Just Her Luck [Lucky, Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Just Her Luck [Lucky, Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Beverly Price

  “What if I am ready?” Riley said, taking him by surprise. She looked at him with her big blue eyes and bit her lower lip. She had a bad habit of it, and all Cooper wanted to do was take the sting away.

  “Darlin’, you don’t know what you’re saying,” was Cooper’s reply.

  Riley felt hurt. She knew she looked like crap, but still it hurt that he didn’t want to play along. “I’m sorry. That was rude of me, Coop. You have been nothing but nice, and all I did was hit on you.” Riley was on the verge of tears as she started to recall that he had told her last night that she lost everything. She had no clue what she was going to do.

  “Shhh, baby, don’t cry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please tell me what I can do.” Cooper’s heart was breaking at seeing this fragile little thing break down. He got up and sat on the bed next to her and pulled her close to comfort her. She leaned in and started to cry. He guessed that with everything that happened she was lost. Lucky for her, he was here, and he was going to help her. She slowly started to calm down, and her breathing slowed as he rubbed his hand up and down her back. She looked up at him with those eyes all wet and her cheeks a rosy pink. “God, you’re beautiful,” Cooper said. Crap, did he say that out loud? Damn.

  Riley just looked up at Cooper, and her heart raced. She knew she shouldn’t, but what else did she have to lose at this point? She leaned up and gently placed her lips on his. He stilled for a moment and then returned the kiss. Soft at first, then his kiss became more demanding. He moved his hand off her back and threaded it through her hair while the other one moved down to cup her ass. He swiped his tongue along the seam of her mouth, and she opened up for him to plunder her mouth. The taste of him was a mix of coffee and mint. Odd combination, but damn if she didn’t crave it right then. Riley grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to her aching breasts. He took that as a sign and moved his hand from her hair to her breast, grabbing a handful and running his thumb across the perky nipple. She moaned into his mouth as he continued massaging her breast. She started to move to his lap to feel his large cock press up against her swollen pussy and take some of the ache away. Someone cleared their throat behind them, bringing her back to the reality that she was in a hospital bed.

  “I’m glad to see you’re up and moving around, Ms. Connor. I am going to release you today, but do you have anyone to stay with for a while? I need to see you back in a couple of days for your wrist, or you can see your doctor,” the doctor said. Riley felt her heart drop again when Cooper spoke and informed the doctor that she was coming home with him. When did that get decided? At this point she didn’t have much choice, so she went along. The nurse provided her with some clothes to wear home as they had cut the ones she had on. The nurse pushed Riley to the exit door, and Cooper came running over from his truck, smiling down at her as he lifted her out of the wheelchair and into the cab of his truck like she was a small child.

  “Ready to go home, darlin’?”

  “As ready as I am ever going to be,” was all she could muster to say as she had no clue what to do right now as she had no home.

  Chapter Two

  Riley watched as the road stretched on and on. “So how long is it to your house? You know, I do not want to impose on you. You have been kind enough. I’m sure whomever you live with will get upset.” God, she hadn’t even asked him if he was married or dating anyone before she tried to jump his bones. All he did was chuckle and hold her hand. Damn, his laugh was sexy. It was like a purr that went straight to her aching pussy. She had to have a concussion. She had never been the wanton before in her life.

  “Okay, let me start off with the first question then the rest of them, okay?” Riley nodded her head. Shit that hurt, too. “It is about another hour to the house. I live in the small town of Lucky. It may be small, but it sure is not lacking for characters. And I live with my twin brother Cassius, or Cash. He is away right now hunting, so you are not stepping on anyone’s toes. Plus I’m sure you could use a good meal, hot shower, and a warm bed to sleep on. I know you lost a lot, Riley, so just let me help you.” There was such sincerity on his voice that Riley could only nod. She just didn’t know what else to say.

