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The Penny Dreadfuls MEGAPACK™

Page 77

by Oscar Wilde

  “It was after midnight before,” she thought, “when it came, and perhaps it may not be able to come earlier. It may not have the power, until that time, to make its hideous visits, and, therefore, I will believe myself safe.”

  She had made up her mind not to go to bed until the return of her brothers, and she and her mother sat in a small room that was used as a breakfast-room, and which had a latticed window that opened on to the lawn.

  This window had in the inside strong oaken shutters, which had been fastened as securely as their construction would admit of some time before the departure of the brothers and Mr. Marchdale on that melancholy expedition, the object of which, if it had been known to her, would have added so much to the terrors of poor Flora.

  It was not even guessed at, however remotely, so that she had not the additional affliction of thinking, that while she was sitting there, a prey to all sorts of imaginative terrors, they were perhaps gathering fresh evidence, as, indeed, they were, of the dreadful reality of the appearance which, but for the collateral circumstances attendant upon its coming and its going, she would fain have persuaded herself was but the vision of a dream.

  It was before nine that the brothers started, but in her own mind Flora gave them to eleven, and when she heard ten o’clock sound from a clock which stood in the hall, she felt pleased to think that in another hour they would surely be at home.

  “My dear,” said her mother, “you look more like yourself, now.”

  “Do, I, mother?”

  “Yes, you are well again.”

  “Ah, if I could forget—”

  “Time, my dear Flora, will enable you to do so, and all the fear of what made you so unwell will pass away. You will soon forget it all.”

  “I will hope to do so.”

  “Be assured that, some day or another, something will occur, as Henry says, to explain all that has happened, in some way consistent with reason and the ordinary nature of things, my dear Flora.”

  “Oh, I will cling to such a belief; I will get Henry, upon whose judgment I know I can rely, to tell me so, and each time that I hear such words from his lips, I will contrive to dismiss some portion of the terror which now, I cannot but confess, clings to my heart.”

  Flora laid her hand upon her mother’s arm, and in a low, anxious tone of voice, said—“Listen, mother.”

  Mrs. Bannerworth turned pale, as she said—“Listen to what, dear?”

  “Within these last ten minutes,” said Flora, “I have thought three or four times that I heard a slight noise without. Nay, mother, do not tremble—it may be only fancy.”

  Flora herself trembled, and was of a death-like paleness; once or twice she passed her hand across her brow, and altogether she presented a picture of much mental suffering.

  They now conversed in anxious whispers, and almost all they said consisted in anxious wishes for the return of the brothers and Mr. Marchdale.

  “You will be happier and more assured, my dear, with some company,” said Mrs. Bannerworth. “Shall I ring for the servants, and let them remain in the room with us, until they who are our best safeguards next to Heaven return?”

  “Hush—hush—hush, mother!”

  “What do you hear?”

  “I thought—I heard a faint sound.”

  “I heard nothing, dear.”

  “Listen again, mother. Surely I could not be deceived so often. I have now, at least, six times heard a sound as if some one was outside by the windows.”

  “No, no, my darling, do not think; your imagination is active and in a state of excitement.”

  “It is, and yet—”

  “Believe me, it deceives you.”

  “I hope to Heaven it does!”

  There was a pause of some minutes’ duration, and then Mrs. Bannerworth again urged slightly the calling of some of the servants, for she thought that their presence might have the effect of giving a different direction to her child’s thoughts; but Flora saw her place her hand upon the bell, and she said—

  “No, mother, no—not yet, not yet. Perhaps I am deceived.”

  Mrs. Bannerworth upon this sat down, but no sooner had she done so than she heartily regretted she had not rung the bell, for, before, another word could be spoken, there came too perceptibly upon their ears for there to be any mistake at all about it, a strange scratching noise upon the window outside.

  A faint cry came from Flora’s lips, as she exclaimed, in a voice of great agony—

  “Oh, God!—oh, God! It has come again!”

  Mrs. Bannerworth became faint, and unable to move or speak at all; she could only sit like one paralysed, and unable to do more than listen to and see what was going on.

  The scratching noise continued for a few seconds, and then altogether ceased. Perhaps, under ordinary circumstances, such a sound outside the window would have scarcely afforded food for comment at all, or, if it had, it would have been attributed to some natural effect, or to the exertions of some bird or animal to obtain admittance to the house.

  But there had occurred now enough in that family to make any little sound of wonderful importance, and these things which before would have passed completely unheeded, at all events without creating much alarm, were now invested with a fearful interest.

  When the scratching noise ceased, Flora spoke in a low, anxious whisper, as she said—

  “Mother, you heard it then?”

  Mrs. Bannerworth tried to speak, but she could not; and then suddenly, with a loud clash, the bar, which on the inside appeared to fasten the shutters strongly, fell as if by some invisible agency, and the shutters now, but for the intervention of the window, could be easily pushed open from without.

  Mrs. Bannerworth covered her face with her hands, and, after rocking to and fro for a moment, she fell off her chair, having fainted with the excess of terror that came over her.

