Isabella and the Strange Death of Edward II

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Isabella and the Strange Death of Edward II Page 23

by Paul Doherty

  C. Bibliotheque Nationale

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  MS. 751

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  H. Society of Antiquaries

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  I. Trinity College, Cambridge

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  Chronicon Abbatiae Ramesiensis, ed. W. Mackay (London, Rolls Series, 1886)

  Chronicon Galfredi le Baker de Swynbroke, ed. E. M. Thompson (Oxford, 1889)

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  Chronique de Jean le Bel, ed. J. Viard and E. Deprez, I (Société de l’Histoire de France, Paris, 1904)

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  Chronique Parisenne Anonyme de 1316 a 1339, ed. A. Hellot, XI (Memoires de la Société d’Histoire de Paris)

  Chroniques de London, ed. C. J. Aungier (Camden Society, 1844)

  Chronographia Regum Francorum, ed. H. Moranville, I (Société d’Histoire de France, Paris, 1891)

  Cronijke Van Nederlandt, ed. Charles Piot (Brussels, 1897)

  Flores Historiarum, ed. H. R. Luard, III (Rolls Series, London, 1890)

  Gesta Edwardi de Caernarvon Auctore Canonico Bridlingtoniensi, ed. W. Stubbs (Rolls Series, London, 1882–3)

  Les Grandes Chroniques de la France, ed. M. Paulin, V (Paris, 1837)

  Historia Dunelmensis Scriptores Tres, ed. J. Raine, I (Surtees Society, Edinburgh, 1939)

  Historiae Anglicanae Decem Scriptores, ed. R. Twysden (London, 1652)

  Historia Roffensis printed in Anglia Sacra, ed. H. Wharton, I. (London, 1691)

  Johannis de Trokelowe et Henrici de Blandeford Chronica et Annales, ed. H. T. Riley (Rolls Series, London, 1866)

  Le Livere de reis de Brittanie, ed. J. Glover (Rolls Series, London, 1865)

  Nicolai Triveti Annalium Continuatio, ed. A. Hall (Oxford, 1722) Oeuvres de Froissart, ed. Kervyn de Lettenhove, II (Brussels, 1867)

  The Polychronicon of Ranulph Higden, ed. C. Babington and J. R. Lumby, VIII (Rolls Series, London, 1865–86)

  Receuil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France, ed. M. de Wailly, XX, XXI (Paris, 1855)

  Receuil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France, ed. M. de Wailly, Delisle et Jourdain, XXII, XXIII (Paris, 1855–76)

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  ‘Scalacronica’, ed. H. R. Maxwell, Scot. Hist. Rev. III (1905–6), IV (1906–7)

  Vraves Chroniques de Jean le Bel, ed. M. L. Polain, I (Brussels, 1863)

  Walsingham, Thomas, Historia Anglicana, ed. H. T. Riley, I (Rolls Series, 1863)

  Willelmi Cappellani in Brederode postea Monachi et Procuratoris Egmundensis Chronicon, ed. C. Pijnacker Hondyk, XX (Historisch Genootschap, 3rd Series, Amsterdam, 1904)

  B Published and Calendared Documents

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  Calendar of Charter Rolls

  Calendar of Close Rolls

  Calendar of Documents Relating to Scotland, ed. J. Bain, III (Edinburgh, 1887)

  Calendar of Fine Rolls

  Calendar of Letterbooks Preserved among the Archives of the Corporation of the City of London, 1275–1498, ed. R. Sharpe, Books ‘D’ and ‘E’ (London, 1899–1912)

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  Tout, T. F., ‘The Captivity and Death of Edward of Caernarvon’, Collected Papers of Thomas Frederick Tout, III (Manchester, 1934)

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  Williams, G.A., Medieval London, from Commune to Capital (University of London, 1970)

  Wood, Anthony, History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford, ed. J. Gutch, I (Oxford, 1729)


