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Cum For Bigfoot, Book 3

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by Virginia Wade

  Cum For Bigfoot 3

  By Virginia Wade

  Copyright © 2012 Virginia Wade

  All Rights Reserved.

  Published by I Love Stacy

  Kindle Edition

  Virginia Wade


  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this book is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

  Chapter One

  A rescue…but…

  If we stayed with these beasts much longer we would certainly end up pregnant. I didn’t want to face that inevitability. Shelly lay on the animal pelt with her ape, Dale by her side. I snuggled into Leonard, my Bigfoot. We had just had the most amazing sex ever, and I was exhausted. I woke later in the night to a quiet camp and a fire that had died down. As I lay in the arms of my hairy lover, I wondered what tomorrow would bring. Would the rescue I had been praying for come? Or did I hope it wouldn’t happen? The sounds of crickets and the Sasquatch’s light snoring in the temperate summer night lulled me back to sleep.

  When I roused the next morning, I was alone, with Shelly by my side. “Shelly?”


  “Where are the apes?”

  “How the fuck do I know?” She sounded grumpy.

  “Listen. It’s so quiet.” The only sound was a squawking bird in the trees above us. The Bigfoot children weren’t running around laughing and playing. I got to my feet, naked, but not caring. Opening the makeshift door, I peered outside. “Where is everybody?”

  Shelly was behind me. She’d tossed a dress over her head. “Probably in the creek. They wouldn’t leave us alone. Trust me.”

  I picked up my clothing, stepping into my underwear and shorts. “I’m going out.” I thrust my arms through the armholes of my t-shirt.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  The camp appeared to be deserted. The fire smoked, and, yet, no one had made breakfast. “Leonard?” I squinted into the forest, but I couldn’t see anything. “What the fuck?”

  Shelly and I stood in the center of what had been a bustling ape camp, and we seemed to be the only people left. No one had touched the fire since the night before. Where had the Bigfoots gone? Why would they leave us alone? They seemed highly possessive of human women. We were needed for them to breed, since, apparently, this species only produced males.

  “This is totally weird, Porsche.”

  “I don’t get it.” Hope raced through me. “Maybe we should take our stuff and get outta here.”

  “What about Leslie?”

  “She coulda escaped. I don’t know. We might not get another chance.” I headed for the hut. “I’m getting my stuff.”

  “Okay, but I don’t know about this.”

  My backpack was filled with water, jerky, and a blanket. I flung it over my shoulder. “Let’s go.”

  Shelly laced up her sneakers. “I somehow don’t think it’s this easy.”

  “Quit being a pessimist.”

  Leaving the hut behind, we ran to the edge of the camp. A sense of exhilaration had my heart racing.

  I’m going home!

  A man suddenly appeared before us, dressed in a white shirt with the wording SAR on the front. I assumed this meant search and rescue.

  “Holy shit!” Shelly stared at him wide-eyed. “Where’d he come from?”

  Another man dressed similarly was behind him.

  “Hello. Are you the missing Vandekamp party?” He squinted under his baseball hat.

  “Yes.” Relief flooded me.

  They glanced at the huts. One of them uttered, “What the hell is this?”

  The foliage around us shook strangely in that instant. Shelly and I watched in horror as the tribe of Bigfoots suddenly stepped from the trees, snarling with their teeth bared. The men were surrounded by the ape-men, the expressions on their faces filled with shocked disbelief. A club swung through the air, followed by another, and the men fell, their skulls cracked open by the blows.

  I screamed then. The piercing sound echoed far and wide, scaring several birds into a panicked flight. We wouldn’t be escaping this morning after all. Instead, we had been forced to witness the murder of our rescuers.

  I flung myself at one of the men. “Don’t! Stop! Leave him alone!”

  I recognized Bubba, the leader of the apes, and he snarled at me, threatening me with the club. Leonard stepped between us. “No!” He growled fiercely, protecting me.

  Leslie appeared. She took one look at the bashed and bleeding rescuers, turned white, and ran to the edge of the forest, where she vomited into the bushes.

