The Virgin Heiress: A Billionaire & Virgin Romance

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The Virgin Heiress: A Billionaire & Virgin Romance Page 4

by Virginia Sexton

  I let him draw me into another kiss, this one lasting for what felt like hours. Together, alone in the quiet facility, I could have kept my lips locked to his all night. I feel his tongue slip into my mouth and moan, my legs losing their strength. His arms clasp around my waist, keeping me from sinking to the floor. My warmth aches for his touch, for the relief it’s been waiting to experience for far too long.

  The kiss might well have lasted all night — I’ll never know, because eventually the phone rings, breaking the spell. We laugh softly for a second before I sigh and wander over to answer.

  “Lexington Center,” I say after clearing my throat. I sit down at the desk and shake the mouse to wake up the computer. Colin grins, watching me in action, leaning against the wall as I take a request for an overnight cleanup at a restaurant that suffered a burst water pipe.

  “Sure, Mr. Alvarez. I think I know who to call for that. I’ll send her your information right away. If I can’t get anyone, I’ll let you know within the hour… You’re welcome… Bye!”

  I turn to Colin, who’s grinning like he just won a bet. “What?” I ask.

  “Oh, nothing. I’ve just always had a thing for sexy secretaries,” he replies.

  “Should I be worried, Mr. Legend? I’m sure a man in your position could hire quite the stunner.”

  He laughs hard at that. “You mean Clark? He is handsome, no doubt. But he’s not my type.”

  Scoffing, I ask, “You hired a guy secretary?”

  Colin shrugs. “It was a favor for a friend of mine. He does a pretty good job. Why, you thinking of a career in entertainment management?”

  “I’ll consider it. Now give me a minute, I need to make those calls.”

  He winks and takes a seat across the desk from me. I dial Nadine, who operates a water and fire damage cleaning service. Luckily for us, her ex-husband has her children for the weekend, and she’s available for the job.

  “No, thank you, Nadine… You have the address? Great, you can head over now… All right, see you then.” I hang up and pump my fist. “Mr. Alvarez will be happy. He calls us for hiring a lot, so he’s a big supporter of the center.”

  Colin nods, a proud look on his face. “It’s not surprising. You seem to run a very dependable operation.”

  “Thanks. We do our best.” I smile. “Now, where were we?”

  Colin rolls his chair forward until he can wrap his hands around mine. “I think I had asked you to tell me everything about yourself. Did we get to that yet?”

  “Everything, huh? Where should I start? I mean, there’s the names of all my favorite teachers, starting in first grade and up through college. I could tell you my top ten Ryan Gosling movies. Or how about my biggest Twitter pet peeves?”

  He shakes his head. “No. Start with your dirtiest sexual fantasies.”

  His request hits me so unexpectedly, I nearly fall out of my chair. Planting my feet on the ground, I try to respond, but my throat goes dry.

  “My… fantasies?”

  “Susie, I’m going to make your first time unforgettable. Maybe forget the dirtiest fantasies. Tell me how you picture your perfect first time.”

  “Okay, that’s better,” I say. “I didn’t really want my first time to be in an airplane restroom.”

  Colin laughs. “What? Airplane bathrooms can be very romantic.”

  “Oh, sure. I guess you’d know.”

  “A gentleman never tells,” he replies. “Now go on. Get started. Where would you want it to happen? Somewhere familiar, or somewhere new?”

  “I’m not sure. Does it have to matter?”

  Colin pulls my hand to his lips and kisses it. “Of course not. This is all up to you.”

  I wonder, What do I really want?

  “I really don’t know,” I say. “I mean, flowers are nice. Chocolate, wine, music. I never really gave much thought to the particulars. What mattered was the man. I didn’t want a…”


  “A Ken. Or a Daniel. I know that doesn’t make sense to you.”

  He smirks. “Two guys you dated who didn’t fit the bill?”

  “Or maybe it does. Really, every guy I’ve met has been one or the other. It’s really frustrating.”

  “Well, now you’ve met a Colin.”

  Laughing, I ask, “Are you saying I should only date handsome, entertainment industry billionaires?”

