Isabella and the Strange Death of Edward II

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Isabella and the Strange Death of Edward II Page 24

by Paul Doherty

  and the Catholic Church 7

  death of 20, 33, 38–9

  desire for united realm 3–4, 7–9

  funeral of 40

  marries Margaret 13, 15, 17, 25

  relationship with son (Edward II) 26–30

  Edward II, King

  abdicates (1327) 112

  after escape from Berkeley Castle 233–6

  against marriage to Isabella 32, 42

  anniversary Mass for 131

  at Battle of Bannockburn 59–60

  becomes King 36

  becomes Prince of Wales 26–7

  betrothed to Isabella 13, 15–16, 18

  bribes French Court 88

  at Bury St Edmunds monastery 25–6

  and Catholic Church 7

  character of 23–5, 28–9, 30–1, 51, 235–6

  childhood of 23–4

  children of 35, 54, 60, 62, 67, 80, 95, 109, 120, 133, 142, 175

  coronation of 45–6

  corpse embalmed 223–4

  correspondence with Isabella 77, 78, 81, 83, 96–7

  cut off by Edward I 29–30

  death faked by Isabella and Mortimer 220–5

  death of 127–31, 133–4, 136, 138, 142

  deposed (1327) 109–12

  escapes from Berkeley Castle 122–3

  flees to Wales (1326) 91, 92, 93

  freed from Berkeley Castle by Dunheved gang 217–19, 224

  funeral 135–40

  ill-treatment during imprisonment 118–20, 133, 225, 233

  ill-treatment of Isabella (1308) 47–8

  illegitimate child of 35

  imprisonment of 107–8, 114–21, 123, 125–6

  influenced by de Spencer 65, 74, 75, 78

  Kent conspiracy and 146–53

  knighted 32

  letter to Charles IV 97–8

  loses support 89–91, 91–2

  marriage to Isabella 19, 43–4, 94

  physical appearance of 35

  popularity in Wales 219

  pursued by Isabella 92–3

  relationship with barons 36, 39, 46–7, 51–3, 59, 67–8

  relationship with father (Edward I) 26–30

  relationship with Isabella 54, 60, 63, 78–9, 82–3, 88, 94–9, 101–2

  relationship with Piers Gaveston 25, 27, 28, 33, 36–9, 43, 44, 45–8, 65, 98

  rumoured still alive 184–215

  Scottish campaign of 25–6, 30, 50, 51

  seeks divorce 88

  sexuality of 37, 98

  strategic ability of 70, 72

  support for (after imprisonment) 114

  surrenders to Henry of Lancaster 94

  and Templar Order 41–2, 43, 55

  tomb of 35, 140–1, 169–70

  visits France (1313) 55–6

  Edward III, King

  birth of 54–5

  blackmailed by Fieschi 210–15

  claim to French throne 175

  correspondence with Pope John XXII 149, 150, 157–8

  crowned (1327) 112

  diplomatic ability of 156–8

  doubts about father’s death 215

  during minority 172

  goes to France (1325) 82

  increase in power of 158

  marries Philippa of Hainault 141–2

  and Mortimer 155–6, 158–62

  peace treaty with Scotland (1328) 142

  policy towards foreign clerics 210

  pursues Gurney 166–9, 196, 232–3

  relationship with Isabella 143–4, 158, 159, 171, 172, 177

  Eland, Robert 160

  Eleanor of Aquitaine 22

  Eleanor of Castile (Edward II’s mother) 23, 30–1

  Eleanor (Edward and Isabella’s daughter) 62, 120, 175

  Eltham, John of (Edward and Isabella’s son) 11, 60, 109, 120, 175, 179

  English Church 6–7

  Falaise, John 49

  Felton, John 93

  Ferre, Sir Guy 23

  Fieschi, Carlo 189

  Fieschi, Manuel 185–9, 192–215, 231–2

  Flanders war (1302) 17

  Folvill gang 81

  Foriz, Gregory 125

  Froissart, John 113, 142

  Gascelyn, Edmund 115

  Gascony, Duchy of 8–9, 12–14, 79, 80, 146, 191

  Gaveston, Piers

  burial of 56–7

  daughter of 37, 50

  execution (1312) 53, 69