  I glanced at Shelly. “I…are they dead?”

  She looked grim. “More than likely. Check for a pulse.”

  The man I safeguarded had one, but it was faint. An alarming amount of blood and brain matter oozed from the sizable gash in his head.

  “I don’t think he’ll make it for long.”

  “This guy’s dead.”


  There was a commotion. The Bigfoots were grunting and waving, communicating in their strange, archaic language.

  Zelda, black-haired and pregnant with a Bigfoot’s baby, stepped forward. “We gotta split up. They’re on to us. It’s only a matter of time before we’re raided.” She’d been kidnapped years ago with another woman, and they had been assimilated into the tribe, producing babies for their Bigfoot lovers.

  Grunting met this declaration, her words having been understood. Two apes grabbed the legs of the mortally wounded men and dragged them into the forest. The blood and brain matter had been kicked away and covered with dirt. Within a matter of minutes, the camp was disassembled and packed, ready for the trek into the forest. However, it became clear that we would not be fleeing together. Leslie and Bubba and several Bigfoots headed in one direction, Zelda and her mate, along with the other woman and three Bigfoot children, set out before us. I found myself with Leonard and Shelly and her ape, Dale. The four of us would be traveling together. I was relieved to have Shelly with me, but I worried about Leslie. When would I see her again? She was Bubba’s favorite at the moment, and they had disappeared into the woods.

  Leonard pulled a wooden cart behind him loaded with chicken cages, blankets, and other supplies. The goat was tethered to the conveyance, and the animal trotted along with us. I’d been kidnapped for days now, having gone on a camping trip with Christopher Vandekamp and his sexy stepfather, Doug, and several friends from school, including Leslie and Shelly. Only the girls had been kidnapped and…molested by the walking carpets that seemed to have a voracious appetite for sex.

  We took a rest at midday, the sun hanging high over our heads, the terrain growing rougher. The creatures seemed to know where they were going, but it made no sense to me. I sat on a rock, while Leonard talked with Dale in that bizarre language I didn’t understand.

  “We’re so screwed,” muttered Shelly. Her long, brown hair was a tangled mess around her. The homespun dress she wore hung loosely on her thin frame.

  I shrugged. “At least we’re with our guys.” I knew Leonard. I…enjoyed what he did to me. The memory of the intimacies we had shared made me tingle in my pussy. Now that his mother, Maggy, was dead, having died unexpectedly from a massive heart attack yesterday, I hoped I w
ould be able to convince him to let me go. “We can’t run forever. Once they find the dead rescuers, all hell is gonna break loose. They might even send in the military.” The memory of seeing the men murdered made me wince.

  “They probably buried the bodies. There’s no evidence. We’re toast.” Her shoulders dropped.

  I hugged her. “We have each other, Shelly-belly. At least we’re together.”

  Tears were in her eyes. “I’ve never seen somebody killed before. It was awful.”

  “Try not to think about it.”

  “They’re fucking animals.”

  “Yeah. But, they’re trying to protect their way of life. That’s probably why nobody knows they’re here. They’ve been pretty good about it. They cover their tracks.”

  She sniffed. “I don’t want to be some ape’s breeding machine.”

  “Me neither.”

  “Fuck! What if I’m pregnant? You could be pregnant.”

  “Zelda said the mortality rate is really high for Bigfoot babies. I wouldn’t worry about it. A lotta pregnancies don’t stick. Or the baby dies right after. I don’t know.”

  “I’m only eighteen. I’m too young to get knocked up, especially with some Planet of the Apes baby.”

  I couldn’t help giggling, “This whole thing blows my mind.”

  “It sucks.”

