Incubus Master: Complete (Yaoi)

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Incubus Master: Complete (Yaoi) Page 2

by Yamila Abraham

  His insides were alight. He could have responded to Omni’s penetration if he weren’t so disgusted. Dogra aroused him with massiveness and skill. The gruff demon always pressed hard against a pleasure node deep inside him. He was more mature than Omni. He took his time, steering Jinady into various positions as it suited him. The jackrabbit Omni was just annoying. He smashed his relatively small cock half-way into him five times a second. Jinady faked some moans so Omni would finish.

  Omni pushed all the way in to climax. A pleasurable gush poured through him. He closed his eyes. Omni was convulsing now. He began to slowly pull out, crammed back in for a second and then third gush, twitching and yelping as he came. Jinady sighed blissfully.

  Omni was still inside Jinady. His claws poked his hips. “You didn’t—““

  “I know,” Jinady said. “I didn’t yet because you’re terrible.”


  “Go deeper if you want me to come. I told you this before.”

  “No.” Omni started to pull in and out. “You never told me that.”

  Jinady’s brow furrowed, but then abated. He was right; it was his twin Scala he’d said this to. He didn’t care. Omni was still hard enough to continue, and sated enough not to batter him. Jinady pushed himself up to his hands and knees again.

  Omni thrust into him. “You like it?”

  “All the way.” Jinady’s breathing became shallow again.

  “All the way in? Like this?”

  “Ah! Y-yes.”

  “Tell me how much you like it.”


  Omni mashed the right spot inside him. He didn’t need his irritating voice now.

  Jinady fisted his member and started to stroke. He lost balance a moment on his other arm. His cock was throbbing. He hadn’t gone soft during Omni’s poor performance. Pulling on the shaft made his abused testicles bob. They were a source of deep tickling pleasure that connected with the euphoric pressure inside him.

  There was still some wool-grease left on his fingers. He polished his cock slick and rubbed up and down. He needed both hands. He lowered his face to the mat and braced himself on his shoulder. He raised his ass and arched his back. His passageway opened more. Omni moved his hands from Jinady’s hips to his buttocks. He kneaded his flesh as he thrust slow and deep.

  Jinady yanked his swollen cock with one hand and rubbed the head with the other. “Uh! Ah!” His palm crushed against his oozing slit. He freed the head completely from his foreskin. He revolved his hand fast over the tip, making it throb and tingle. The generous trickle of fluid made his hand slippery.

  Omni pushed in and out faster. Jinady’s legs began to shudder. He started yanking hard. His whole member was racked by his fist, even the penetrated root.

  “Huuuh! Ahh! Harder! Uhn!”

  He could have exploded any moment. The veins of his manhood were crushed by a violent, gliding fist. His insides tingled with the magnificent pleasure just before orgasm. Omni started to ram him. Deeply this time, with long violent jabs.

  “Uhhahhh!” Jinady moved his hand off the head of his cock to cup his balls. He massaged one quaking testicle, then the other.

  Omni clutched his ass. He used his thumbs to open him wider and pounded in a furious rhythm.

  “Ahh! Ah!” Jinady’s legs lost strength and his head swam. He began to convulse as he came. “Uhh! Ahhh!” Each yank of his cock sprayed white on the mat. “Uhh! Oh…yes! Ahhh!” His body shuddered in waves of pleasure from his member to his pounded hole.

  He collapsed on his belly as Omni sprayed his second orgasm into him. Jinady scarcely heard his choked cries. His cock was pinned between his trembling hand and his belly. It twitched a final squirt of fluid that made Jinady’s body jolt.

  “Ahh!” His heart thundered. He moved his hand away, and tried to catch his breath.

  “That was a good one.”

  Jinady ignored him. Reluctantly, he fell asleep.

  Chapter 2

  In the morning he rationed his food into three piles. He saved the shucked corn leaves to put by the cistern, and dried the cob in the sun for the same use. He exercised in the early dawn before the day grew too hot. He tried to keep his muscles from atrophying.

  Jinady washed his groin and bottom with his drinking water. He tried to space all his tasks out. Long, lonely days depressed him. Omni was still asleep on the mats. He was a lousy companion even when awake.

