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The Assassin's Revenge (The Hybrid Chronicles Book 2)

Page 2

by Shana Vernon

  “Elevated humans?”

  “That’s what I call your unique species in my head,” she said with a smile.

  “You consider me a different species than human?” I asked, astonished.

  She laughed and said, “You don’t really believe with everything that you can do that you are simply… human?”

  “I never really thought about it,” I said truthfully. Did it really matter if I was human or something more? While it did open up a host of new questions, at the end of the day, vampires and humans weren’t all that different. At least not in any way that mattered. I didn't have enough energy to bother caring if I was something new and different.

  “There is no documented evidence that anyone else has been born gifted, so you are the only one of your kind. We have no idea how your gifts impact you. Will you are the same way as humans, or will you live a longer life like the vampires? We don’t have any resources to study.”

  How lovely.

  Evelyn looked at the watch on her wrist. “It’s getting late and you need to go debrief with Master Abbott before you go to sleep.”

  I clambered out of my chair, trying to keep the robe tied around my waist. “Thanks for the tea and the information about Eleanor.”

  “Of course.”

  We both stood there a little awkwardly before she pulled me into a light embrace.

  We said our goodbyes and I closed the door behind me, feeling like I left with more questions than answers.

  Chapter 2

  Using the directions Evelyn gave me, I headed back down the hallway toward Master Abbott’s office. I was utterly exhausted; emotionally and physically, and I was not sure I was up to dealing with Killian Abbott. I knew it wasn’t the time to kill him yet. I wasn’t prepared and I wasn’t kidding myself that I was strong enough.

  I needed to train. Hard.

  Calming the angry pulsing of my heart, I knocked on the door and the hushed voices inside halted before I heard Killian call out, “Enter.”

  After pushing through the entrance, my eyes widened at the scorch marks that littered the walls.

  Cade must have done that. Maybe he isn’t as chummy with his uncle as I thought.

  “You’re late, Ms. Bishop,” he said, and before I could give an excuse he continued, “Take a seat next to Mr. Edge.”

  Sofia and Ryder were both seated in front of a massive cherry wood desk, behind which Master Abbott was giving his best leer. They were both covered in blood and Sofia’s hazel eyes were somewhat glazed as she snapped her wrist band again and again, making slight marks against her olive skin.

  I slipped into the chair next to Ryder, who turned to face me, his sandy hair covered in ash and other unknown substances. Both of them had been there for me when I tried to rescue Papa, choosing my side over the Guild, and fighting against the other members to help my mission. I owed them so much for that. He squeezed my hand reassuringly and I returned the gesture.

  “We just finished explaining how Master Wilde led us into the house before releasing the prisoner and attacking us.” He turned back to Master Abbott. “And then Anders showed up with his own unit and helped us fight back against the traitors. We got so lucky that they came otherwise, I’m sure we wouldn’t have made it.”

  My hands tightened into fists, my nails biting into my palms as I attempted to control my reaction to the blasé use of the word traitor. I hated that I had to sit there and pretend that my father was a traitor, that Papa was anything less than an incredible assassin and parent.

  I willed my anger to withdraw to the recesses of my mind and exhaled, releasing my clenched fists, droplets of blood dripping down onto the carpet next to my seat.

  “Seems like everyone is caught up then,” I said, my voice thankfully steady as I ignored the slight throb from my palms, refusing to heal myself.

  “I find it very difficult to believe that Master Wilde could have been involved with that coup, but nonetheless, the Guild will be investigating his involvement. There is also the matter of the fire, which has been dealt with, and what happened to incite it.” He paused, running his hand through his dark hair, spattered with a few gray ones. “What happened with Tur- the prisoner?”

  Sofia opened her mouth to speak, but I interjected. “I killed him.”

  She sucked in a sharp inhale of breath, but said nothing to refute my statement, choosing to flick her band a few more times. She must still have so many questions. I put a note in my mind to discuss everything with her as soon as I got a chance.

