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Promise Me Always

Page 7

by Kari March

  Blake led me to the ballroom where the party was being held. When he opened the doors, I was completely blown away. The ballroom was just spectacular—I had never seen anything like it. The whole room looked like it was on fire. The walls were covered in white linens and fire flames were being projected onto them, giving you the impression the room was engulfed in flames. The lighting in the room was a deep blue color and it made the flames on the walls stick out even more than they already did. The centerpieces were the next thing that caught my eye. Each table had enormous vases filled with white birch tree branches and they were surrounded by tons of white candles in all different sizes. Silver shimmering table clothes covered the tables and you could see the reflection of the flames all over the room.

  “Oh my God, it’s gorgeous in here,” I gasped as we walked up to check in for the event. Blake took care of everything and got our table number for dinner.

  “Should we get a drink before dinner starts?” he asked, grabbing my hand. We walked over to the massive bar to get our first round of drinks. “What will it be, baby girl?”

  “I’ll have a Captain and lemonade, please,” I said to the bartender

  “Oh, going with the hard stuff already, huh? Am I that boring?” Blake teased as he winked at me. He turned to the bartender while laughing, “Make mine a Captain and Coke.”

  “As a matter of fact, Blake, you have been quite entertaining so far. I’m actually excited to see how the rest of the evening plays out.” I bit my bottom lip seductively. I watched as Blake’s mouth dropped open as he watched me. The bartender cleared his throat and Blake jumped a little. He handed us our drinks and we headed off to find our seats for dinner.

  There were already a few men and an adorable couple sitting at our table. As we walked closer, Blake put his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side, almost like he was claiming me. Everyone at the table turned towards us when we approached and they all gave Blake friendly smiles.

  “Hey, Blake! Glad you could make it,” one of the men said.

  Blake nodded his head in the man’s direction. “Tessa, I would like you to meet Brent, Adam, and Cash,” he said as he pointed to the guys. Then he turned to the sweet couple sitting on the other side of the table. “And this happy couple over here is Cam and Cara. Everyone this is Tessa.”

  Everyone at the table greeted me. Cara even jumped up out of her chair to give me a hug. Cam stood up with her and repeated the gesture. Blake had told me about Cam and Cara last week when we were at Palmer’s. Blake had talked about Cam like they were brothers. They had been through the academy together and were both rookies this year. Somehow they even managed to get assigned to the same shift at the same fire station.

  Cam was extremely attractive. His dirty blonde hair was short and had that just fucked looked to it. He had very intense blue eyes that resembled the sky on a sunny day and, even though he was wearing a tux, you could tell he was muscular. I didn’t know Cam at all, but from what Blake had told me about him, he seemed like an interesting guy. He just started dating Cara about a month ago and I could tell by the way he was looking at her—it was the real deal.

  “So, I know you and Cam are on the engine together, but what about the rest of these guys?” I asked Blake.

  “Tess, you are looking at the men of Station #34, C Shift,” he said, pride evident in his voice. “These guys are my family when we are on the job. I spend more time with them than I do my own fucking brother.”

  “Well, I bet they know a lot of secrets about you then. When do I get to start playing twenty questions?” I laughed.

  We sat and talked with the rest of the table while dinner was being served. I learned that Cash was the Captain of Station #34 and, at only 32 years old, that was a big accomplishment. I immediately liked Cash. He was the leader of the team and he acted in such a way that you couldn’t help but feel protected while he was around. Adam and Brent were both Lieutenants and had been on with department for a couple of years. They were both really sweet to me, but liked to give Blake and Cam a hard time. They were the rookies, though, and it was kind of a tradition to give them shit.

  Dinner was finally served and it was incredible. The filet was delicious and I was so full by the time dinner was over, I didn’t think I would be able to move—let alone dance. Lucky for me, they were doing an award ceremony next, so I would have time to digest my food. I had already had three drinks and decided I needed to use the little girl’s room, so I excused myself.

