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The Penny Dreadfuls MEGAPACK™

Page 135

by Oscar Wilde

  Death, with all its ghastly insignia, had an effect even upon the unthinking multitude, who were ever ready to inflict death or any violent injury upon any object that came in their way—they never hesitated; but even these, now the object of their hatred was no more, felt appalled.

  ‘Tis strange what a change comes over masses of men as they gaze upon a dead body. It may be that they all know that to that complexion they must come at last. This may be the secret of the respect offered to the dead.

  The undertakers are men, however, who are used to the presence of death—it is their element; they gain a living by attending upon the last obsequies of the dead; they are used to dead bodies, and care not for them. Some of them are humane men, that is, in their way; and even among them are men who wouldn’t be deprived of the joke as they screwed down the last screw. They could not forbear, even on this occasion, to hold their converse when left alone.

  “Jacobs,” said one who was turning a long screw, “Jacobs, my boy, do you take the chair tonight?”

  “Yes,” said Jacobs who was a long lugubrious-looking man, “I do take the chair, if I live over this blessed event.”

  “You are not croaking, Jacobs, are you? Well, you are a lively customer, you are.”

  “Lively—do you expect people to be lively when they are full dressed for a funeral? You are a nice article for your profession. You don’t feel like an undertaker, you don’t.”

  “Don’t, Jacobs, my boy. As long as I look like one when occasion demands; when I have done my job I puts my comfort in my pocket, and thinks how much more pleasanter it is to be going to other people’s funerals than to our own, and then only see the difference as regards the money.”

  “True,” said Jacobs with a groan; “but death’s a melancholy article, at all events.”

  “So it is.”

  “And then when you come to consider the number of people we have buried—how many have gone to their last homes—and how many more will go the same way.”

  “Yes, yes; that’s all very well, Jacob. You are precious surly this morning. I’ll come tonight. You’re brewing a sentimental tale as sure as eggs is eggs.”

  “Well, that is pretty certain; but as I was saying how many more are there—”

  “Ah, don’t bother yourself with calculations that have neither beginning nor end, and which haven’t one point to go. Come, Jacob, have you finished yet?”

  “Quite,” said Jacob.

  They now arranged the pall, and placed all in readiness, and returned to a place down stairs where they could enjoy themselves for an odd half hour, and pass that time away until the moment should arrive when his reverence would be ready to bury the deceased, upon consideration of the fees to be paid upon the occasion.

  The tap-room was crowded, and there was no room for the men, and they were taken into the kitchen, where they were seated, and earnestly at work, preparing for the ceremony that had so shortly to be performed.

  “Any better, Jacobs?”

  “What do you mean?” inquired Jacobs, with a groan. “It’s news to me if I have been ill.”

  “Oh, yes, you were doleful up stairs, you know.”

  “I’ve a proper regard for my profession—that’s the difference between you and I, you know.”

  “I’ll wager you what you like, now, that I’ll handle a corpse and drive a screw in a coffin as well as you, now, although you are so solid and miserable.”

  “So you may—so you may.”

  “Then what do you mean by saying I haven’t a proper regard for my profession?”

  “I say you haven’t, and there’s the thing that shall prove it—you don’t look it, and that’s the truth.”

  “I don’t look like an undertaker! indeed I dare say I don’t if I ain’t dressed like one.”

  “Nor when you are,” reiterated Jacob.

  “Why not, pray?”

  “Because you have always a grin on your face as broad as a gridiron—that’s why.”

  This ended the dispute, for the employer of the men suddenly put his head in, saying—

  “Come, now, time’s up; you are wanted up stairs, all of you. Be quick; we shall have his reverence waiting for us, and then we shall lose his recommendation.”

  “Ready sir,” said the round man, taking up his pint and finishing it off at a draught, at the same moment he thrust the remains of some bread and cheese into his pocket.

  Jacob, too, took his pot, and, having finished it, with great gravity followed the example of his more jocose companion, and they all left the kitchen for the room above, where the corpse was lying ready for interment.

  There was an unusual bustle; everybody was on the tip-top of expectation, and awaiting the result in a quiet hurry, and hoped to have the first glimpse of the coffin, though why they should do so it was difficult to define. But in this fit of mysterious hope and expectation they certainly stood.

  “Will they be long?” inquired a man at the door of one inside—“will they be long before they come?”

  “They are coming now,” said the man. “Do you all keep quiet; they are knocking their heads against the top of the landing. Hark! There, I told you so.”

  The man departed, hearing something, and being satisfied that he had got some information.

  “Now, then,” said the landlord, “move out of the way, and allow the corpse to pass out. Let me have no indecent conduct; let everything be as it should be.”

  The people soon removed from the passage and vicinity of the doorway, and then the mournful procession—as the newspapers have it—moved forward. They were heard coming down stairs, and thence along the passage, until they came to the street, and then the whole number of attendants was plainly discernible.

