Always and Forever

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Always and Forever Page 3

by L. A. Fiore

  "That makes two of us," Quinn said softly. "You are very kind to help me."

  He looked almost offended when he replied, "I would not be a gentleman if I did not come to your aid."

  Chivalry, Quinn thought, what a lovely concept. She asked, "What's your name?"

  "My apologies! Thaddeus Cornwell," he offered with a deep bow.

  "It's very nice to meet you, Lord Cornwell."

  They walked along as Thaddeus lost himself in his thoughts. He must have imbibed a bit more scotch than he thought last night since women usually didn't just appear out of thin air. Of course, he had spent the night in his carriage and only had the one flask so how much could he have had? As hard as he tried, his mind had no rational explanation for what his eyes had seen. It was a bit terrifying seeing someone just magically appear but one look into those silver-gray eyes and he knew she was lost: as confused as he as to how she came to be there. It was that lost look that had moved him to act.

  They reached the little cottage where the dressmaker lived but as soon as the dressmaker saw him with Quinn her face turned dark with anger. Quinn, recognizing the look, attempted to pull away from Thaddeus but he wouldn't release her as he looked to the seamstress.

  "Claire, tis not what you think."

  "Who is she?"

  Quinn looked up at Thaddeus curious as hell as to how he planned on answering that.

  "She's my cousin," he easily lied.

  Quinn almost snorted at that. As if anyone was going to believe that lame excuse.

  "Oh, well, it's very nice to meet you." Claire curtsied.

  On second thought. "Quinn, my name is Quinn."

  Claire's eyebrow rose and then she seemed to see what Quinn was wearing as she gave her a blatant perusal.

  "What is she wearing?"

  "Her luggage was lost which is why I brought her to you. She'll need a whole new wardrobe."

  Claire didn't bother to hide her look of skepticism but a sale was a sale. "I have some things she can take now. The rest can be sent to her."

  "We'll be at Whispering Winds for the foreseeable future. You can have the garments sent there," Thaddeus offered.

  Oh, Quinn was definitely dreaming. What were the odds that of all the times and places she could have gone back to, it was to the one place she really wanted to see? Dream or not, though, Quinn could barely contained her joy; she was going to be staying in the castle with whomever lived there. If she did a little victory dance, would they think she was crazy?

  Claire looked suspiciously at Quinn now since her jealousy had died down -- clearly it had been getting the better of her -- and Thaddeus must have seen it too for he began to sweep Claire off her feet.

  "Come love. I'll owe you one," he chided.

  And with that promise Claire forgot all about Quinn.

  Quinn emerged from behind a curtain in a gown of ice-blue silk with loose elbow-length sleeves, trimmed with lace, and a highly decorated stomacher stitched with silver threads and pearls. The square cut neckline showed a bit more of her breasts than she was comfortable with, but when in Rome. The stays were annoying and made breathing a bit difficult and the weight of the gown was surprising. The silk slippers though were comfortable considering there was very little to them. She had three additional dresses with all the trimmings that were now in a trunk that had been whisked away by Thaddeus' footman.

  "Thank you, Claire, you do beautiful work," Quinn offered sincerely.

  Claire beamed at the compliment as Quinn disappeared outside to give them a moment in private. Minutes later, Thaddeus came out grinning as he reached for her hand and linked it through his arm before he said, "I've a coach waiting."

  And with that he led her to a beautiful black lacquered carriage drawn by two magnificent white horses. Quinn watched as Thaddeus climbed in to take the seat across from her as she settled back against the wine-colored leather seat.

  "Can I ask you something?" Quinn asked.


  "How did you happen upon me?"

  "I've been riding for over a day and wanted to stretch my legs. It was during my stroll that you simply appeared before me."

  "Doesn't that freak you out?"

  "Freak me out?" Thaddeus asked confused.

  "Sorry, doesn't that disturb you?"

  "Well, it was a bit unsettling to see someone just appear, yes, but I can not lie, it was also a bit exciting, like a mystery and I do so like mysteries."

  "That, Lord Cornwell, we have in common."

  "Please call me Thaddeus."