  Master Abbott looked impressed and leaned forward in his seat. “He was incredibly skilled; how did you manage it?”

  I swallowed and shrugged, trying to keep my face composed while internally I was jumping across the table and clawing out his eyes. How dare he look me in the eye and pretend like he hadn’t kept my father beaten and starved in his makeshift dungeon? “He was already half dead when we arrived. Whoever was in charge of him - Hernandez I think? - really did a number on him before we showed up.”

  “Tony Anderson was the member in charge of that specific prisoner, Hernandez was just a passing interrogator.”

  I had to stop myself from grinning wickedly. That was almost too easy.

  And now I have the first name for my list.

  My energy hummed in my veins, delighted with the possibilities.

  “I’m surprised, I expected Mr. Edge to be the one to take out that particular contract. Tell me, Ms. Bishop, how did you do it?”

  “I have been working with Master Locke to develop my light manifestation, and I can now shape it into different weapons. I used a light katana to stab him, and he bled to death in front of me,” I said in a monotone voice.

  A smug expression passed over Master Abbott’s face and I had to keep myself back from slicing through his throat and ending his life right there. The rage almost overpowered my rational thought processing and only after seeing Sofia’s pointed stare did, I shove it deep down.

  Ryder was fidgeting in his seat beside me, his anger tangible in the air. He too seemed furious with the reaction to Papa’s death, and I loved him for it.

  Master Abbott trained his focus on Ryder. “What’s wrong with you, Initiate?”

  “Sorry, Sir. I’m just covered in blood and it’s beginning to congeal which is making me a little uncomfortable,” Ryder said.

  Master Abbott narrowed his eyes, but then schooled his expression. “Very well. Congratulations to the three of you, you have all graduated and are approved to continue learning and can now begin receiving contracts.”

  We collectively stood and began walking toward the exit but halted as Master Abbott continued to speak.

  “Oh wait,” he said as he shuffled a few papers on his desk, “One last thing before you all get cleaned up.” He lifted his phone and made a call. “Please send Ms. Anders up to my office.”

  I blanched.

  Is he going to make us listen while he tells her that her father is dead? Harsh.

  Even I didn’t hate her enough to wish her that pain. If her father hadn’t been directly involved with Papa’s death, I would have felt guilty about killing him.

  At least she won’t know it was me.

  We waited in silence until Hailey opened the door, giving us an inquisitive glance. We all avoided her eye contact and I looked down at my shoes, knowing how awkward this was about to get.

  “You called for me, Sir?” She said, her voice missing its usual cocky tone.

  “Yes. These three have something they would like to tell you.”

  Is that a joke? He wants us to tell her?

  Ryder’s eyes widened and I could tell he had the same thoughts run through his mind. I was the one who had killed her father, it made the most sense for me to tell her. But did she really deserve the indifference to his death that would surely line my tone?

  Sofia stared at Ryder pointedly, making it clear she felt he should be the one to tell her. He would definitely be more empathetic to her than I would.

  I nodded in agreement.

  Ryder sighed and offered Hailey his chair.

  She narrowed her eyes but sat down in the seat. “You’re making me nervous. What’s going on?”

  Ryder took a deep breath. “Our mission didn’t go as smoothly as it should have. Master Wilde released the prisoner, and they were fighting us.” He hesitated, glancing helplessly at his hands before continuing, “They almost overpowered us before your father showed up with a few of his people.”

  Hailey’s face paled, her hand coming up to cover her mouth. “Don’t say it. Don’t you dare say it, Ryder.”

  Ryder reached out for Hailey and she pulled away from him. “He was the only reason we are standing here today, he helped us fight them off. They didn’t escape, but Master Wilde attacked before we could stop him. There was nothing we could do, it all happened so fast.”

  “No! I don’t believe you! It has to be some kind of joke. He can’t be dead. He just can’t.” Her face was set with determination that slowly crumbled when our expressions didn’t change.

  Sofia was staring anywhere but Hailey.