  Cooper talked about his life on his ranch in Lucky, about how his family grew up there. He and Cash were the middle of six children, but had three dads. Wow, that was a shock. He and Cash had purchased the small ranch together, but Cooper was a part-time deputy in town, so he could be on call anytime, depending on the sheriff. Riley could only listen and give replies. She didn’t want to tell him too much as he was already being put into danger if she was ever found. Since he was a deputy, he could run a search and find out anyway, so she needed to find a way to leave. Her head was swimming with very few possibilities to make that happen. She must have fallen asleep during the ride home, because she was jolted awake by him picking her up again.

  “I can walk, you know.” Not that Riley minded being manhandled by him. He smelled so good she just wanted to curl up into him and stay there. He chuckled and kicked open the door of a large, ranch-style home.

  “I know, but you looked so cute sleeping I didn’t want to wake you, darlin’. How about I put you in the living room and make us some lunch? Then I can help you upstairs so you can shower, or would you like a bath?” His smoky brown eyes stared down at her, making her panties wet again. Well, they would be if she was wearing any.

  “Lunch sounds fantastic. A bath actually would be better than a shower. My neck and back are kinda sore. That is, if you don’t mind?” Riley really hoped he didn’t. She had not had the luxury of taking a bath since she started running. Cooper smiled down at her and ran his hand over her cheek, saying it was fine, and he left her to go make them some lunch. A short time later, he came walking out of the kitchen carrying two plates, a sandwich and some potato salad on each. Riley was hungrier than she thought as her stomach gave her away. She thanked him for the sandwich and ate without looking up.

  “Slow down, darlin’. I’m not going to take it from you. When is the last time you ate something?” Cooper was concerned and he knew it must have shown on his face. He did not like the way she was eating. By the way she took in the food, it seemed like she hadn’t eaten in months. He was determined to rectify that, starting now. There was a reason she was here, and she didn’t want to open up. Cooper had known a lot of people who left on the run as many ended up in Lucky, so he knew she was running. From what or who was the next thing he needed to find out.

  Riley finished her food and looked up at him with apologetic eyes. “I’m sorry. I don’t normally eat like that. I guess it has been a while.” He just smiled at her and placed another half of his sandwich on her plate and told her to eat. She gladly obeyed while he left the room then came back. Cooper knew Riley could hear bath water running. He stayed until the bath water was finished and ready for her.

  “Time for your bath, baby. Can you walk up the stairs, or would you like me to carry you?” He was being totally serious. He loved the way she felt in his arms, so small and fragile. He knew he needed to be careful with her, as if was she could break, not physically, but mentally. She said she would walk and took his hand for support. Cooper knew that Riley felt a little wobbly on her feet, but she was determined to use her own legs.

  Once in the bathroom, he had her sit down on the edge of the tub and helped take the brace off of her wrist to prevent it from getting wet. “Okay, you’re all set, darlin’. There is a towel over there, and I’ll go find you something to wear until I can get you some real clothes.” And with that, he left the bathroom. The tub was huge. It looked like a minispa. She had never been in something so big or luxurious. She tried to take off her shirt but had trouble lifting it up over her head as her wrist and back really hurt. Time to put on your big girl panties and deal with it, Riley. “Um, Coop, I hate to ask, but can you help me?” she yelled from behind the door. Out of habit, Riley bit her lower lip but her nerves were getting the best of her. Cooper came into the bathroom, l
ooking around, trying to figure out what she needed.

  “What’s wrong, darlin’?”

  Riley mentally took a deep breath. “Um, I am having issues with my shirt, and I am not sure I can wash my hair. I really hate to ask, but is there a way you can help me?”

  Cooper took a mental note. Riley was finally asking for help, which meant she was opening up. He would do anything at this point to see her naked body, but she was hurt and needed to take it slow. He agreed and walked over to her. Grabbing the bottom of her shirt, he slowly pulled up. “Up, baby. I know it hurts, and I’ll find you something that buttons so you don’t have to lift for a while.” Finally the shirt was off, and his eyes were shooting out of his head. She had the most beautiful set of tits he has ever seen, with the prettiest pink nipples just waiting for him to feast on them. But he was sidetracked by the bruising across her left shoulder going down between the valleys of her breasts. “Damn, baby, I am so glad you wore your seat belt. I would hate to see what it would have been like without it. I am going to go slow. Let me know if I hurt you at all, okay?”

