The Virgin Heiress: A Billionaire & Virgin Romance

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The Virgin Heiress: A Billionaire & Virgin Romance Page 5

by Virginia Sexton

  “My turn,” I say, pulling down at the khakis.

  “Really?” Colin leans back and lifts his legs so I can undress him. “You haven’t done this before, have you?”

  “No.” I pull down his black and red checkered boxers. His cock stands tall and thick, and I’m not even sure how I’ll be able to get it in my mouth. “I may need some tips.”

  “If you want, but I’m sure you’ll do fine.”

  Feeling sinful and dirty in an intoxicating way, I get on my knees and push Colin’s legs apart so I can get close enough. Lowering my head and opening wide, I take in his tip and let my tongue work across it.

  “Oh, fuck,” Colin grunts. “That’s good.”

  Encouraged by his reaction, I seal my lips around his shaft and suck hard. Tasting his cock, feeling its heat, I imagine how it would feel driving into my eager pussy. How could that not hurt like hell?

  Worry about that later, Susie, I scold myself, knowing I need to focus on the present.

  Colin shuts his eyes and lets his head fall back. Groaning blissfully, he breathes deeply. However, after a minute, I get the sense he’s not building toward a climax like I had been.

  Aware of my frustration, Colin puts his hand on my head and pushes it down, forcing me to take his cock a little deeper. I feel it driving inward, but then Colin lets go so I can rise up again. “Up and down,” he says.

  Getting the idea, I start bobbing my head, building a steady rhythm. The effect is immediate, as Colin begins breathing heavy, and I can feel spasms of pleasure ripple through him.

  “Susie, look at me,” he says suddenly. “But don’t stop.”

  I do as he asks; looking upward, I keep going. When I meet his gaze, he jolts and gasps. “I’m going to come,” he says quickly. Without thinking, I keep sucking, and then I feel it: a surge in my mouth. His hot seed spurts inside me, filling me with his salty flavor. I don’t know what possesses me, but I suck hard until I feel him finish, then swallow it all down.

  “That was amazing, Susie.”

  “Thanks.” He pulls his pants up, and as he does it, I realize that I’m still naked from the bra down. Blushing, I rush to grab my panties and jeans.

  “You have a gorgeous figure,” adds Colin. “I could watch you dress and undress all night long.”

  “You’ve got an impressive bod, too.” I fall like a lump onto the couch and yawn, despite myself. My body is still buzzing from my orgasm, and now drowsiness claws at my perception.

  “Thanks,” he chuckles. “Hey, you should rest.”

  “Can’t,” I reply. “Phones. Have to answer them.”

  He kisses my cheek. “I’ll stay up. It’s fine, I’ve got work to do.”

  “But you don’t know how-”

  “I’ll wake you if needed, okay? Go to sleep, baby.”

  I don’t argue. I’m exhausted. “Okay.”

  I shut my eyes, and before I know it, I’m gone.

  Waking up on the couch in the break room, it takes me a minute to figure out where I am. It’s rare for me not to sleep in my own bed, and though I’ve stayed at Allison’s after a long night, or visited Daddy’s vacation homes on several occasions, I’ve never slept at the center.

  Yet, despite the lack of a proper bed, I wake to find I feel amazing: relaxed, rested, and ready for a wonderful day. Colin’s not in the room with me now, but I hear the bass tones of his voice in the distance, punctuated by short pauses. I assume he’s on the phone, and didn’t want to get me up. Once I get going, I’ll find him.

  Not yet, though. I don’t move from the couch; I’m too comfortable. I want to enjoy this feeling a little longer.

  This is it, I think. What more could I ask for in a man? He’s certainly no Ken or Daniel. And if anyone could arrange for a perfect night, it’s someone like Colin. Maybe he’ll take me back to his place. Or he could fly us off to Paris. Or maybe find us a private beach with no one around for miles…

  My mind races with possibilities, but the best part is that, in truth, it doesn’t matter which he chooses. Maybe I don’t want my first time to be in the break room of my center, but as long as it’s nice and it’s just the two of us together, that’s all that matters.