  “I’m so sorry, Hailey,” Ryder said, dropping to kneel at her feet as he took her hand in his.

  Her lips trembled and her eyes filled with tears. “So he...he’s really dead?”

  Ryder nodded and she covered her face as her shoulders shook in silent tears.

  It wasn’t right that we were the ones to bring this to her, it wasn’t right that she was basically alone during an earth-shattering moment I turned to Master Abbott, who had been observing the encounter with a detached expression. “Call for Brielle.”

  “Excuse me?” He snapped, his eyes narrowing.

  I surpassed the urge to roll my own. “Call for Brielle Sutton, Hailey needs her.”

  If what I sensed between them was true, Brielle might be the one person who she would actually appreciate being around at a moment like that. Even with my suppressed grief, I wouldn’t want to be alone either.

  It seemed like he was going to deny my request, but then lifted his phone to his ear and instructed someone to bring her. “You can wait for her outside, and make sure to close the door behind you.”

  How do people not see how awful he is?

  Ryder helped Hailey to her feet, and we exited the room, Sofia closing the door with a loud, purposeful bang.

  I raised a brow at the noise.

  “What? He’s a dick, he can deal with a slammed door.”

  Hailey leaned against the wall and slumped to the floor, keeping her arms wrapped around her body as we waited for Brielle. “How did it happen?” She asked softly.

  “Are you sure —” Ryder started.

  “Just tell me!” She shouted, her voice echoing down the empty hallway.

  “He was stabbed in the chest and bled out,”

  She didn’t respond, instead, covering her face and rocked back and forth on the floor, letting out whimpers every few moments.

  I met their gazes, none of us sure what to do and luckily, we didn’t need to wait long before Brielle appeared from around the corner. Her gaze flew to Hailey and she sprinted forward, dropping to the ground, and pulling her to her chest.

  “What happened? Why is she crying?” She asked, her words thick with concern.

  “Our mission went to shit, and Hailey’s dad was killed,” Sofia explained.

  Hailey began trembling as she clung to Brielle.

  It felt like we were intruding in her privacy, so I turned to Brielle and asked, “Do you need anything from us?”

  She shook her head.

  As we walked back to our room, my mind returned to Tony Anderson. He would be the first one on my list for revenge, and after seeing what he’d done to Papa, I wouldn’t be gentle with him. I knew that after I was done with him, he would gladly give up the rest of the people involved with Papa’s capture and torture.

  “You’re going to kill him, aren’t you?” Sofia asked, snapping her band.

  Ryder furrowed his brow. “Kill who?”

  “Tony Anderson obviously. Lenna has a look of murder on her face and I’m guessing that she’s planning something.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe.”

  Ryder looked worried. “Lenna, I fully support getting back at the people who killed your father, but you need to make sure they aren’t innocent first.”

  “Of course I will, don’t worry.”

  Not. They could all burn for what they did to Papa. I couldn't care less if they thought he was a traitor or not. None of them would live.

  Sofia squeezed my arm and winked when Ryder redirected his gaze.

  “So,” Ryder started as we walked down the hallway. “What took you so long to meet with us?”

  “Oh, you know. Meeting with my long-lost aunt, who just so happens to be a Guild assassin,” I said nonchalantly.

  Sofia balked. “Say what now?”

  “You saw how Papa whispered in my ear right before he died? Well, he was telling me the name of my mother, and guess who it is?”

  “Who?” Sofia questioned.

  “Her name is Eleanor Locke, Master Locke’s twin sister,” I bit my lip.

  Ryder gasped as Sofia’s mouth dropped open. “No way. Actually, to be honest, it all makes sense now. You even look alike.”

  I nodded in agreement. “We do. I don't know how I didn’t see it before now.”

  “Holy shit. That is insane. So, you told her?” Sofi asked.

  I shook my head. “She figured it out and cornered me on my way back inside the compound.”

  “Was she happy to find out you are her niece?” Ryder asked as we descended down the staircase to the lower level.

  “It seemed like it, yeah. I lost one family member only to gain a new one.”