  "Then you must call me Quinn."

  He reached over and took her hand to bring to his lips before he whispered, "Gladly."

  Quinn couldn't help but be in awe as the castle came into view. It was magnificent in the 21st century but doubly so in this one. It was amazing to realize that this was all being built without the benefit of backhoes and bulldozers; only horses, wagons, pulleys and men, lots and lots of men. It was extraordinary. Thaddeus' voice pulled her from her study of the place.

  "Have you never seen a residence under construction?"

  "Not like this," Quinn offered softly.

  "Tis owned by my cousin, Archer. Obviously he's going to know you aren't my cousin but I don't think he'll say anything because he rarely involves himself in my personal affairs. If he discovers you're up to no good, then who knows how he'll handle you because he can be quite unpredictable."

  Archer, hmmm… manly name -- Harlequin romance name, Quinn thought but then her thoughts detoured as she wondered how one might handle someone lying to them, a visitor from the future, if not strapped to a flaming pile of sticks? She voiced her concerns to Thaddeus.

  "Drawn and quartered, disemboweled, beheaded, hanged?"

  The look he gave her was the very first one that held a touch of concern that perhaps she really wasn't right in the head before he answered, "I doubt anything that severe."

  "Oh, good, because I'm quite fond of my head and other parts."

  The carriage stopped in front of the castle, at the door that Quinn had entered repeatedly over three hundred years in the future. Immediately, the carriage door was opened and a hand extended to help her down. Thaddeus emerged and pulled her hand through his arm to escort her inside.

  As soon as they crossed the threshold, the same sensation that assailed her every time she passed through the doorway washed over her once again but her attention was fully on the grandeur of the great hall. The tapestries hanging from the wall were new, their colors vibrant and she was finally able to determine that they depicted hunting scenes. The fireplaces were still under construction but Quinn couldn't resist walking over and looking up to find a wink of the azure sky above.

  She turned and studied the room. The table was in the same spot though it was a different table, longer and more solidly built, and centered at the head was an elaborately carved chair that she could only assume belonged to this Archer. Weapons of every description hung on the one wall, swords of gold and silver embedded with richly-hued gemstones. Quinn was happy to see that the furniture was heavy oak decorated with cushions made from silk as opposed to the gilded Baroque style that was quickly becoming the fashion.

  She could smell the spicy scents wafting from the kitchen and wondered what culinary treats were being prepared.

  A pair of navicella vases carved from a rare type of alabaster caught her interest. She dated them as early 1600s and knew in her time they would be priceless. She itched to pick them up, to hold that kind of history in her hands, but she didn't dare.

  She was so preoccupied with the vases that she didn't hear anyone enter the room until Thaddeus said her name. She turned with a smile on her lips but when she saw the man, the same very man she had seen disappear on the river bank, her smile slowly faded.

  Thaddeus was tall, at least six foot, but this man was several inches taller with broad shoulders and slim hips which were emphasized by his crisp white shirt, black silk coat and charcoal-colored waist coa

  Unlike Thaddeus whose breeches reached to just below his knees, this man's breeches reached his ankles. His hair was long -- falling just past his shoulders -- and so black in color that the sunlight that poured in through the windows reflected inky blue highlights. His Slavic cheekbones, square jaw, strong chin, arched black brows and the most sensual lips she'd ever seen on a man all paled in comparison to those eyes; the color of an emerald, fringed by long, black lashes.

  He was in a word, gorgeous. She was only half listening to Thaddeus as he made the introductions.

  "Lord Archer Scarcliff, Miss Quinn Shaughnessy."

  "Hello." Quinn offered in barely a whisper and didn't miss the slightly raised brow at the introduction. What was that about, she wondered? He offered nothing and just stared intently which was making her nervous. Finally, his lips parted and she felt herself hanging in suspense at what eloquent words he would impart on them.

  "Miss Shaughnessy."

  And with that Archer walked out of the room. He was surprised and grateful that his legs were steady. He was glad that he had learned as a small child how to hide his emotions because otherwise he would have made quite the scene. He had been rude but it was better to appear ignorant than to show what he was actually feeling: bewilderment and more than a little bit of fear. But then his reaction was to be expected when coming face-to-face with a ghost.

