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Star Cluster Seven

Page 11

by Random, Alex

  Alston held her close and clung to her tightly. He shut his eyes as he felt her warm body against him, and there was a detached thought in the back of his mind. Something had happened to his mental outlook since he’d seen her last, and now he was feeling something for her. He cared about the way she might have been grieving for him! He wanted her to know that he was sorry he hadn’t treated her differently during their past months of association.

  She was crying silently, her shoulders trembling, and her fingers dug into the back of his shoulders as she held him. For long moments they swayed together, and then she eased back from him, looking up at him through a shimmer of tears. Her blue eyes were wide and glistening.

  “They told me you were dead, Rex!” she said sombrely, shaking her head. “I cried all night!”

  “And next day you agreed to marry Quill Graham,” he retorted.

  “So you heard about that!” She took a deep breath, held it for a moment, then sighed heavily. “It’s true. But I agreed to marry him for one reason only. I heard what happened to you in the forest. I planned to kill Graham for that! You know I couldn’t love anyone but you, and if Graham had murdered you in cold blood then I meant to see he paid for it.”

  “Because you’ve told your father you may marry Graham my life has fallen into danger.” He explained what had happened, and she shook her head slowly.

  “I didn’t know you were still alive, Rex! They could have let me into the secret. Father saw how I grieved for you. I won’t ever forgive him for this.”

  “The point is, what can I do now?” he demanded. “I’m practically helpless now, and they can do what they like with me.”

  “Not while I know about you,” she retorted firmly.

  “And if Graham learns I’m still alive then my life will be worth even less,” he said tightly.

  “How can I help?” she demanded.

  “I don’t know yet, and I don’t have much time in which to make up my mind.” He could feel the pressures mounting in his brain. “I don’t have much choice in the matter. If I wait for Anders to take me out of here tonight I might be going straight to my death. On the other hand, if I involve you in this I might throw away any real chance of aid from Anders.”

  “I’m certainly involved now,” she said stoutly. “Count me in on anything you do.”

  “What has Graham said about me since the news of my death got out?” he asked.

  “He came to tell me all about it, about how you escaped from this apartment, killing a guard in doing so, and that you were finally trapped in the forest, where you fought to the death.”

  “That was a lie!” Alston shook his head bitterly. “I’m beginning to wonder if I did the right thing in playing along with your father’s plan, Carmel! I’ve got a couple of murders to my credit now.”

  He explained exactly what had occurred, and the girl listened intently.

  “So that was the way of it!” Her eyes were bright as she gazed at him. “Poor Rex! And I’ve been so upset because I thought you dead. What can we do now? How can we safeguard you?”

  “Keep away from Graham for a start,” he said. “If you let your father know you’re aware I’m still alive then it might help me. It couldn’t do any harm. Tell him you want to marry me, and give him the real reason why you said you’d marry Graham.”

  “What if he says I can marry you?” she demanded. He looked deeply into her pale eyes. “I’ll marry you,” he said, “and not just to save my neck, Carmel. Since all this started I’ve had time to think about you, and I feel that I might be in love with you. I don’t know for certain because I don’t know what love is, but I have an instinct about you, and if you want to marry me then I’ll agree to it.”

  She threw herself into his arms once more and he kissed her gently. When she moved back she stared into his eyes.

  “I’ll find my father immediately and tell him I’ve discovered you’re still alive. I’ll raise hell, Rex.”

  “Do it quietly,” he advised. “If Graham gets any idea of the truth then my life won’t be worth anything.” He paused. “Anders was taken off the case of investigating Graham because your father expects Graham to become his son in law. But if we change that then the heat will be back on Graham.”

  “Good. I’d like to see him get what he deserves. I’ll go now, and lock this door behind me.” She paused and looked at him closely. “No, I’ve got a better idea,” she went on. “You keep this key and lock the door after I’ve gone. Then if it looks as if you’re in trouble and need to get away quickly you’ll be able to get out of this apartment.”

