Book Read Free

Promise Me Always

Page 29

by Kari March

  Your soon to be husband,


  I wiped away the stray tears that had rolled down my cheeks. I was the luckiest woman in the world! Blake may have had his issues in the past, but now the past is where they would stay. I knew we still had a long road ahead of us and I was sure there would be struggles and heart aches but, above all, there would be love.

  I folded the note back up and placed it on the pillow before reaching for the yellow flower that was labeled with the number one.

  I stared at the note for a second, taking in the words I had just read. Taking a deep breath, I tried to blink away the tears that were threatening to escape. I put the flower down and moved on to the pink daisy that was labeled number two.

  I couldn’t believe what I was reading. In my heart, I had loved Blake since that first time we were together, but I never knew that he felt the same. I couldn’t help but wonder where we would be if we would’ve just pushed aside our fears that day and confessed our true feelings. After setting the flower down, I reach for the final daisy and slowly unfolded the note labeled number three.

  Tears were spilling down my face as I finished reading. I had never felt so much love before in my life. My gaze shifted to my hand—my ring sparkled in the morning light that was pouring through the window. It took on a whole new meaning in my eyes after reading what Blake had wrote. He had put so much thought and energy into this ring and I loved it even more than I already had.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Blake standing in the doorway. His stare was fixed on me. He must have gotten up early so he could work out. He was in nothing but gym shorts and sneakers. Beads of sweat dripped down his chest and I quivered with desire as one rolled down the crevice of his abs.

  “Good morning, sexy,” he said as he sauntered into the room. “I see you got my letter.” He nodded his head to the pillow sitting beside me.

  More tears formed in my eyes as I recalled the beautiful words I had just read. “I did and it was beautiful. Thank you.” The tears spilled over my lashes and he was at my side instantly.

  “I’m hoping those are happy tears,” he said, almost like a question.

  “They are,” I laughed, attempting to wipe them away.

  He leaned down and kissed the watery streaks that were staining my face. “I’ll always be here to kiss away your tears, baby girl.”

  How did he always know just what to say? I grabbed him by the face and kissed him, his light stubble rough against my hands.

  When I pulled away, he looked at me and asked, “Are you ready for one more surprise?”

  “Another one?” I said as I raised my eyebrows at him in shock. He smiled that famous grin that did bad things to my lady parts and I nodded yes, unsure how he was going to top himself.

  He smacked me on the ass, then pushed to his feet. As he headed for the bathroom, he looked over his shoulder at me. “Today starts the first day of the rest of our lives together, so let’s start it off right. Get your sexy ass up and shower with me.”

  I was excited and nervous as we pulled up to the Sweetwater Grill in downtown Steamboat. The restaurant over looked the Yampa River and I remembered floating by it yesterday on our way down the river. I had no idea what Blake had in store, but I knew whatever it was, I would love it.

  “So my surprise is a lunch?” I teased as we got out of the car. Blake looked over and shot me a dirty look before he took my hand.

  “Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. But no matter what it is, you’ll love it,” he said playfully, putting the back of my hand to his lips and kissing it.

  We walked into the restaurant and I immediately liked it. It was contemporary with just a touch of mountain flare. Off to the side, there was a massive lounge with large doors that opened up to a spectacular deck overlooking the river. The dining area itself screamed modern elegance with sleek tables, blue napkins and yellow accents.

  The whole restaurant was packed and I was relieved when Blake told the hostess that we had reservations. She nodded politely, then escorted us through the restaurant to the back where the stairs led to the upper level. Once at the top, we walked through a set of doors and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Standing before me was everyone I loved—Palmer and Cole, Lexi, Avery, Devin, Matt, Cam, and even my parents. Above their heads there was a large white banner with silver hearts and diamond rings that read “Congratulations Tessa and Blake.”

  My eyes pooled with tears as Blake came up behind me. He placed his hand in the small of my back and leaned into me. I could feel his warm breath on my ear and a shiver ran through me.

  “Welcome to your engagement party, baby girl,” he whispered, just before he kissed me on the temple.

