Always and Forever

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Always and Forever Page 23

by L. A. Fiore

"Why the change of heart? You were ready to flay me alive yesterday," she said cautiously. She lowered her head. "I want to talk with you about what you remember but I'm afraid it will set you off."

  He reached up to frame her face with his hands as his thumbs caressed her cheeks. He was fighting it to protect her, to keep himself focused, but there were images and memories in his head, memories that couldn't possibly be his yet he knew that they were. He knew the bond they shared but clearly not even he knew just how powerful that bond was and so he was going to have to change tactics because staying away from her was no longer an option.

  "I was fighting it because it scares the hell out of me. I remember things that I couldn't possibly know, like knowing where that hidden panel was yesterday. For some reason I don't understand I have a great affection for the circular tower room at Whispering Winds, I love Mozart Sonata in G and I'm terrified of seeing you on horseback. That day at the Foundation when I saw you dressed like a spy I had the oddest flashes in my head, images I can't seem to make any sense of."

  Quinn's lips twitched into a smile. "Was I dressed like an English gentleman?"

  "Yes," he said perplexed.

  "I was undercover snooping out dirt on Derek's accomplices. For the record, Archer I mean you, were not happy with me after that stunt."

  "No, I don't image that I was," he conceded.

  "It is you, isn't it? I mean you're Gabriel McCabe but you're Archer too."

  If she only knew. "I am. At least in part, I am."

  Quinn wrapped her arms around his waist. "I'm falling in love with you, all of you, Gabriel McCabe."

  She heard the hitch in his breathing in response to her softly spoken vow. Then he lowered his head and kissed her with all the emotions those simple but perfect words evoked in him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  "No, I will not."

  "Oh, come on, you know you can't resist me for long," Gabriel purred which caused Quinn to fold her arms over her chest and shake her head.


  "I'm going to take it eventually so you might as well give it to me now."

  Quinn narrowed her eyes as if she were searing him with laser beams, and shook her head with a decided no.

  "I'll pay you triple."

  "If I give you Park Place then you'll have that entire half of the board. There is no way I'll make it around and not get slammed. I can't believe I agreed to play Monopoly with you, Mr. Billionaire. I need to have my head examined."

  "I think your head is lovely but let's talk money. I'm willing to pay you three times what it's worth when built up with hotels."

  "Yeah, how did you get that much money anyway?"

  He grinned, a sexy mischievous little grin, and Quinn wanted to toss her water in his face. "I've the Midas touch, always have."

  Realization dawned as she grabbed a pillow and tossed it at his head. "You little sneak, you've been lifting it from the bank!"

  His smile was completely unrepentant. "You can't prove that, love."

  She wanted to laugh but the realization that that was how he had been forced to survive as a child, by lifting money from people, dampened her mood. He saw the change in her when he sat up from his prone position on the floor and reached for her hand.

  "What's wrong?"

  "What was it really like? Where did you sleep? How did you eat? When I was seven my biggest concern was getting on top of my horse and not falling off and you were across the ocean picking pockets so you could feed yourself."

  "Are you sure you really want to know?"

  "I do. I want to know everything there is to know about you; I want to know what makes you you."

  He sat back against the sofa. "I lived on the streets but when the weather was bad I would duck into abandon warehouses. I learned to sleep just about anywhere and to sleep light, but many nights I didn't sleep at all and my body adapted. When I was ten, I got nicked by a peeler so spent some time in the system but I eventually escaped and hooked up with Niall. He was a good guy, helped me when I really needed it."

  Quinn considered his story for a moment before she asked, "What happened to Niall?"

  "We were deceived by someone close. I started looking after things when Niall went away, and since I was good with numbers, I eventually took over."

  "Where did Niall go?"

  Quinn knew by his body language that he wasn't going to share any more so instead she asked, "And later?""

  "As the money grew I moved into gambling - back table, gaming halls - you name it. That was when the money really started flowing in. After a couple of years I started investing in legitimate businesses, like Nick's."

  "You're an investor in Nick's business?"


  "How'd that happen?"

