Always and Forever

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Always and Forever Page 14

by L. A. Fiore

  "In the village cemetery by Whispering Winds."

  "Thank you, Mr. Grant."

  "If there is nothing further," Mr. Grant bowed deeply.

  "Actually, there is something else. We need your assistance with looking into Miss Katherine Danvers. Here's what we know." And Quinn proceeded to tell the story.

  Quinn found Archer standing in the small garden behind the townhouse but he looked lost in thought so when he spoke it startled her.

  "I loved her, Quinn. She gave me a son and I never honored her by mourning her properly."

  "She was laid to rest in the village cemetery."

  Wounded eyes looked into hers and he moved to close the distance between them before he framed Quinn's face with his hands. "I loved her, but I love you more. Does that make me a bad person?"

  The sob escaped her lips before she could stop it. It was wrong, how she felt about his words was wrong, but she moved into him and wrapped her arms around his waist as her cheek came to rest over his heart. "No darling, but I'm a bad person for actually finding joy in your words."

  Archer's reaction to that was an emphatic denial. "No, you're not. She was my past and you are my everything."

  And then he kissed her and for a good long time they thought of nothing else but each other.

  When they later returned to the house, Archer no longer looked haunted. It seemed knowing the truth gave him a measure of peace and when they returned to Whispering Winds he had a place to go to say good-bye to the woman that he had loved and lost.

  Quinn grieved for him and Nickie, for the woman whose life was too short, but she was happy that Archer had found closure. He seemed happier, probably because his ghosts were at peace, and she hoped he remained so after he learned what she was up to.

  Several days later Sara and Quinn spent most of the day sewing but by the time the carriage pulled up in front of the townhouse Quinn was ready.

  "I can't believe I agreed to help you with this," Sara sighed as she finished twisting Quinn's long hair into a knot so the hat they borrowed from Archer could cover it. "It's scandalous. When the Lord finds out I helped you, he's going to turn me out onto the streets."

  "No, he won't," Quinn promised.

  Sara dropped her hands to her side and took a step back. "You're done."

  Quinn stood and turned. "How do I look?"

  "You look like a man but can you act like one?"

  Quinn had watched Archer's movements very closely and mimicked his easy but deliberate stride. Sara's giggle made Quinn turn quickly and look at her expectantly.

  "You even walk like man. I think you might just pull this off."

  Quinn's grin was wicked. "They won't even know I'm there."

  New Spring Gardens, later to be called Vauxhall Gardens, had recently opened. It was an outdoor entertainment area among acres of trees, gardens and paths where outdoor musicals and plays were performed.

  Archer strolled along but his thoughts were on Quinn. Her suspicions about Katherine made a hell of a lot of sense but Quinn hadn't been pleased to be excluded from their little ruse. He vowed to make it up to her later but he couldn't deny that he was happy she was safe at his mother's home and away from any threat of scandal.

  "The theatre groups meet just beyond those trees," Mr. Grant offered.

  "We'll stay a safe distance behind you," Archer said as Mr. Grant nodded and headed off.

  Archer watched as Douglas disappeared into the crowd of elegantly dressed ladies and gentlemen. He had never before been here; even when it first opened and drew such interest, his father thought it all silly and a waste of time. And as far as he could remember, he never brought Morgan here either. His wife.

  He was being honest with Quinn when he told her how he felt. He loved his wife, he knew in his heart that he did, but it was Quinn that he loved now fully and completely. The wife of his dreams was Quinn, her face, her body, her mind. How he could dream about a woman he had never met, he didn't know, but he did and always had.

  Thaddeus spoke up from next to him, "Did you see her before we left?"

  Archer looked a bit sheepish before he replied, "No, she was still rather angry."

  Thaddeus stopped walking and Archer turned to look back at him.

  "How are you handling the news of your wife?"

  "I'm actually glad to have closure," Archer sighed.

  "Why didn't I ever meet her?"