  Everyone yelled “Surprise!” as Blake ushered me further into the room. I was still in shock when my parents walked up to us. I couldn’t believe they were here! My dad shook Blake’s hand as my mom embraced me in her arms.

  “Congratulations, darling!” she shouted as she held me at arm’s length. “You’re going to make a beautiful bride.”

  “Awe, thanks, Mom. I can’t believe you guys are here!”

  “We wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” she proclaimed, her eyes twinkling.

  I looked over to see my father staring at me with tears in his eyes. I launched myself at him and he encircled me in his arms. He didn’t say a word and he didn’t need to. I knew he wasn’t good with this sort of thing and the look in his eyes said everything.

  One at a time, people congratulated us. Matt, Cole, Cam and Devin came up and shook Blake’s hand and slapped him on the back while Avery, Palmer and Lexi admired my ring.

  “Holy mother of diamonds!” Lexi shrieked. “It’s stunning!” She wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me as she jumped up and down like a little school girl. “Tess, you’re getting married! Eek, I have so many ideas. You have to let me help you with it!”

  Lex loved weddings. She always said they were the perfect ending to the perfect fairytale. She had been dreaming of hers since she was five and that was probably one of the main reasons she was aspiring to be a wedding planner.

  “Like I would let anyone else plan it for me!” I said as she released me from her hold.

  I looked over at Blake and he was talking with his mother. I had met her a few weeks back when she invited us over for dinner. When she saw me looking at them, she walked over to me and gave me the biggest hug.

  “Thank you, Tess,” she softly said. She pulled away and I saw a tear roll down her face. “You make him happier than I have ever seen him. He’s my baby boy and he’s lucky to have found you. Take care of him.”

  “I promise I will,” I reassured her and she walked away, wiping the tear from her face.

  The rest of the afternoon was seamless. I still couldn’t believe Blake had thrown all this together! I was so grateful to all of our family and friends for coming all the way up here to celebrate with us. I was relaxing out on the massive deck, soaking up the summer sun as I looked around at everyone that meant so much to me, when my phone chirped. I looked down and saw a new text from Cara.

  Congratulations hooker!! Sorry I’m not there but I wasn’t ready to face Cam and Amber again.

  I was happy to hear from her, so I quickly sent her a reply back.

  No problem lady! Wish u were here 2 but I understand. How’s Nolan?

  I still couldn’t believe Cara was with someone else. She loved Cam—I knew it, even if she was too scared to admit it to herself. A few seconds later she replied back.

  We’ll celebrate when you get back. Nolan and I are done. I’ll explain later. Luv u!

  While I missed Cara terribly, I totally understood why she didn’t come. After the crap that happened on the Fourth of July, I wouldn’t have come either. All the drama with Matt and Lexi that night had already put me on edge and then I overheard Amber talking about Cara and I snapped. Cara must have heard what she was saying, too, because the next thing I knew, she was in Amber’s face, yelling and screaming
while she tried her hardest not to hit her.

  The things Amber said about Cara that night made me completely sick and, the fact that Cam didn’t tell her to shut up, pissed me the hell off. Before I even knew what I was doing, I was laying into Cam with everything I had. I was actually very surprised Cam had actually shown up for this party. I never got the chance to apologize for going off on him the way I did and I was starting to feel a little guilty about it. After all, he was one of Blake’s best friends. I made a mental note to tell him I was sorry before he left.

  I tucked my phone back into my purse, just as my father took a seat beside me. He was sipping on a beer and he looked calm.

  “Hey, Daddy,” I said as he scooted his chair over so he was right next to me. He didn’t speak—he just stared out at the familiar faces with me.

  My eyes wondered from person to person until I spotted Blake. He was standing on the other side of the deck talking to Matt and Devin. He looked at ease, smiling and laughing, almost like the weight of the world had been lifted off of his shoulders. Seeing him so carefree and untroubled was hypnotizing and as I got lost in him, the rest of the room faded into the background. He must have felt my stare on him because his eyes quickly found mine. He smiled and butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

  “I can tell he loves you,” my dad said, pulling me from my moment. I turned my head and looked at him. “I can tell because when he looks at you, it’s like you’re the only person in the room.”