  “Good luck finding another handsome one,” he says.

  I don’t even notice we’re slowly getting closer until he’s kissing me again.

  I swear, if the phone rings, I’m chucking it out the window, I think as his hands squeeze mine.

  Yes, he’s definitely not a Ken or a Daniel. And every second I feel Colin’s body, breathe in his scent and taste his hunger for me, I start to feel like, after all this time, maybe that could be enough.

  “Your turn, Mr. Legend,” I say, breaking off our long, tender kiss.

  “My turn for what?” he replies, grinning. He opens the top two buttons of his shirt, revealing a bit of his chest. I stare, unapologetically, and pout when he stops.

  “If you want to see me without a shirt, you can Google it, you know.”

  “Way ahead of you.”

  Colin tsk tsks as he takes out his phone. “You’re hungry, right? I’m ordering dinner.”

  “Sure,” I say. I hadn’t noticed how hungry I’d gotten; I was too focused on Colin. “What were you thinking?”

  “I know the best Thai place.”

  “Do it.”

  While he orders I check the organization’s main e-mail inbox, but nothing new has come in on a Saturday night.

  “Susie,” he says after hanging up. “You never answered me: it’s my turn for what?”

  “Oh, right.” I get up from my desk and motion for Colin to follow. “To tell me everything about you. Something I won’t read in a magazine feature.”

  Colin nods as I take him to the break room. Inside, there’s a comfy, blue couch, a well-stocked kitchenette, and a patio table; resting on top are two potted ferns and a basket full of assorted candies.

  “Sure, but where should I start?” asks Colin. “I could brag about my most lucrative talent signings, or list off the new TV shows I have in production. Then there’s my all-time favorite buddy cop movies…”

  “Nope.” I shake my head. “Let’s start with how you’re still single.”

  “Ooh, you don’t mess around, do you?”

  “I thought that was pretty clear,” I muttered to myself.

  Colin shifts uncomfortably in his seat; it may be the only time I’ve ever seen him a little rattled. “Would you believe that I just never made time?”

  “Really? I didn’t know marriage is something someone made time for. I thought you did it because you had to, because you couldn’t bear to let somebody go.”

  He holds up his hands in concession. “I suppose.”

  “You’ve never had a relationship like that?” In my mind, I couldn’t believe the idea that a man as desirable as Colin Legend never found the right person for him.

  Nodding slowly, I see a scared look in his eyes; on him, it’s unsettling. “I have, Susie. A couple of times.”

  I want to ask what happened, but I hold back, hoping he’ll open up on his own.

  “I have regrets, Susie,” he says at last. “You don’t get as far in life as I have without making some decisions you wish you could undo.”

  Chills run up my spine as he speaks. I place my hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

  “Thanks, Susie. The problem with being rich is that you start to think you can have it all. I’ve had to learn a couple times now it’s not true. You can’t make a person stay if you’ve broken their heart too many times.”

  I nod. “And there are lessons you can only learn by making a mistake; money can’t buy them.”

  He offers a thin smile and takes my hand in his. “That’s true. Like when they say not to mix work with pleasure. That’s a good one. I still have troubl
e with it.”

  “Yeah, I don’t blame you. If I were surrounded by movie stars and models…”

  Colin’s phone rings; it’s the food. I buzz in the deliveryman, who recognizes Colin and thanks him for what I have to imagine is a tremendously generous tip.

  We dig into our noodles, rice, and curry. Spicy and sweet, it’s as delicious as any takeout I’ve ever ordered.

  “So, does this mean… Does it… Oh…” I reach for a bottle of mango juice to sooth my burning tongue. “Sorry. Does it mean if you were in a situation where you had to choose between work or love, you’d react differently this time?”

  He nods. “God, I hope so. Otherwise, what’s the point? If you don’t learn from the past-”

  “You’re bound to repeat it,” I finish.

  He chuckles. “I was going to say, you’re a goddamn fool.”

  “That too.”

