Fang Me

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Fang Me Page 16

by Parker Blue

  YOU'RE NOT HELPING, Fang reminded on a private channel. SHE CAN HEAR YOU, YOU KNOW.

  Oops. I kept forgetting they could narrow their thoughts down to one person, but that I couldn't unless I concentrated really hard. Princess was as good as Fang at mind-reading and wasn't shy about using her abilities.

  WHY WOULD I BE? the spaniel asked, sounding clueless.

  No reason. Other than good manners, but I tried to keep that thought where she couldn't read it. I'll take a shower then join you, I told Fang.

  Stretching, I realized that I felt a whole lot better this morning. Probably the fast healing that came with being a virgin succubus, but I wouldn't discount Shade's presence in my bed either . . . or the fact he'd said he loved me. As I headed for the shower, I couldn't stop grinning. Shade loved me, warts and all. Made me feel all warm and gooey inside.

  When I finally looked presentable, I joined them in the kitchen and found Shade flipping an omelet at the stove with the two hellhounds watching his every move. There was no feeling awkward about whether or not to kiss him this time. Sure of my welcome, I slipped my arms around him from behind and hugged him, resting my head on his back. Love swelled within me, making me feel so full of happiness my body could barely hold it all. Wow—what a great feeling.

  Shade turned in my embrace and gave me a kiss, looking all droopy-eyed and sexy.

  "What a great way to wake up," I murmured."I could get used to this."

  He gave me a lopsided grin then turned back to the omelet."Well, I'm not as good a cook as Gwen, but I do know how to make an omelet."

  That wasn't what I meant, but I didn't want to chase him away by going all girly mushy on him. "Smells great," I said as my stomach growled.

  He slid it onto a plate and nodded toward the table which was laden with toast, bacon, orange juice, and lots of condiments."Sit," he said with a smile."Eat."

  Looked like my timing was excellent. Shade joined me at the table where three other omelets waited. He added bacon to two of the plates then slid them down to the hellhounds. I took a bite of my omelet."Mmm. This is good." Delicious, in fact. I didn't know if it really was that great, or if it just tasted that way because all of my senses seemed to be bathed in a sort of love-stricken glow. It could have tasted like crap, and I probably would have still loved it, simply because Shade had made it for me.


  Making a pig of himself didn't hinder the mental communication one iota. I nudged him with my foot. Quiet, beast. Don't make me remind you how sappy you get when talking about Princess.

  HE GETS SAPPY WHEN HE TALKS ABOUT ME? Princess asked, sounding self-satisfied and smug.

  VAL, Fang whined. DIDJA HAVE TO?

  Payback's a bitch, isn't it? Come to think of it, so was Princess.

  Shade chuckled. Obviously, the hellhounds had shared their thoughts with both of us.


  Deal. I smiled at Shade."So, what are you planning to do today?"

  He shrugged."Continue searching for the books with Trevor. The sooner we find them, the sooner we can get you out of your contract with the Movement."

  I paused in mid-bite. Was that why he was so gung-ho about finding the books? That put a whole new light on things."I appreciate you doing that, but doesn't it get boring, driving around all day while someone else listens for the books?"

  "Not really. Trevor rented a comfortable car. Plus he has a lot of knowledge about other demons that he learned from his mentor and he's sharing it with me. I've been taking notes."

  "Notes? Why?"

  "To supplement the encyclopedia when we get it back."

  "What a great idea. You could make it a living document—the encyclopedia part, I mean." There were gaps in the entries—serious ones—and having Shade fill them in would be awesome. But could we trust Trevor's information?

  SHE THINKS TREVOR IS LYING TO YOU, Princess announced.

  What the heck? I glared down at the spaniel."I did not think that," I said aloud. You're being petty, Princess. Not exactly royal behavior, is it?

  The dog sniffed and turned her head away, giving a great imitation of a spoiled brat.

  "Why don't you two go outside for a while so we can talk privately?" Shade said."We'll call you when we're ready to leave."

  Since her human had suggested it, Princess was all for it. Their plates licked clean, the hell hounds wandered out the doggie door.

  "Really," I assured Shade."I didn't think that." And maybe my radar was wrong. Maybe Trevor was a good guy. But I was still cautious enough to keep to myself the fact that the encyclopedia didn't want Trevor to find it first.

  Shade chuckled."No worries. I plan to doublecheck all the information he gives me anyway. Details might have gotten garbled after they were passed from one person to another." Now that we were both finished eating, he reached for my hand."What about you? Did the books talk to you again last night?"

  I searched my mind, trying to remember what I'd dreamt."Nope. Those dreams are usually pretty vivid, so I think I'd remember. The only thing I know I dreamed is that vamps and demons were searching everywhere for them, but it was a pure human who found them."

