Fang Me

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Fang Me Page 6

by Parker Blue

  "They don't have to know what wounded you." Luis gave Andrew a passing glare as he returned with the chair."Tell them some children were playing with bows and arrows and got out of hand."

  Andrew's face turned as red as his hair, but he didn't respond to the taunt."Do you need help?" he asked me.

  Gwen came running up, her bouncing red curls not quite as brassy as Andrew's. My normally cheerful, upbeat roomie was all business as she pushed her way into the car beside me."What happened?"

  We explained and I said,"I don't want Shade for this. Can you take care of it . . . discreetly?"

  She frowned."I have to use the resources here at the hospital, which means you'll have to be seen by a doctor. Is there anything . . . unusual about your blood or anything?"

  "I don't know. Probably."

  Andrew nodded."Definitely."

  Crap."And you'd better make sure it's a female doctor. If a guy gets too close . . ."

  Gwen's mouth rounded in an"o" of realization.

  "Don't worry," Luis said dismissively."I shall ensure no one remembers anything unusual tonight."

  Gwen glanced at him curiously but didn't ask how or why. That was only one of the many things I loved about her.

  "Okay," Gwen said decisively."I'll make sure she gets help." She eased me gently into the chair and glanced at Fang."I'm sorry, but he can't come in."

  My best friend couldn't be by my side? Then I wasn't sure I wanted to go.


  He was right. I hated hospitals, so I was just trying to delay the inevitable. Sighing, I thought back at him, Okay. I nodded at Gwen and she turned to Luis."Can you deal with the paperwork?"

  He frowned, but obviously didn't want to admit there was something he couldn't do.

  "I'll get the info from Micah," Josh said."Do you want me to call anyone else? Your family?"

  Lord, no."Anyone calls my mother and they're dead meat. Got me?" I did not want her hovering over me, trying to act all maternal and caring when it probably wasn't serious.

  Josh looked surprised, but everyone nodded, so Gwen whisked me inside. I had an impression of light tiled floors, white walls, ugly harsh white lighting . . . and the distinctive hospital smell that had the blood draining from my head. If I wasn't sick before, that smell would do it every time.

  IT'S PSYCHOSOMATIC, Fang told me.

  How do you even know those kinds of words?


  I guess. But psychosomatic or not, being here made me feel worse. I liked it even less when the doctor came in to work on me.

  A couple of hours later, I was bandaged up and woozy from the medication they'd given me. The doctor must have noticed something odd because she wanted to run some tests, but Luis, who pretended he was my brother so he could be by my side, used his mind-control mojo to persuade her otherwise.

  When she left, I turned to Gwen."Did she talk to anyone about my strangeness? Is there anything written down?"

  "She only mentioned it to me," Gwen assured me."And your . . . brother," she glanced askance at Luis,"took care of the lab techs who tested your blood. Josh helped me find all your records. There's nothing weird in them."


  I fell asleep on my way home. When I woke, I was in my own bed, Fang curled up beside me, and practically everyone I knew was standing around—Luis and his two troublemakers had been joined by Shade, Alejandro and Micah. They were all chatting quietly at the foot of my bed. Gwen must have gone off-shift, because she was standing over me, checking my pulse. Made me feel a bit like Dorothy, with Gwen playing Auntie Em and Fang as Toto. Guess who the two brainless scarecrows were?


  No, just feeling a little goofy."What's going on?" I said aloud. I lifted myself up onto my elbows, wincing. Note to self: movement causes pain."Am I about to die or something?"

  "You're fine," Gwen soothed."You'll just need some peace and quiet to heal from your injury." She glanced at the guys who had come to surround my bed, but none of them took the hint.

  "Then why the death bed scene?" I persisted.

  Micah grinned."We wanted to see you for ourselves."

  Alejandro nodded."But this will not get you out of your contract, you know." He smiled, and I realized he was making a joke. Would wonders never cease?

  "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm hungry," Gwen said in her brisk nurse tone."Who wants to help me make something to eat?"

  She collected Josh and Andrew with her gaze and they went willingly—Gwen's cooking was legendary in the Demon Underground. She was one of the few humans who knew about us, and because of her cooking and nursing, everyone had sort of adopted her as one of us. Luis followed, too.

  When they left, I noticed Shade hadn't approached the bed. He just stood there and, because of the swirls where his face should be, I couldn't tell what he was thinking.


  Why not?


  Sheesh. I wondered how to reassure Shade without letting him know Fang was picking his brain for me.

  "Why didn't you want Shade to heal you?" Micah asked, sitting on the end of my queen-sized bed.

  What a great coincidence. I glanced at Fang. Or maybe not.

  From the smug look on his face, definitely not. The furry telepath had struck again.

  I answered Micah's question but looked at Shade."Because I know how much it takes out of you . . . and what happens afterward. I didn't want that for you."