  For about the space of time in which a fast speaker could count twelve, Flora thought her reason was leaving her, but it did not. She found herself recovering; and there she sat, with her eyes fixed upon the window, looking more like some exquisitely-chiselled statue of despair than a being of flesh and blood, expecting each moment to have its eyes blasted by some horrible appearance, such as might be supposed to drive her to madness.

  And now again came the strange knocking or scratching against the glass of the window.

  This continued for some minutes, during which it appeared likewise to Flora that some confusion was going on at another part of the house, for she fancied she heard voices and the banging of doors.

  It seemed to her as if she must have sat looking at the shutters of that window a long time before she saw them shake, and then one wide hinged portion of them slowly opened.

  Once again horror appeared to be on the point of producing madness in her brain, and then, as before, a feeling of calmness rapidly ensued.

  She was able to see plainly that something was by the window, but what it was she could not plainly discern, in consequence of the lights she had in the room. A few moments, however, sufficed to settle that mystery, for the window was opened and a figure stood before her.

  One glance, one terrified glance, in which her whole soul was concentrated, sufficed to shew her who and what the figure was. There was the tall, gaunt form—there was the faded ancient apparel—the lustrous metallic-looking eyes—its half-opened month, exhibiting the tusk-like teeth! It was—yes, it was—the vampire!

  It stood for a moment gazing at her, and then in the hideous way it had attempted before to speak, it apparently endeavoured to utter some words which it could not make articulate to human ears. The pistols lay before Flora. Mechanically she raised one, and pointed it at the figure. It advanced a step, and then she pulled the trigger.

  A stunning report followed. There was a loud cry of pain, and the vampire fled. The smoke and the confusion
that was incidental to the spot prevented her from seeing if the figure walked or ran away. She thought she heard a crashing sound among the plants outside the window, as if it had fallen, but she did not feel quite sure.

  It was no effort of any reflection, but a purely mechanical movement, that made her raise the other pistol, and discharge that likewise in the direction the vampire had taken. Then casting the weapon away, she rose, and made a frantic rush from the room. She opened the door, and was dashing out, when she found herself caught in the circling arms of some one who either had been there waiting, or who had just at that moment got there.

  The thought that it was the vampire, who by some mysterious means, had got there, and was about to make her his prey, now overcame her completely, and she sunk into a state of utter insensibility on the moment.



  It so happened that George and Henry Bannerworth, along with Mr. Marchdale, had just reached the gate which conducted into the garden of the mansion when they all were alarmed by the report of a pistol. Amid the stillness of the night, it came upon them with so sudden a shock, that they involuntarily paused, and there came from the lips of each an expression of alarm.

  “Good heavens!” cried George, “can that be Flora firing at any intruder?”

  “It must be,” cried Henry; “she has in her possession the only weapons in the house.”

  Mr. Marchdale turned very pale, and trembled slightly, but he did not speak.

  “On, on,” cried Henry; “for God’s sake, let us hasten on.”

  As he spoke, he cleared the gate at a bound, and at a terrific pace he made towards the house, passing over beds, and plantations, and flowers heedlessly, so that he went the most direct way to it.

  Before, however, it was possible for any human speed to accomplish even half of the distance, the report of the other shot came upon his ears, and he even fancied he heard the bullet whistle past his head in tolerably close proximity. This supposition gave him a clue to the direction at all events from whence the shots proceeded, otherwise he knew not from which window they were fired, because it had not occurred to him, previous to leaving home, to inquire in which room Flora and his mother were likely to be seated waiting his return.

  He was right as regarded the bullet. It was that winged messenger of death which had passed his head in such very dangerous proximity, and consequently he made with tolerable accuracy towards the open window from whence the shots had been fired.

  The night was not near so dark as it had been, although even yet it was very far from being a light one, and he was soon enabled to see that there was a room, the window of which was wide open, and lights burning on the table within. He made towards it in a moment, and entered it. To his astonishment, the first objects he beheld were Flora and a stranger, who was now supporting her in his arms. To grapple him by the throat was the work of a moment, but the stranger cried aloud in a voice which sounded familiar to Harry—

  “Good God, are you all mad?”

  Henry relaxed his hold, and looked in his face.

  “Gracious heavens, it is Mr. Holland!” he said.

  “Yes; did you not know me?”

  Henry was bewildered. He staggered to a seat, and, in doing so, he saw his mother, stretched apparently lifeless upon the floor. To raise her was the work of a moment, and then Marchdale and George, who had followed him as fast as they could, appeared at the open window.

  Such a strange scene as that small room now exhibited had never been equalled in Bannerworth Hall. There was young Mr. Holland, of whom mention has already been made, as the affianced lover of Flora, supporting her fainting form. There was Henry doing equal service to his mother; and on the floor lay the two pistols, and one of the candles which had been upset in the confusion; while the terrified attitudes of George and Mr. Marchdale at the window completed the strange-looking picture.

  “What is this—oh! what has happened?” cried George.