  Finally, and with a sigh, I get up and have a sip of water. Looking at my phone I see it’s actually very early. The volunteer for the Sunday morning shift should be arriving within the half hour. I hadn’t thought of what might happen if they arrived before Colin left, but based on what he said, I suppose now they wouldn’t care.

  They’ll probably be happy for me, I realize.

  Still, though, I’d rather not have a celebrity like Colin Legend be seen here having obviously spent the night.

  Oh, God!

  If he was here all night, he must be exhausted!

  I throw on my shoes and set off to find him, following the echoes of his voice. As I get closer, I slow down. Colin’s words sound quick and harsh, and it drills right through my heart. How could he not be in a good mood after the night we had? Is something wrong?

  Though I feel conflicted about it, I stop when I get close enough to make out his side of the conversation. I don’t like eavesdropping, but I can’t help being curious.

  “Look, I don’t know what you want me to say, Reed. There’s still time. Be patient… No, absolutely not… Because it’s not an option!”

  Geez, he’s really mad! I’ve never heard him lose his temper — not even close. I know he’s a passionate person, but what could be so important this early in the morning?

  “Well that’s your opinion. It was a nice night.”

  Wait, is he talking about us? I know guys like to talk about their hookups, but is that seriously what’s going on? Is his friend in another time zone, or something?

  “I’ll get what I need soon.”

  Get what he needs? Is that really how he sees it? I want to tell myself I’m not really hearing this, that it’s a misunderstanding, but it’s hard to regard it any other way.

  “I’m not worried, Reed. I’ll close this deal like I close all the others.”

  No, this can’t be just “a deal” to him. I refuse to believe it.

  “If not, then we’ll move on. That’s life.”

  I slump against the wall and slide down to the floor. He’d move on, just like that? If I don’t give him what he wants?

  “You know what your problem is? You’ve got no fucking finesse. Do you think I just say and do whatever I want, and everyone just follows along? There’s a process, Reed.”

  A process? Is that how he gets women to give him what he wants? He has it down to a science?

  “Speed it up?” he snaps, pounding a fist against the wall. The sound is so loud and sudden that I gasp and flinch. “Speed it up? That’s great. Why didn’t I think of that?”

  I don’t understand how the man I spent the last three nights with could be acting like this now. Was everything we shared a lie? An act, designed to get me into bed? Did he think he’d have claimed me by now?

  “You know what, Reed? If you’re so smart, why don’t you make a few calls? See if you can’t succeed where I’ve failed.”

  I’ve heard enough. I march away, pounding the linoleum, not caring if Colin can hear. The way he’s wrapped up in his call, I’d be surprised if he did. Slamming the door to the break room, I start to cry. Brokenhearted and frustrated, I pace around in disbelief.

  No Kens, no Daniels, and no Colins.

  What am I going to have to do to meet a good man?

  Staring at the couch where just a few minutes ago, I felt nothing but joy and excitement, I leap, startled, when I hear a knock on the door.

  “Susie?” It’s him. “What’s going on, can I come in?”

  “Get the fuck out, you shit!” I scream, kicking the base of the door.

  “Susie, I was just talking to my business partner about a deal I’m working on. I’m sorry if you heard something that… wasn’t in context. Okay?”

  Is that it? A business thing?

bsp; “What was that part about it being a nice night?” I ask, replaying everything I heard back in my mind as best I could. I open the door so he can see me; if he’s going to lie, it’s going to be to my face. “How was that not about us?”

  “Okay, well… that part is. Reed thinks I was wasting my time, that our work is more important than… what’s happening with us.”

  “Oh,” I mutter, starting to feel like a complete idiot. “I guess for him… it is.”

  Colin chuckles and slips his arm around my shoulders, holding me to his chest. I let out a few more heaves, but by the time I finish, they’re of relief instead of pain.

  “You must think I’m a crazy person,” I lament.

  “No way. I know how men like me come off; it’s hard to escape it. I hope that you’ll see I’m trying to be different.”

