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The Assassin's Revenge (The Hybrid Chronicles Book 2)

Page 12

by Shana Vernon

  He began pacing back and forth across the roof. “You’re telling me that there is an entire species that has been kept hidden from the world, and the organization I spent my whole life training to join is behind the countless deaths of those innocent people.” His voice steadily rose as he spoke and was almost shouting by the end.

  I stood up. “Ekon, I understand that you’re shocked, but it’s probably a good idea not to yell about this for anyone to hear.”

  He stopped pacing and his amber eyes pierced into mine. “I... I just…” He seemed at a loss for words. “You’re absolutely sure about this?”

  “Babe, we had a legitimate battle against this elite unit and saved the hybrid kid. We saw him with our own eyes. The Guild sent assassins after a little boy.” Sofia said as she stood up and crossed over to Ekon, placing a comforting hand on his chest. “They tried to kill an innocent child. A child, Ekon.”

  He moved away from her hand and pinched the bridge of his nose. “This is too much.” He started backing away. “I need to think about all of this. I won’t say anything, I swear, but I just need some time to come to terms with what you said.”

  I nodded and he walked out the door, Sofia looking like she wanted to run after him. After the door shut behind him, Sofia sunk into the sofa and covered her face. “Did we make the right choice telling him?”

  I sat beside her and pulled at her hands. “He will come around. I know he will. He is the most honorable person I’ve ever met. He just needs to deal with the knowledge that the Guild isn’t as good as he’d built it up in his head to be.”

  She peered up at me through her impossibly thick lashes. “If he decides to tell on us, I wouldn’t be able to stop him. I could never hurt him like that.”

  “Don’t think like that for one second, Sof. He will come around. I know it and so do you.” I had to convince myself of that fact just as much, while a small voice in the back of my head worried that he wouldn't get over this.

  She sniffed and bobbed her head, turning it to rest on my shoulder as the sun bloomed across the horizon, golden beams lighting up the sky with shades of fuchsia and apricot.

  Pure radiance.

  I stifled a yawn as we entered the training room, only having gotten three hours of sleep before we were woken for a training session with Master Wilson. Ekon hadn’t moved his bed away from mine, but he still hadn’t spoken to either me or Sofia. Our beds had been together from our first night at the Guild, and that seemed like the final step he would take to put the lid on our friendship. I could see how much it hurt her each time she looked at him from across the room.

  He stood with his arms crossed, a blank expression on his face. He watched as Master Wilson joked around with Ryder and Brielle, Hailey standing beside them. I was happy to see a light in her eyes and even her hair was back to being annoying shiny and straight again. One day I would ask her how she kept her hair so perfect.

  It can’t be natural.

  “Have you had any more luck with your research?” I asked Axel as I leaned against the wall.

  He nodded. “I found some archives in the library, but they didn’t include much regarding interrogation techniques. What I did find about the early days was quite displeasing to be honest.” He lowered his voice and Sofia and I both leaned in to hear him better. “It appears that they used less than savory methods of extracting information when the Guild was originally formed. There were images of what I could only describe as torture chambers. It all seems quite brutishy.”

  “Why would they be torturing them?” I asked, my energy tingling along with my anger. A few stray wisps of light swirled out of my fingertips.

  Axel looked around before continuing. “From what I read, there was an attempt at vampire genocide from the humans about three hundred years ago. When the Guild was originally established, they didn’t work in the dark. They gathered all of their supporters and went after as many vampires as they could.” He shuddered. “I don’t know how they were able to successfully hide something like that, but after their failure, they went into hiding and worked from the shadows, only killing those deemed dangerous.”

  “I have a feeling that isn’t the only thing they are hiding from us,” I said, crossing my arms.

  Master Wilson interrupted me before I could continue, calling us to the middle of the room. We joined the rest of the initiates on the mats and Hailey caught my eye, giving me a small smile.