  made Earl of Cornwall 39

  made Regent in Ireland 48

  marries 37, 39

  opposed by Philip IV 47–8, 49

  relationship with Edward II 25, 27, 28, 33, 36–9, 43, 44, 45–8, 65, 98

  relationship with Isabella 50, 94–5

  Germain, Alexandre 189

  Giles of Spain 166–7

  Gilles, Archbishop of Narbonne 18

  Gisors, John de 86

  Glanville, Hugh 137, 165, 199, 222–3, 224

  Gloucester Cathedral 134, 135, 138–9, 140, 169

  tomb of Edward II at 35, 140–1, 169–70

  Got, Bertrand de see Clement V, Pope

  government see Parliament

  Gravesend, Stephen 147, 226, 227, 228

  Grey, Thomas de 76–7

  Griffith, Howel Ap 127, 219

  Gurney, Thomas

  after escape of Edward II 221, 225

  favoured by Isabella 134

  is custodian of Edward II 117

  named as assassin of Edward II 129, 165

  on plaque at Melazzo de Acqui 190

  pursued by Edward III 166–9, 196, 230, 232–3

  reports death of Edward II 133–4

  warrant for arrest of 163, 164

  Hainault, John of 109

  Hainault, Philippa of 141–2, 146

  Hainault, William Count of 89

  Harclay, Andrew 72, 73, 76

  Hastings, Isabella 80

  Hastings, John de 145

  Haye, Thomas 115

  Henry II, King 22

  Hereford, Earl of 36, 72–3

  Hert, Walter 176

  Hethe, Hamo de 99, 114

  Higden 129, 131

  Hinkley, John 87

  Holcott, Robert 172

  Howell, Robert 146

  Hull, William 115

  Ingham, Oliver 158

  Isabella, Queen

  anger at Earl of Kent 153, 228–9

  arranges Edward II’s funeral 136–7, 138–9

  arranges Gascony truce 81

  arrives in England (1308) 44–5

  betrothed to Edward 13, 15–16, 18

  character of 20, 52, 83, 102–3

  childhood of 16–17

  children of 35, 54, 60, 62, 67, 80, 95, 109, 120, 133, 142, 175

  at coronation of Edward III 112–13

  coronation of 45–6

  correspondence with Edward II 77, 78, 81, 83, 96–7

  death of 178

  disapproved of by Pope John XXII 145, 150, 155, 157

  dresses as widow 82–3, 111, 135, 140

  at execution of de Spencer 106

  and Fieschi 207–9, 211

  in France (1325–1326) 81–5, 88–90

  funeral of 178–9

  given Great Seal 71

  greed of 113

  at Hainault 89

  health 56, 57

  ill-treatment by Edward (1308) 47–8

  increase in power of 48–50, 62

  invades England (1326) 90–1

  love of music 176

  madness of 173–4

  marriage to Edward 19, 43–4, 94

  nearly captured by Scots 62–4, 76–8

  opposes Lancaster 61–2

  parents 11–12, 14, 16

  physical appearance of 11

  piety of 175–6

  possible pregnancy by Mortimer 145, 156

  pursues Edward 92–3

  relationship with de Spencer the Younger 66, 75–80, 83, 95–6, 99, 100–2

  relationship with Edward II 54, 60, 63, 78–9, 82�
��3, 88, 94–9, 101–2

  relationship with Edward III 143–4, 158, 159, 171, 172, 177

  relationship with Gaveston 50, 94–5

  relationship with Mortimer of Wigmore 84–5, 87–8, 102

  role after death of Mortimer 171–2, 173–8

  role in civil war (1321) 72

  sets up government in Paris 83

  and silken purses scandal 57, 58–9

  support from Pope John XXII 88–9

  tomb of 179

  under house arrest 162, 171, 173–4

  visits France (1313) 55–6

  visits France (1314) 57

  withdraws from court 142–3

  Johanna (Edward and Isabella’s daughter) 67, 120, 142, 175, 177

  John of Eltham (Edward and Isabella’s son) 11, 60, 109, 120, 175, 179

  John of Nottingham 80–1

  John XXII, Pope

  against de Spencer 81

  correspondence with Edward III 149, 150, 157–8

  disapproves of Isabella and Mortimer 145, 150, 155, 157

  on Edward II’s funeral 149–50, 225

