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Fang Me

Page 7

by Parker Blue

  His voice softened."I told you I wouldn't push you. I understand what a huge deal it is for you, and we won't do anything unless you're absolutely ready."

  That's how he felt now, but what if I put the decision off for months, even years? Would he be so understanding then? He was a guy, after all. A guy with needs that Lola stirred up every time we touched.

  I was afraid to ask that question, so I said,"It's just that I want to make that decision myself, not lose control accidentally and be coerced into it by the demon inside me." Sheesh, this was getting intense. To lighten it up, I added,"You're just too tempting, you know?"

  He laughed."So are you. But don't worry, I totally get it. We'll tone it down a notch."

  Relieved, I said,"Why don't you come along with us tonight . . . unless Micah has something else for you?" I didn't want him to think there was any reason to be jealous of Trevor, and meeting the keeper for himself should do that nicely.

  Another smile spread across his face."Sounds good. Micah let me off work to look after you as long as you're still not a hundred percent. I picked up your bike from Alejandro's."

  That annoyed me a little—I could look after myself. But there was no use quibbling about it. I glanced at the clock. Wow—I'd slept for a long time. It was almost ten o'clock.

  We watched television for awhile then took off when Fang and Princess came in. Though Shade had installed a sidecar on his Ducati for Princess, we didn't take her with us. Her bluntness and willingness to speak whatever she heard in someone's mind often made her a real pain in the butt and had caused problems in the past. She was just as willing to stay at my place and chill.

  I didn't realize how painful the ride over would be. But every time I cornered or changed balance, my side screamed at me. Thankfully, the mansion wasn't too far away. Rosa answered the door this time and Trevor was waiting for us in Alejandro's Christmassy great room, chatting with Andrew. He was so crisp and fashionably put together that he looked radically out of place in Alejandro's old-world style home. Rosa excused herself, leaving only non-vamps in the room.

  Trevor rose from the dark, heavy couch with a wide smile."Please, introduce me to your friend," he said to me, not taking his eyes off Shade.

  I did, and Trevor looked delighted when he shook Shade's hand and his features appeared."You're a shadow demon?"

  Shade nodded."Yes. And you?"

  SMOOTH, Fang said approvingly.

  Yeah, the Demon Underground might consider it rude to ask about a person's demon origins, but Shade managed to make it sound natural.

  "The keeper of the Encyclopedia Magicka," Trevor said, not letting go of Shade's hand.

  Which didn't answer the question about what kind of demon he was, darn it.

  "Are you joining us?" Trevor continued.

  It didn't seem to bother Shade that the guy was still holding his hand and gazing into his face, especially since Trevor seemed so genuinely glad to meet him."Yes, if you don't mind." He even smiled.

  What was up with that? He met Trevor and suddenly all his jealousy vanished?


  Humph. He could have taken my word for it . . . .

  "I don't mind at all." Trevor turned to glance at Andrew, who seemed less sullen in Trevor's presence."Andrew tells me that he doesn't remember where he hid the books, but I thought we could retrace his steps, see if I can sense them."

  "Works for me," I agreed, wondering why if the reason he still hadn't let go of Shade's hand was because the swirls made him uncomfortable.


  I hadn't even thought about that. Or maybe his kind of demon learned more about people by shaking their hand? Naw, a bit far-fetched.

  Rosa returned with a set of keys. Handing them to me, she said,"Alejandro is loaning you one of his cars tonight, to make it easier to search. Please, do not damage it. The cars are his pride and joy."

  I appreciated the offer. It would be possible to search together on our motorcycles, but difficult. Besides, I didn't want either Trevor or Andrew riding behind me on my bike, with their arms around me. The thought made me squirm, and not in a good way. And I really wanted to give my injury a break."I'll try not to," I said. Best not to make promises when I never knew what we'd encounter."Thanks."

  I'M SURE ALEJANDRO HAS INSURANCE, Fang said with a doggie grin. YOU MIGHT NEED IT.

  Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence.

  Andrew got into the front with me so he could give directions, and Shade and Trevor rode in the back, Fang riding on Shade's lap so the shadow demon would look normal to anyone we passed.

  "So, where do we start?" I asked, fumbling with the unfamiliar controls.

  Andrew shrugged."The last place I remember having the books was at Mood's house." He turned around to speak to Trevor."She locked me in her basement because I was planning on burning down the mansion, but I broke out."

  "Okay, let's start there," I said.

  Andrew gave me the address and I drove toward the west side of town, near Lackland Air Force Base, following his directions. Trevor and Shade were chatting in the back seat, having a good old time."Uh, Trevor, the books may be hidden anywhere along this route. Shouldn't you pay attention?"

  "No need," he said airily."I'll feel them if I get within five hundred feet, no matter how much I'm enjoying myself."