  "I lifted his wallet when he was visiting my fair city. He caught me, I'm still miffed by that, but instead of turning me in he took me out to dinner and the rest, as they say, is history."

  "How old were you?"


  "When did you move to London?"

  "Not so long ago"

  He was quiet for a moment before he asked, "Would you come with me to my home?"

  "In London?"

  "No, that's just a place I keep when I'm in town. My home is actually here in Gloucestershire, about thirty minutes from here."

  "How long have you lived there?"

  "Since I moved from Dublin. Bought it sight unseen because of its proximity to Whispering Winds. I was pleasantly surprised and I think Nick pulled some strings because it really is a wonderful property and for what I paid, a real treasure."

  Quinn moved around the monopoly board and climbed onto Gabriel's lap, her legs straddling his hips, as his hands moved under her sweater to touch bare skin.

  "I'd love to see your home."

  His voice was whisper-soft when he replied, "Thank you."

  Gabriel turned his car onto a long drive and Quinn waited in anticipation at seeing his home for the first time, but even her wildest imagination didn't come close to the beauty of the place.

  A large black iron gate separated his little piece of paradise from the rest of the world. Gardens filled with brightly-colored flowers in chaotic harmony surrounded his home which had lush rolling hills of green as its backdrop. The house itself was a massive Baroque-style estate, the ashlar sandstone had weathered to a yellowish-hue patina. Early morning sun glinted off the dozens of windows and there were six chimney stacks some of which had smoke curling up into the crisp air. Gabriel drove his Aston Marten into the back where the detached garages, surrounded by more gardens, were located.

  "It's beautiful, Gabriel."

  He parked and shut off the engine then looked over at Quinn with obvious pleasure written all over his face. "I'm really glad you like it. I'll give you the tour?"


  Inside looked exactly as she hoped it would, beautiful antique furnishings, tapestries, period accurate window treatments, vintage rugs and fireplaces. The place was a showpiece but it was also a warm home. A place where she would feel comfortable walking around with bare feet and wouldn't be afraid to sit on the sofa or drink from the crystal. He had surrounded himself with beauty but he had made his home livable and, compared to how he had started out, it was amazing. She felt sad though because even among all of this beauty he was still alone.

  "What? Why the tears?"

  She wiped at her eyes feeling foolish. But it was heart-breaking that even with everything he'd accomplished he didn't have anyone to share it with, until now.

  "I just don't like thinking of you alone," she said.

  He touched her chin with his finger and lifted her gaze to his. "I'm not alone anymore."

  She met his stare evenly and when she spoke her vow was so very earnest. "Not now and not ever again."

  They stood quietly for a moment then Gabriel said, "Come, you must meet my housekeeper and butler, two more lively seniors you will never meet."

  They walked down a long corridor an
d even before they reached the door that led into the kitchen, they could hear the raised voices. Quinn was concerned until she realized Gabriel was grinning like an idiot. He pushed the door open and, to Quinn's horror, there were two people standing nose to nose. Based on the flush of temper on their cheeks and the fire burning in their eyes, they were in the midst of one hell of a fight.

  Gabriel lowered his head to whisper in her ear so he didn't disrupt his housekeeper and butler's argument. "Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Payne. Aren't they great?"

  Quinn turned her head to look at Gabriel like he was a talking potato. "Great? They're married?"


  "She's wielding a meat cleaver at his head."

  "I know. I really like it when they start throwing things."

  "Throwing things?"

  "Yeah, sometimes I just grab a bag of chips and watch them. I've never seen anything like it but every night they go to sleep in the same room."

  Quinn wasn't sure if she should laugh or cry. They were obviously a very dysfunctional couple but for Gabriel who had never witnessed any other kind of relationship, Quinn could understand his draw to their passion.

  He noticed her odd look and misinterpreted its meaning when he clarified, "They know not to throw the good china and they, of course, clean everything up when the show's over."

  She couldn't help laughing because Gabriel was as crazy as the Paynes. The three of them were perfect together. "How did you find them?"

  He shrugged before he offered, "I didn't. They found me."