  As I stood up to leave Cara decided to accompany me. I heard Cam as we were walking away, “What is it with women and going to the bathroom together? Do they really need someone to talk to while they do their business? It’s a bathroom for fuck sakes.” Cara looked over her shoulder and gave him a nasty look as we walked away. Cam laughed in response.

  Cara was a doll and I knew right away that I was going to like her. She was a petite little thing, but she had an amazing body—curvy in all the right places. Her short brown hair fell just below her chin and she had the sweetest pair of brown eyes.

  As we made our way into the ladies room, Cara started the girl talk immediately. “How long have you known Blake?” she asked me.

  “Almost five years now. We met in high school through my sister and her boyfriend,” I stated, as I opened the door to the bathroom.

  “So, you’re the one,” Cara mumbled cryptically. She said it so quietly, I wasn’t even sure that was what she really said.

  “What?” I asked her. Did she really just say I was ‘the one’?

  “Oh, nothing,” she said dismissively. “Sorry. I was just thinking out loud. So, lots of eye candy here tonight, huh?” She elbowed me in the ribs and a silly smile played across her face.

  “Tell me about it! Most of the heat is coming from our table, too,” I giggled back at her. I could tell Cara didn’t have a filter on her mouth and I loved that about her. I never seemed to have one either, unless it came to talking about my feelings. Bring emotions into the picture and I was as quiet as a mouse.

  “How long have you and Cam been together? You look like you were made for each other,” I asked her through the stall door.

  “We just started dating last month. So far, things are great. But it is still early and men always seem to get a little scared after the first couple months—you know, commitment issues and all,” she sighed. “He’s amazing in the sack though. That man definitely knows how to fuck.” I covered my mouth and started laughing hysterically. Yep, no filter at all! Good thing we were the only ones in the bathroom at the time.

  “Well, that was more info than I asked for, but damn girl! Good for you!” I said as I opened the door and washed my hands. I took my lip gloss out of my purse and reapplied.

  “We better get back out there before some slutty bitches try to snatch up our hot firefighters,” Cara exclaimed, and part of me knew she wasn’t really joking.

  We headed into the ballroom and back to our table where the guys were waiting. Just as we sat down, the music stopped and an older gentleman approached the microphone. From what I could tell, he was the Fire Chief. He thanked everyone for coming and gave a long speech about how the funds collected tonight from ticket sales and the silent auction were going to be donated to help the families of fallen and injured firefighters around the state. He thanked a bunch of people for helping make the event possible and then he started calling names and handing out awards.

  They were about half way through the ceremony when a familiar name was called by the Fire Chief. “Blake Bentley.”

  I spun my head around and looked at Blake with total shock in my eyes. He shrugged his shoulders at me nonchalantly, while a confident, sexy smile crossed his mouth. I watched him stand up and walk over to the stage. He shook the chief’s hand and then stood next to him as the chief continued.

  “On April 3rd, Bentley and the crew of Station 34 were called to a structure fire at the Highline Ridge apartment complex. Upon arrival of the crew, witnesses were claimin
g that there was a child stuck on the third floor of apartment #305. Without hesitation, Bentley and the rest of the crew made their way up to the apartment. Bentley entered the apartment and immediately started searching for the child. Within less than thirty seconds, the child was found unconscious. Bentley brought the child down to the EMS team where they were able to resuscitate and get him breathing again. If it wasn’t for Bentley’s timely reaction, this child would not be alive today. Blake Bentley, I present you with the Southlands Fire Heroism Award.”

  Blake shook the Chief’s hand and bowed down as the Chief put a ribbon with a large medal pendant around his neck. He posed for some pictures and then walked back over to our table to sit down. I was in complete shock. I mean, I knew what firefighters did, but he never once said that he was going to be receiving an award for heroism tonight. I suddenly realized just how dangerous his job really was and it made me extremely nervous. I started to twirl my hair. Blake must have noticed because as soon as he made it back to the table, he took my hands in his and gave them a little squeeze.