  I glanced at Leonard. He was at least eight feet tall, with tufts of soft, brown fur covering his hulking body. His face was hairy, with shiny black eyes and a black snout and mouth. Those lips were soft, and his pink tongue felt rough, yet incredible, especially when he used it to prod deep into my pussy. Their twelve-inch cocks were malleable enough to fit comfortably in tight holes. I shivered just thinking about it; the lusty images seemed burned into my brain. Leonard sensed my attention and glanced at me, his eyes flashing with some strange, yet intriguing, fire. I tingled everywhere from that appraising, animalistic look. There was no way that I was actually developing feelings for this Sasquatch, was I?

  You better get a grip on yourself, Porsche. You have a family that’s probably freaking out right now with worry, thinking you’re dead. There’s nothing sexy about a damned walking carpet! Kapeesh?

  Chapter Two

  With nightfall, came the rain, which made walking in the darkness even more unpleasant. My sneakers were soggy, my feet swimming in my shoes. The fur on Leonard and Dale reeked of wet dog, their hides dripping from the rain. When we finally made camp, Shelly and I sat together under a partial hut, the fire smoking from the moist wood, while Dale and Leonard worked to erect a better shelter.

  Leonard placed a blanket around my shoulders. “You good, Porsche. Good.” He’d made sure I had plenty of water today, and, when Shelly and I had gotten tired of walking, he let us rest often.

  My ape had lost his mother yesterday, which had caused him to wail and run off into the forest in an outburst of grief. He’d seemed subdued and oddly contemplative, which was understandable, considering how fond he was of Maggy. I wouldn’t miss that old bitch who had been responsible for my kidnapping. What sorts of thoughts went through the minds of these prehistoric creatures? Was anything intelligent being considered besides the need for food and sex?

  Dale stomped over. “Camp good now.” He pointed to the crudely implemented hut. He snatched several animal pelts from the wagon and brought them inside the dwelling.

  “Come, Porsche.” Leonard helped me to my feet. “Come, Shelly.”

  She mumbled something under her breath and ran to the shelter, her head down, trying to avoid the rain. I joined her and removed my shoes, wringing out my socks. My clothing was soaked. I sat on a fur shivering.

  “Take off.” Leonard pulled on my t-shirt. “You take off.”

  I sighed and removed my clothing, exposing my ample breasts. Leonard ogled my boobs, his black eyes flashing, as I handed him the shirt. He gave me a blanket.

  “Thanks.” I was naked, shivering, yet comfortable on the soft animal pelt.

  Shelly was naked as well; Dale wrapped a fur around her shoulders. “Don’t touch me,” she grumbled.

  I couldn’t help giggling, “That’s some way to treat your boyfriend.”

  She grimaced.

  Leonard left the hut to procure food, I assumed. I sat closer to Shelly. “Let’s take it one day at a time. Rescue could happen tomorrow. You never know.” Dale perked up at this announcement, having clearly understood me. I gave him a look. “I know you know what I’m talking about. We have families we gotta get back to. They’ll find us eventually.”

  He grunted and wrinkled his nose. “You home now.”

  Leonard returned with two tin cups. He handed one to me. “Drink.”

  It was hot tea, which I accepted gratefully. “Thanks.”

  Shelly drank hers as well, and the heated fluid helped to warm me up, although my hair was damp and my feet were frozen. Although it was summer, the rain made the air colder, especially at this altitude, seeing that we had been walking at an incline for most of the day.

  Leonard and Dale left us to tend to the fire and dinner. I assumed they were out hunting. We couldn’t eat the chickens, because they were being kept alive for their eggs.

  “I’m so cold!”

  “Get under a fur.”


  A short while later, the apes returned with grilled fish, berries, and a bowl of rice, which had been boiled in a metal tin. I ate the fare, but imagined it was pizza. I was getting tired of fish and berries, but I wouldn’t complain. The food was high in protein, which kept us full and gave us energy. The Bigfoot’s gnawed on pieces of bark after every meal, presumably to clean their teeth. Shelly and I went to wash up in a stream and relieve ourselves. Using the great outdoors as my bathroom was second nature now, and I’d lost my fear of snakes and bears. The rain had stopped for the moment, with the occasional drop falling from the old growth Douglas Furs that towered over us. A tiny sliver of moon shone above the branches, giving the forest an eerie feel.

