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Fang Me

Page 12

by Parker Blue

Micah shook his head."We buried her yesterday."

  "Yesterday! How long have I been out?"

  "Three days," Shade said, squeezing my hand."You see why we were so concerned?"

  Micah nodded."Shade and Fang never left your side. Fang knew how much pain you were in, so Kyle tried to keep you in healing dreams for as long as possible."

  "And now that you're awake, I can heal you," Shade said once again.

  Shade shot Micah a stubborn look. Wonder what that was about?

  Princess spoke up again. MICAH SAID HE HAS TO ASK YOU, THAT YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO BE HEALED, the part hellhound, part Cavalier King Charles Spaniel said, letting everyone in the room hear her. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO HURT?

  "I don't. But when Shade healed Josh, he almost lost control. He'd rather kill himself than let that happen. I don't want him dead. Do you?" That wasn't the only reason, of course, but it was all she had to know.

  Princess jumped up to place her front paws on Shade's chest and stare into his face. DON'T HEAL HER, she ordered. OR ANYONE ELSE.

  Now that she could have kept private, but obviously chose not to. Fang snorted, though whether in amusement or disgust, I wasn't sure.

  Shade patted Princess on the head then put her paws gently back down on the bed."You're overdramatizing this, Val. You're not hurt as badly as Josh was, so it will be easier on me. There's no danger. Besides, you and Micah are here to help me recover afterward."

  I smiled at him, to take the sting out of my words."If I'm not hurt as badly, then I really don't need healing, do I?"

  "What?" he challenged."Do you think you deserve to suffer or something?"

  I patted his hand."Now who's being overdramatic? I'm not suffering, especially after the pills Gwen gave me."

  THAT'S RIGHT, SHE'S FINE, Princess said with finality.


  I rubbed Fang's head. Thanks for the support.


  Shade looked taken aback, but Micah dropped a hand on his shoulder."They're right. We all appreciate your offer, but it isn't necessary."

  Shade's mouth firmed into a line."I just wanted to help."

  "I know," I said, rubbing his arm to soothe him."I'd feel the same way. But it's not necessary. I'm not feeling all that bad. Just a little weak . . . and hungry." I added the last to refocus his attention elsewhere, but I realized it was true. After all, I'd been in bed for three days without, I assumed, anything to eat.

  Right on cue, Kyle knocked on the door, then pushed it open to admit Gwen, carrying a tray."You should eat something," she said with a stubborn look around the room, as if daring one of them to argue with her.

  Shade hurried to take the tray from her."Yes, you should," he said.

  He waited while Micah helped me sit up and Gwen fussed with the pillows behind me. When they were done, Shade placed the tray gently in front of me.

  "Smells great," I said. And it did. A hearty beef soup with chunks of potatoes and vegetables, with a side of crusty French bread and creamy butter. Boy, did I have a great roomie or what? I took a bite."Delicious as always." I glanced around."Have the rest of you eaten?"

  Micah nodded."Just before you woke." He smiled at my roomie."Gwen always takes good care of us."

  She shrugged."One of my few accomplishments. I'm just glad to have someone to cook for."

  I'M HUNGRY, Princess complained.

  Fang scrambled to his feet on the bed. I COULD EAT, TOO.

  "The dogs want food," I translated for Gwen.

  "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot," she said with a smile."I'll get them something."

  Both hellhounds jumped down off the bed to follow her. THAT SOUP SMELLS GOOD, Princess said, hinting strongly as she left the room.

  I grinned then glanced around at the guys who were left."So, instead of watching me eat, why don't you tell me what's been happening." Besides Shawndra's death and the Christmas massacre."Did Trevor find the books?"

  "Not yet," Shade said."He's been calling me every day to check on you, and each time, he tells me he hasn't found them yet."

  To check on me? Yeah, right. More likely he was checking on Shade to see when he'd be free to come out and play. I thought about telling them about the voice I'd been hearing, but decided not to. It would be too easy for Shade to let it slip to Trevor, and for some reason, I didn't want to let the visiting demon know about it.

  "Where has he looked?" I asked, then continued to slurp up the soup.

  "Everywhere," Shade said."He's going to check the whole city again, in case he missed something the first time. Then he's planning on moving to some of the nearby towns that Andrew would have had time to get to."

  I nodded then got busy finishing the soup as I thought about that voice again. What did it want me to look up? I didn't have a clue to even go about it, but I knew someone who would—Rick, my stepfather.

  I paused with the spoon halfway to my mouth as I remembered something. Oh, crap. Would Rick still be speaking to me? I'd sicced Trevor on him, so to speak. "Did Trevor visit Astral Reflections?" I asked in trepidation. "He seemed convinced the books would be there."

  "Yes, he did," Shade confirmed.

  I set my spoon down. "Oh, no. Did he tear the place up?" Would Mom and Rick ever forgive me?

  Micah shook his head solemnly."It's worse than that."

  "What?" I demanded."Did he hurt them?" If he harmed a single hair on their heads—

  "Nothing like that," Micah said with a grin. "They think he's wonderful and invited him to join you for Christmas dinner."