  Trying to be different? The way he says this makes my stomach clench. Is he not really different? Why would he say it that way?

  “You have nothing to worry about, Susie,” he adds, which doesn’t help. I know that when somebody says “Believe me,” that’s when you should be suspicious.

  Then again, a minute ago I was convinced Colin was talking about me on that phone call. Maybe I’m not the best judge right now?

  What would Allison say?

  To take a little more time, just to be sure, most likely.

  So that’s what I’ll do.

  “All right,” I say, nodding. “But if you’re lying to me, Colin, I swear-”

  Before I can finish, he takes my shoulders and looks me straight in the eye. He says, “I promise, Susie. If I didn’t feel something real for you, I would tell you.”

  There’s no hesitation in his words, and his gaze doesn’t waver. It feels like the truth.

  “Okay.” I smile. “Good.”

  He pulls me into a hug and holds me tight. We stay like this, enjoying it, until I hear a buzz coming from the main entrance.

  “Morning shift is here. We’re officially relieved of duty,” I explain to Colin. “You should go home and get some rest. You’ve been up all night.”

  “On a Saturday?” Colin laughs. “That’s pretty typical for me. Just don’t tell the tabloids I was here and not in a VIP lounge.”

  “You got it.”


  As soon as I get home, I get into bed to go back to sleep. At first I stare at the ceiling, thinking about the last few days and how quickly it’s all gone by, and yet the day Colin and I met feels like a month ago.

  Eventually, I drift off. I wake hours later feeling much better, especially when I realize that my phone is ringing. It’s Colin.

  “Hey,” I say, my voice throaty and dry.

  “Hey. Get some rest?” he asks.

  Rising out of bed, I see it’s already past noon. “I did. You?”

  I hear dishes clattering in the background. “I’d like to say I couldn’t because I was thinking of you, but…”

  “You’re sweet,” I say, activating speakerphone so I can change. “But you were out like that.”

  “Pretty much. But I just got up, and all I could think of was giving you a call. What are you doing tonight?”

  I can’t help laughing. “Are you for real? You don’t need to work? Won’t that Reed guy be pissed?”

  “I own the company, I can do what I want. Life’s too short, Susie. I know this is moving fast, and if you need to cool it, that’s fine. But I don’t think that’s what you want. Not after last night.”

  I bite my lip and fall into bed, spreading out against the cool sheets. “I do want to see you…”


  “But I’m going to warn you, Colin.” I inhale deeply, giving myself a moment. “Last night was great, and I want to do that all again. Just, I’m not sure I’m ready to go any further than that. Not yet.”

  “I understand completely, Susie.” He sounds serious. “You have my word that I am not going to push you into anything you’re not ready for. If I suggest we try something — and I will — but you don’t want to, I will respect that. No arguments, no complaints.”

  “Thank you.”

  He adds, “And when you’re ready, I know you’ll tell me. Until then, I’ll look forward to that day.”

  Shifting in my bed to alleviate the fresh throb in my core, I say, “Me too.”

  I have never had a week in my life fly by faster than the one I spend dating Colin. During the day, we each work, but every night he takes me somewhere new and fun.

  On Monday, we go to the MOMA and wander for hours. As we leave, I notice the sign says it closes at 5:30, and it’s much, much later than that now. It occurs to me that I was so focused on being with Colin that I never noticed we were completely alone in the museum the entire time.

  “You didn’t!” I can’t believe it. “How much did you donate so we could be alone in there?”

  He winks at me. “Would you believe me if I said I bought the place?”

  I snort. “Not really. Though for what I’m sure you spent, you could have opened a few of your own galleries.”

  “Fair enough,” he laughs. “But it was still worth every cent.”

  On Tuesday, he flies us to the beach on his private helicopter. Though too cold and dark to sunbathe or go swimming, we walk through the sand and listen to the waves crash against the shore. When we get tired of walking, we lie down in the sand, and soon we’re snuggled next to each other, kissing softly in the moonlight.

  By the time we get back to the helicopter, there’s sand in my shoes, hair, and nearly everywhere else, and I still feel it even after showering. Not that I mind.

