut (oie braisée aux marrons), I: 286
for turkey
chicken livers, foie gras, and rice (à la d’Albuféra)
pork and veal, I: 565
rice, chicken livers, mushrooms, and garlic (évocation d’Albuféra)
white forcemeat with mushrooms (normande, aux boudins blancs)
for puff-paste chaussons (saucisson truffé au foie gras)
for veal
chard or spinach (poitrine de veau, farcie)
foie gras and truffles for scallops (noisettes de veau, périgourdine)
ground pork with ham, truffles, and foie gras (veau en feuilletons)
ham and cheese, I: 358
rice, onion, and mushroom, I: 356
other suggestions
for vegetables
for any vegetable, I: 243, 252, 336, 337, 338, 349, 502; 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6
for artichoke hearts: mushroom purée (farcis, froids; en surprise)
for cabbage
leaves: braised beef and ham
whole or leaves: sausage, ham, and rice
for eggplant
eggplant, peppers, onions, tomatoes, and herbs
ground veal, turkey, or pork with onions and herbs
mushroom (aubergines farcies duxelles), I: 502
for mushrooms, I: 516
for onions: rice, onion, and cheese
for potato cakes
for tomatoes, I: 507, 516, 576
for zucchini
almond, cheese, and bread crumbs (aux amandes)
rice and peppers (au riz et aux poivrons)
Succès, le
suckling pig: see pork, suckling pig
suet for larding, 3.1, 3.2
sugar (sucre)
to boil: see fondant
and butter (creaming of), I: 581
caramel: see caramel; caramelized
cookies (galettes sablées), I: 635
crust for tarts (pâte sablée), I: 633
and eggs (beating of), I: 579
icing (fondant), 7.1, 7.2
short paste for tarts (pâte brisée sucrée), I: 633
syrup: see syrup
summer squash: see zucchini
suprêmes de volaille: see chicken, breasts of
surprise du Vésuve, la
Suzette, crêpes, I: 650
swedes: see rutabagas
sweetbread(s) (ris de veau), I: 408–13
general information
blanching of, I: 409
soaking and peeling of, I: 408
braised (braisés), I: 409
with brown mushroom sauce (braisés à l’italienne), I: 411
with quenelles, truffles, etc. (à la financière)
cold in salad, I: 577
creamed (à la crème; à la maréchale), I: 412
with mushrooms (aux champignons), I: 412
au gratin, I: 413
gratin of leftover, I: 157
sautéed in butter (escalopes de, sautés), I: 413
soufflé, I: 167, 173
timbales, I: 175
Swiss chard: see chard
swordfish steaks (thon à la provençale), I: 219, 576
syrup (sugar)
for butter-cream filling, I: 681
caramel, I: 584; 7.1
for fondant
for fruit poaching, I: 630, 642
kirsch, for savarins, I: 663
rum, for babas, I: 660
chicken types, I: 235
of equivalents (American, French, British)
flour, I: 18; app1.1
metric system, I: 20–1
flour, I: 18; app1.1
mayonnaise, ingredients proportions, I: 87
soufflés, ingredients proportions, I: 163
temperature conversion, I: 25
timetables for roasting: see chicken; duck; etc.
tarragon (estragon)
butter (beurre d’), I: 102
with meat glaze (Colbert), I: 102
in aspic, I: 549
casserole-roasted, I: 249
fricasseed, I: 262
sauce: see sauces, tarragon
tart(s) for dessert (tartes sucrées), I: 632–48; 7.1
almond (Pithiviers)
apple (aux pommes), I: 635; 7.1
with custard (normande), I: 637
upside-down (des Demoiselles Tatin), I: 638
apricot (aux abricots), I: 639
variations, I: 640
cherry (aux cerises, flambée), I: 643
cream cheese (au fromage frais), I: 647
and prune (et aux pruneaux), I: 648
custard fillings for, I: 590–2
fruits, various, in puff pastry, 7.1, 7.2
jam (jalousie)
lemon (au citron), I: 645–7