  I closed my eyes, my appetite suddenly gone."They invited Trevor to our family Christmas? You're kidding me." Please, goddess, let it be a joke.

  "Nope," Micah said."Afraid not."

  Damn."Since when are Mom and Rick so gung-ho about associating with demons?"

  "They invited me, too," Shade said stiffly."Is there a problem?"

  "Of course not." Shade had spent Thanksgiving with my family and they really liked him, swirls and all . . . but Trevor? He was so not their new age-y type."I was just surprised, that's all," I fibbed. And I had a couple of weeks to make sure Trevor was uninvited.

  "He's really a good guy once you get to know him," Shade said."He's been worried about you."

  I didn't want to start a fight again, so I said,"Okay," and changed the subject."Uh, what am I wearing under here? I kinda need to use the bathroom." I raised the covers and saw I was wearing a sleep T-shirt. Good. But . . ."Who undressed me?" I wasn't wearing a bra anymore so I kinda wondered who had seen me partially naked.

  "Gwen and Tessa," Micah told me."After we brought you back from the mansion."

  Good. It would have kind of weirded me out to know it was Micah . . . or Shade, when I wasn't even conscious. I threw back the covers and scooted to the side of the bed then dangled my legs over the side. The T-shirt came down to mid-thigh, so I felt covered up enough. I stood and immediately, all three guys moved forward, arms outstretched to help.

  "I'm good," I told them. A little wobbly, but I could stand and was sure I could move on my own."Remember, I heal pretty fast. Since you kept me out of it for so long, I was able to heal more than I thought. And the soup helped, too."

  It really had. I just had a bit of jangling along my nerves and some pain in my chakras from the backlash of Lola's tendrils. Even that was easing with the painkillers Gwen had given me. And my side didn't hurt at all.

  "Okay," Shade said, handing me my robe."But I'll stay close, just in case."

  Whatever it took to make him happy. I smiled at him and slipped on my robe, then made my way slowly to the bathroom. I gained confidence with each step. No problem. I was a bit weak still from so many days in bed, but a little food and time would take care of that.

  I closed the bathroom door gently in his face, relieved to be away from so many pairs of staring eyes. I took longer than I needed, just to have some alone time, and looked at myself in the
mirror. Good grief, I looked ghastly. My normally tamed shoulderlength brown hair was tangled and messy, and my face was creased and as pale as a vampire's, with dark smudges under my eyes.

  I stuck my head out the door."I feel okay, so I'm going to take a shower," I told Shade.

  "Okay, but don't lock the door, and yell if you need help."

  "I will," I said. As if.

  I enjoyed the hot pounding water for a few blissful minutes, then checked my side and my head. I had a couple of round, pink scars where the crossbow bolt had skewered me, but otherwise, I was totally healed. And I had a sensitive spot on my head where Micah had hit me, but no bump or gash. What were they all worried about? I was fine.

  But how was Lola? Had the recoil whiplash fried my succubus circuits, so to speak? Checking deep inside, I could sense the succubus still there. Hiding and hurting, but with enough sucked-up sexual energy to power her for days. I didn't know whether to be glad or sad that I still had her around.

  Then again, she was probably the reason I was healing so well. Remembering how alive and vital I'd felt the last time she gathered up that much energy, I realized that without it, I'd probably still be in a world of hurt. I might even miss her if she was gone.

  Not that I'd admit it . . . .

  I got out of the shower and was glad to see someone had slipped in and left me some clean clothes. Good—the Tshirt I'd been wearing was grungy after so many days of wear, even in bed. I dressed and checked myself in the mirror. I had more color in my face and my hair looked better now that I'd shampooed it, so I toweled it as dry as I could and combed it free of the tangles.

  Feeling more human, I left the bathroom to find Shade waiting to escort me back to bed and the other two hovering in the hallway. I passed my bedroom door and headed for the living room.

  "Where are you going?" Micah asked.

  "I'm not an invalid," I told him."I just want to sit up for awhile."

  They followed me into the bright, cheerful living room where Gwen was watching television and eating popcorn with both hellhounds lying on the couch next to her. Both watched her every move.

  Mooch, I accused Fang with a grin.


  It was a good thing hellhounds had a constitution of iron and the metabolism of a hummingbird. He jumped down and nosed Princess to do the same so I could sit next to Gwen.

  "Feeling better?" she asked.

  "Much." I smiled at the guys, as if to say,"See, the nurse isn't concerned. You shouldn't be either." Out loud, I said,"While I was in the bathroom, I realized the energy I took in boosted my healing more than usual, and I still have more to draw on."

  Micah and Kyle sat in the two club chairs, and Gwen scooted over so Shade could sit next to me. He twined his fingers with mine."Good," he said with a sigh and finally seemed to relax.

  Nice. I let myself slump against him, enjoying the feel of his warm body next to mine, knowing that Lola was too out of it to attack him. I needed to enjoy this while it lasted.