  "Maybe your subconscious is trying to tell you something. Who was it?"

  "Dan." I said it casually, hoping Shade wouldn't make a big deal out of the fact that I'd dreamed of my ex.

  Shade nodded thoughtfully."That's a good idea."

  "What?" There was an idea in there somewhere?

  "He's a good detective. Maybe he can, you know, detect or something to help you find them."

  Shade didn't seem at all jealous. I didn't know if I should feel happy that he was so evolved, or upset that he wasn't the possessive type. Then I remembered he'd been jealous of Trevor at first, until he met the flirt. Maybe Shade was so confident of me because I'd admitted I loved him.

  Yeah, I liked that answer. I was going with it.

  "Dan might be able to help," I agreed slowly."But I wouldn't know how to ask him. And, to tell you the truth, it would feel weird to beg a favor of him."

  "Remember, as Micah said, people like to help. You ask so seldom, it'll be a novelty. Besides, he owes the Underground a huge favor after I healed him. Let him know this is how he can pay us back."

  For some reason, that appealed to me, though I wasn't at all sure how Dan could help."Okay, I'll do that. Thanks."

  While Shade called Trevor to come pick him up, I did the dishes, then called Dan. He was at home, so after Shade and Princess left with Trevor, Fang and I walked over to see my ex-partner— and ex-boyfriend. Since he lived in the same complex, it was very convenient.

  Dan opened the door and invited us in. Though the layout was a mirror image of our townhouse, his was decorated in Early Bachelor with a touch of College Dorm. He had the bare necessities as far as furniture went—dark, functional and comfortable, though not exactly stylish. But he'd spared no expense on the electronic equipment, which dominated the living room against one wall.

  I suddenly felt weird. The last time I'd been here, we were kind of dating. I stood like a lump in the living room and wondered where to look, what to do.

  AWKWARD MUCH? Fang quipped.

  No kidding. I'd been sheltered all my life from the normal things people do. I probably ought to know how to act around an exboyfriend in the living room where we'd once made out, but I felt clueless.

  "Have a seat," Dan said, and plopped down on the couch like nothing had ever happened.

  Hmm, maybe in his view nothing had. It had been brief, though intense. I sat in the chair and relaxed. Okay, if that's how he wanted to play it, I would do the same.

  When Dan looked at me expectantly, I figured I should make with the small talk first, so I said, "How's it going with you?"

  "Good. The job keeps me busy."

  "And Nicole?" I hadn't intended to ask about his new girlfriend, but it just sort of blu
rted out of my mouth.


  Leave me alone. I'm doing the best I can.

  "She's doing better. Still not a hundred percent, but she's healing nicely."

  "Good, good," I said, grateful that he'd mistaken my nosiness about their relationship for concern about her health. After all, a vamp had stabbed her in the shoulder with a chair."She still in the Special Crimes Unit?" After her experience, I wouldn't blame her if she decided to have nothing to do with hunting vamps.

  "Yeah. She's taken a desk job in the SCU until the shoulder heals, then we'll finish her training and assign her to a team."

  I sat there, trying to think of something to say. Once again, my mouth opened and words came out that I hadn't really intended to say."Shade and I are together now."

  I cringed immediately. How lame was that?

  VERY, Fang said with a snort.

  Ignoring the hellhound, I added quickly,"Thanks for your advice there."

  Dan nodded."I'm glad it worked out for you." He paused, then said awkwardly,"I'm seeing Nic now."

  "I figured." Oh, great. Now he'd think I was fishing for information. Okay, I was, but I didn't want him to know that.


  Like it's that easy.

  IT IS.

  The strange thing was, I didn't even know why I wanted to know who Dan was seeing. I just did. But learning the nitty gritty details . . . not so much. How could I change the subject?

  Luckily, Dan did it for me."I hear you're working with Alejandro." He sounded disapproving.

  I nodded."I promised to work for him if any member of the Underground hurt any of his people. And since Andrew and Josh screwed up . . ." I shrugged."Micah's lawyer helped me work out a contract so I only have to work with him until the encyclopedia is found and they have their coming out party."

  "Any closer to finding the books?"

  "No, actually, that's why I'm here. I was hoping you could help me."

  Dan's eyebrows rose."Me? How can I help?"

  "As Shade reminded me, you're a darned good detective." I wasn't going to mention the dream. Didn't want him to think I was still pining over him or even thinking about him, because I wasn't. I had Shade now.

  "What have you done so far?"

  I explained about Trevor and how we'd been looking for the books with his senses and mine, plus the Internet searches I'd done.

  Dan grilled me on everything I knew about the books, then nodded thoughtfully.

  "Can you help me?" I asked when the silence stretched on too long.

  "Maybe. Where were they last seen?"

  "At Mood's house. Andrew hid them somewhere between the time he left Mood's and before he arrived at Alejandro's mansion."