  “Blake, that is so amazing! Why didn’t you tell me you were going to be receiving an award tonight?” I asked him.

  “I didn’t think it was really that big of a deal. I was doing my job. I don’t think I need an award for that,” he stated simply.

  Blake took my hands and brought them up his mouth and kissed them both tenderly. I just stared at him in awe. It was like I was looking at different person all of a sudden and, in that moment, I fell for him just a little bit more. I had already fallen for the cocky side of him and, if that wasn’t bad enough, I was now seeing the brave, caring, heroic side of Blake. I could honestly say that my feelings were starting to spiral out of control.

  Once the awards were over, and after Tess stopped looking at me like I had grown another head, I took her over to the silent auction. I wanted to see what there was to bid on. It appeared that receiving the award impressed her because the look in her eyes when she watched me now was totally different than before.

  She stopped to bid on a spa package and I left her side to check out the rest of the items. There was tons of stuff to bid on—jewelry, football tickets, dinners at fancy restaurants and even home remodels. But when I saw the trip for two to Steamboat Springs, I knew I had to have it. I could just picture taking Tess there. It was such a romantic place, especially in the summer. Even though I wasn’t sure I was actually going to be with Tess in the future, I still had to try. I placed a generous bid just to insure that I would win. It was going to cost me, but it was worth every penny.

  When I looked back over to where I had left Tess, she was talking to Cam and Cara. I couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked tonight. She was driving me crazy in that fucking dress. The flower tattoo on her lower back was sexy as hell and I really wanted to see what the rest of it looked like. Just as I was imagining sliding that dress down her smooth skin, I heard the DJ start up the music and the dance floor was finally open. Tess was so excited all of a sudden—she started looking around for me everywhere. She finally spotted me and eagerly started walking my way. Apparently, she wanted to dance. She grabbed my hand and pulled me across the room, the smile on her face knocking the wind out of me.

  Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” was blaring through the speakers and the dance floor was filling up fast. Tess pulled me up behind her, wrapped my hands around her waist, and started moving her hips to the music. Her entire back was bare and laid out right in front of me. I pictured myself kissing her smooth skin and running my tongue down her spine. It took everything I had to control myself. Shit, it’s going to be a long night.

  Tess turned around so she was facing me. She pressed herself against me, grinding herself into my leg and running her hands up and down my chest. I moved my hands to her hips, helping her move seductively to the music. I slowly started rubbing my hands up her back and then back down, making sure to stop before I slid them across her ass. I didn’t want to press my luck. Things had been going so well tonight and I didn’t need her thinking that all I wanted was sex.

  We stayed in the same position, grinding up against each other, for two more songs. I needed a break before my balls turned blue or my dick pressed into her and I totally freaked her out. I looked over and Cam and Cara, who were dancing very inappropriately right next to us. I decided to see if Cam wanted to get a drink.

  “I’m going to grab a drink. Do you need anything, baby girl?” I leaned down and asked her.

  “No, I’m good, thanks,” she replied, her lips brushing across my skin with each word. I looked over at Cam and motioned with my head towards the bar. He said something to Cara and she immediately headed over to dance with Tess.

  “I give you permission to dance with Cara and only Cara. I don’t need to get in a fight tonight. We’ll be right back.” I winked at her and she gave me a little smirk. With that, Cam and I headed to the bar.

  Once we got our drinks, I spotted Tess and Cara on the dance floor. I decided to sit back for a bit before heading back out there. As I was looking around the room, I spotted a strange guy in the sea of people standing around the dance floor. He was watching Tess and Cara dance together and I thought he looked strangely familiar. Just as I was making my move to get a better look at him, a large group of people stepped right in front of my view. When I finally got around them so I could see again, the guy was gone. I scanned the room trying to find him, but he was nowhere to be found. Maybe I was seeing things. I could have sworn I had seen him before, but, then again, I was at a work function and everyone looked familiar.