  And he continued to enjoy himself while I played chauffer. By the time we reached Mood's house, he'd learned more about Shade than I'd ever thought to ask, like the fact that his parents were both dead, Micah's father had taken him in as a kid, and his favorite hobbies were learning about demonkind and competing in online games against other players. It annoyed me that I felt embarrassed for not knowing these things.

  "Okay, we're here," I said, sounding more snappish than I'd intended as I turned off the engine."Now what?"

  Trevor shook his head."They're not here."

  "Can you tell that they've been here?" Shade asked."Can you track them?"

  "I'm afraid it doesn't work that way." Trevor tapped Andrew on the shoulder."What do you remember after leaving here that night?"

  Andrew thought for a moment."I remember the books encouraging me to use my powers to get back at the vampires, so I was all about burning their house down. But the books were afraid they'd burn, too, so they told me to hide them." He paused, then added slowly,"That's the last time I remember seeing them."

  HE'S TELLING THE TRUTH, Fang confirmed.

  "Think harder," Trevor urged."What do you remember immediately after you left here? Do you remember arriving at the mansion? What direction did you come from?"

  Andrew shook his head."I'm sorry, but all I remember is the books badgering me to hide, hide, hide. I've been trying to remember for days, but all I recall is leaving here to find a hiding place. Then the next thing I knew, I was splashing gasoline on the side of the house, more powerful and more pissed off than I've ever been in my life."

  Trevor clenched his fists on his thighs and persisted."Do you have any idea how much time passed between the two memories?"

  Again, Andrew paused."I'm not sure 'cause Mood used her mojo on me to make me stupid happy. It was about noon when she put me in the basement. She put me to sleep and took away my cell so I don't know what time it was when I woke up." He shook his head."I don't know how long I slept. All I know is that it was still daylight when I left."

  "Andrew arrived at the mansion right before the sun went down," I added."So he could have had plenty of time to hide them anywhere inside or outside the city."

  "I was afraid of that," Trevor muttered. He sighed."I didn't get very far trying to find them yesterday. I guess we'll just have to start at the center and spiral out from there."

  That sounded really tedious."I know San Antonio looks like it's circular on the map, but that's gonna be more difficult than it sounds."

  "It's worth a shot," Shade said.

  Yeah, fine for him. He
was having a fun time with his buddy in the back while I had to drive. But I wasn't planning on going anywhere until I got some answers. I twisted around in my seat to look at Trevor. Pain stabbed through me. Damn, I'd forgotten about my wound. This being more human stuff wasn't such a good idea."Maybe if you told us more about the books, it would help us figure out where to look."

  He grimaced."I doubt it."

  "Makes sense to me," Shade said.

  Now that Shade had suggested it, Trevor was all over it. He shrugged and said,"The encyclopedia was cre

  ated a long time ago—I don't know when—by a group of demons who wanted their part-human descendants to understand their heritage. Unfortunately, it's patchy in spots. Partially because they assumed people would know more than they do, and partially because some demons were more reluctant to put their strengths and vulnerabilities down in writing than others."


  Yeah, I'd wondered about that."That explains the first volume," I said,"but what about the rest? The two with the dark magicks?"

  I sensed Trevor really didn't want to answer me but he finally said,"They were both created by one particular kind of demon who wanted to pass his magickal knowledge on to his descendants."

  "What kind of demon?" I persisted.

  Trevor paused, and Shade snapped his fingers."The two books are about magickal spells, right? Was it a mage demon?"

  Trevor looked annoyed, so I guess Shade hit it on the head."What's a mage demon?" I asked.

  "One of the most dangerous demons to enter our world," Shade explained."They can tap into emotions and use them to power magickal spells . . . and most of them are pretty evil. Those are the dark magicks people sensed." He turned to Trevor."Right?"

  "For the most part," Trevor conceded."But the demon's descendants can't create new spells—only fullblooded mage demons are able to do that. Their descendants are only able to use the ones set down in the books."

  "Whoa," I said."That's a dangerous thing to leave lying around."

  Trevor nodded."Exactly. When the Demon Underground was formed and they tried to keep demonkind on the down low, some of the demons became keepers—the ones who could sense the dark magick and keep it contained."

  "Why didn't they just destroy the books?" I asked.

  "Let's just say that destroying them would release dark magicks in an explosion far more catastrophic than any nuclear warhead. At worst, it would destroy this world. At best, it could severely warp our reality."

  Fang laid his head down with a sigh. LET'S NOT DO THAT, THEN.

  Andrew looked horrified at the thought that he'd had these things in his possession.

  "So why not just let them stay hidden?" I suggested.

  "Because keepers aren't the only ones who can sense the magicks in the books," Trevor said.

