Incubus Master: Complete (Yaoi)

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Incubus Master: Complete (Yaoi) Page 1

by Yamila Abraham

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  Incubus Master: Complete (Yaoi)


  Yamila Abraham

  illustrations by Barbara Apostolico, Cover Edit by Himitsu Studio

  Copyright © 2011 Yaoi Press. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

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  Chapter 1

  The fortress was burning. Outside the gate, succubi forced the men into cages as they tried to flee. A few of Jinady’s people had been killed right there. Their jaws were distended from their last scream, dried blood was around their eyes, and their hair and skin had gone white. The succubi had drunk their souls. Jinady knew it was the worst way a man could die.

  He climbed up one of the tower’s stone stairs on his hands and knees. A stream of thick smoke burned his eyes, and he felt his way up with his hands. At the top of the open turret, the cold hit his face. He coughed so hard he vomited.

  Jinady sat against the stone wall trying to catch his breath. A green-skinned succubus with billowy blond hair crawled twelve yards from him. Jinady was paralyzed. He stayed still as the succubus turned back toward the edge to help another demon climb up.

  A wing flapped above his head. White-skinned incubi flew in the smoky sky. Jinady climbed onto a high edge of the turret wall.

  “Help me!” Jinady screamed.

  Two incubi with fleshy black wings dove for him. The succubus in the turret came after him.

  Jinady cowered on the stone edge. The succubi shrieked. They would get to him before the incubi. They’d kill him right there—he was sure of it.

  Jinady leapt for the incubus closest to him. He was large and white, with markings around his eyes and a black Mohawk. The demon caught his wrist. He felt like his shoulder had been pulled from the socket as the incubus pulled him up by his arm.


  The demon held him around the waist. His wings beat a lightning fast trail away from the smoke.

  Jinady squeezed his eyes closed. He didn’t look back.

  In the cave, Dogra stirred, snapping Jinady out of his memories. Jinady eyed the sleeping form of the demon that rescued him that night. He sighed. That had to be a year ago by now.

  He picked the incubi over the succubi, but it was a choice of being raped over being killed. Each night a different demon took him to bed. They fought over the right in the beginning. After a few months he became the property of four particular demons in the tribe.

  There were other human prisoners but Jinady never saw them. He’d been awarded to the highest-ranking demons in the tribe. His masters claimed he was more beautiful than the other mortals.

  The nineteen year-old had ample tresses of straight brown hair framing his face in several lengths. His old chieftain had described him as striking. It was the result of fine bones and delicate frame. He was not short, but men the same height could usually pick him up with little trouble.

  The chieftain had said that he was as elegant as a woman. Jinady didn’t mind these attentions. Any man who saw him only for his beauty would eventually see the person behind the looks. He had too much talent. He gently eased away from duties traditionally taken by women in ancient times. He didn’t care if he ended up taking a female role with a lover. He just refused to be a housewife.

  The demons used the mountainside caves as their nests. Jinady could see for miles, but he had become so familiar with his view of the forest, lakes, and pasture that it no longer held any awe for him. The crisp open air gave him the illusion of freedom. There were no restraints on him. No locked doors or guards. Only the steep drop of the craggy mountainside prevented his escape.

  Dogra moved to the opening of the cave where he could stand upright. Dogra was at least a head taller than anyone else in the tribe. He always seemed to be scowling. Jinady held his bent knees close to his chest. He looked toward Dogra, but didn’t lift his head enough to make eye contact. Regular intimacy made Jinady no more at ease with the demon.

  Dogra leapt from the cave. Jinady caught his breath. He glided toward a patch of darkening forest; his dragon-like black wings a stark contrast with the white of his bare back.

  Dogra got to keep Jinady because he was their most valued warrior. His body was marred by black scars. The dozen or so others valued charm and beauty. Dogra was ugly. Jinady surmised from the little conversation they’d had that he was also simpleminded.

  Moments later, one of the incubus twins landed at the cave mouth. His wings shrank and then vanished into his back.

  Jinady’s tense posture slackened. The fey demon was either Omni or Scala.


  “No, stupid. I’m Omni.” The demon’s voice had hissing undertones, like a jagged whisper.

  Jinady ignored the insult. Of course it was Omni. Scala had been with him two nights ago. Jinady should have remembered that Omni was after Dogra. The days were starting to run into each other.

  “I’m hungry,” Jinady said.

  Omni smiled maliciously. “Me too. That’s why I’m here.” He reached for Jinady’s face with a slender white hand tipped with grey claws.

  Jinady batted it away. He restrained his anger. “Get me food.”

  Omni tsked. “Such a nuisance.” He jumped out of the cave.

  “And water!” Jinady screamed after him.

  Omni fluttered down on grey wings that matched the silky strands in his long silver hair.

  Jinady crept further back into the cave to wait, so as not to tempt one of the others to steal Omni’s turn with him.

  The nocturnal tribe buzzed as the last light of dusk faded. Jinady guessed that there were at least two other human prisoners. He sometimes saw unfamiliar incubi flying to the mountain with food. Their caves were set too far away for Jinady to be able to see or hear them. The demons were wise to isolate their prisoners. Jinady was forced to rely on his seducers for companionship.