  “How many calories do you think he needs to eat every day to keep up his physique?” Ryder whispered into my ear.

  I shrugged, my gaze switching from Ekon to our new Master of combat. Even through his black fatigues, his muscles were outlined as they strained against the material.

  “At least a cow or two, along with five tons of protein powder,” I replied.

  Ryder chuckled as Master Wilson began to speak.

  “Now is your chance to show me that the Guild didn’t make any mistakes recruiting you lot. From my understanding, only one of you requested entrance here, so you all have a lot to prove.” He said with a clap of his hands. “Ms. Bishop, if you’d please step forward, I’d like to start with you seeing as we missed our one-on-one session the other day. The rest of you pair up and begin sparing.”

  I kept in another yawn and stepped up to face Master Wilson, who was smiling kindly at me.

  So unnerving. Can’t he scowl or something? Maybe look a little menacing?

  “I’ve read the reports from your previous Master of combat as well as your other instructors. They’ve all stated that you’ve come a long way since you arrived.” He said as he took a defensive position. “Now, you need to show me what they meant.” He waved me forward with a mischievous grin.

  Blood rushed through my veins as my adrenaline surged, my energy humming excitedly in anticipation of the fight. I scanned his body, looking for tells as we did light footwork around each other.

  He gave nothing away, so in an effort to catch him off guard, I pounced, bringing my fist to his ribcage. The moment before my fist landed, his skin shimmered and his caramel skin hardened. My hand connected to what felt like solid stone and my bone groaned from the blow.

  I stepped back, shaking my hand, my eyes widening while Master Wilson let out a laugh.

  “I guess nobody told you what my gift is, then.”

  I shook my head. Was he made of stone?

  He took a step closer. “My skin is impenetrable, but only when I concentrate on it. If you catch me unaware, you can break through. Remember that no gift is infallible.”

  I had no clue why he would divulge his weakness to everyone in the room, but his words hit a little too close to home. I knew all too well that my powers had limitations. Papa’s absence from my life was a daily reminder of my failure.

  I would need to take a different approach with him. Hand to hand combat was out of the question. I straightened and rolled my shoulders, my hands opening on either side of my body as I concentrated on the energy coursing through my body. Twin balls of light manifested in each palm, the energy crackling.

  I grinned.

  Instead of making him nervous, Master Wilson eyes lit with excitement. “Bring it, light bender. Let’s see what you got.”

  I flung one of them at his face and danced around to his back as he dodged, throwing the second one to his back. His size insured he would be slower than me, and I whooped as the light slammed into his back.

  He grunted and spun around, rubbing his body. “Not bad,” he said before sprinting straight at me, his granite-hard fist approaching my cheek.

  I pulled my hands up and manipulated the energy faster than ever before, manifesting a shield just in time for his blow to connect with it. It reverberated off my shield with a bang, and I instantly felt a drain in my energy reserves. Those muscles weren't a facade. He was powerful.

  Something sizzled and the smell of burned flesh flew through the air. Master Wilson cursed and brought his knuckles up to his face. “Well, I stand corrected. My skin is no
t impenetrable after all,” he said as he looked at me, impressed. The top layer of his skin was coated in a burnt crust.


  I held my hand out. “Sorry about that, I’m still learning what my gift can do. Let me hear it for you.”

  He placed his hand in my palm and I pushed my warm, rose-colored light into my body, watching as the crust smoothed out and his tanned skin returned to normal. He withdrew his arm and gazed at it, flexing his fingers. “Not bad, Bishop, not bad at all. I’ve seen enough and I think you’ve earned the rest of the day off.”

  I inclined my head. “Thank you, Master Wilson.”

  I turned around, winked at Sofia, who was paired with Axel, and walked out of the room.

  I stood outside the bank, my stomach churning from my nerves. I’d put this off for far too long now, not wanting to deal with it since Papa’s death. I steeled myself and swiped my card through the scanner, the electronic door swinging open as it accepted my identification.