  How different was the funeral of one who had friends. He was alone; none followed, save the undertaker and his attendants, all of whom looked solemn from habit and professional motives. Even the jocose man was as supernaturally solemn as could be well imagined; indeed, nobody knew he was the same man.

  “Well,” said the landlord, as he watched them down the street, as they slowly paced their way with funereal, not sorrowful, solemnity—“well, I am very glad that it is all over.”

  “It has been a sad plague to you,” said one.

  “It has, indeed; it must be to any one who has had another such a job as this. I don’t say it out of any disrespect to the poor man who is dead and gone—quite the reverse; but I would not have such another affair on my hands for pounds.”

  “I can easily believe you, especially when we come to consider the disagreeables of a mob.”

  “You may say that. There’s no knowing what they will or won’t do, confound them! If they’d act like men, and pay for what they have, why, then I shouldn’t care much about them; but it don’t do to have other people in the bar.”

  “I should think not, indeed; that would alter the scale of your profits, I reckon.”

  “It would make all the difference to me. Business,” added the landlord, “conducted on that scale, would become a loss; and a man might as well walk into a well at once.”

  “So I should say. Have many such occurrences as these been usual in this part of the country?” inquired the stranger.

  “Not usual at all,” said the landlord; “but the fact is, the whole neighbourhood has run distracted about some superhuman being they call a vampire.”


  “Yes; and they suspected the unfortunate man who has been lying up-stairs, a corpse, for some days.”

  “Oh, the man they have just taken in the coffin to bury?” said the stranger.

  “Yes, sir, the same.”

  “Well, I thought perhaps somebody of great consequence had suddenly become defunct.”

  “Oh, dear no; it would not have caused half the sensation; people have been really mad.”
br />   “It was a strange occurrence, altogether, I believe, was it?” inquired the stranger.—“Indeed it was, sir. I hardly know the particulars, there have been so many tales afloat; though they all concur in one point, and that is, it has destroyed the peace of one family.”

  “Who has done so?”

  “The vampire.”

  “Indeed! I never heard of such an animal, save as a fable, before; it seems to me extraordinary.”

  “So it would do to any one, sir, as was not on the spot, to see it; I’m sure I wouldn’t.”

  * * * *

  In the meantime, the procession, short as it was of itself, moved along in slow time through a throng of people who ran out of their houses on either side of the way, and lined the whole length of the town.

  Many of these closed in behind, and followed the mourners until they were near the church, and then they made a rush to get into the churchyard.

  As yet all had been conducted with tolerable propriety, the funeral met with no impediment. The presence of death among so many of them seemed some check upon the licence of the mob, who bowed in silence to the majesty of death.

  Who could bear ill-will against him who was now no more? Man, while he is man, is always the subject of hatred, fear, or love. Some one of these passions, in a modified state, exists in all men, and with such feelings they will regard each other; and it is barely possible that any one should not be the object of some of these, and hence the stranger’s corpse was treated with respect.

  In silence the body proceeded along the highway until it came to the churchyard, and followed by an immense multitude of people of all grades.

  The authorities trembled; they knew not what all this portended. They thought it might pass off; but it might become a storm first; they hoped and feared by turns, till some of them fell sick with apprehension.

  There was a deep silence observed by all those in the immediate vicinity of the coffin, but those farther in the rear found full expression for their feelings.

  “Do you think,” said an old man to another, “that he will come to life again, eh?”

  “Oh, yes, vampires always do, and lay in the moonlight, and then they come to life again. Moonlight recovers a vampire to life again.”

  “And yet the moonlight is cold.”

  “Ah, but who’s to tell what may happen to a vampire, or what’s hot or what’s cold?”

  “Certainly not; oh, dear, no.”

  “And then they have permission to suck the blood of other people, to live themselves, and to make other people vampires, too.”

  “The lord have mercy upon us!”

  “Ay, but they have driven a stake through this one, and he can’t get in moonlight or daylight; it’s all over—he’s certainly done for; we may congratulate ourselves on this point.”

  “So we may—so we may.”

  They now neared the grave, the clergyman officiating as usual on such occasions. There was a large mob of persons on all sides, with serious faces, watching the progress of the ceremony, and who listened in quietness.

  There was no sign of any disturbance amongst the people, and the authorities were well pleased; they congratulated themselves upon the quietness and orderliness of the assemblage.

  The service was ended and the coffin lowered, and the earth was thrown on the coffin-lid with a hollow sound. Nobody could hear that sound unmoved. But in a short while the sound ceased as the grave became filled; it was then trodden carefully down.

  There were no relatives there to feel affected at the last scene of all. They were far away, and, according to popular belief upon the subject, they must have been dead some ages.

  * * * *

  The mob watched the last shovel-full of earth thrown upon the coffin, and witnessed the ramming down of the soil, and the heaping of it over at top to make the usual monument; for all this was done speedily and carefully, lest there should be any tendency to exhume the body of the deceased.

  The people were now somewhat relieved, as to their state of solemnity and silence. They would all of them converse freely on the matter that had so long occupied their thoughts.