  "I don't understand."

  "I was about to contact an agency when they just appeared at my front door. We've been together ever since."

  "And that was when?"

  "Right after I moved in."

  A chill went through Quinn. Gabriel noticed and pulled off his leather jacket and slipped it around her shoulders.

  "It does get a bit cold in here."

  At that moment, the Paynes turned in unison and Quinn was treated to a not-so-subtle scrutiny before they looked to Gabriel and smiled wide.

  "Welcome home, Mr. McCabe."

  "Gabriel, stop pretending to be so formal, Peg. You've got a meat cleaver in your hand."

  Peg Payne immediately moved the offending object behind her back.

  Gabriel rested his hand on Quinn's lower back and stepped into the kitchen with her.

  "Quinn Shaughnessy, Peg and Tommy Payne."

  Quinn wasn't sure if she should curtsey or offer her hand so opted for the latter.

  "It's very nice to meet you."

  Mrs. Payne seemed a bit cold but Mr. Payne was very friendly and he linked Quinn's hand through his arm, a wide smile covering his wrinkled face.

  "Please allow me to show you to your room," he said formally. And before Quinn could respond, she was being pulled out of the kitchen and down the hall.

  Later, Gabriel took Quinn for a walk through the gardens that ended at his stables. His stable boy, Declan, greeted them and Gabriel didn't miss the look of appreciation on his young charge's face at the sight of Quinn. He couldn't fault the boy his tastes.

  "Could you bring Odin out, Declan?" Gabriel asked.

  "Sure thing," Declan said as he ran to do Gabriel's bidding.

  Quinn spoke up from his side,"How old is he?"

  "Nine," Gabriel offered.

  "How many boys are employed here?"

  Gabriel's head turned to hers as surprise flashed across his face. "Twenty, give or take a few."

  Quinn leaned up against the fence and asked, "Do they live here, too?"

  "No, they have families."

  "And you are supporting all of them." Quinn was silent for a moment before she added, "You're a good man, Gabriel."

  He pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Don't tell anyone."

  She pressed her lips to his neck and deeply inhaled his scent before she replied, "My lips are sealed."

  "Excuse me." Declan cleared his throat to announce his presence. Quinn took a step back and inhaled sharply when she saw Odin.

  "He's beautiful."

  "He is a fine animal," Declan said with such pride as if Odin was his very own horse.

  "Do you have the papers on him? Who's his sire?"

  Gabriel ran his hand down Odin's flank as pure admiration covered his features.

  "He's a descendant of one of the Scarcliff's horses."

  "Loki," Quinn said quietly and Gabriel turned his gaze from Odin to her.

  "Aye. Perhaps you would like to see if he's as fast as his ancestor?"

  "Oh, yeah."

  Gabriel watched as Quinn walked Odin into the field and when they stopped, she pulled his harness from his head and dropped it to the ground. Then she stood just in front of the animal as if she was talking with him.

  "What's she doing?" Declan asked from Gabriel's side.

  "I'm not sure."

  "Are you sure about the bareback? He's a big horse and she's rather petite."

  "No, I'm not sure but she is." Gabriel was ready to start biting his nails because the contrast between his beast of a horse and Quinn was terrifying but he trusted Quinn's judgment and quietly stood back when she refused the saddle. His nails were digging into the flesh of his palms with how hard he was fisting them but his feet never moved.

  After about ten minutes Quinn ran her hand down Odin's nose and then, in a move so fast he almost missed it, she grabbed his mane and pulled herself onto his back. She nudged him into a canter but that only lasted a moment before she dung her heels in and lowered herself over Odin as the two became one and disappeared, at a staggering speed, into the woods.

  "I've never seen anything like that," Declan said almost reverently.

  "I have. Bring me Solomon."

  She loved this, the wind in her face and the powerful body under her eating the distance in long, sure strides. Odin was every bit the horse Loki had been. He was pushing to go faster but she held him back since she was unsure of the landscape. She slowed him down when they reached a clearing before stopping completely and climbing down. He had worked himself into a lather so she rubbed down his muscles and let him graze on the grass.