  He tried not to be depressed. Omni was nearly the same size as him, and his face looked a lot like that of beautiful women he’d seen in books and paintings. Tonight wouldn’t be as unbearable as his time with Dogra.

  Of course, Omni’s lithe form and flowing hair were blighted by demon attributes: unnatural pure-white skin, grey claws, and dainty grey split-toe hooves. Jinady might have been able to pretend Omni were a woman by focusing on his beautiful face, but the grey markings around his eyes and his dull grey lips ruined the effect. There was no mistaking his inhumanity.

  Omni returned. He gave Jinady a bladder of water and corn, pine nuts, figs, and a crunchy kind of white tuber. Jinady had determined the incubi
grew their own corn below the mountain. He was fed it every night.

  Jinady started washing the tubers. Omni stood at the cave opening. He craned his neck to see past him. There was a pillar of smoke in the sky.

  Jinady chewed his food. “Is that a campfire?”

  “No one will ever rescue you.”

  “That’s not what I asked.”

  Omni faced him. “I’ll worry about the world out here. You worry about pleasing your masters.”

  Jinady grimaced.

  Omni’s brow rose.

  “Let’s get it over with.”

  Omni switched into the seducer mode that Jinady despised. He tilted his head to the side, fluttered his grey eyelashes, and spoke in the most lilting tones his demonic whisper could manage.

  “Oh, I think you like it, precious little boy. You don’t even want to waste time to eat tonight, hmmm?”

  “Spare me.”

  Omni knelt in front of him. He touched Jinady’s straight dark hair. “Heh, heh. I bring you tasty food, but you try to make my food bitter. It won’t work. You always moan and squirm for me. You’re a lustful little boy.” Omni’s black pupils were enormous.

  Jinady took a fast swig of his water. He smelled Omni’s perfume.

  “Don’t make that stink. It gives me a headache the next day.”

  “Then stop being bitter. Okay? Taste sweet for Omni.”

  “Let’s just…”

  Omni ran his hands through Jinady’s hair. Jinady leaned against the cave wall and put one arm around Omni’s shoulder. The incubus made a sound between a laugh and a high-pitched purr. Two of his other suitors made the same gleeful animal sound.

  “That’s it,” Omni said. His eyes looked wicked. He closed his arms around Jinady and kissed him.

  Even the smallest incubus had the supernatural strength to overpower him. Jinady had no choice but to yield. By now he was accustomed to the routine. He no longer cried in front of the demons. It wasn’t torture. It was an annoyance. His nubile body added to the nuisance. He reciprocated their advances.

  “Such a sexy boy.” Omni purred while his clawed hands clumsily unbuttoned Jinady’s wool pants. “What have we here?”

  There were some rules to the incubus nature. Jinady learned a little in school, but after firsthand experience it was clear even his teachers didn’t understand them. They had the basics right: Incubi need sex the same way men need food. They can have sex with each other, but their favorite food is man.

  Beyond that there were other nuances to their nature that were a mystery. They needed him to capitulate. They took great pains to keep him from resisting. They wanted him to enjoy the sex.

  Jinady didn’t understand why. Why try to seduce when they have the strength to just take their food? At first he thought they were trying to get what they wanted with the least stress to him. Perhaps to keep him from committing suicide? Lately he’s formed a different theory. The more he’s into the sex the more energy they seem to get from the meal. The twins Omni and Scala had taken to aerobatics (apparently for fun) shortly after he relented to the whims of his body. His other theory was that producing the aphrodisiac stench wasted energy. They rarely did it now, and when they did, it was mild. It was better for the demons for him to submit and take pleasure without force.

  Omni gave him another deep kiss with his arms tight around him. He dove his tongue in Jinady’s mouth. Jinady was used to the passionate kisses now. He touched his tongue to Omni’s without disgust.

  Omni took one of his arms off Jinady. Though his eyes were closed Jinady knew he was shedding his garment. The demons wore a single piece of fabric that was slightly more decorative than a loincloth, a long scarf that draped around their hips and between their legs. Omni’s had silk fringes along one edge.

  Jinady removed his underpants himself. All his clothes had grown fragile after a year of washes in the mountain falls where he was brought to bathe. He preferred not to trust clawed hands to what was left of his clothing.

  The same went for applying lubrication. He schooled the idiot demons on this necessity shortly after his first nightmare. To his surprise they brought him wool-grease, a wonderful lotion his textile-centric village knew well. He kept a pile of the sludge at the foot of the hay mats that made his bed.

  Omni urged Jinady to lie back. Both were naked now. The demon kissed his nape. He continuously purred through his smile; buttery tufts of air vibrated against Jinady’s skin. Jinady closed his eyes and wrapped one arm around Omni’s back.

  “That’s right,” Omni whispered.

  He closed his lips over Jinady’s right nipple and swirled the tip of his tongue. Jinady exhaled a faint sound. His nipple fattened in the demon’s mouth. Omni teased more forcefully. He moved his tongue over the tender erect nipple in rapid succession. Jinady wriggled. He twisted away from Omni’s mouth to escape from the mounting stimulation.