  He nodded, taking the key from her, and she slipped into his arms for a few moments longer before turning reluctantly to leave. He locked the door at her back, then sighed heavily and wiped sweat from his forehead. Now he felt confident once more, and he went through to his own room, secreting the key she had given him, knowing that his life might depend upon it before this was over.

  Now he was filled with a mixture of hope and disbelief that he could get out of the situation. As far as the Governor himself was concerned, Carmel Paine was the most important ally Alston could have. That had been proved by the way the Governor had taken Anders off the case as soon as Carmel had hinted at marriage with Graham. All Alston could do was hope the girl could wield the same influence for him.

  Later the door was unlocked, and Alston, hearing it open, got off his bed and went to the door of his room. When he looked into Anders’ apartment he saw the Governor and Carmel entering. The girl looked taut and angry, and the Governor’s face was harsh. Alston felt his hopes sink, but he kept his face expressionless as he watched them.

  Carmel hurried immediately to his side and took hold of his arm, facing her father defiantly, and Ogden Paine closed the door and put his back to it.

  “You’re causing me a great deal of unnecessary trouble, Alston!” the Governor accused.

  “I’m sorry about that,” Alston replied a trifle heavily. “It’s my life I’m concerned about.”

  “Quite so, and I’m concerned that you should get out of this with the minimum of trouble. Anders has told you of the situation, hasn’t he?”

  “I gathered that the fact I’m still alive when officially I’m listed as dead is proving a great embarrassment to you!” There was a cynical note in Alston’s voice. “It would be the easiest thing in the world to get rid of me now.”

  “If you think I would stoop to such a method to end this trouble then you have a very low opinion of my character,” Paine rapped. “I’m doing the very best I can. The fact that my daughter is in love with you further complicates the issues.”

  “That fact got Graham off the hook very easily. I should think it could work for me.” Alston smiled thinly as he looked at Carmel, who was staring angrily at her father.

  “There is a great difference between you and Graham,” the Governor pointed out. “You are an exile and Graham is Security Controller for Star Cluster Seven. That fact should speak for itself. However I shall have you taken away from here as soon as night comes, and then there will be less chance of Graham’s agents discovering you are still alive.”

  “I’m leaving with him when he goes, Father,” Carmel said. “I won’t let him out of my sight now. You should have confided in me. You could see how I grieved for Rex when I thought he was dead. I told you I was in love with him. You didn’t appear to believe it. Well I’m making certain you accept it now. I want to marry Rex as soon as possible.”

  “And what about Graham? Doesn’t he have your promise?”

  “I’ll tell him in no uncertain tones exactly what I think of him. He’s not using me as a stepping stone to further promotion!” There was disgust in the girl’s tones. “He knew I loved Rex, and yet he tried to have Rex murdered. If Rex had been killed, Graham wouldn’t have let his body grow cold before chasing after me. Something is very seriously wrong in this situation, Father, and as Governor it is up to you to do something about it.”

  “All right
!” Paine shook his head wearily. His grey eyes were narrowed and bright as he looked at Alston. “You’ll get your own way in the end, Carmel. I know that. So I may as well let you have it in the first place and save myself a lot of trouble. I’ll send for Anders and give him some new instructions. But you put a stop to our original plan by coming up with the idea of marrying Graham! You have only yourself to blame for these complications, Carmel!”

  “I didn’t know Rex was still alive then,” the girl retorted, tightening her grip on Alston’s arm. “I’ll stay here with him while you make your arrangements, and I’ll leave with him when you take him out.”

  “We haven’t decided where to send him,” Paine said wearily.

  “I think your hunting lodge at Chula will do us for a honeymoon,” the girl retorted.

  Alston tightened his lips, and it seemed to him that he would have to go through with the wedding to save his life. Looking at the girl, he decided it wasn’t such a bad idea at that, and a sigh gusted through him as he faced the Governor.

  “Stay in this apartment and make no attempt to leave,” Paine ordered. “If Graham gets any inkling of this then a great deal of trouble will come to most of us, and you’ll be in dire straits, Alston.”