  “I know not—I know not,” said Henry. “Some one summon the servants; I am nearly mad.”

  Mr. Marchdale at once rung the bell, for George looked so faint and ill as to be incapable of doing so; and he rung it so loudly and so effectually, that the two servants who had been employed suddenly upon the others leaving came with much speed to know what was the matter.

  “See to your mistress,” said Henry. “She is dead, or has fainted. For God’s sake, let who can give me some account of what has caused all this confusion here.”

  “Are you aware, Henry,” said Marchdale, “that a stranger is present in the room?”

  He pointed to Mr. Holland as he spoke, who, before Henry could reply, said—

  “Sir, I may be a stranger to you, as you are to me, and yet no stranger to those whose home this is.”

  “No, no,” said Henry, “you are no stronger to us, Mr. Holland, but are thrice welcome—none can be more welcome. Mr. Marchdale, this is Mr Holland, of whom you have heard me speak.”

  “I am proud to know you, sir,” said Marchdale.

  “Sir, I thank you,” replied Holland, coldly.

  It will so happen; but, at first sight, it appeared as if those two persons had some sort of antagonistic feeling towards each other, which threatened to prevent effectually their ever becoming intimate friends.

  The appeal of Henry to the servants to know if they could tell him what had occurred was answered in the negative. All they knew was that they had heard two shots fired, and that, since then, they had remained where they were, in a great fright, until the bell was rung violently. This was no news at all and, therefore, the only chance was, to wait patiently for the recovery of the mother, or of Flora, from one or the other of whom surely some information could be at once then procured.

  Mrs. Bannerworth was removed to her own room, and so would Flora have been; but Mr. Holland, who was supporting her in his arms, said—

  “I think the air from the open window is recovering her, and it is likely to do so. Oh, do not now take her from me, after so long an absence. Flora, Flora, look up; do you not know me? You have not yet given me one look of acknowledgment. Flora, dear Flora!”

  The sound of his voice seemed to act as the most potent of charms in restoring her to consciousness; it broke through the death-like trance in which she lay, and, opening her beautiful eyes, she fixed them upon his face, saying—

  “Yes, yes; it is Charles—it is Charles.”

  She burst into a hysterical flood of tears, and clung to him like some terrified child to its only friend in the whole wide world.

  “Oh, my dear friends,” cried Charles Holland, “do not deceive me; has Flora been ill?”

  “We have all been ill,” said George.

  “All ill?”

  “Ay, and nearly mad,” exclaimed Harry.

  Holland looked from one to the other in surprise, as well he might, nor was that surprise at all lessened when Flora made an effort to extricate herself from his embrace, as she exclaimed—

  “You must leave me—you must leave me, Charles, for ever! Oh! never, never look upon my face again!”

  “I—I am bewildered,” said Charles.

  “Leave me, now,” continued Flora; “think me unworthy; think what you will, Charles, but I cannot, I dare not, now be yours.”

  “Is this a dream?”

  “Oh, would it were. Charles, if we had never met, you would be happier—I could not be more wretched.”

  “Flora, Flora, do you say these words of so great cruelty to try my love?”

  “No, as Heaven is my judge, I do not.”

  “Gracious Heaven, then, what do they mean?”

  Flora shuddered, and Henry, coming up to her, took her hand in his tenderly, as he said—

  “Has it been again?”

  “It h

  “You shot it?”

  “I fired full upon it, Henry, but it fled.”

  “It did—fly?”

  “It did, Henry, but it will come again—it will be sure to come again.”

  “You—you hit it with the bullet?” interposed Mr. Marchdale. “Perhaps you killed it?”

  “I think I must have hit it, unless I am mad.”

  Charles Holland looked from one to the other with such a look of intense surprise, that George remarked it, and said at once to him—

  “Mr. Holland, a full explanation is due to you, and you shall have it.”

  “You seem the only rational person here,” said Charles. “Pray what is it that everybody calls ‘it?’”

  “Hush—hush!” said Henry; “you shall hear soon, but not at present.”

  “Hear me, Charles,” said Flora. “From this moment mind, I do release you from every vow, from every promise made to me of constancy and love; and if you are wise, Charles, and will be advised, you will now this moment leave this house never to return to it.”

  “No,” said Charles—“no; by Heaven I love you, Flora! I have come to say again all that in another clime I said with joy to you. When I forget you, let what trouble may oppress you, may God forget me, and my own right hand forget to do me honest service.”

  “Oh! no more—no more!” sobbed Flora.

  “Yes, much more, if you will tell me of words which shall be stronger than others in which to paint my love, my faith, and my constancy.”

  “Be prudent,” said Henry. “Say no more.”

  “Nay, upon such a theme I could speak for ever. You may cast me off, Flora; but until you tell me you love another, I am yours till the death, and then with a sanguine hope at my heart that we shall meet again, never, dearest, to part.”

  Flora sobbed bitterly.

  “Oh!” she said, “this is the unkindest blow of all—this is worse than all.”

  “Unkind!” echoed Holland.


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