  Omni kept his mouth on Jinady’s breast. He vigorously rubbed two fingers in a circular motion over Jinady’s other nipple.


  Jinady’s right nipple hardened under Omni’s torturing fingers. His left was being bombarded by the rapid tongue. Jinady’s squirming became desperate. Omni bit the reddened nipple.

  “Ahh! Omni!” Jinady’s body jolted. He caught his breath. He tangled his fingers into Omni’s lush grey hair. He resisted yanking Omni’s head despite his hand instinctively going there for that purpose. His member had swelled enough to poke Omni’s torso above him.

  Omni suctioned his mouth off Jinady’s nipple, leaving a mark. His buttery kisses replaced merciless fingers.

  Jinady grimaced. Both twins brought foreplay near the brink of overstimulation. It was such a contrast to Dogra’s rough and tumble ways.

  Omni began the sucking and rapid tongue teasing he’d just submitted Jinady’s left nipple to. Jinady tensed. Omni’s hand went to replace where his mouth had been. Jinady was so raw on that side he lurched away from the fingers.

  “Uhn! No!”

  It was fruitless. Omni pinched the inflamed nub firm enough to send lighting-shocks of sensation through Jinady’s body.

  “Ahhhhh! Omni, stop! It’s too much!”

  Omni sucked his mouth off Jinady’s other nipple.


  Jinady’s muscles slackened. He lay back in the mat gasping. Omni was soothing either side of his ribs with both hands and continuing the buttery kisses down his stomach.

  Jinady’s erect member was short compared to his captors, slightly less than the length of his hand. It was thick with taut foreskin crowning a peeking cherry head. The head poked out more the harder he was. Right now the full slit was visible and all but the lower ridge of the swollen cap was free of his foreskin. He’d oozed two droplets. Jinady longed for Omni’s grey lips to close on him. Of course, the demon skipped the shaft of Jinady’s cock.

  This was an irritating custom the incubi had. They needed him to come while they were inside him. If he reached a hand to masturbate they pushed it aside. He had to endure a straining erection until Omni penetrated him.

  Omni closed his mouth on one of Jinady’s balls. The appendage was a smooth, firm semicircle set tightly near his shaft. When Omni licked and sucked him there it was enigmatic euphoria. Why didn’t this intense sexual ecstasy make him orgasm? No matter how long Omni toyed with his balls he stayed on the precipice of climax. It was glorious, radiating pleasure.

  His tongue’s rhythmic laves made Jinady’s thighs quiver. He clutched the loose matting below him. Omni pressed deep enough to feel the oval sphere under smooth flesh. He worked his tongue to massage this hidden pleasure center.

  “Uhhh!” Jinady’s ragged breaths gave way to moans. He cupped a hand behind Omni’s head as he switched from left side to right. This had to feel at least as good as having his shaft stroked. It made his cock trickle and stiffen further. Omni ravished this delicate place with abandon.

  Omni lifted Jinady’s balls to lick underneath. He knew the demon would go furthe
r if he let him. He turned on his side.

  “That’s enough,” Jinady said between gasps. “I’m ready.”

  Omni’s voice was breathy. “Yes, you are. That’s a sexy little mortal.”

  Jinady greased his hole with a small aroused grunt. His body tingled. Omni stroked his hips and buttocks.

  Jinady took a second blob and greased Omni’s stiff white organ. Omni purred loudly as Jinady touched him. The demon’s cock was identical to a human’s except the outside sheath was the unnatural bone-white of the rest of his skin. The tip that protruded was pink. Omni was not exceptionally large. He was longer than Jinady, but not as thick. His kind lacked any body hair from the neck down.

  Jinady turned his back to Omni. He got on his hands and knees. If he lay on his back with his legs raised Omni would make fumbling attempts to masturbate him. His mouth was skilled, but large curved claws could be dangerous.

  The vulnerable position still made Jinady’s stomach churn a little. He was offering himself to the demon. He reminded himself that Omni was too eager now to revel in his shame.

  Omni pushed the full head of his cock into Jinady. Jinady pushed his hand against the demon’s pelvis.

  “Slow down,” Jinady said.

  He could hear Omni’s raspy panting behind him. The demon took hold of his hips and plowed further.

  “Umph!” Jinady gritted his teeth. “Damn you!”

  It didn’t hurt terribly. It was mostly the discomfort of being stuffed too fast. His body was accustomed to the sex. He could take in Omni without damaging his most sensitive parts. A little care would have kept him in the mood. Omni was skilled at foreplay, but he was an overzealous child when it came to the act. He drew out nearly his full length then jammed it inside again.


  Omni clenched Jinady’s hips and pounded faster.

  Jinady toppled forward. The demon was lost in his own world. Jinady lay on his chest with his ass tipped up just enough for Omni’s entry. The demon’s purrs were like animal shrieks now. Jinady felt like an animal. Like a female with a desperate male behind her. There would be no pleasure on his end of it.


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