  I held out my hand and Shade took it. His features blipped into focus then, and he looked both pained and relieved at the same time. He sat gingerly next to me on the bed."I would've healed you, gladly."

  "I know, and that's why I couldn't let you do it."

  AWW, HOW SWEET, Fang cooed, projecting his thoughts to all who could hear him.

  Micah chuckled.

  "Don't encourage him," I warned."Or you might be his next target."

  "Oh, I've been used for target practice many times," Micah said with a laugh."Remember, he was with me before he came to you."

  "And now I see why you foisted him on me." I rubbed Fang's fuzzy head to let him know I didn't mean it. I didn't have to, though—he knew it. And if Fang ever lost his snark, I'd probably think he was possessed or sick or something.

  "So," Alejandro said."No more vampire hunting for you until you are well. Besides, Luis tells me that the message was delivered."

  "Yes, but the other vamps aren't really organized, so I don't know how the word will spread. Or how much good it'll do if you're not willing to back up Luis's threats . . . . "

  "That will not be a problem. We will indeed take the war to the streets. We cannot jeopardize our big announcement. He spoke for me in this matter."

  I shrugged then winced when the movement hurt my side."Okay, boss. I won't purposefully hunt down any vampires. But I'm scheduled to meet Trevor at dawn." Which was probably coming up really soon.

  Alejandro nodded."I called him and let him know you will not be able to make that appointment, so he plans to canvass the city on his own. He asked if you could meet him at midnight tonight." He looked at Micah."Will she be well enough then?"

  My cuz nodded and said,"She'll still be in pain, but her accelerated healing will help. So long as you weren't planning on her doing anything strenuous, she should be fine."

  I hated the way they talked about me as if I wasn't there. Strengthened by Fang and Shade's nearness, I said,"She is right here and can decide that for herself."

  Micah lifted an eyebrow."And what does she decide?"

  "That I can meet Trevor, because it shouldn't involve anything more strenuous than driving around in a car looking for some sign of the books."

  "Very good," Alejandro said.
"I shall see you then. And now, if you will excuse me? It's approaching dawn."

  He bowed and left."I'd better go, too," Micah said, and gave me a kiss on the forehead."Take care of yourself."

  "I will," I promised.

  After he was gone, only Shade, Fang and I were left in the room. And with all the other distractions gone, I was a hundred times more aware of Shade. So was Lola, and, pain or not, she was kind of interested in coaxing him down to lie beside us.

  I CAN LEAVE IF YOU WANT, Fang offered.

  No, don't. The plan was to stay away from Shade as much as possible until my contract was over. He was just too much temptation.

  Shade looked concerned."Are you really okay?"

  "I'll be fine. I heal fast and this wasn't enough of a wound to call out the big guns." I yawned."I don't know if it's the meds or what, but I'm suddenly very tired."

  "Should I leave you alone then?" Shade asked, looking reluctant.

  "If you don't mind. You'd better go and get some of Gwen's cooking before those others scarf it all down."

  "Don't you want some?"

  "Not now. The meds are making my stomach a little queasy. I'll eat later." Then, to punctuate my decision, I let out another huge yawn.

  "Okay," he said and leaned over to give me a peck on the lips."Get well soon."

  I watched Shade leave with regret. It would have been nice to snuggle up with him, but not the best choice when I was so weak. As Shade closed the door softly behind him, Fang cuddled even closer. YOU'RE NOT GOING TO MAKE ME LEAVE, TOO, ARE YOU?

  Not a chance. Pets are therapeutic, haven't you heard?


  Chuckling, I stroked his soft ears and closed my eyes, letting the medication fog my brain. With any luck, I'd soon be fast asleep.

  I was partway there when a faint, urgent thought pierced through the fog.

  Help me. Find me.

  Huh? Who the hell was that?


  When I woke the next day, I felt really groggy. It was dark again, so I must have slept a long time. Better for healing, I guess. Something niggled at the edge of my brain, something I wanted to remember. It took a moment, but I recalled the voice I'd heard right before I drifted off to sleep. Was it real, or the product of a drugged mind?

  I listened, but didn't hear anything now, not even Fang. I hadn't recognized the voice, and doubted anyone could send a thought from a distance into the head of someone they'd never met. Sheesh, I'd probably dreamed the weird incident. No more of those drugs for me.

  Fang was nowhere around and the townhouse was quiet. I sat up and turned on the bedside light. Feeling a twinge of pain, I reminded myself to take it easy. I would have liked to stay and snuggle longer, but my bladder and stomach were both protesting.

  I used the bathroom and showered, checking my wound. It was healing nicely. I still had some pain, but nowhere near yesterday's level. Gwen had left some bandages and instructions, so I was able to replace the dressing. Feeling better now that I was up and around, I wandered into the kitchen to find something to eat.

  Shade was there, reading a book. It looked kind of weird given the general swirliness of his hands and face, but I was getting used to it.