  "We met and married when you were doing your tour of the continent. By the time you came home, she was gone and I had been convinced that I had made her up."

  "What about Quinn? Who is she really?"

  "I don't know, Thaddeus, but I have dreamt of her for all of my adult life."

  "Yet you only just met her recently."

  "Exactly. I can't explain it but something links us together. She saw me in the future, haunting Whispering Winds, waiting for her."

  "I know she told me that. But how is that possible?"

  "There are powers at work here, my friend. Magic some would call it, and I am grateful for it because whatever it is brought Quinn to me." Archer was silent a moment before he asked, "What do you imagine her time is really like?"

  "Scary," Thaddeus answered immediately. "All those things she mentioned that day: cars, airplanes, jumping from buildings? I don't know, it sounds to me that in the future the world goes a bit mad."

  "Aye, but I'd really like to see it," Archer said almost dreamily.

  Thaddeus grinned. "Me too."

  At that moment a short gentleman hurried past them and knocked into Archer. He turned, his hat low on his head, as he offered in a clear voice, "Excuse me."

  "Certainly," Archer acknowledged as the gentleman turned and walked off. The interruption reminded Archer and Thaddeus of their purpose as they continued towards the makeshift stage setup further down the path.

  Quinn almost laughed out loud when she knocked into Archer, even looked him in the face, and he had not a single clue it was her. She wanted to pull her hat off right then and there and let her curls tell the tale but she had a job and continued on toward the crowd that was awaiting the beginning of the play.

  As she stepped through the crowd, just as she suspected, no one paid her any notice. In fact, she went so unnoticed as to almost appear invisible and this brought an unexpected pang of anger.

  She hated to admit it but she gave in to a bit of vanity when she dressed and so instead of mirroring Douglas' rumbled appearance, she actually looked quite dapper.

  She made a rather attractive gentleman, certainly more attractive than some of the men whose widths were greater than their heights and others who dressed like peacocks. Her black silk overcoat and breeches complimented her dark wine waist coat with onyx and silver buttons. Quite simply she was rather dashing. She didn't have Archer and Thaddeus' height but she certainly looked just as handsomely elegant. She almost laughed out loud when she realized that she was having a bit of a temper tantrum because people didn't find her an attractive man.

  Mr. Grant was talking to a woman with a shock of red hair, certainly not natural, in a gown that was very tight across her ample breasts. As Quinn suspected he was so unassuming, almost like a friend or a brother that the woman was sharing far more than was polite. There were many actors and actresses about; he would never get to all of them, so Quinn made her way over to a petite blonde who was a few inches shorter than herself.

  "Good evening," she said in her deepest voice.

  Quinn realized when the woman looked up that it wasn't a woman at all but a girl who was no older than 19 years old.

  Big blue eyes looked out of a sweet, pretty face. Quinn knew she wasn't a member of the peerage since her family would never allow her to perform on stage, that was something a lady simply didn't do.

  "Good evening," she replied. Her voice was husky, far too husky for the sweet young lady she was portraying herself to be, and she batted her lashes flirtatiously. Quinn grinned inwardly because finally someone thought she was a handsome
man. Quinn held her gaze as she asked, "I'm looking forward to the production this evening. I just love Shakespeare and Othello is one of my favorites. What role are you playing?"

  Again the eye lashes lowered and then bat: one, two, three. "I'm playing Desdemona."

  "Oh, that is grand. I know we haven't been formally introduced but I just couldn't help myself. If you please, I'm Harrison Ford and it is my great pleasure to meet you."

  The lashes, again, batting in a series of three and, as innocent as she tried to portray herself, Quinn didn't miss the calculated look in those blue eyes: the potential meal ticket standing before her in the form of an interested gentleman.

  "Lilly Swan, a pleasure." She moved a bit closer to Quinn which had Quinn subtly taking a step back and apologizing for touching Lilly's skirts since it was bad form for a gentleman's legs to brush up against the voluminous skirts of a lady.