  Quinn watched Archer's retreat and couldn't help sticking out her tongue before she muttered, "Snob."

  She only remembered that Thaddeus was in the room when he asked, "Excuse me?"

  She spoke to Thaddeus as she continued to look at the doorway that Archer had disappeared through. "Nothing." Disappointment filled her because hottie by the river was a real jackass.

  "Sorry I must apologize for that," Thaddeus' voice pulled Quinn's attention. "He isn't usually rude like that. I can't imagine what caused it but I do apologize for his ungentlemanly behavior."

  "It's okay. I seem to bring out the worst in people," Quinn muttered and clearly Thaddeus was confused by her words but before he could respond, a matronly woman entered the room.

  "Mrs. Hamston!" Thaddeus all but cried as he lifted the older woman into his arms. Quinn noticed the blush and, though Mrs. Hamston was currently trying to act dignified, there was no mistaking that she was very fond of Thaddeus.

  "Put me down this instant, young man."

  "As you wish," he said as he placed her on her feet and dropped a kiss on her cheek. She swatted Thaddeus' arm affectionately before she turned to Quinn.

  "His lordship asked that I show you to your room," she stated with authority.

  "I bet he did," Quinn muttered not quietly enough since Thaddeus and Mrs. Hamston were both looking at her oddly. In the next moment, Mrs. Hamston turned abruptly and, in a swish skirts, left the room with such speed that Quinn almost had to run to catch up to her. They went up the stone stairs to the second level and when Mrs. Hamston pushed open the door to one of the guest rooms, Quinn had to stifle her surprise. The room was breathtaking with walls papered in rose silk. The windows were trimmed in the same silk, the furniture was ornately carved rosewood and the floors were covered by thick Persian rugs.

  "I'll see to having your trunk brought up. Sara will be up presently to assist you."

  Quinn was about to tell Mrs. Hamston that she didn't need a ladies maid but then thought better of it. "Thank you, Mrs. Hamston."

  She wasn't certain but Quinn was pretty sure Mrs. Hamston snorted at her just before she pulled the door closed with a decided click.

  Not long after Mrs. Hamston's departure, Sara arrived: a lovely young woman in her early twenties and, like Thaddeus, she was kind and helpful. Sara helped Quinn out of her dress so she could rest in her chemise, not that Quinn was tired but apparently that was what was expected of ladies of the time. Having the chance to actually speak to a member of the working class was too great an opportunity to let pass, though Quinn suspected she wouldn't get very much information since she knew in this time that it was considered bad form for the help to gossip.

  "How long have you worked here?"

  Sara seemed surprised by being addressed so directly about her personal affairs, but she quickly recovered to answer quite vaguely, "Three years."

  "So you like it?"

  "Yes. Mrs. Hamston and Mr. Tilward are both very fair."

  The housekeeper and the butler would be the ones Sara would have to answer to.

  "Do you know his lordship at all?"

  Quinn didn't miss the blush so she wasn't the only one to think that Archer was a fine hunk of male flesh. Too bad he was also a miserable hunk of male flesh. "Very little."

  They chatted while Sara helped Quinn prepare for her nap. An hour later, Sara pulled the door closed quietly behind her. Quinn wasn't tired but made herself comfortable in the massive bed. It was with genuine surprise that she found her eye lids growing heavy and before long, she drifted off into sleep.

  Some time later Quinn was awaken by Sara so that she could help Quinn get dressed for dinner. A bath was sent up and Quinn was helped to bathe. She wasn't thrilled about that but she didn't dare reject the offer since she didn't want to act too far from the norm because her odd behavior might pique the interest of the staff and cause them to start nosing around in her business. The last thing she wanted was for her secret to be found out because that would surely lead to her being strapped to a pile of flaming sticks.

  The dress Sara selected was a dark purple silk gown which had a tight bodice, delicate floral details stitched along the full hem, a scooped neckline and off the shoulder sleeves that were fitted to her wrists. Sara worked Quinn's hair into a twist but allowed for a few long curly sable wisps to frame her face. Almost two hours later, Quinn was walking down the stairs heading for dinner.