  Jinady sat at the opening of the cave while he ate his second meal. A family of egrets had made their nest on a nearby precipice. It was usually a flurry of activity. Now it was empty.

  Jinady heard a clop. He listened carefully. There it was again. And again. Hoof against rock.

  This wasn’t right. How could a horse below him be so loud? Hadn’t the succubi killed all the horses? No, it couldn’t be a horse. He heard only two legs.

  Clop-clop! Clop-clop!

  It was getting louder. Jinady chewed his bottom lip. It made no sense. He gathered his courage and peered over the edge of the cave.

  A giant brown demon was heading up the mountain toward him.

  Jinady jerked back. His heart began to thunder. What had he just seen? His hands trembled as he pulled at his hair.

  An incubus walking horizontally on the mountainside as though it were the ground!

  Jinady was familiar with demon magic, but it made him nauseous to see a creature walk perpendicular on the steep mountain crags. What kind of incubus could invert the laws of nature to walk on walls?

  Jinady stole another glance. The strange incubus was marching on massive black hooves toward his cave. Jinady blinked. Why didn’t he fall?

  When he opened his eyes it was closer. The incubus’ chest was bare save for a gold necklace with an oval pendant. His brown flesh was muscular and he had dark, lamb’s wool-like hair that flowed down his back, with stray tufts around his face. His horns were small, and his face looked human, with an elegant nose and pouty, mauve lips. There was some kind of tail behind him that Jinady couldn’t see clearly. His smooth legs became dark lamb’s wool below the knees and split over his hooves. He wore a wine-colored cape and serrated loincloth. A sheathed broadsword rested on his hip.

  The sight of his weapon snapped Jinady from his fearful paralysis. He rose and backed a few steps into the cave.

  This is an enemy…he could… Jinady’s mind was racing. An enemy of his captors wasn’t necessarily his enemy.

  But, he’ll take me from them. I’ll belong to that huge monster! He took a step towards Omni. He could wake him. They could flee.

  He hesitated. The clop of hoof on stone rang in his ears. What if he attacks Omni in the sky? He’ll drop me. Then—

  Jinady froze. The hoof beats had stopped. He held his breath as he looked back at the cave entrance.

  The demon stepped into the cave, oscillating as if an invisible lever pulled him from a horizontal to vertical stance. It was an obscene display of unnatural magic. Jinady’s heart beat so loud he swore it was audible. The incubus was now before him in his cave.

  Jinady cowered against a stone wall. He flinched as the demon drew his sword.

  Omni woke. He lunged for him with a shriek. The attack should have knocked the brown demon back, but he was immovable. He caught Omni by the throat. Jinady’s stomach felt as though it had dropped. Omni struggled with vain claws. The brown demon looked at Jinady.

  “Don’t watch.” The tremulous voice was unnaturally deep and whispery.

  Jinady couldn’t grasp the meaning of his words. He stared agape at the incubus.

  “Don’t. Watch!”

  This pierced his terrified haze. He covered his face with both hands. Omni made only half a scream before Jinady heard the thunk of a blade penetrating flesh. He peeked through his fingers. Omni’s decapitated body fell over the side.

  “Oh God.”

  The demon didn’t sheath his sword as he leapt out of the cave. His hooves clopped against the rock.

  He moved toward the cave
entrance in the demon’s wake, but staggered to a halt when he heard a shriek similar to Omni’s in the cave not far above. Jinady brought one hand to his throat.


  Wasn’t he the demon’s goal? Why didn’t he just capture him and go? Was he looking for other humans? Four incubi shared him here. Wasn’t he enough for this one?

  It was quiet. Jinady lowered to his hands and knees to get as close as he dare to the edge.

  There was an explosion. Jinady’s whole body jolted. Scala shot from the mountain, his half-open wings thrumming frantically.

  The raider had to be somewhere above Jinady’s cave. A fireball roared toward Scala. Scala dove, but the fire caught his wing. The demonic flames engulfed one side of Scala’s body. He howled and sank in a spiral column of smoke.

  Jinady shut his eyes. He heard Dogra grunting and the sound of swords clashing. He crawled back into the cave with his eyes still closed. He sat with his back braced against the cave wall and his arms closed across his chest.