  "It has been some time since I've seen a play." Quinn looked Lilly up and down from head to toe and back again before she added, "Far too long based on the looks of it."

  Bat, bat, bat and lower lashes, giggle.

  Quinn bit her tongue to keep from laughing and forged on. "In fact, the last production I saw I have to admit that I was most displeased. The actress, I can't even remember her name, had the most unusual eyes, almost color-less, and her acting was just terrible."

  It wasn't the series of bats but a visible shiver that went through Lilly before she offered, "Sounds like someone I know."

  "Really?" Quinn leaned a little closer. "Doesn't sound like you and this lady got on very well."

  "Katherine is no lady. She's as common as they come. Showed up at the theater a few years ago, long enough to steal some costumes before she went and landed that English Lord. I would have exposed her but those eyes, she isn't right; you can see it when she looks at you. My ma's locked up in bedlam and even her eyes aren't as wild as Katherine's. She can have her Lord as long as she stays well enough away from me," Lilly ended emphatically.

  Bingo. So that is what was in it for Katherine to play along with Edwyn's charade. She really was looking to secure her future with a rich Lord. Lilly was watching Quinn expectantly so she added silkily, "An actress engaged to an English Lord? That's unusual."

  Bat, bat, bat, sigh. "It doesn't have to be..."

  "No, it doesn't," Quinn all but purred and, not to pat herself on the back, she made Lilly blush.

  At that moment a man came hurrying over to Lilly.

  "You're needed back stage."

  Bat, bat, bat. "Will you be here when I'm done?"

  Quinn grinned, one of those sexy grins Archer was forever giving her. "Waiting with bated breath."

  Bat, bat, bat exit stage left.

  As soon as Lilly disappeared, Quinn almost slapped her knee and hollered like a cowboy at a square dance. She liked being right. Quinn scanned what was left of the actors, since most now were behind the makeshift-curtain, but the remaining actors were men and she wasn't sure if she could pull off guy talk with 18th century guys.

  She turned to leave when she noticed Archer and Thaddeus approaching her. They stopped just to her left as Archer looked down at her and greeted, "Evening."

  "Evening." And then feeling a bit daring she added, "Fine night for the theatre."

  "Agreed," Archer offered absently.

  Quinn couldn't help but study Archer's profile. It was odd being in his presence and not having him notice her at all. In truth, it was kind of cool getting a chance to see him interact with his peers when he didn't realize she was watching.

  At that moment a ruckus broke out between a gentleman and his not so lady-like lady. Quinn's attention was pulled from the drama when Archer offered, "Women are so trying aren't they? They really are only good for one thing and that doesn't require them leaving the bed chamber."

  Quinn's head snapped in Archer's direction just as her temper flared. She didn't notice the look that Thaddeus was giving her. Since his jaw was practically touching the ground, it was clear that he saw right through Quinn's disguise. Archer continued on.

  "I was talking to an actress who filled out the bodice of her dress deliciously. Not much upstairs, if you know what I mean, but she was certainly an eyeful. I should probably get her name; I bet she could teach me a thing or two in the bed chamber. All the fun and none of the headache. Once a woman thinks she's got you, she changes and starts sneaking around behind your back, lying to your face. Who needs that?"

  Quinn was imagining the various ways she was going to kill Archer and then she saw it: the clenching of his jaw. Oh hell, she was busted. She started to take a step back when Archer's hand whipped out with lightning speed to wrap around her arm. Quinn accepted defeat, but not with grace, as she narrowed her eyes at him. "How did you know?"

  He leaned forward so that their noses were almost touching. "Only you can make me burn with a touch, dearest Quinn. I knew it was you the second you ran into me."

  "Damn it. I didn't think of that." Then she looked up suddenly. "But if I hadn't touched you would you have known?"

  He reached out and tipped her hat and the look on his face made her stomach quiver with anticipation. "I would recognize those eyes anywhere."