  Thaddeus stood at the base of the stairs waiting for her. "I hope you rested well."

  "I did. I didn't realize how tired I was. Traveling from far away lands can make one sleepy."

  Thaddeus reached for her hand as he replied, "Indeed."

  He led her down the hall to the formal dining room. A long cherry table and ten straight back chairs that lined each side filled much of the space. The linens were silk, the glasses crystal and the cutlery sterling silver. Every thing was spectacular.

  Thaddeus showed Quinn to her seat before taking the place across from her. He leaned forward a bit and whispered, "I must warn you that Katherine will be joining us this evening and she is rather difficult."

  Quinn's eyebrow rose at that. "Katherine?"

  "Miss Danvers, Archer's…" he hesitated like he didn't know the right word before he finished "...lady friend."

  Oh. What like a kept woman or a girlfriend? Quinn mused over what kind of woman would tolerate the arrogant jackass she had met earlier? She found she was actually looking forward to the meal just so she could find out.

  "She's very curt. She has had a spat with nearly every person employed in this household. She is not an easy person with whom to get along."

  It was Quinn's guess that that was Thaddeus' way of saying that this Katherine was a bitch. She leaned further over the table. "I can sometimes be difficult myself and never more so than when faced with a trying person. It's one of my idiosyncrasies, like when someone starts to laugh I can't help but laugh along with them. Anyway, if I start misbehaving you need to stop me."

  "You have a most unusual way of speaking. Idiosyncrasy?" he asked for clarification.

  "Habits," Quinn replied.

  "Ah, I see but I have another question. How, pray tell, am I to stop you from misbehaving?"

  "I don't know. Kick me under the table or something, but believe me, once I get going I can't stop myself. It's a problem."

  "I would never kick a lady."

  "Thaddeus, if I get started, kicking me is the least of what you'll want to do."

  "Oh, I'm sure you exaggerate."

  Their banter was cut short when Archer stepped into the room escorting th
e most beautiful woman Quinn had ever seen. They were an exquisite study of opposites, his tall, hard body dressed entirely in black and she stunning in silver. Her hair was so pale blonde it almost looked white and it was pulled up to accentuate her long, elegant neck and high cheekbones. Under winged brows were thickly lashed blue eyes so pale they shimmered like aquamarines. Her silver gown was gorgeous against her coloring and enhanced her perfect willowy figure. She looked ethereal and Quinn was almost fooled by her beauty until the woman's gaze landed on her and she saw the coldness behind those pale eyes.

  "Miss Shaughnessy, Miss Danvers," Archer offered.

  "Nice to meet you, Miss Danvers."

  Katherine tilted her head, regally, before she dismissed Quinn and turned her attention to Archer. Quinn glanced over at Thaddeus in warning because it was clear this meal was not going to go well.

  The first course was soup. The footmen brought large tureens filled with a variety of soups, a spicy consommé, a root vegetable puree laced with cumin and cinnamon, and a mushroom and leek chowder. The salad course came next and not just greens but spiced fruits and nuts, cheeses and dried meats. Following that was capon cooked in an herb-broth flavored with nuts and fennel, curried pheasant cooked in a stew of exotic fruits, white fish roasted to perfection and drizzled with herb-butter and boar sliced thinly swimming in a spicy broth.

  Quinn did her best to sample everything but there was no way any human body could eat all of this food especially when strapped into stays. She was barely aware of the conversation during the meal and also the reality that only Thaddeus deemed her worthy enough to be included in the discussion. As far as Archer and the ice princess were concerned, she didn't exist. They only noticed her when at one point during the meal, Quinn couldn't control her inhaled breath as a footman placed a Rouen serving dish just in front of her. She had seen this same very piece in a museum in London.

  "Are you familiar with Rouen porcelain?" There was disbelief in Katherine's tone as she addressed Quinn.

  Quinn was so in awe of the piece that she answered before she thought about it. "Yes. I've seen this piece before."

  The condescension in Archer's voice pulled Quinn's attention and she looked up into his mocking green stare.


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