  He looked down at Riley, making sure she knew that he would not hurt her and she could trust him. He pulled down her sweatpants and realized she had no panties on either. Damn, his cock was throbbing. He was going to bust a load just by looking at her dripping pussy lips. He didn’t want to scare her so decided now is not the time.

  Riley took a deep breath and tried to focus on the task at hand, which was getting clean. She knew he was staring at her bruised, naked body and she was dripping down the inside of her leg. She prayed he would not see how turned on she was with just his look. Cooper started to take off his shirt. “What are you doing?” Riley asked all of a sudden, confused but turning around so her back faced him, providing relief so she could not stare at him. God, the man was built like a god. Granted, he had only taken his shirt off at that time, but his tan muscles rippled from his arms, and his chiseled chest and abs could be used to wash clothes on. The V that went lower made her feel like she was going to faint, with an oh-so-happy trail she wanted to run her tongue down. She could hear him taking his belt off and lowering the zipper of his jeans. Breathe, Riley.

  “Darlin’, if you want help in the bath, I am not going to get my pants all wet trying to reach over you. I’ll get in with you. I promise I will not do anything but help you.” And with that, Cooper leaned over and picked Riley up and placed her in front of him in the bathtub. What did she just get herself into? She wasn’t sure, but man, she didn’t mind taking the journey, even it was a short one.

  * * * *

  Caesar De Carlo was a sadistic son of a bitch who enjoyed watching the pain of others, making money, and fucking, all in that order. He sat on his veranda, awaiting a response from Hector as to the new development of the money. The money had come from various locations, prostitution, car thefts, personal loans, but mostly drugs.

  That bitch Riley had to have the account numbers. The fucking FBI told her it was for money laundering. Ha, that was a big joke, but what they didn’t know is that he had lost the money. She didn’t trust anyone, and she hid the damn money somewhere. When the FBI and DEA came and took over his small operation in LA, the fucking money disappeared and the last time it was seen was with the bitch at the bank. His whole operation was shut down for now. The evidence the feds had couldn’t stick. He made sure of that when he paid the fucker from the FBI to get the information from the bitch. The longer she was alive, the longer the money stayed missing.

  He couldn’t torture or kill her in time before she took off. He was told they had a lead and he was finally going to get his damn money. Thirty million dollars disappeared, and she had to know where.

  Taking in a deep breath, he looked over into his garden, wondering if he should pant more roses, when a noise came through the door. Hector was here. “Señor De Carlo, I see you received my gift last night. I figured since her husband offered her as a payment, you should be the first to try,” Hector said as he pointed to the woman still tied to the bed, naked.

  “I have. She screamed beautifully when I took her ass. First payment received. You can have her back when I am finished with my coffee. Now tell me you have the bank bitch,” De Carlo said as he finished his coffee.

  “I have found her. She had kept a low profile and only used cash for transactions. She tried to change her name, but when medical record and police reports came in with her name, she was confirmed. She is in Montana. A hell of a state. Why people want snow and cold is crazy. I guess she tried to run to Canada. I have men being sent there, but I have secured a man within the town who can get her away. No one will suspect him. What do you want us to do when we retrieve her? Do we play with her and then kill her, or send her to you?” Hector was not one to step on De Carlo’s toes as it meant punishment for him, if not death.

  “I want the bitch alive when I question her. Bring her to me and I will make her give me my money, and I will throw her to the boys to play with.” De Carlo thought after six months he would have his fucking money, and then he would move on to another bank. He almost had her when she was in Portland, but she ended up getting a damn car and saw them. Those men sure paid for it. He took pleasure in removing their tongues to remind them to remain silent. Good help was always hard to find when he killed them in the end.