  I headed back to the bar to find Cam. He was talking to the bartender while he made his drinks. I looked back at where Tess was dancing and she and Cara were both swaying their hips with their hands in the air to “Cruise” by Georgia Florida Line. Cam turned around, drink in hand, just in time to see the girls roll their bodies together and put their arms around each other.

  “Damn, man! How fucking hot is that?” Cam asked, elbowing me in the side.

  “Hot enough that I’m sure if we don’t get back out there, some other guys will be all over them,” I stated, irritated at the thought. Just as the words left my lips, I saw two guys approaching the girls. A douchebag with blonde hair slid behind Tess and snaked his fucking arms around her waist. I noticed she smiled at first and then looked over her shoulder. She was actually pretty pissed when she noticed it wasn’t me. She immediately started looking around for me while she pushed herself out of the asshole’s arms. But he wasn’t letting her go. I saw red instantly. No one was allowed to touch her like that! She was mine.

  My fists balled up at my sides and I quickly made my way over to the dance floor. When I was in ear shot, I could hear Tess telling him to leave her alone.

  “Hey, asshole! I’m pretty sure she just asked you to leave.” I pulled Tess behind me. I glared at him, my jaw in a hard line. I was so fucking pissed—it was all I could do not to pound this jackass.

  “Why don’t you mind your own fucking business? The way she was dancing, she was begging for someone like me to come show her a good time,” he shot back at me, raising his eyebrows in a challenge. I pulled my arm back, ready to punch the asshole in the face, when Tess grabbed my arm.

  “Blake, no, he isn’t worth it! Seriously, just dance with me please,” she pleaded.

  As soon as she touched me, I started to calm down. No woman has ever been able to stop me from a fight like that before. I turned around and stared at her beautiful brown eyes. She wrapped her arms around my waist. “I’m so sorry, Blake. He just came up behind me. I thought he was you until I opened my eyes,” she explained. I could tell she genuinely felt bad for the scene that just unfolded.

  “I know, baby girl, I saw the whole thing. You didn’t break any promises.” I tapped her on the nose and smiled at her. “Are you alright, though? I swear, I will beat the shit out of him for touching you like that. Just say the word.” I really wanted to just punch the guy one time to teach him a les
son—I just needed her to give me the green light.

  “That won’t be necessary. I’m having too much fun and don’t want to be escorted out because you beat the shit out of some guy that tried dancing with me,” she laughed.

  I held her close as the song started to change. The tempo was still fast but I just held her close like we were slow dancing. “Love Somebody” by Maroon 5 started to play and I knew this was my moment to tell her exactly how I was feeling, without actually having to say the words. I had been hearing this song all week in my truck and the lyrics were exactly how I felt about her.

  She had her head buried into my chest and her arms were up around my neck. As the second chorus started, I rested my head on hers and lightly sang the lyrics to her as we danced—praying she would get the message. My favorite line was coming up and I made sure to emphasize it while I sang. I needed her to understand that I would never recover from her if I fell. And I was falling so damn hard.

  I continued singing the rest of the song as we danced slowly to the tempo. My heart was beating so fucking hard I thought it was going to pop out of my chest. I knew I didn’t deserve Tess and I knew she could do so much better than me, but I couldn’t help myself when I was around her. When the song ended, she looked up at me through those amazing lashes of hers and I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. I slid my hand down the curve of her face, down her neck, and then down her arm until I was holding her hand. I could see the trail of goose bumps on her arm where I had touched her. I felt her suck in a deep breath and then she closed her eyes. As the next song started to play, I grabbed her close and started moving us along with the beat.

  Holy shit! My heart beat was racing, my stomach was full of butterflies, and my body was reacting to Blake in ways that I never knew it could. As soon as I heard his deep voice start to sing those lyrics to me, I was done for. The throbbing between my thighs returned in full force and all I wanted to do was kiss him—to make some sort of deeper physical connection. The goose bumps on my arms were a dead giveaway of just how much his touch affected me.


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