  Now that we were dating, should I kiss him each time I saw him? I wasn't sure about the protocol between boyfriend and girlfriend. On TV, they seemed to suck face all the time, but it didn't seem like people did that in real life. And with us, kissing could lead to other things left better unthought-of.

  "Hey there," he said softly."How do you feel?"

  I hesitated but when he didn't make a move toward me, I wasn't sure if I should be offended or happy. Lola was disappointed, of course. But, like a two-year-old, she needed to learn that she didn't always get everything she wanted. Besides, she'd gotten pretty stoked at Alejandro's house and should be good for awhile."Better, thanks. Where's Fang?"

  "I brought Princess over, and they took off together out the doggie door. He said he'd be back in time to go to work."

  "Good." I opened the refrigerator and looked inside, hoping I'd find something I wouldn't have to cook.

  "Gwen left you some lasagna," Shade said."She wouldn't let anyone else touch it. Some garlic bread, too."

  "She's a goddess," I said with relief. Too bad garlic didn't really deter vampires. I found the covered plate and put it in the microwave, careful not to stretch my injured side too much.

  "You're not really going in to work for Alejandro today, are you?"

  "Sure. Why wouldn't I?" Shade might be my boyfriend, but he didn't dictate what I could and couldn't do. I'd had enough of that from my mother to last me a lifetime.

  "Oh, I don't know. Because you're stiff and still hurting, maybe?"

  Shade, sarcastic? That was a new one. I turned to look at him to gauge his expression. It didn't do any good, of course. The swirls seemed more agitated, if that meant anything."It's that accelerated healing of mine. I really do feel better. Besides, I'm not doing the Slayer thing tonight. Just going to look for the books."

  "With Trevor Jackson?"

  I didn't quite understand the tone of his voice."Yes, and whoever else Alejandro sends along." The microwave beeped and I took the food out. Maybe he didn't trust Trevor either."Did you meet him when he came to see Micah?"

  As I joined him at the small round table, Shade said,"No, but I heard about him."

  Again, the tone of his voice was sarcastic. Wanting to see his expression, I casually placed my hand on his arm. Because people rarely saw his face, Shade had never learned to hide his feelings. He was getting better at it with exposure to the Demon Underground, but it was still incredibly easy to read him. Right now, he looked hurt . . . and defensive.

  Whoa. Was he jealous? He had absolutely no reason to be. I took a bite of Gwen's fabulous lasagna then said casually,"So you heard he really likes himself . . . and Rosa?"

  I left my hand on his arm so I could gauge his emotions.

  He looked surprised then frowned."I heard he likes you, too."

  "He flirts with everyone. He has a very high opinion of himself and thinks everyone else should, too."

  Shade relaxed, moving his arm so his hand covered mine."And do you?"

  I shrugged."He hasn't shown me anything yet but a nice exterior." I grinned."But yours is prettier." I leaned over to kiss him. It seemed like the right time. More natural. Gee, maybe I'd get the hang of this dating thing soon after all. Lola's interest spiked, but I pulled away before she could do anything about it.

  Shade grimaced but it wasn't because of the kiss. He stroked my arm possessively, like he wasn't even aware he was doing it. Kinda nice."Guys aren't pretty," he protested.

  "Devastatingly handsome then," I teased. When he twisted his lips in protest, I added,"Oh, come on, you have to know you're gorgeous. I'm glad you're a shadow demon so other girls don't see the real you. Otherwise, I'd have to beat them off with a stake." I took a bite and grinned at him, wondering how he'd respond.

  He gave me a slow smile that had my blood sizzling and Lola wanting to play. He leaned forward and caressed my cheek."I thought you loved me for my mind . . . and my ability to please Lola."

  I swallowed and the lasagna went down hard. Oh, my. The"L" word. Love, not Lola. Had we really progressed that far . . . or was it just a figure of speech? Better assume the latter.

  Trying to act casual, I speared another bite and waved my fork airily."That, too," I said, trying to keep it light. But in reality, what I loved about Shade was his willingness to accept me totally as I was, without trying to change me. The eye candy was just a great bonus.

  His expression softened, looking almost sappy. It was nice to see how much he cared about me, but embarrassing, too. I felt my face warm and didn't know how to react, where to look. Plus, I didn't want him to see how much I cared about him. That would just make it harder to stay away from him. So, I pretended to be really interested in the food for awhile.

  I owed him the truth, thoug
h. I stared down at my plate, unwilling to raise my eyes yet."Shade, I just want you to know that if I seem a little distant lately, it's not you."

  "It's not?"

  He sounded doubtful so I looked up and gazed into his fabulous blue eyes."No. It's this whole . . . thing," I said, for lack of a better word. Or rather, lack of any words I wanted to use in front of him.

  Luckily, he seemed to get what I was trying to say."You mean making love?"

  "Yeah, that thing." I avoided his gaze again.


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