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Fang Me

Page 3

by Parker Blue

Well, if Austin thought it was all right . . . I drew on the strings that connected me to the two of them, and let all that lustful energy flow into the deep wells of my body, filling them with the essence I craved so much yet tried to deny myself. I slurped up enough to keep Lola happy without draining them completely, then released them.

  Once they regained their senses, they apologized profusely.

  Alejandro, his expression cold, ordered, "Leave us. And take this mess with you." He gestured at the staked vamp on the floor.

  Rosa stalked forward and swept her long dark hair out of her face. "They must clean up the rest of the mess, too." She flung out a hand toward the downed pine. "And redecorate the tree. Do you know how long it took me to get it just right?"

  Alejandro suppressed a smile and nodded. "As she said. Rosa will supervise until you have it exactly to her liking."

  The two vamps looked appalled, seeming more upset by this punishment than by Lola's caress or taking out dead bodies.


  You got that right. Men. Can't live with 'em; can't kill 'em. Mostly.

  Rosa nodded in satisfaction as the men hauled Neil's body away.

  Alejandro had me read the minds of all the women in the room, and I cleared them all. They were all worried about me learning their secrets, but who could keep them all straight? They all kind of blurred together after awhile, and I really didn't like wallowing in the muck of the vampire psyche anyway.

  When we were done, I felt suddenly tired and hungry. Since the vamps didn't eat, they let me order in pizza, which I shared with Fang in the empty kitchen. That, plus the energy Lola had dragged out of the two who attacked me, helped to restore me fairly quickly.

  After we ate, we rejoined Alejandro in his study, just the three of us. I slumped into one of the fancy wing-backed chairs in his very masculine study, all done up in earth tones, tile, and dark wood. The only thing I liked about this place was the mural on the wall opposite Alejandro's desk, depicting a sun-drenched landscape—a view from a villa on the Mediterranean.

  "Okay," I said bluntly,"they might buy that stuff about how noble I am and all that, but I don't. After all, I've killed many vamps and I could be lulling you into a false sense of security. Why do you trust me?"

  Alejandro smiled from behind his mahogany desk. "You have a great deal of integrity."

  "You don't know that." Heck, I wasn't even sure if I knew that or not. I was still learning things about myself all the time.

  "Oh, but I do. You've proven it several times over. Also, do you remember the night I spoke to the Demon Underground, the night the Encyclopedia Magicka was stolen?"

  "Of course."

  "I happened to brush up against a soothsayer demon that night."

  A what?

  TESSA, Fang explained.

  Prophecy girl?


  When the elfin-looking Tessa touched someone, she sometimes involuntarily spouted fortune cookie-type prophecies about their future. "Tessa gave you a prophecy?" At his nod, I asked, "What was it?"

  "She said, 'Lead with an honest heart by your side and you will achieve all that you desire.'"

  Ooookay. " 'An honest heart' could refer to anyone, like Austin or Rosa."

  "Perhaps, but a soothsayer's prediction is never that straightforward. It is often couched with double meanings."

  I knew that. "Yeah, so?"

  "So what is another word for heart?"

  "I don't know." And why did it matter?

  "Isn't your full name Valentine Shapiro?"

  Oh, crap. Had Tessa really told him I was the salvation of a vein of vampires? And why hadn't she told me?

  I gaped at Alejandro as he sat in the thronelike chair behind his massive wooden desk. No, I didn't buy that I was the Movement's savior. I couldn't. "How can I possibly help the New Blood Movement?"

  "You already have," Alejandro pointed out,"by exposing traitors within our ranks."

  "Oh, good. Can I go now?"

  I started to rise, but Alejandro halted me with a disappointed glance. "You know better than that. We have a contract."

  NICE TRY, Fang said.

  I sighed. "Look, I know the contract said I'm supposed to assist you with your coming out plans, but I don't get how I can do that. I have no political influence. I'm no party planner."

  "I have other people to do those things. All I really expect is to have you by my side for now, a talisman if you would."

  A freakin' lucky charm? Did I look like a leprechaun?

  Alejandro continued,"But it would help greatly if you could assist me in convincing the Demon Underground to reveal themselves to the general public at the same time we do."

  Shaking my head, I said,"You know I can't do that. For one thing, I'm not sure any of them would listen to me. And, for another, that's Micah's decision. He's the one you have to convince." Thank goodness that wasn't part of the contract.

  "With your help, perhaps?" Alejandro suggested, raising one eyebrow.

  I shook my head. "I don't even know if I agree. I don't get how it would help the demons. After all, the whole point of the Demon Underground is to help them pass as normal in human society."


  "But wouldn't they rather be accepted as they are?" Alejandro persisted.

  "That would be nice, but do you really think that's gonna happen? 'Cause I sure don't see it."

  "Not even if we announce our existence to the world during Christmas, the season of good will?"


  I nodded at Fang—he had a point. "What's your hurry, anyway? After all, you can potentially live forever."