  Adam (illegitimate child of Edward II) 35

  Aldenhan, Roger de 48

  Annals of St Paul 128

  ‘Anointed Ones’ of Westminster 3

  Arnold, Cardinal 54

  Arthurian legends 20, 112, 144–5, 177

  Articles of Deposition 23, 111

  Arundel, Earl of 71

  Aylmer, William 115, 123–5, 219

  Badlesmere, Bartholomew 68, 70, 71, 74

  Baldock, Robert 195

  Bannockburn, Battle of 59–60

  Baret, Lady 75

  Baret, Stephen 75

  Bayouse, Bogo 152, 163, 201

  Beaukaire, William 137, 222

  Beaumont, Henry 49, 79, 149

  Beaumont, Louis de 61–2, 78

  Bec, Anthony 40, 61

  Becket’s tomb, pilgrimage to 2, 25, 50, 170

  Bellers, Robert 89

  Benedetti, Anna 189–92

  Beresford, Simon de 158, 161, 163, 164, 196, 197

  Berkeley Castle 116, 118, 120–1, 122, 142, 198

  Berkeley, Maurice 72, 81

  Berkeley, Thomas

  after escape of Edward II 221

  carries out repairs to castle 122–3

  excuses for death of Edward II 129–30, 164–6, 230–2

  is keeper of Edward II 115–16, 137, 138

reatment after fall of Mortimer 158, 168

  Betton, Richard de 86

  Black Prince 175, 177

  Bliton, Richard 93

  Blunt, Sir Thomas 112

  Bohun, Humphrey 158

  Bohun, William 158

  Boniface VIII, Pope 13, 17

  Braose, William de 29

  Bridlington Chronicle 129

  Brotherton, Thomas (Earl of Norfolk) 90, 145, 175, 194

  Bruce, David 142, 175

  Bruce, Robert (Robert the Bruce)

  against Edward I 8, 19–20, 32

  against Edward II 51, 61, 76

  attempts to capture Isabella 62

  at Battle of Bannockburn 59

  on Edward II 40

  invades Ireland 85

  long campaign of 50

  secret agreement with Isabella 108

  victory of 142

  Brut Chronicle 151, 185, 221, 227, 228

  Burghesh, Henry 157, 161

  Bury, Richard 157, 158

  Butler, James 202

  Cambridge University 5

  Canterbury Tales (Chaucer) 2

  Catholic Church 6–7

  see also Boniface VIII, Pope; Clement V, Pope; John XXII, Pope;

  Urban V, Pope Cecime Sopra

  Voghera 190

  Celano, Thomas de 1

  Charles IV, King of France (Isabella’s brother) 64, 79, 80, 83, 88, 89, 97

  Charnay, Geoffrey de 58

  Chaucer, Geoffrey 2, 20, 21, 208

  Chronicles of Edward II (Stubbs) 189

  Church 6–7, 157–8

  civil war (1321) 69–81, 85–6

  Clement V, Pope 18, 41, 55, 58

  Clinton, William 158

  Corfe Castle 146, 151, 152, 200, 201–2

  coronation of Edward II 45–6

  Culpepper, Walter 71

  Cuttino, G. P. 191–2

  Cysterne, Robert de 23

  Darel, Edmund 63–4

  de Spencer see Spencer

  Deaux, Gaucelm de 188–9

  Deverel, John 152, 163, 201

  Donald of Mar 116

  Douglas, Earl of 177–8

  Douglas, James 62

  Dubois, Peter 12

  Dunheved gang 115, 121–5, 217–19

  Dunheved, Stephen 115, 124, 150

  Dunheved, Thomas 88, 115, 124, 217, 231

  Durell, Sir Richard 167

  Eaglescliffe, John 139

  Eastry, Henry 103

  Eastwick, John 140

  Edmund of Kent see Kent, Edmund Earl of

  Eduardo II (Benedetti) 190

  Edward I, King

  against marriage of Edward and Isabella 15–16, 17, 18–19, 32


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