  "What time is it?" I asked, noticing it was dark outside."Is Alejandro expecting me?"

  "It's past midnight," Shade told me."And you're not seriously thinking about going over there tonight, are you?"

  "No need," Micah broke in before I could say anything."I talked to him while you were in the shower to let him know you're up and about. He knows you need to recuperate and told me to tell you to take all the time you need. He isn't expecting you back for days. And, when I visited him yesterday, he told me how much he appreciates what you did for him. Besides, he and his people need some time to recoup as well. You really took a lot out of them."

  I grimaced."And he appreciates that?"

  "Yes," Micah said in a firm tone."You brought the carnage down to a manageable level and ensured he didn't lose any more people . . . at great cost to yourself. He's very grateful."

  "But doesn't this make him more vulnerable?" I asked.

  Micah shrugged."It might have, but the women weren't affected, so they've been in charge while the men recharge."

  Fang chuckled on the floor beside me. I BET ROSA'S LOVING THAT.

  Micah grinned."You could say that. She's certainly protective of the men, and has all the women in the Movement cleaning up the mansion, inside and out. It's spotless." He paused, then said,"At least one very good thing has come out of this."

  "What's that?" I couldn't imagine what it could be.

  "Luis told us how well Josh and Andrew helped them defend the mansion, so they all agreed the boys have served their allotted time and released them."

  "Luis said that? Will wonders never cease . . . . "

  Shade squeezed my hand."So what are you going to do with your free time? I hope you're planning on taking it easy."

  "Oh, yeah." I mulled it over for a moment."I think I'll just veg, maybe spend some time with Mom and Rick. They could use some help at the store this time of year, and it sounds like a nice change." Shade tensed up beside me."Don't worry—I'll take it easy. I might do some research on the books, too, while you help Trevor search for them."

  There. That ought to appease him. Not that I wanted those two becoming buddy-buddy any more than necessary, but someone should be with Trevor when he found the books . . . and Rosa was obviously busy.

  Shade nodded."Sounds like a plan."

  Kyle and Micah left then, to go to the club, and the rest of us watched a silly movie about zombies. When it was over, Shade and Princess left, and Fang, Gwen and I all hit the sack.

  I felt even better the next morning when I woke up. I tried lying in bed for awhile and encouraging the voice to come back to me, but no luck.

  Now what? I could probably go back to work this evening, but heck, I'd been given the option of a few days off and I planned to take them.

  WE DESERVE IT, Fang declared.

  We do indeed.

  So we goofed off for awhile and headed over to Astral Reflections at noon. Mom, Rick, and Jen were all there, and the store wasn't too crowded.

  "Val!" Rick exclaimed and came over to greet me."What a nice surprise." Mom and Jen, who were ringing up customers, smiled and waved at me as Fang found an out-of-the-way corner and flopped down, for all intents and purposes your ordinary, average mutt.

  Knowing Lola was out of it, I did something I was so rarely able to—I hugged Rick. It felt good. Tall, blond, and handsome, he looked just like his wife and daughter . . . and nothing at all like me, since I took after my demon dad. But he was the only father I'd really known and had treated me like his own. I sighed, feeling safe and secure in his hold. It would be nice to stay here for awhile.

  When I didn't let go, he asked,"You okay, hon?"

  "Fine," I whispered."Lola's taking a break so I can enjoy this without worrying." I gave him one last squeeze, then let go.

  "Ah, good. Did you need something?"

  "Not really. I have a few days off and thought I'd come by and see if you need any help."

  Rick glanced around."No, we have it under control. People aren't buying as much this year, unfortunately."

  I nodded. Even I'd heard about the economy."So, I hear Trevor Jackson came by the store."

  Rick nodded and smiled wide."Yeah, what a nice guy. We invited him for Christmas dinner."

  "Is that such a good idea?" I asked."You don't even know him."

  Rick's smile faltered."But you and Shade do, and we figured since he was all alone in town for the holidays . . . We invited others, too."

  That's right—Mom and Rick enjoyed having a big crowd at Christmas. They use to invite everyone they knew who had nowhere else to go . . . and even other families. Except for the last few years when I'd developed my powers and hadn't been able to handle them all that well around strangers.

  Really, inviting others was a vote of confidence in me. I hesitated. Should I push this? I didn't want to—I'd been trying very hard to play nice with Mom . . . so long as she was nice to me, that was. />
  BETTER SUCK IT UP THEN, Fang advised.

  Dang. He was right. Giving Rick a smile, I said,"That'll be fine. What time do you want us there and what do you want me to bring?"

  We talked arrangements for a few minutes, then I said,"You know, there is something I'd like to ask you. Can we go to the office?"

  "Sure. Let me just tell your mom."

  I gave Mom and Jen each a brief hug as Rick explained where we were going, then I followed him to the office upstairs. Fang, who was getting all kinds of attention from the customers, elected to stay downstairs.

  We entered the cramped space, filled with piled boxes, stacked papers, file cabinets and packed bookcases lining the walls. It was a mess, but an organized one. Somehow, Rick knew exactly where everything was.


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