  When Wednesday comes, Colin gets us tickets to an opera. I’ve never been to one before, and I’m not sure I’ll like it, but it’s an excuse to wear my strapless, silver mermaid gown. When the house lights darken, Colin’s arm drapes across my back, and I lay my head against his shoulder.

  Together, we let the divine voices of the performers inundate us with their joy and sorrow. Colin even has the presence of mind to hand me a tissue to wipe away my tears. At the end, he holds my hand and kisses my forehead.

  “Do you want to go backstage and meet the singers?” he asks as the last audience members get up to leave.

  “Are they clients of yours?” Does his company even have a stage division? I never would have imagined.

  “They’re not, but maybe they’d like to be.”

  An hour later, half the cast serenades Colin and me with an encore of the show, followed by their rendition of “For the Longest Time.”

  “I don’t know how you’re going to top that,” I tell him as we make out in his limo.

  His hand cups my backside and squeezes. “I could think of a few ways.”

  “Mmm.” I reach down to his crotch and rub the peak of the tent in his pants. “Then I’ve got good news for you.”

  Colin stops kissing me and sets his hands on his shoulders, a grin forming on his lips. “Does this mean you’re ready?”

  “One last thing first, okay?”

  “Whatever you need, Susie.”

  “I’d like you to meet my father, and my best friend.”

  Colin sighs and leans back. “Okay, we can do that.”

  “They mean the world to me, and if they like you, too, then I’ll know I’m right to trust you with this,” I explain.

  He smiles and kisses me on the cheek. “Set it up. I’ll be there.”


  The next morning, I put in a call to my dad during the lunch hour, figuring it would be the best time to reach him. His secretary puts me through immediately.

  “Hi honey, what’s going on?” he asks. He speaks quickly, but he sounds eager to hear from me.

  “Are you busy right now?” I pace around my apartment, far more nervous than I think I should be.

  Colin’s a great guy. Why wouldn’t Daddy like him?

  “A little, yes, but I’ve got time. How are you?”

  I force myself to come right out and say it. “Are you fre
e for dinner tonight? I know you’ve had a lot of work lately, but I wanted you to meet-”

  “Sorry, honey. I can’t — I have a dinner meeting with my board to discuss this deal we’ve been working on. We’ve narrowed down our choices, and we may even call a for a vote.”

  “Oh,” I say. I understand his need to work, but I can’t help being disappointed.

  “Just a few more days, Susie. This will all be settled, and my schedule will be wide open. Can you wait until then?”

  Well, I’ve waited this long… I suppress a mournful laugh at my own expense. I don’t want to wait any more. I want to have sex with Colin, and I know he’s ready to go. I wouldn’t blame him if he was starting to get impatient.

  “Sure, Dad. It’s no problem. I’ll go out with Allison tonight.”

  I slump onto my bed and sigh.

  “Good. Give her my best. And I’ll make this up to you, I promise.”

  “I know. Thanks, Dad.”

  “Love you, angel.”

  “Love you, too, Dad.”

  Maybe this is better. Having Colin meet my dad and Allison at the same time might have been awkward. She’s going to want to ask Colin some probing questions — things I wouldn’t want to hear in front of my dad.

  Okay. Let’s do this.


  Riding with Colin to another date, it’s hard to believe it’s really only been a week since we met. It feels like so much longer.



  “We’ve got a little time before we arrive,” he says, pointing out the brake lights of the car in front of us. We’ve been stuck in wall-to-wall traffic for twenty minutes. “Let’s not waste it.”

  My core throbs eagerly. Colin looks incredible in his dark suit, and we’ve already had a glass of champagne provided in the limo. My cheeks flush, and I squirm in my seat. I know that if we get started, we could easily get carried away.

  “You’ll ruin my makeup,” I say, turning to stare out the window.

  “Trust me, it’ll be fine.” He makes a spinning gesture with his hand, so I sit up and face away. Taking advantage of my strapless, black gown, he begins massaging my shoulders slowly and deeply.


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