  I returned my gaze back to Blake and he winked at me before returning his attention to the guys. Suddenly, I felt the familiar weight of my father’s hand on mine. I glanced in his direction, as tears formed in my eyes.

  “There is nothing more terrifying for a man than giving his heart away, but when the woman he gave it to keeps it safe, there is nothing in life more satisfying. Protect his heart, Tess, and trust he will keep yours safe as well.” A tear rolled down my cheek at my dad’s advice. He was never one with words, but what he said struck me in my heart. For a man that didn’t like to talk, he couldn’t have spoken more perfectly.

  He pulled me to him and hugged me tight before he stood and walked away.

  It had been a long and exhilarating day. After the amazing engagement party, the women went shopping while the guys sat at the bar and watched the first Bronco pre-season football game of the year. We all met for a late dinner before saying goodbye to our family and friends. We finally made it back to the house around ten and I was ready to spend the remainder of the evening tangled up in the sheets with Blake.

  I was sad and, at the same time, excited to leave Steamboat in the morning. I didn’t want this weekend to end—it had been more than I could have ever asked for. But I was so thrilled to start the next part of our journey together and that would start once we got home.

  After changing into some comfortable clothes, we opened a bottle of wine and went out on the giant deck that overlooked the city. Thousands of lights twinkled below us while the stars shone brightly above and it was nothing less than spectacular.

  I was leaning against the railing, taking it all in, when Blake came up behind me. His strong, tattooed arm coiled around my waist while his other hand held my hair as he kissed the back of my neck. I tilted my head forward, giving him better access, and I let out a quiet moan when I felt his hard-on growing behind me.

  Slowly, his hand traveled under my tank top and to my breast. He cupped it and squeezed gently before pinching my nipple between his fingers.

  “I want you, Tess. Here… now,” he murmured in my ear.

  A surge of adrenaline coursed through me at the idea of being taken out in the open. I didn’t think anyone could see us, but the thought that someone could turned me on. I spun around so I was facing him and he crashed his lips to mine. He kissed me with such urgency and force that I nearly combusted on the spot.

  Grabbing the hem of his shirt, I lifted it up and over his head, breaking the kiss, and tossed it aside. I gradually ran my hands down the delectable muscles of his chest and kissed every inch of his beautiful tattoo. Little by little, I brushed my lips down his breathtaking abs, finally stopping when I made it to his fuck lines.

  Taking my time, I ran my tongue down the right side of the mouth watering ‘V’, pulling his shorts down with me and releasing his erection. Taking him in my hand, I ran my tongue down the length of him, then swirled around his tip before seizing him with my mouth. His hands tangled in my hair as he helped me slide back and forth on his cock. He released a deep growl when I reached around and grabbed his ass, pulling him further into me. I felt him twitching and I knew he was close. He tried to stop me before he came, but I kept going, sucking harder until he called out my name. The salty taste of him filled my mouth and slid down my throat.

  “Now it’s your turn, baby girl,” he said in a deep, soft voice.

  He helped me to my feet and then kneeled before me. His fingers found the waist band of my shorts and he slowly pulled them down as he ran kisses across my stomach, over to my hip and then down to the inside of my thigh. Using the pad of his thumb, he rubbed soft circles around my sensitive nub before pushing two fingers deep inside me. My head fell back and a faint whimper escaped my lips as I pushed my hips forward meeting his hand.

  “God, I love how wet you are for me,” he uttered.

  I couldn’t believe how my body reacted to him—my knees were starting to shake and he had barely touched me. He must have noticed the trembling because, the next thing I knew, I was in his arms and he was carrying me over to one of the oversized lounge chairs. He laid me down on the edge and spread me wide. As soon as his mouth was on me, I cried out his name in bliss. I clenched my hands in his hair as his tongue slid in and out of my folds in a rhythmic motion. He sucked on my clit and pumped his fingers in and out of me faster and faster. My hips bucked up, meeting his movements, and I was close.