  in Fieschi story 190, 204, 231

  and Kent conspiracy 147, 148, 149–50, 209, 226, 229, 231

  supports Isabella 88–9

  Kedyngton 48

  Kenilworth, Edward II held at 114–15, 118

  Kent, Edmund Earl of

  conspiracy 146–53, 163, 202, 226–30

  in Fieschi’s letter 202

  in Isabella’s Paris government 83

  military role of 71, 80

  Kingsclere, William of 167

  Knighton 21

  Knight’s Tale, The (Chaucer) 20

  La Tour Landry 20–1

  Lancaster, Alice 75

  Lancaster, Henry Earl of

  against Isabella and Mortimer 143, 144, 159, 161–2

  captures Edward II 93

  claim to throne 112

  connection with Dunheved gang 125

  holds Edward II in custody 107

  joins Isabella’s invasion 90

  receives Great Seal 108

  sympathy for Edward II 109, 115

  tries de Spencer 106

  Lancaster, Thomas Earl of 36, 49, 50, 51, 53, 59, 60, 61–2

  accused of treachery 63

  against Hugh de Spencer the Elder 65

  against Hugh de Spencer the Younger 70

  demands exile of de Spencers 67

  execution of 72–3

  ignored by Edward II 36

  opposed by Isabella 61–2

  opposes Edward II 49, 50, 51, 59

  opposes Gaveston 53

  seizes power after Bannockburn 60


  marginalization of 143

  persecution of 74, 144

  Lanercost Chronicle 135

  Langton, Walter 28, 29, 30, 40, 48

  Launge, Jean 54, 80

  Lawrence, Master 176, 178

  Leeds Castle, seizure of 69, 70–1

  Leygrave, Alice 23


  expansion of 4

  rebellion in (1326) 108–9

  Louis, Count of Evreux 25, 28, 45, 54

  Louis XVI, King 58

  Lyman, Thomas W. 191

  Maltravers, Agnes 166

  Maltravers, Sir John 115, 116–17, 129, 138, 152, 163, 164, 165, 166, 201

  Margaret, Queen 13, 15, 17, 25, 47, 48–9, 62

  Marie Antoinette 58

  Martin, John 166

  Mathilda, Empress 22

  Meaux Chronicle 37, 131

  Melazzo de Acqui (castle) 190

  Melton, William 114, 142, 147, 150–1, 226–7, 227–8

  millennium, medieval view of 1

  Molay, Jacques de 41, 55, 57–8, 175

  Monmouth, Richard 161

  Montague, William 157, 159–61

  Mortimer of Chirk, Roger 75

  in Wales 7, 65, 70, 72, 85–6

  Mortimer, Margaret 88

  Mortimer, Mathilda 30–1

  Mortimer, Roger Third Earl of March 145, 177

  Mortimer of Wigmore, Roger

  bribes Fieschi 207–9

  captured at Nottingham Castle 160–1

  claim on kingdom 112

  created Earl of March 144

  on deposition of Edward II 110

  Edward II against 72

  and Edward III 155–6, 158–62

  escapes from Tower 86–7

  execution of 163

  increase in power of 144–6, 156

  invades England (1326) 90–1

  and Kent conspiracy 228, 229–30

  mourning dress of 140

  and Pope John XXII 145, 150, 155, 157

  power in Wales 7, 65, 70, 126, 128, 219–20

  relationship with Isabella 84–5, 87–8, 102

  relies on Isabella’s power 111

  trial of 162

  tries de Spencer 106

  withdraws from court 142–3

  Morton, John 115

  Murimouth, Adam 117, 129, 131, 137, 158, 222

  Neville, John 158

  Nigra, Constantino 189

  Norfolk, Earl of 90, 145, 175, 194

  Nottingham Castle 159, 160–1

  Ockle, William

  after escape of Edward II 220, 221, 225

  favoured by Isabella 134

  and Fieschi letter 196

  flees after death of Edward II 163, 166

  named as assassin of Edward II 129, 165

  possible ‘William the Welshman’ 213–14

  warrant for arrest of 163, 164

  Orleton, Adam 86, 91, 110, 114, 130, 157

  Oxford University 5, 91

  Paris, Matthew 130


  deposes Edward II 109–12

  development of 5–6, 180

  Pembroke, Agnes 177