  Chapter Three

  Riley sighed as she was lowered into the warm bath water. Trying to be careful with her arm, she let it fall to the side of the bathtub. Cooper leaned her slightly forward and picked up a small cup and filled it with water. “Okay, babe, you have to let me know if this hurts,” Cooper said as he proceeded to wash her hair. He worked the soap into her scalp, trying to avoid the nasty gash on her forehead. His fingers intertwined in the stands of her hair, and he heard her moan in pleasure. Cooper could tell that Riley was enjoying having a man run his fingers through her hair. He finished washing her hair and then picked up the bar of soap, worked up a good lather, and washed and rinsed her back. Cooper pulled Riley back against his chest and proceeded to wash the rest of her body. He did not mean anything sexual as she was still recovering, but when he reached her breasts, she pushed them into his awaiting hands and he lost some of his control. He spent a lot of time washing of her perky nipples, making sure the tips and areolas were clean and did it about four times, rubbing and pinching them slightly when doing so. Cooper reveled in the sound as Riley whimpered with need under his masterful fingers.

  She knew he was turned on by washing her as it was evident with his giant cock pressing into her back. She didn’t get to look at it, but the man sure did pack some heat in his pants. Loving the way his hands roamed her body, she openly let him explore. His hands were callused over from all his hard work, but it made her that much more aroused as he slowly moved his hands down to cover her mound. She could feel his heart beat and her breath caught.

  “Let me help you,” was all he said in a whisper along her neck, and she laid her head all the way back on his chest. He slowly explored as he slid one finger down her slit. He rubbed his finger over her clit, working effortlessly to open up her hidden pearl that lay beneath the hood. Keeping pressure on her clit, he slipped a finger into the pussy. She gasped at the invasion.

  “Damn, baby, you’re tight. Just relax and let me love you. Let me take the ache away.” Cooper slipped his finger back into her pussy, and she was so wet and ready for him. He peppered kisses along her neck and nipped at her earlobe. He inserted one finger then added another as he finger fucked her, keeping his thumb over her clit. She started moving her hips to meet with his thrusts. She made small panting noises as her face flushed with excitement. “Come for me, darlin’. Let go.” And with that, she did. She screamed his name as her pussy clamped down on his finger, and her eyes rolled back into her head. Goddamn, that was amazing. He was so damn hard right now he could pound nails. He needed to get out of the bath and take a cold shower, a really long cold shower.

  Riley had fallen asleep after her orgasm se
emed to have washed away all the energy she had left, and Cooper wanted nothing more than to curl up with her in his bed, but he needed a shower and to call Cash and let him know about their new houseguest. After slowly picking her up and drying her body off, Cooper pulled a button-up shirt on her and placed her in the middle of the bed to rest. Kissing the top of her head, he went downstairs to call his brother.

  * * * *

  “Damn it, Cooper, how the hell could you have someone over at the house? I swear you are just thinking with your damn dick again. Until I get there keep her the fuck in the room. We will figure this shit out when I get home. Fuck, man,” Cash yelled into the phone.

  “Will you calm down Cash, she’s not like that. I’m just helping her out, that’s all. She is down on her luck and could use some help. Don’t jump to conclusions that aren’t there. She’s not fuckin’ Karrie.” Cooper stated in frustration. The conversation did not last much longer, but more swearing was involved, and name-calling.

  This was the normal conversation the brothers had when it came to women. Sharing is what they both did, but usually it was Cash who picked them out, and Cooper was going along for the ride. The idea made Cooper laugh, everyone had to have a bad boy, and Cash was the bad boy out of the two. Cooper knew Cash was going to act this way with Cooper bringing home a total stranger, but it was the nature of everyone in Lucky to open up and take them in. Karrie had left permit scars on Cash when it came to helpless women. She used him and then expected Cooper to play along with her twisted game. In the end Cash came home and the two worked it out, leaving the drama that was Karrie.


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