  Sofia shook her head and sighed. “That’s almost too morbid even for me, Len.”

  “Sorry,” I said halfheartedly.

  I noticed that they were both limping slightly, trying to hide the fact they were in pain. I halted in my steps, reaching out to stop them as well. They sent inquisitive glances in my direction. I felt their injuries through my touch and pushed my warm, rose-colored healing power into them. Audible sighs drifted through the air and they both were smiling by the time I was finished.

  “Damn that feels good,” Sofia remarked.

  I chuckled before we entered our rooms and I headed to my locker to withdraw a jumpsuit.

  It felt like a lifetime ago when I had last been in that room, laughing and joking around with the others. My stomach churned thinking about all the wasted time when I should have been saving Papa. I swallowed the bile that had risen in my throat.

  Max needed to be told what had happened in person. He was my father’s closest friend and the only person he trusted enough to know about my existence. I dressed quickly, making sure to avoid the other initiates as I pulled open the door, slamming right into a hard chest.

  Strong arms wrapped around my waist and I looked up into Cade’s silver gaze. He smiled widely at me, his dimple prominent in his cheek. “Hey there, gorgeous. How was your first mission?”

  Don’t freak out. Don’t freak out.

  Little swirls of light drifted out of my fingertips, and I quickly placed them around Cade to keep them from view. The picture of Papa taking his last breath was too fresh, too raw in my mind, and heat flashed through my veins. My body was demanding that I act.

  Knowing Cade expected a response, I internally shoved the anger as far away as I could and lifted the edges of my lips. “I’m glad it’s over, let’s just leave it at that.”

  Cade’s smile dimmed. “I would say killing gets easier, but it doesn’t. And honestly, that’s a good thing. We shouldn’t get desensitized to taking the life of another person.”

  I guess he isn’t going to be on board with my soon-to-be killing spree.

  Cade put a hand on the back of my neck and leaned down, gently pressing his lips against mine. I yanked him flush against my body, feeling as he matched my increasin
g enthusiasm before a pang of nausea slammed into my stomach.

  I can’t do this. Not now.

  I pulled back.

  “You want to come sleep with me tonight?” He asked, playing with a lock of my hair.

  “I think I just need the night to myself.”

  “Is everything okay?” He asked, concerned.

  I bobbed my head. “Yeah, it was just my first mission, and I’d like some time alone to process. I hope that’s alright.”

  “Of course, Lenna, That’s totally understandable. I remember how I felt after my first contract as well.” He kissed my cheek before releasing me. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  I smiled and watched as he walked away, his footsteps echoing in the empty hall, the fake grin slipping off my face as he disappeared around a bend.

  I loosed a breath and pushed the cool sensation throughout my body, feeling myself vanish from view before getting undressed and stuffing my discarded clothing into a bag. Still invisible, I shifted, my limbs changing into the powerful wings and tail of my hawk form.

  My sight sharpened, colors that my human eyes couldn't see coming into focus as I blinked. I shook my head as my sense of smell dulled, thankful that at least part of the sense remained, unlike most birds who didn't have the ability to smell at all.

  You never think about how much you rely on certain senses until you no longer have the option to. Each time I shifted into my hawk form, I spent the first few moments trying to adjust to the impairment.

  I scooped up the bag in my beak and flew out of a window, gliding over the darkened city streets on the way to Max’s favorite casino. I swooped around to the back; his office window left ajar.

  After flying in, I shifted before landing on my feet in an expert move that would have made Papa proud. I dropped my invisibility, the familiar cooling sensation leaving my body instantly.

  Just as I bent down to retrieve my clothing from the bag, the door swung open and I came face to face with a man dripping in sweat, wearing workout clothes.

  His chestnut-colored hair was tied up in a bun at the top of his head and black, swirling tattoos covered his bare arms. His eyes were a deep, honey-brown and his nose was slightly crooked, as if it had been broken one too many times. The scent of autumn leaves mixed with traces of sweat hitting my nostrils.


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