  This would be the second time his world turned upside-down. He couldn’t bear it again. There’s only so much chaos a person can stand before they break. Jinady felt broken. The demon may as well return to take his life, too.

  He could jump. No he couldn’t. Not really. No matter the turmoil he’s too much of a coward to take his own life. Perhaps he’d regret that later.

  Jinady took a deep quavering breath. He heard more screams. He covered his ears.

  Then, it was quiet for a long while. He saw the sun had moved to its late afternoon setting.

  Now a new worry added to Jinady’s miseries. What if he’d been abandoned? The marauding demon seemed to have no interest in him. He wouldn’t survive without his caretakers.

  He heard the clop of hooves. Renewed fear overpowered Jinady’s relief. Would he rape him right there? You can endure it. You’ve done it hundreds of times. The false hope brought him to tears.

  The large incubus entered the cave with his obscene oscillation. Jinady froze. The demon lowered at a short distance in front of him. He crossed his massive black hooves and splayed his knees outward. His thick fleshy tail, the tapered shape of a dragon’s without the spines, coiled in front of him.

  Jinady was bewildered. He looked up slowly into the demon’s eyes. They were peaceful pools of pure black. The incubus’ expression was serious, but not cruel.

  “Young man.” His low voice was unholy as it reverberated, depriving Jinady of cognition. “What’s your name?”

  Jinady hesitated. His mouth had gone dry. He continued to stare into the demon’s eyes. What was this? Was the monster going to try to seduce him? He supposed he should be grateful.

  “Jinady.” His voice was a cracked whisper. He coughed and repeated. “Jinady.”

  “I’m Figaru,” he said, stressing the last syllable so that the name seemed as alien as the demon himself.

  Jinady repeated the name under his breath. “Fee…gar…ROO.”

  “I’m here to rescue you and the women. There are humans waiting for us at the bottom of the mountain.”

  Rescue? Women? Humans? Jinady’s mind raced.

  “We’d like to bring you to our settlement where you’ll be safe from incubi and succubi.”

  Jinady swallowed. The words, though likely deceitful, were reassuring.

  “Aren’t you an incubus?”

  Figaru nodded. There was a pause before he added, “The men will answer all your questions, Jinady.”

  Jinady looked down from the demon’s eyes and chewed his bottom lip. There was a thin hope that Figaru would have said he wasn’t an incubus. If he was really working with men maybe he could have been some other sort of being Jinady never heard of. He was disheartened.

  “I can’t fly like the Caldra. I need to carry you down the mountain.”

  Jinady darted his eyes back up at Figaru. His heart thudded at the thought of those massive arms engulfing him. Then of the world inverting by the freakish way the demon walked on walls.

  “I don’t want to frighten you. Give me permission to make you sleep now. You’ll wake up at the mountain’s base with the other humans.”

  Jinady parted his lips to answer, but before he could speak Figaru touched his forehead with a thick black claw. His head sank. He tottered forward. Figaru caught him in strong but gentle arms. Jinady had a half-second to look into his serene face.

  I didn’t say yes.

  Chapter 3

  Jinady raised a groggy head from a bed of moss. He propped himself on his elbow. He thought he’d been dreaming when he heard men’s voices. The demon spoke the truth. There were three men making camp in the small mountainside clearing. The eldest was talking to Figaru near a large wagon fully enclosed in wood. There were no animals harnessed at the tongue. There was also no place for a driver to man the reins outside the wagon. Jinady didn’t look at it long enough to wonder why.

  A second incubus emerged from a patch of long stalks with armloads of corn. Jinady sat up. He was alert now. This incubus was the same height as the men, but was dense with muscles. He had spiky long blonde hair that matched the ashen yellow of his flesh. There was a brown gash from the bottom of his eye to his jaw that seemed to still be healing. It made him look surly. He was the first incubus Jinady had ever seen to wear pants. He didn’t have a tail. The pants flared at the cuffs hiding whatever hooves or feet the demon strode on. He was scowling.