  I entered the air-conditioned bank and went straight for the room in the back where the safety deposit boxes were located. Slipping my key into the one marked 3971, I opened it and withdrew the contents of the box with bated breath.

  Here we go.

  Inside were multiple identities for Papa and myself, along with stacks of different currencies, which I placed into my bag. Next, I peeled open an envelope with Papa’s name on the front and pulled out a piece of paper.

  It read, The last Will and Testament of Alexei Turgenov.

  My mouth dropped open.

  He’d put everything in my name. Every bank account, every property he’d secured over the years. He’d invested all of his money into making sure I would have a future. A future where I would be safe from the Guild or whoever else would be after me. I was shocked by the amount of zeros tacked on to the ends of each account. He’d kept our lifestyle the way it was in order to save for my future.

  I tossed everything into my bag and hurried to the bathroom in time for the tears to pour down my face as the dam I’d constructed in my mind shattered. I dropped to the floor and my lips trembled as sobs wracked my chest, my stomach twisting and turning. I stayed there until my hands stopped shaking and my eyes dried before getting back to my feet, pushing the cooling sensation through my body, and blinking out of view.

  Chapter 16

  For most of that week, I’d spent the majority of my time preparing for my next Guild assassination. Learning everything I could about my mark, Chadwick Buchanan, who was the CEO of a technology firm. I’d taken the proof the Guild had provided and checked it out myself, tailing him around town while invisible and staking out his residence.

  Chadwick, or Chad, as he was referred to by friends and family, was accused of raping multiple men and women, though none of the accusers would go to the police. One of them finally had the courage to come forward and request our services, and from what I’d already witnessed, I was more than happy to take care of him. I detested people like Chadwick. He was an attractive guy, surely he could flirt his way into consensual encounters, but no. He had to force it. I had a difficult time not taking him out as I tailed him, reminding myself he was too high profile for a rushed job.

  There was a black-tie event happening that evening hosted by my mark to celebrate a new merger of two companies .

  I’d scored an invitation using an alias, presenting myself as a possible new investor. Everything from my weapon to my dress was planned out. The one good thing I could say about the Guild was their disguise team. I’d given the designers my specifications, and they’d delivered.

  My wig was long, straight, and midnight black. I’d taken a bit of inspiration from Hailey’s perfect hair, though I couldn’t change my skin color to match her dark tone. The wig had full bangs, lightly brushing over dark brown contact lenses. My dress was a shimmery-red with long sleeves and a plunging neckline. A slit on my right side went all the way up to my hip. A move in the wrong direction would flash the world my lady bits but fighting in a dress was nearly impossible without slits. It wasn’t that I expected a fight to break out, but one always had to be prepared for the unexpected. Papa always stressed that.

  My heels clicked on the floor as I headed out of the initiates’ quarters, on the way to my car when I halted right as a hulking figure appeared in the doorway.

  Ekon stood there, examining me with narrowed eyes. “Can I help you?”

  Right. He doesn’t recognize me now.

  “Ekon, it’s me, Lenna.”

  I hated the distance that’d come up between us since I brought him in to the fold. It was obvious he’d been wrestling with himself over the new information about the Guild. Guilt churned in my chest as I peered up at him, wishing I could take away his frustrations.

  Shock spread over his features. “Oh, wow! Lenna, you look beautiful.”

  “The design crew really is something.” I was so happy that he was talking to me again, I didn’t want to ruin it by asking any questions.

  He shook his head. “Nah, it’s all you, no matter what disguise you have on.”

  I smiled genuinely. “Thanks. You really know how to make a girl blush.”

  He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “Listen, I know I’ve been a dick lately, I just needed some time to deal with everything. I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I want to be a part of B—”

  I put a hand over his mouth to silence him.

  He nodded and I dropped my arm.

  We really need a secure place to have meetings.