  "Yes, but the Movement cannot support new members without a continuous stream of donors at our blood banks to provide the sustenance we need. With the backing of some key political leaders we have now, we must use this time before another election occurs. And with the legislation we plan to put in place, vampires belonging to the Movement will be protected while those who don't will be outcast. It will be far more difficult for the unaffiliated to get away with their attacks on humans."

  Okay, saving the human race was a good reason, but—

  The door opened and Rosa stuck her head in the study. "Micah Blackburn is here to see you."

  Alejandro nodded. "Send him in, please."

  My cousin—by demon powers though not by blood—came in, and Alejandro waved him to a seat. Micah came right to the point. "As we agreed, I have Josh and Andrew here to start their punishment. They're waiting in the car."

  Lucky for them, Alejandro had recognized the demons had been influenced by their grief and the dark magicks in the Encyclopedia Magicka when they attacked the Movement. So instead of calling for their blood, he'd agreed to let them work off their debt to his organization.

  Alejandro nodded. "Have you made any progress in learning where the fire demon hid the books?"

  Micah sighed heavily. "Not yet. We've tried everything we can think of to get the information. The books somehow erased or magically protected his memory of where he hid them." Micah shook his head. "All we really know is that they're in San Antonio somewhere. Andrew didn't have time to take them anywhere else, and he definitely remembers putting them somewhere safe, not mailing them."

  Apparently, when the books didn't want to be found, they made sure of it. The question was, why didn't they want to be found? I'd had them for years. Why hide now?

  I couldn't answer those questions, so I asked Alejandro,"What are you going to have Josh and Andrew do?"

  "I thought I'd put them under the supervision of one of my lieutenants. Luis."

  Now that was true punishment. How diabolical.

  "That takes care of the boys," he continued,"but I am wondering about the books. They are too dangerous to leave lying around for anyone to find. You had them for a long time, did you not, Ms
. Shapiro?"

  I nodded.

  "And you had no problem with them trying to control you. Why is that?"

  "I don't know," I admitted. "I don't think anyone does."

  "Maybe there's one who does," Micah corrected me.

  News to me. "Who?"

  "Someone showed up a few hours ago from the Demon Underground in Los Angeles. He felt the books wake up and came to warn us about them."

  JUST A TAD TOO LATE, Fang snarked.

  My thoughts exactly.

  Micah continued,"He claims to be an expert on them. I thought we might all want to speak to him, so he's waiting in the other room."

  "Then let us bring him in," Alejandro said. He stuck his head out the wooden door that could have belonged to some ancient castle and asked Rosa to fetch the so-called expert.

  Rosa had an amused smile on her face as she showed the guy in. Slim with nicely defined muscles, he was styled to the nth degree with a casually chic fitted jacket over a tight white T-shirt and jeans. With his carefully moussed and highlighted hair, tasteful earring, and just the right amount of sexy beard stubble, he appeared as if he'd just stepped out of a Calvin Klein ad. He even made Alejandro seem slightly shabby in comparison.

  So that's what metrosexual looked like . . . .

  Fang snorted.

  Alejandro told Rosa she could go, and the pretty boy smoothed his hair back. He gave her a smoldering glance as she left, as if rewarding her with a prize. Strange. I'd never seen a nonvamp so . . . comfortable around the undead.

  Fang laid down and put his head on his paws, sighing in disgust. CAN YOU SAY NARCISSIST?

  True, but I had to admit the guy was great eye candy.

  "This is Trevor Jackson," Micah said, then introduced the rest of us and gestured Trevor to one of the leather wing -backed chairs.

  The guy sat gracefully, appearing oh-so-casual as he adjusted his jacket just so. "Call me Trevor." He smiled lazily but his voice had an edge to it. "I'm the keeper of the Encyclopedia Magick and I've come to take it back where it belongs."


  I choked back a laugh. Pretty boy was trying to tell the leader of the two most powerful organizations in San Antonio what to do? Either the guy was stupid or he had more guts than I gave him credit for. What was he, anyway? Some kind of fashion demon?

  Fang chuckled in my mind. NO SUCH THING, BABE.

  Then what is he?

  Fang tensed beside me. I DON'T KNOW. I CAN'T READ HIS MIND.

  Whoa. That was a first. If Fang couldn't read his mind, then . . ."Are you human, Trevor?" I blurted out.

  Trevor appeared miffed at having his big announcement interrupted. "No, or Micah wouldn't have brought me here."

  "Tessa checked his credentials," Micah confirmed.

  I wanted to ask Trevor point-blank what kind of demon he was, but that wasn't considered good manners in the Demon Underground. There was no rule about asking other rude questions, though. So far as I knew.

  "So why can't my hellhound read you?" I asked bluntly.

  Trevor shrugged."Part of my training is to learn how to protect my mind from intrusion." His dismissive gaze skimmed Alejandro and Fang, the two who might have been able to worm some secrets out of him.