  When we finish eating, I put the leftovers in the break room fridge and mark it as up-for-grabs. By the end of lunch tomorrow, it will no doubt be gone. Colin is waiting for me on the couch when I put away the unused napkins and plastic cutlery, which somebody will no doubt use, too.

  “Susie, I need to tell you something important,” he says. His features darken as his smile fades, even when I sit down against him, resting my head against his hard chest.

  “What is it?”

  He takes a series of long, deep breaths. Colin Legend doesn’t get nervous, does he? I wonder.

  “Sorry, never mind,” he says at last.

  I crane my neck up to look at him. “Hey, you’re making me worried, Colin. What is it?”

  He runs a hand through my hair, brushing it back gently. “No, it’s… You just got me thinking. That maybe it’s not too late…”

  He trails off again, but I’m too intrigued now to let it go. “Too late for what?”

  “For… another chance, I guess. At not making the same mistake. I wasn’t sure I’d ever get one. And I told myself one day, if I ever find someone I can really love, to not… Not fuck it up.”

  I take his chin between my fingers and pull his lips down to meet mine. “Then don’t,” I say, after the kiss.

  “Then don’t,” he repeats warmly. “It should be a pretty easy decision, shouldn’t it?”

  “I think so, yeah.”

  His hand moves from my hair down to my breast, finding its way under my shirt. “What about this?” he asks, finding my nipple and caressing it gently. “Are you ready to take the next step?”

  I struggle to answer as his roaming hand takes over my thoughts.

  “Okay… Some decisions… aren’t so… easy,” I mumble as he pulls off my shirt. He doesn’t reach to unhook my bra, and instead goes for the button of my jeans.

  “We can just play around,” Colin suggests. “Stop me at any time.”

  I moan as the button slips and he works the zipper. Then, his fingers are probing my warmth through the thin fabric of my panties. Now I don’t regret wearing something skimpy and lacy underneath. Just in case, I told myself while dressing, as though inventing a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  His probing fingers rub softly, but it makes my heart race hard all the same.

  “Feels pretty good, huh?”

  “Oh God, yes,” I gasp.

  He takes my reaction as invitation to reach into my panties and work his fingers deeper into my throbbing pussy. I squeeze down on them, greedy for more.

  I grind my body into his hand, acting entirely on instinct. From behind, I can feel his hard cock poking against his khakis, so I move to slide against it. Colin groans softly and kisses the back of my neck.

  “This feels… so good,” I whisper.

  “Baby, this is just a little foreplay. We haven’t even gotten started yet.” He grips my jeans and pulls them down. The cool air of the break room hits my thighs, and the exposed feeling elicits a fresh surge of desire. At the same time, though, a serious concern breaks through the fog in my mind.

  “Wait, Colin…”

  “What… is… it?” he replies between kisses.

  I look around, thinking about where we are. “I don’t think… this is… the right place.”

  Colin stops and spins me around in his lap until I’m facing him. Arms holding me, he says, “Sure, Susie. You’re right.”

  “It might be kinda weird… you know. Like if I’m in here having a coffee with Allison, I’ll always know what went on… and she wouldn’t…”

  Laughing, Colin reaches across the couch and grabs my tank top. “Oh, I get it. We can stop.”

  “Thank you,” I say, though there’s true disappointment in my voice.



  “We don’t have to go all the way, but we can still have a good time. There are other ways,” he explains.

  “Hmm.” It’s a very tempting offer. I certainly don’t want our night together to end. I sweep my vision across the break room again, though, and wonder if it would be okay.

  “You know, Susie, it’s not exactly a secret that people get it on in break rooms all the time.”

  “Oh, God. You think someone… here…” I nearly burst from Colin’s grasp. “On this couch?”

  He laughs. “I wouldn’t rule it out. Do your night supervisors ever have their boyfriends over like we’re doing now?”

  I yelp and slap my hand over my mouth. “Like, literally all the time.”

  “Uh oh.”

  “They always ask first. I never saw any reason to say no. You know, if they wanted company, or someone to walk with them late at night… Oh, God.”

  Colin chuckles some more. “You’re very sweet, Ms. Lexington. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. As long as they’re alone.”