  After they returned to the townhouse, Quinn decided to retired for the evening. Her thoughts were on Katherine as she made her way upstairs. She was a two-bit actress that blackmailed Archer into marriage but based on her behavior around Archer, she had fallen in love with him at some point. This was not a surprise to Quinn since Archer was incredible. Was it possible that Katherine killed Connie Daniels, the woman masquerading as Archer's wife? At least the real Mrs. Scarcliff hadn't met with foul play. It was really very sad that Archer didn't get all that much time with his dearest Morgan before he lost her. Thankfully he did have Nickie, so a piece of her lived on.

  But would a piece of Quinn live on after she left? She couldn't help wondering recently when she was going to be going back and would she have a chance to say good-bye before she did? She wanted to stay, wanted to be here with Archer and the others, but somehow she knew that really wasn't up to her. Thinking about never seeing him again, about returning to a time where he was gone and had been for a really long time, that was not something she could bring herself to do.

  That night Quinn's sleep was restless and at one point she jerked awake. She jumped up from bed expecting to see someone when she heard her name whispered in her ear, but there was no one there. Suddenly her head hurt, a roaring pain that had white dots flashing before her vision. She wished they had Tylenol in the 18th century but they didn't so she forced herself to lie back down. She closed her eyes and before long was lost in sleep.

  Chapter Eight

  Whispering Winds; Quinn had really missed it here. After a month in London, Quinn was happy to be back and when Nickie came running from the house to greet the carriage, she felt the tears welling up. Quinn got down on her knees and threw her arms wide to catch him before wrapping him tightly in her embrace.

  "You were gone too long," Nickie whined.

  "We missed you every day," Quinn offered soothingly.

  His little face seemed to brighten at that before he asked, "Did you bring me back anything?"

  Quinn pulled the bag of sweets from her reticule and Nickie's eyes grew wide.

  "For me?" he asked sweetly.

  Quinn's heart broke a little realizing something so small could mean so much, that Nickie hadn't known the kind of love and attention he should have. Archer was clearly thinking the same thing when he knelt down next to his son.

  "I have not done right by you, Nickie, and for that I am truly sorry. From now on, you come first. I love you, son."

  Nickie's face scrunched up and as the first tear fell he threw himself into his father's arms.

  "I love you, too."

  Quinn watched and knew that whatever happened, these two were going to be okay. If the only thing she accomplished while in this time was bringing this father and son together then she
had spent her time wisely.

  Later, while Archer and Nickie went to visit Morgan's grave, Quinn walked along the river's edge. It was so beautiful here. Quinn remembered the first time she had seen Whispering Winds appearing like a mirage before her. It had taken her breath away as it still did, but how had she found it that first time? She had been led to it; there was no other way to describe it. Speaking of the unexplained, how was it that Archer had dreamt of her when he had never seen her? Maude's cryptic words played in her head: There is powerful magic at work in that place and if someone knew where to look they may just stumble onto the adventure of a lifetime. What the hell had she meant by that?

  All of the sudden, her vision blurred, the castle faded from her view and all Quinn could see was a blurred image of blinking colors. She worried over her own sanity and whether this entire wondrous journey could simply be all in her mind. Then just as suddenly, her vision cleared and the castle once again stood clearly in the distance. The accompanying headache reminded her of her dream last night and it was a bit worrisome that for someone who never got headaches, she now had had two monster ones back to back. Was all of this just in her mind? She stopped herself from obsessing over her possible brain tumor and headed back to the castle.

  Later at dinner, Quinn was still silently suffering from the headache. Her pain must have showed on her face because Archer moved from his place across from her and came to her side.

  "What is it?"

  "My head hurts. I need to lie down."

  Archer pulled her chair out and lifted her into his arms. "Thad, could you tell Mrs. Hamston that Quinn's head is hurting. She may have something for it."

  "Absolutely," Thaddeus replied.

  Quinn closed her eyes and rested her head against Archer's chest. "I don't usually get head pains."


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