  Pembroke, Earl of 70, 71

  Pessagno 57

  Philip IV, King of France (Isabella’s father) 9

  attacks Templar Order 19, 41, 55, 57–8, 59

  death of 58

  foreign strategy of 12, 14

  at Isabella’s wedding 44

  mediates in England (1312) 53–6

  opposes Gaveston 47–8, 49

  wants marriage with Edward 14–16, 18, 42

  pilgrimages, medieval 2, 25, 50, 170

  Polychronicon 129, 131

  Pretender, the 60–1

  Rawnsley, H. D. 190

  Reading, John of 129

  Reading, Simon of 94, 106

  Reynolds, Walter 40, 57, 64, 70, 76, 92, 103, 111

  Rhymer, Richard 24

  Richard II, King 169–70, 180, 183

  Richmond, Earl of 70, 71, 76, 83

  Robert the Bruce see Bruce, Robert

  Rosseleti, Ralph de 47

  Rosslyn, Thomas 149

  Russell, William 115

  St Alberto of Butrio (monastery) 190–2

  Sapy, Robert 89

  Savage, Edmund 146, 151–2


  Edward I’s campaign against 7–8, 19–20, 25, 26, 27, 32–3, 40, 50, 51, 59, 60

  Edward II’s campaign against 32–3, 40, 50, 51, 59, 60, 76, 121

  forces attack northern England 62–3

  Isabella and Mortimer’s campaign against 121

  peace treaty (1328) 141, 142, 149

  Shalford, William 126–8, 220

  Smyth of Nibley 222

  Somerton, William 66–7, 87

  Sparpaglione, Dominicoe 192

  Spencer, de (family) 113

  Spencer, Eleanor de 80, 101

  Spencer, Hugh de (the Elder) 7, 54, 65, 67, 72, 82, 92–3

  Spencer, Hugh de (the Younger)

  against barons 70, 72, 74, 82

  alienates the Lords Spiritual 86

  becomes new favourite 65–8

  bribes French Court 88

  execution of 105–6

  influence over Edward II 65, 74, 75, 78

  knighted (1306) 85

  loses s
upport 89–91

  Orleton on 91

  and Pope John XXII 81

  price on head of 92

  relationship with Isabella 66, 75–80, 83, 95–6, 99, 100–2

  treatment of women 75

  trial of 74, 106

  in Wales 7, 85, 94

  Spicer, John de 167

  Stapleton, Walter 82, 84, 86, 88, 92

  Stefano, Zerba 192

  Stone of Scone 143–4

  Stratford, John 110, 111, 210

  Strickland, Agnes 173

  Stubbs, William 189

  Sully, Henry de 77

  Surrey, Earl of 36, 71

  Swynbroke 110, 118–19, 129, 130, 131, 156, 160, 167, 197

  Swynnerton, Roger 76

  Tanquerery 122

  Taunton, Robert 149, 150, 227

  Templar Order

  attacked by Philip IV 19, 41, 55, 57–8, 59

  Edward II and 41–2, 43, 55

  Theobald (Isabella’s doctor) 80

  Thomas of Brotherton 71

  Thomason, Nicholas 178

  Three Kings at Cologne (shrine) 205

  Tilley, John 167

  Tour de Nesle scandal 89

  Tout, T. F. 23, 127, 189

  Treaty of Paris (1259) 13

  Trevisa, John 129

  Trussel, William 112

  Turin Museum of Art 191

  Turplington, Sir Hugh 161

  Tweng, Sir William 167, 168

  Ufford, Robert 158

  Urban V, Pope 189

  Valence, Agnes de 28

  Valence, Aymer de 36, 52–3

  Valois, Charles de 84, 87, 147

  Vescy, de (family) 89

  Vescy, Isabella de 49, 61

  Vita Edwardi Secundi 37


  conquered by Edward I 7

  de Spencer in 7, 85, 94

  Edward II flees to (1326) 91, 92, 93

  Edward II’s popularity in 219

  Mortimer’s power in 7, 65, 70, 126, 128, 219–20

  Wallace, William 8

  Walsingham 167, 219

  Walwayn, John 122, 125, 149, 209, 217–18, 229

  Ward, Simon 72, 73

  Warwick, Earl of 36

  Westminster Abbey, statue of Isabella 179

  Wife of Bath’s Tale (Chaucer) 21–2

  William of Nogaret 12

  ‘William the Welshman’ 213–14, 233–4

  Wisham, John 158

  Wishart, Archbishop 8

  women, medieval view of 20–2

  Wyville, Robert 158




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