  She knew Gabriel would come, knew before she heard the approaching horse. He was terrified of watching her ride and yet he didn't try to stop her. When he appeared before her, she felt her heart lodge into her throat because his fear coupled with his lust made him look sexy and dangerous. He jumped down before his mount had come to a full stop and in three long strides he had his mouth on hers as his arms wrapped around her, holding her close. His kiss was so intoxicating that she felt her legs going weak and then he abruptly stopped and pulled back to look deeply into her eyes.

  "I'm really glad you're here."

  "Me too."

  The dining room was a large cavernous space with a long wooden table large enough to seat thirty but only two settings were set at the head of the table and the seat just to its left. Mr. Payne first brought out a wild mushroom bisque that was so tasty it almost had Quinn moaning in pleasure, next came a salad of field greens, goat cheese, raspberries and spiced pecans. The entree´ was Beef Wellington, the filet mignon was tender and juicy, the puffed pastry was baked to a perfect golden brown and the foie gras added just the right touch of gamey creaminess. Roasted potatoes with dill, grey salt and cracked pepper and crisp asparagus completed the meal. Quinn couldn't eat it all so Gabriel happily finished her dinner as well which amazed her because he had a body even the gods would envy.

  He seemed to know where her thoughts wandered when he leaned back in his chair and offered her a crooked grin which made him look so boyish Quinn couldn't help grinning back at him.

  "You should be the size of house with the amount of food you eat."

  "Good genes."

  Quinn snorted. "More like huge muscles."

  His eyebrow rose slightly at that. "Huge, you say?"

  Quinn blushed as he went on, "Don't do that, Quinn, not when I know every inch of that body turns
the same lovely shade of rose."

  She blushed harder.

  Gabriel abruptly stood and Quinn knew that look as she stood herself and slowly started walking backwards out of the room.

  He moved in a slow, deliberate prowl like a predator zeroing in on his prey and she nervously asked, "What are you doing, Gabriel?"

  "Keep walking, love, you're heading in the right direction."

  Quinn's knees immediately turned to noodles. "What about dessert?"

  His smile was positively wicked as he replied, "We can have dessert upstairs."

  And then he lunged for her and lifted her over his shoulder as her laughter filled the room.

  Gabriel wasn't home, left cryptically earlier in the day to tend to some "business" so Quinn decided to take a more thorough tour of his home. The place was massive, far larger than Whispering Winds, and it was old. She guessed early 1300s by the architecture.

  She toured through the library, played a few tunes on the piano in the music room, checked out the other bedrooms, all of which were rather masculine, before she made her way to the fourth floor. At the end of the hall was the nursery and connected to the nursery was the school room. It looked very much like Nickie's room though this room had much less light and there was a cane hooked on the wall. The sight of it disturbed Quinn. There was no reason for that to be there, no reason to cane a child, and without another thought Quinn walked to the wall to retrieve the cane. But stopped short when she saw the name carved by a child's hand into the wood.

  "Oh my God," she fell to her knees as her finger reached out to trace the name of the child who had called this room, this estate, home: Archer Scarcliff.

  This was Archer's father's home, the place he vowed to shut down once he became the Earl. The place where he had been sequestered, away from his mother's loving arms and his sisters' companionship. This had been Archer's prison and his father his jailer. A rage filled her as she thought of a young Archer being whipped and beaten by his father as he filled the young boy's head with bullshit rhetoric while denying him a childhood and friends.

  Before she fully understood her own intent she grabbed the cane and beat it against the wall until it broke into pieces and then moved to the desk, lifting it with some difficulty before throwing it into the wall, over and over again. The wood splintered and dug into her flesh, tearing it as blood dripped from the wounds. But she didn't stop, couldn't stop, until the entire room was laid to waste. Then she slid down the wall, dropped her forehead onto her upturned knees and that was when the tears came, turning quickly into sobs. She grieved for Archer, the little boy he had been and the man he had become, but mostly she cried for Gabriel because he had made his home in the one place he had vowed never again to enter.


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