  Leonard and Dale waited in the shelter, their eyes glimmering in a carnal light. I picked up on the change in vibe immediately, resulting in my stomach fluttering. Their coats had dried considerably, but the aroma of wet dog lingered. It was a smell I was quickly getting used to. Shelly and I were naked, except for the blankets around us.

  Freezing, I sat in Leonard’s lap, my teeth chattering. His arms went around me. “You good, Porsche. You get warm.”

  Dale attached a fur to the door of the hut, blocking the cold from entering. A lantern with a single candle helped illuminate the space, casting flickering shadows against the back of the structure.

  Leonard rubbed my back vigorously; his snout was near my neck, inhaling my scent. “You make Leonard happy.”

  I glanced at him, staring into the liquid orbs of his dark eyes. “What do you want?”

  The apes exchanged a glance. They clearly had something specific in mind, which had my stomach clenching with anticipation.

  Shelly’s eyes darted between them. “Fucking horndogs. Guess this is what happens when there’s no TV.”

  Dale patted a fur. “You girls here.” He waved at Shelly. “You here.”

  She sighed resignedly and sat on the fur. Dale snatched the blanket from her. “Hey!”

  He pointed at me. “You here.”

  I went and joined her and had my blanket taken as well. I wrapped my arms around myself, shivering. Leonard took mercy on me and handed me the blanket. “Thanks.”

  He rasped, “Porsche,” he thrust out his tongue, “you lick Shelly.”

  I gasped. They wanted us to have sex while they watched. I glanced at my friend. “Uh, man.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Like I said. Fucking perverts.”

  “Nothing surprises me anymore.”

  “Not with the Viagra Twins, no.”

  “How are we gonna do this?”

  “You better not tell anybody about this. I’m so not a lesbian. My mom would die if she found out.”

; I shrugged. “What happens in the forest…”

  “Stays in the fucking forest.” She tossed her hair over a shoulder and lay on the fur, spreading her legs. “Come eat me, bitch. Let’s put on a show for Bert and Ernie.”

  I stifled a giggle. “Stop that, Shelly.”

  “Man, if I can’t laugh, I’d be so freaking out now.”

  “Thank God you’re here with me.”

  “I’d rather be home,” she muttered.

  “Amen to that.”

  I glanced at Leonard, and his black eyes glimmered in a lustful light, which had my pussy clenching with expectation. I’d never admit it, but having sex with him was amazing. I hadn’t been a virgin when he’d taken me. On the contrary, I loved sex. I had seduced Mr. Vandekamp before we had been kidnapped, and I had enjoyed being taken by Leonard. His cock was…awe-inspiring. As if on cue, both of the Bigfoot’s penises began to emerge from within the matted tufts of fur. Their organs were pinkish in color, long and riddled with veins. The crowns were broad and rounded, with cleaved centers that dripped with copious amounts of pre-cum. The taste of their spunk was salty-sweet like slightly bitter milk.

  I touched Shelly’s tummy, feeling her quivering beneath my hand. She closed her eyes and murmured, “I’m not a lesbian. I’m not a lesbian. I’m not a les—”

  “Shut up, you ho.”

  “Fuck you, bitch.”

  I giggled, “I will.”

  I played with the jewelry in her bellybutton, pulling gently on the stainless steel ring. Kissing the skin on her abdomen, I felt her trembling, either from arousal or the cool air. She smelled fresh like the great outdoors with traces of campfire. Her pussy was covered in a short layer of hair, which barely hid the lips of her labia. We hadn’t been able to shave in days, and our legs and underarms were showing the signs. I guess I was going to turn into a wild, hairy mountain woman yet. Since I was a natural blonde, my hair wasn’t as obvious as Shelly’s.

  “Good, Porsche. You do Shelly good,” rasped Leonard. His cock was in his hand, being manipulated into shocking hardness. Dale’s was in his hands as well, the ape rubbing the glistening tip, while it dripped pre-cum to the pelt beneath him.


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