  They seemed now let loose, and everybody found himself at liberty to say or do something, no matter if it were not very reasonable; that is not always required of human beings who have souls, or, at least it is unexpected; and were it expected, the expectation would never be realized.

  The day was likely to wear away without a riot, nay, even without a fight; a most extraordinary occurrence for such a place under the existing circumstances; for of late the populace, or, perhaps, the townspeople, were extremely pugnacious, and many were the disputes that were settled by the very satisfactory application of the knuckles to the head of the party holding a contrary opinion.

  Thus it was they were ready to take fire, and a hubbub would be the result of the slightest provocation. But, on the present occasion, there was a remarkable dearth of, all subjects of the nature described.

  Who was to lead Israel out to battle? Alas! no one on the present occasion.

  Such a one, however, appeared, at least, one who furnished a ready excuse for a disturbance.

  Suddenly, Mrs Chillingworth appeared in the midst of a large concourse of people. She had just left her house, which was close at hand, her eyes red with weeping, and her children around her on this occasion.

  The crowd made way for her, and gathered round her to see what was going to happen.

  “Friends and neighbours,” she said “can any of you relieve the tears of a distressed wife and mother, have any of you seen anything of my husband, Mr. Chillingworth?”

  “What the doctor?” exclaimed one.—“Yes; Mr. Chillingworth, the surgeon. He has not been home two days and a night. I’m distracted!—what can have become of him I don’t know, unless—”

  Here Mrs Chillingworth paused, and some person said—

  “Unless what, Mrs Chillingworth? there are none but friends here, who wish the doctor well, and would do anything to serve him—unless what? speak out.”

  “Unless he’s been destroyed by the vampire. Heaven knows what we may all come to! Here am I and my children deprived of our protector by some means which we cannot imagine. He never, in all his life, did the same before.”

  “He must have been spirited away by some of the vampires. I’ll tell you what, friend,” said one to another, “that something must be done; nobody’s safe in their bed.”

  “No; they are not, indeed. I think that all vampires ought to be burned and a stake run through them, and then we should be safe.”

  “Ay; but you must destroy all those who are even suspected of being vampires, or else one may do all the mischief.”

  “So he might.”

  “Hurrah!” shouted the mob. “Chillingworth for ever! We’ll find the doctor somewhere, if we pull down the whole town.”

  There was an immense commotion among the populace, who began to start throwing stones, and do all sorts of things without any particular object, and some, as they said, to find the doctor, or to show how willing they were to do so if they knew how.

  Mrs. Chillingworth, however, kept on talking to the mob, who continued shouting; and the authorities anticipated an immediate outbreak of popular opinion, which is generally accompanied by some forcible demonstration, and on this occasion some one suggested the propriety of burning down Bannerworth Hall; because they had burned down the vampire’s home, and they might as well burn down that of the injured party, which was carried by acclamation; and with loud shouts they started on their errand.

  This was a mob’s proceeding all over, and we regret very much to say, that it is very much the characteristic of English mobs. What an uncommonly strange thing it is that people in multitudes seem completely to get rid of all reason—all honour—all common ordinary honesty; while, if you were to take the same people singly, yo
u would find that they were reasonable enough, and would shrink with a feeling quite approaching to horror from anything in the shape of very flagrant injustice.

  This can only be accounted for by a piece of cowardice in the human race, which induces them when alone, and acting with the full responsibility of their actions, to shrink from what it is quite evident they have a full inclination to do, and will do when, having partially lost their individuality in a crowd, they fancy, that to a certain extent they can do so with impunity.

  The burning of Sir Francis Varney’s house, although it was one of those proceedings which would not bear the test of patient examination, was yet, when we take all the circumstances into consideration, an act really justifiable and natural in comparison with the one which was now meditated.

  Bannerworth Hall had never been the residence even of anyone who had done the people any injury or given them any offence, so that to let it become a prey to the flames was but a gratuitous act of mischief.

  It was, however, or seemed to be, doomed, for all who have had any experience in mobs, must know how extremely difficult it is to withdraw them from any impulse once given, especially when that impulse, as in the present instance, is of a violent character.

  “Down with Bannerworth Hall!” was the cry. “Burn it—burn it,” and augmented by fresh numbers each minute, the ignorant, and, in many respects, ruffianly assemblage, soon arrived within sight of what had been for so many years the bane of the Bannerworths, and whatever may have been the fault of some of that race, those faults had been of a domestic character, and not at all such as would interfere with the public weal.

  The astonished, and almost worn-out authorities, hastily, now, after having disposed of their prisoners, collected together what troops they could, and by the time the misguided, or rather the not guided at all populace, had got halfway to Bannerworth Hall, they were being outflanked by some of the dragoons, who, by taking a more direct route, hoped to reach Bannerworth Hall first, and so perhaps, by letting the mob see that it was defended, induce them to give up the idea of its destruction on account of the danger attendant upon the proceeding by far exceeding any of the anticipated delight of the disturbance.


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