  “Don’t stop,” I mumbled in between moans and, with one more swipe of his tongue, I came undone, my body trembling from the mind-blowing climax.

  Blake wasted no time crawling over me, trailing feather light kisses up my torso. He removed my shirt and sprawled his warm body over mine, his mouth finding my breast. His five o’clock shadow was rough and it pricked my sensitive skin—a feeling I had come to love.

  I thrust my hips upward to find some release from the pulsing of my sex, as I dug my nails into his back. A loud rumble reverberated from the clouds above, matching the low masculine groans coming from Blake’s chest.

  “Please…” I cried out.

  “Please what, baby girl?” he said in a sexy, demanding voice. He took one of my taut buds between his teeth and bit down, causing a rush of lust to move through me.

  “Jesus, Blake! I want to feel you. I need your cock in me, please!” I begged and he released my nipple, licking it to ease the pain.

  “See, it isn’t that hard to tell me what you want. Is it?” he teased as he sat up, bringing me with him. “I want you to ride me, baby girl, hard.”

  He lay down, resting against the reclined back of the lounge chair, his hands behind his head.

  “Fuck it,” he demanded as he looked down at his hard on and then back up at me.

  He looked so fucking sexy lying like that and the tone in is voice sent chills down my spine. Biting my lower lip, I crawled over him, making sure to rub my breasts along his body as I went. Another thunderous grumble rolled through the sky as I sank down on to him.

  “God, I love the way you fill me,” I whimpered as he placed his hands on my ass. I rocked my hips into him slowly, soaking up the sensation of being stretched to the max.

  “Fuck, Tess, you feel incredible!”

  With another crack of thunder, the sky opened up and drops of rain started falling to the ground. The cool water felt exhilarating as it hit my warm skin. Placing my hands on Blake’s chest for support, I sat up straight and I watched as water pooled in the contours of his abs. The rain was coming down harder and we were both soaked. Beads of
water trickled down my back and in-between my breasts.

  Blake dug his fingers into my fleshy backside as he forcefully moved me back and forth on his cock. Letting my head fall back, I reached up and played with my nipples as I cried out his name.

  “Goddamn, you are fucking sexy! I want you to come all over me, baby girl,” he groaned as he moved me faster.

  We were both building—I could feel my pussy tightening as his cock began to twitch. The rain cascaded over us like a water fall and it was the most romantic, yet erotic thing I had ever experienced. Needing to watch him as he came, I found his gaze. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down to him as we both fell apart. My orgasm ripped through me in waves and we both cried out in ecstasy.

  As we both came down from our highs, Blake reached up and pushed a piece of wet hair from my face before he kissed me. My body was shivering and I couldn’t tell if it was from the cold rain beating against my back, the phenomenal orgasm Blake just gave me, or a mixture of both. But before I could figure it out, Blake was carrying me inside.

  He quickly took me down the hallway and into the bedroom, placing me in front of the massive fireplace. Grabbing a blanket from the foot of the bed, he placed it around me and, with the flick of a switch, the fire came to life.

  “You’re freezing, baby girl. Stay here and warm up. I’ll be right back.” He kissed the top of my head and walked out of the room.

  After a few moments, the trembling stopped as the warmth of the fire spread through me; exhaustion set in. Keeping the blanket around me, I padded into the bathroom, combed my hair and secured it in a ponytail. I brushed my teeth quickly, too exhausted to do anything more than the basic dental hygiene.

  I was crawling into bed just as Blake returned. In his hands, he carried two mugs of warm tea. He handed me one and I took a sip. The warm fluid felt amazing as it warmed my belly.

  I watched Blake as he glided across the room, so carefree and effervescent; it was like he woke up this morning a new person and I hadn’t been able to tear my gaze from him all day. When he caught me staring, I noticed his eyes had a fresh sparkle to them. Just before he walked into the bathroom, he winked at me.


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