  I take a deep breath. He’s probably right. “Yes, if they’re alone… I guess it’s fine.”

  “Like we are now,” he adds.

  I shoot him a wry smirk. “Yeah, like that.”

  Smiling back, he suddenly lifts me to my feet and spins me around. Then I feel a sharp slap on my bottom and a loud smack echoes off the walls.

  “Ow, what was that for?” I snarl.

  Laughing, he asks, “You didn’t like it?”

  “It hurt!”

  “That’s not what I asked.”

  Pausing, I feel the lingering sting of the spank. It burns, but in a pleasant way — almost like something spicy. “I guess it wasn’t so bad,” I admit.

  “Uh huh. Bend over.” Colin sets one hand on my shoulder and another on my hip, then pushes me forward. Forced to lean with my hands pressed against the wall, my ass sticks out. “Spread your legs,” he commands, prying my thighs apart.

  Oh, God. I thought we weren’t…?

  I listen for the sound of his pants hitting the floor, but it never comes. I glance back and see Colin kneeling, inching his way toward me. Then his hands are pulling down the waistband of my panties, and I feel more exposed than I ever have in my life.

  “What… what are you doing?” I ask.

  “I’m going to make you orgasm with my mouth. Unless you prefer I didn’t.”

  His hands are tracing their way up and down the inside of my thighs, his touch electric. “Uh, yeah. Okay..”

  Colin laughs softly. “That’s the last time you’re going to give permission, Susie Lexington. After tonight, you’ll be begging me to do it again.”

  I moan as his tongue makes contact, stroking my opening hard. Trembling as a well of bliss rises through my body, I try to maintain my composure. I can’t help but feel self-conscious, not wanting to scream for fear somebody might hear. There’s no way anyone would, but that doesn’t matter.

  Colin, sensing my hesitation, stops and gives my backside another swat. “Don’t hold back, Susie. Let it out. There’s no one else around, and I want to hear you.”

  Balling my hands into fists, I howl as Colin starts sucking on my clit. I start to buck, unable to control myself, forcing Colin to hold me steady. His steely grip only adds to the experience: I fee
l almost like a toy. Or maybe an instrument, one that Colin knows how to play very, very well. Even though the euphoria flooding my body is intense, it’s growing steadily; he’s letting me sustain the feeling, keeping me going without pushing me over the top. Every second lifts me higher, but leaves me wanting more.

  “Colin… oh, God, Colin. I’m ready.”

  I hear the muffled sound of his chuckle. He stops just long enough to say, “I’ll decide when you’re ready.”

  “Please, oh please,” I mumble, but it does no good. Colin laps and sucks at his own pace, and I feel powerless to do anything but go along for the ride.

  He keeps going, and soon I’m moaning so loud, I feel as if the whole city block can hear me, except now I don’t care. “Oh, God, Colin!” I shout as I pound the wall with my fist.

  As soon as I say it, he hits another gear, and in seconds the bliss overwhelms me completely. I quake in place as I climax, my throat too raw to keep screaming. By the time I come to my senses and realize it’s over, I’m lying back in Colin’s arms as he’s dragged us both back to the couch.

  All I’m doing is breathing. Colin is stroking my hair again, and when I register the syrupy afterglow, I moan a little more.

  “That… was unbelievable,” I say at last. “Thank you.”

  He kisses my forehead and rubs my shoulder. “My pleasure.”

  “No, that was definitely my pleasure. I think my ears are still ringing.”

  Colin slips out from underneath me, gently dropping me into the dense couch cushions. He opens the fridge to find the filter water jug and pours us each a glass. “I mean it, Susie. Do you know what the key is to being a great lover?”

  I grin as I take the glass. “Tell me.”

  He sits next to me. “A great lover enjoys the sex, but makes sure their partner enjoys it more.”

  A shiver of excitement spreads through me, and already I can feel my carnal hunger revving for another turn. “Well, you succeeded.”

  Colin pulls me in for another kiss, but before our lips can meet, I reach down and feel the crotch of his pants. I’m not surprised to find he’s still rock hard.


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