  One of the men was building a fire. Jinady spotted two women huddling together in a blanket near it. He’d only seen three women before in his lifetime. He craned his neck to get a better look. Only their heads were exposed, and both looked downward.

  One of the younger men opened a protruding hatch at the back of the wagon for the blond incubus to dump the corn into. He wore a loose chainmail vest, as did the three men. One had a bow and clutch of arrows on his back. The other two had swords. All three had leather satchels on their hips with the hilt of a dagger sticking out.

  The man Figaru spoke with was the only one with a beard. He had a cape with leather insignias connecting it to the chainmail on either shoulder. He was taller than the other two men, but still had to tip his head back to speak to Figaru. They were too far for Jinady to hear them. He wished he could have discerned who was in charge—the incubus or the men?

  Of course it’s the incubus. We must be their cattle. Maybe they’re deciding which incubus gets to use us new humans first.

  It was already past dusk. Jinady moved closer to the fire. He drew the attention of the archer who’d been feeding it. He had a shiny bowl of dirty blond hair on his head and appeared to be a few years older than Jinady. He smiled at Jinady with apple-cheeks.

  “How are you doing, friend? Got down all right? I’m Huckly.”

  Jinady was overwhelmed. He hadn’t spoken to another human for over a year.

  “Jinady,” he said.

  “Yeah, sure, of course. Lord Figaru told us.”

  Jinady was beginning to find his smile irritating. Huckly had to have some idea of what he’d endured.

  “Stuck with the Caldra, huh? Tsk. Such a shame. Were you up there long? Oh, never mind that. We got you out all right. You’re safe now.”

  “What about those two incubi?”

  “Hah?” Huckly looked over his shoulder at Figaru and the blond one. “Oh! Don’t worry. They’re our friends. They’re better than friends. We couldn’t have gotten you free without them.”

  “How do you figure I’m free?”


  Jinady was too numb and exhausted to have much malice in his voice. “These incubi must be feeding on you. I’m just going from one incubus master to another.”

  Huckly’s smile finally disappeared. “Oh! No, it’s not like that. That’s not going to be your life anymore. I mean, heck, you’re not our prisoner. We’re just trying to help.”

  Jinady rose. “I don’t want help from incubi. If I’m not your prisoner then I’d like to leave.” He was bluffing. At the very least he w
ould wait until morning to venture off. Huckly’s saccharine attitude made Jinady want to try his patience.

  Figaru turned his head slightly in Jinady’s direction and fixed his stern dark eyes on him. Jinady got a chill.

  “You must be crazy,” Huckly said.

  Jinady was no longer paying attention to him. Figaru was heading towards them. Jinady held his ground.

  The large demon loomed near. “We won’t keep you with us by force,” Figaru said, “but if you go off on your own you’ll be killed by succubi or recaptured by incubi.”

  Figaru’s patriarchal bearing crushed Jinady’s defiance. The demon must have tempered his body language in the cave so as not to be as intimidating. Now Jinady faced the full brunt of his authority. There was no room for bluffs or tantrums.

  Jinady broke eye contact. He was daunted. He began to cry in anger.

  Figaru’s voice was softer. “I wouldn’t ask you to trust my kind after what you’ve been through. I’m asking that you trust the other men. This isn’t the same situation you were just in. You’ll see this when we reach the settlement.”

  Jinady sniffed and wiped his tears. He hated crying in front of an incubus, but he couldn’t stop.

  “I wish I could comfort you,” Figaru said.

  Jinady covered his face with both hands and sobbed.

  A large clawed hand gently landed on his shoulder.

  Something unhinged at that moment. Jinady moved without thinking. He jerked away from the demon’s hand. His face was crimson.

  “No!” He screamed. “Don’t touch me!”

  Figaru gazed at him placidly.

  “If I’m free it means I don’t have to be touched by your kind ever again! Do you understand? I’ll fight you! I’ll make it so you have to kill me!”

  Figaru turned away from him before he was finished screaming. He walked back toward the bearded one.

  “You even know what the hell you’re saying?”

  Jinady was out of breath. He finally looked in Huckly’s direction. His face was flushed.

  “He doesn’t deserve to be talked to like that. Son of a bitch. How dare you!” Huckly’s voice broke.


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