  My expression must have looked pained because he grinned and opened his arms wide in invitation.

  I stepped into his warm embrace and he crushed me to his chest.

  “We’re good, Len. I promise.”

  With a heart lighter than it’d felt in a long time, I handed my invitation to the guard at the entrance and walked into the hall.,

  There were trees littered throughout the room accented by fairy lights that twinkled from their positions on the branches. Little booths lined the walls, each stand representing another country with different types of food.

  My eyes scanned the venue in search of Chadwick, spotting him propped against the bar while he leaned down to play with the hair of a woman sitting at the bar, her gaze riveted on him.

  If only she knew what he was really like.

  I stepped up to the booth labeled Mexico and accepted a soft taco from the waiter with a smile. As I made my way to the bar while munching on what could possibly have been the best taco I’d ever eaten in my life, I had a strange feeling of being watched.

  I examined the hall, and my focus landed on a pair of piercing daffodil-yellow eyes and a flash of auburn hair. I blinked and stepped forward, but by the time my eyes opened again, the person was gone. I searched the entire room for those unique eyes, but came up empty, before shaking my head and returning to my mark.

  Chadwick was twirling a chestnut lock of hair, while the woman animatedly explained something to him.. I decided it was time to interfere and made my way to the open seat next to her, placing my clutch on the counter and attempting to catch the eye of the bartender unsuccessfully.

  I angled my body strategically, tossing a strand of perfectly straight black hair behind my shoulder, exposing my plunging neckline as I sighed. I felt the moment as his gaze landed on me and I waited with bated breath for him to react.

  I didn’t have to wait long.

  A shadow appeared beside me. “Patrick,” a voice barked. “I believe this exquisite woman is interested in placing her order.”

  The bartender immediately surfaced in front of me with an apologetic expression. “Excuse me ma’am, I didn’t notice you waiting,” he said, a blush creeping over his nose.

  “Oh, not to worry.” I waved my hand and turned to my left, tilting my head back to take in Chadwick’s face. He had that innocent boy-next-door look down pat, with his curly brown hair, double cheek dimples, and freckles. I would never have guessed what he did behind clo
sed doors. “Thanks for your help,” I said trying to make my voice sound sultry. I wasn’t even entirely sure how to make my voice sultry. I hoped I didn’t sound like a complete fool.

  His dimples were emphasized when he smiled at me, completely disregarding the woman he’d left behind him, who was busy glaring daggers at me.

  Girl, you don’t have any idea what I just saved you from.

  “Anything for a beautiful woman,” he said, not bothering to hide his gaze as it roamed over my dress. “Can I buy your drink?”

  Well, isn’t he confident?

  A very big part of me wanted to sneer at him for making assumptions, but I was here for this exact purpose. I forced a grin on my face. “I’d love a White Russian.”

  He turned to the bartender. “A White Russian for the ravishing beauty, and a Gin and tonic for me.”

  Laying it on a little thick there, buddy.

  I wondered if Hailey was used to attention like this and my smile turned genuine as I Imagined her response to being hit on by overenthusiastic men. I kept in a laugh at the thought as he held out a hand for me to shake.

  “Chadwick Buchanan, and you are?”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Charlotte Livingston.”

  He brought my hand up to his face and brushed his lips over my fingers. “Oh, I can definitely say that the pleasure is all mine.”


  I forced my shudder to stay internal and kept a pleasant expression on my face.

  The woman finally gave up and left, leaving Chadwick to take her place, keeping his body in my direction. “Are you one of the employees my company is accepting with the merger, Ms. Livingston?”

  “I’m afraid not, Mr. Buchanan.”

  “Please call me Chad, all my friends do.”

  “Is that what we are?” I asked with a flutter of my lashes.

  “I’d definitely like for us to be more than friends,” he winked.

  The bartender placed our drinks in front of us and disappeared. Chad didn’t give him a second glance, handing me my glass and clinking his against it.


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