  "How did he leave there? On foot? By car? In a cab?"

  "I don't know." And if it was in a cab, they might have records . . . .


  "Fang says he left in his own car." Something aligned just right in the old gray matter and an idea struck me."Hey, you think it might show up on traffic cameras?" I asked eagerly.

  My expartner smiled."Maybe. Good idea. What kind of car does he drive?"


  I passed the info on to Dan, then asked Fang,"How do you even know that?"


  I get the idea. Turning to Dan, I said,"I can probably get a picture of it pretty easily. You think we could find it on the traffic camera tapes?"

  "Maybe. Since you know the day and about when he arrived at Alejandro's, we can start from there and work our way back."

  "Great!" Now we were finally getting somewhere.

  Shaking his head, Dan said,"It still won't be easy. There are a lot of cameras and many routes he could have taken."

  Feeling more optimistic now that there was a chance of finding the books, I said,"No problem. I don't mind looking. Can you set it up for me?" It would help me feel like I was actually doing something, making some kind of progress.

  He pursed his lips."I'm not sure. The guys in Traffic are kind of territorial, and they don't like the SCU much. And you're more of a civilian now—I don't know if they'd allow you to look at all."

  "You think Lt. Ramirez might grease the wheels a bit? Especially if we explain why?"

  "I don't know. If it's for the Movement, I'm not sure how well that will go over. And even if we get them to agree to release the tapes, I'd probably have to be the one to review them."

  "But it's for the Underground, too, and you owe Micah a big favor . . . . " I hadn't wanted to play that card unless I had to, but it was looking that way.

  Dan rubbed the shoulder Shade had healed for him. Sighing, he said,"Okay, I'll see what I can do and let you know."


  I knew he would. After all, he still had that hero complex and couldn't resist a damsel—or anyone else—in distress. He only needed to be talked into it."Thanks, Dan. I really appreciate it. I'll get pictures of the car for you and Andrew's license plate number."

  I was asking a great deal of him—it meant hours and hours of tedium. But he shrugged like it was no big deal."I'll get Nic to help. It'll give her something to do besides paperwork."

  Wow, not even a twinge of jealousy here. Looked like I was finally over him.


  I hid a smile. Yeah, it didn't hurt.

  "Besides," Dan added,"I have more time on my hands since the bloodsucker population seems to have gone down quite a bit lately. It's not the SCU's doing, though we haven't been slacking on patrolling the streets. It's almost as if they're afraid to come out. Not that I'm complaining, but I wondered if we have some vigilantes out there among the Movement."

  "Not that I know of. But we did send a warning to the rogue vamps, telling them to join the Movement or be fair game. Attacks on the blood banks slowed down after that."

  Dan nodded."We heard something about a big smackdown last week among the vampires, but we were asked to keep away so Alejandro could police his own. Did you have something to do with that?"

  "Sort of. The Movement and the rogue vamps had a showdown. Alejandro won with the help of the Underground."

  "Why didn't they want the SCU's help?" He didn't seem pissed about it, just curious.

  "I'm not sure. Probably because it was impossible to tell the good vamps from the bad. We had to kind of incapacitate all of them and sort them out later."

  Unfortunately, Dan picked up on the one weasel word I hadn't wanted to explain. "Incapacitate?"

  I glanced away, knowing how he felt about my succubus."You know . . . Lola. And Micah helped with the women."

  Dan made a face but didn't comment on my lust demon."And did you use, uh, drastic staking measures to do that sorting?"

  I winced."The Movement did, yes. I was kind of out of it by that time." Not that I was going to tell Dan I'd totally lost control of Lola as he'd always feared. But I did explain about Shawndra's death and warned him the SCU might encounter more crazy vamps, if the ones still alive believed demon blood would make them stronger.

  "Why did they start attacking the Movement anyway?" he asked."It doesn't seem rational."

  "Because they don't want the Movement to announce to the world that vampires really exist."

  "Why not?"

  "Because when Alejandro makes his announcement, he'll also announce that any good vamps need to join the Movement, and he has legislation in place to administer the death penalty to any vamps who suck vein without permission. In Texas anyway." Though the rest of the states would probably follow."That makes sense. And I wish A
lejandro the best with it."

  "Why?" I didn't think he wanted the world to know vampires really existed.

  "It'll be a lot easier on the SCU if we're allowed to work out in the open . . . and execute fangbangers on sight."

  "I hadn't thought about it that way." But he was right."Then by helping us find the books, you'll be helping Alejandro come out that much sooner."

  "Noted," he said with a nod.

  Fang scrambled to his feet. CAN WE GO NOW?

  I guess so. I rose, too. "We've taken up enough of your time. But thanks for doing this. You have no idea how much I appreciate it."


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