  "Really? Do you have something to hide?" I asked.


  "The training is so I can keep the books out of my mind," Trevor explained."So they can't control me. That is why I am their proper keeper. Trust me, you don't want them on the loose in your city."

  Something didn't ring true. I turned to Micah."I had them for thirteen years, and your father had them before that. How long?"

  "I'm not sure," he said, glancing speculatively at Trevor."Ever since I can remember."

  Alejandro raised an eyebrow and voiced what the rest of us were thinking."You do not appear old enough to have

  had custody of such important magickal artifacts before they came to Micah's father."

  Something flickered in Trevor's eyes, but I wasn't sure what. Annoyance? Embarrassment? He shrugged, trying to look sheepish but not quite pulling it off."My father was keeper before me," he admitted."He lost them and trained me to take his place in case they ever appeared again."

  "So you've never actually been a keeper?" I persisted.

  "I am fully trained, I assure you. I've been studying them all my life. That's how I knew when they woke here in San Antonio."

  "Does that mean you can sense them now?"

  "Afraid not. They're hiding." His smile was lazy, his eyes hooded. Unexpectedly sexy. I bet he got a lot of mileage out of that calculated smile.

  Fang poked me with his nose. DON'T LET IT WORK ON YOU.

  Not a problem. He's not my type. He liked himself too much. But I had to admit watching him was entertaining.

  Alejandro raised an imperious finger from behind his desk to gain Trevor's attention."Earlier, you stated that we would not want them loose in San Antonio. Why is that?"

  He shrugged."I suspect you figured that out for yourselves when they woke."

  Micah and Alejandro exchanged a look I couldn't interpret.

  "Do they always try to control people?" Micah asked.

  "Usually. It's why they need a keeper."

  Micah glanced at me. I took the hint."But I had them for many years and they didn't try to control me," I told Trevor.

  He raised an eyebrow."Didn't they?"

  That took me aback for a moment. Had they controlled my actions without my knowledge? What a disturbing thought.

  No, wait. Josh and Andrew said the books had spoken to them. I didn't remember anything like that. More confident, I said,"No, they didn't. They never spoke to me, never tried to get me to do anything at all."

  His brow furrowed in puzzlement and he asked,"Did you read them? Did you try any of the spells?"

  "Uh, I just read the first volume that explained about all the different kinds of supernatural creatures. I didn't try any spells." They must have been in the last two volumes. I'd glanced through them, but wasn't interested in the mumbo jumbo stuff.

  He nodded as if his suspicions were confirmed."That explains it."

  "Can you prove you're the keeper?" Micah asked. He obviously wanted to keep the books and didn't want to think his father had anything to do with stealing them.

  "Absolutely," Trevor confirmed."When we find the encyclopedia."

  "Can you track them?" I asked eagerly. The sooner we found the books—no matter who kept them—the sooner I could get out of my contract with Alejandro.

  "Only when they're actively trying to control someone. When they're not, I can't sense them at all."

  "Then how do you expect to find them?" Alejandro asked. I'd expected him to be impatient by now, but he merely seemed curious.

  Trevor shrugged, looking rueful."I can only hope they reveal themselves by trying to manipulate someone else. And if I get within five hundred feet of them, I'll be able to sense them even if they're hiding."

  That would be handy.

  "And once you find them?" Alejandro persisted.

  "I'll be able to control them," Trevor said with confidence.

  "How?" Micah asked.

  A corner of Trevor's mouth quirked up."I'm afraid that's a trade secret. Too many people want to possess the Encyclopedia Magicka for, er, nefarious purposes. You understand."

  Clearly, Micah didn't."And how do we know your purposes aren't nefarious?"

  "Because I'm a keeper," Trevor said, as if that explained everything."You know where they were last, and some of you had contact with them. I'm hoping I can learn something that will help me find them." Trevor paused."And since you so obviously want to find the books yourselves, can you tell me why?"

  Alejandro scowled."They were used against members of the New Blood Movement. I do not wish this to ever happen again."

  "Ah, yes, Micah explained your Movement to me. I would be happy to remove them fr
om San Antonio for you. And you?" Trevor asked Micah.

  "They have a lot of knowledge about the abilities of our own people that the Demon Underground can use. It's an invaluable resource for understanding ourselves."

  Before he could ask me, I said,"I just want to help Micah and Alejandro." Not to mention complete that contract so I'd be free.

  Trevor nodded."I think we can work something out with the Underground here. With your knowledge of their recent whereabouts and my ability to find them, we'd be better off pooling our efforts to find the books." He glanced between the two leaders who still looked uncertain."Why don't I leave you to talk about it?" He took a business card out of his pocket and slid it across the scarred surface of the old wooden desk to Alejandro."You can reach me at this number." He paused, giving us a charming smile."If you wouldn't mind providing me a ride back to where I'm staying?"


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