  Shade petted Fang absently. "I imagine the mage demons can, too." At Trevor's nod, Shade asked, "Are there any in San Antonio?"

  Trevor shrugged."It's the same as with the books. I can sense one if I come within five hundred feet, but otherwise, I have no idea unless they use some of the dark magicks. But they probably sensed the books waking at the same time I did. There may be some of them searching here as well."

  Oh, crap. Better find them fast, then. Driving in spirals it was. I started the car and headed toward the center of the city, while Trevor pulled up a map on his Smartphone.

  "Your knowledge of mage demons is impressive," Trevor told Shade.

  "As I said before, it's a hobby. I've been trying to learn as much about demons as I can."

  Yeah, with his ability to bring them through from the other side, I guess he wanted to know what he was dealing with.

  "How did you become a keeper?" Shade asked.

  "My father was a keeper before me. He taught me everything I know."

  "I thought you said your father lost them," I said, wanting to taunt him a bit.

  "Not exactly."

  I turned onto US 90. "What do you mean, not exactly?" I distinctly remembered that's what he said.

  "Actually, it's my father who's lost."

  Crap. Now I felt guilty for trying to poke at him. "I'm sorry. What happened to him?"

  "The books happened to him," Trevor said bitterly. "They ate him."


  I glanced at Trevor in the rear view mirror."They what? They ate him? How is that possible?"

  "Not literally. He's trapped inside them."

  "How can he fit?" Andrew asked in bewilderment.

  "It's magick," Trevor said in an irritated tone."He's stuck in some kind of . . . pocket universe or something."

  I had this strange image of the books hoovering up Trevor's father like a swish of smoke, like in I Dream of Jeannie.


  I stifled a laugh. It really wasn't funny."Are you sure about that?" I asked."I mean, do you know for certain he's still alive?"

  "Yes. I-I know he's still in there."

  "How did it happen?" Shade asked.

  Trevor looked out into the night, hiding his expression from everyone, so I turned my attention back to the road.

  "If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay," Shade said.

  Like hell. I pulled over into an empty parking lot under a light and parked so I could make my point. Turning around to glare at them, I said,"No, it's not okay. If those things are likely to eat someone else, we need to know about it right now."

  "They won't," Trevor bit out. He got out of the car and slammed the door, running his hand through his gelled hair as he turned his back on us.

  I grabbed the keys to keep Andrew from doing anything stupid and followed him."How do you know that?"

  He whirled around."I just do, okay?"

  "Not good enough. Those books are loose in San Antonio somewhere, and we need to know as much as we can so we can figure out what to do when we find them."

  Shade and Fang had jumped out of the car as well, though Andrew chose to stay out of the fray. Shade drew his hoodie up over his face then made calming motions with his hands."We're all friends here, right?"

  How could I be friends with someone I didn't trust?

  Trevor glanced at Shade then took a deep breath and breathed it out before saying,"That's why we're out here, together, to find them. And when we do, I know how to handle them."

  I crossed my arms, and tried to sound reasonable."If your father couldn't handle them, why do you think you can?"

  He glared at me but didn't let his pissiness show in his carefully deliberate voice."Because I've had more training than he had. I did a lot of research to figure out exactly what happened. I know what he did wrong and I won't make the same mistake."

  "What did he do wrong?"

  He looked about ready to explode, but kept it together."It's confidential—for keepers only."

  "What if someone else does the same thing ‗by mistake' and gets sucked up into the book as well? Shouldn't we try to keep that from happening?"

  He waved that argument away impatiently."It's something only a keeper would attempt."

  "Then what can you tell us?"

  Trevor paused for a moment."Look, knowledge is passed from one keeper to another, teacher to apprentice. It's too risky to write it down, too dangerous to share. Don't you get it? These books are not safe."

  I shrugged."They were safe with me for many years."

  "Until you gave them up. Now that you know what they can do, they won't be safe with you anymore either. Only with keepers."

  "So, why isn't your apprentice here?" If these things were that dangerous, he really ought to train someone else how to handle them, too.

  "I don't have one. Yet. I was waiting until I found the books before I chose one." He paused, then added,"In case you're wondering, you wouldn't qualify."

  "I wasn't." Like I'd want to work with him."But what I was wondering is how you got training when your father,
the former keeper, got sucked into the book. You had to be like an infant when that happened."

  He shrugged."I'm older than I look. And my father's mentor was still alive—he helped me a lot."

  There were still a lot of unanswered questions."What happened to the books after your father got sucked in?" I asked."How did you lose them?"

  "I didn't lose them—I was only a kid at the time. The Underground in LA took them. They told me someone was careless and they were stolen."


  Yeah, he was a bit too glib for my tastes. Maybe that's because it was all true?


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