  “I’ll stay put,” Alston said softly. “Just play it straight with me, Governor!”

  Paine nodded and departed, and Carmel faced Alston, looking into his face.

  “I had a tough job persuading my father to make this change of plans, Rex,” she said softly. “I do believe they intended taking you away to some obscure spot and killing you to be rid of you. I don’t know what’s happened to my father. He was always a man of principle. It just shows what power Graham must be wielding now! But I think it will be all right for us, Rex! If we go to Father’s hunting lodge we’ll be well out of circulation. Graham won’t know about us there.”

  “If we try to get married he’ll find out about us,” Alston said. “And as you’ve practically agreed to marry him he’ll be around to see you, Carmel. How will your father explain your absence and your whereabouts?”

  “I daren’t let you out of my sight now, Rex,” she declared. A thin smile touched her lips. “For two reasons! One, you could change your mind if you got away from me, and two, I don’t think anything will happen to you while I’m around. As for Graham, my father can tell him anything he cares to make up. If I never see Quill Graham again it will suit me admirably.”

  “I must confess that I feel a whole lot safer with you around,” Alston said. “But don’t get the idea that I’m willing to marry you just to have you on my side, Carmel. I think I am in love with you.”

  “That will do me for now,” she retorted, hugging him. “If you don’t love me wholeheartedly right now, Rex, I can promise you will after we’ve been married a few days.”

  He smiled slowly. “I hope getting to love you will be the only problem I’ll have,” he retorted.

  They sat together, and the girl was unable to talk of anything but the promises they made to one another. Alston didn’t like to tempt fate by talking of the future and making plans, but he felt as if he had entered a world of make-believe and his destiny was being shaped by events outside his own control.

  When Frank Anders arrived he stood in the doorway shaking his head as he stared at them. Alston smiled thinly, realising that he had made a lot of trouble all round, but he felt it justified because his life appeared to be at stake. Anders came across the room to stand before them, staring down at their intent, determined faces.

  “I’ve got to hand it to you, Rex,” he said at length. “You got yourself out of a tight spot with just the right treatment. But we’re all in rather a lot of trouble and you won’t be able to walk clear of it just by burying yourself at the Governor’s hunting lodge with Carmel. You’ll have to take your chances with the rest of us against Graham. We’re going to try and expose him for what he is, and it will be dangerous.”

  “I’m ready to do anything I can to help,” Alston said instantly. “My plans with Carmel can wait until the trouble has been dealt with.” He saw the girl’s expression change at that, and smiled tightly. “What can I do, Frank?”

  “You’ll marry Carmel first, at a private ceremony at the hunting lodge,” Anders said. “Then Carmel will take off in the Governor’s private ship to travel to Chanus, where she will be safe. When she’s gone we shall take on Graham, and make no mistake, Rex. It will be the toughest chore you’ve ever tried to handle. Now you’d better go pack, Carmel, and get together whatever things you’ll need for a long stay away from here. You will get Rex as your husband, but in name only until this trouble has been settled.”

  The girl began to protest, but Anders held up his hand.

  “Don’t start making things tough for me,” he said tightly. “I have the power to call this off at a moment’s notice, and if I do there will be no wedding and no chance for Rex. Do as you are asked without question, Carmel, because time may be more vital than any of us can realise.”

  “Do as he says, Carmel,” Alston said thoughtfully. “If we want that dream we have to come true then we’ve got to be prepared to make a sacrifice or two. I’ll back Frank all the way, and you had better be prepared to do the same. The sooner we handle this the sooner we can be together!”

  The girl looked into his intent face for long moments, then nodded slowly. She kissed Rex gently, then turned to depart, and he stared after her for a moment, watching the door that closed behind her while his thoughts tried to pierce the shrouds of the future and make logical guesses at the outcome. Perhaps it was merciful for all of them that he was unable to foretell the events ahead!


  The hours until darkness seemed like weeks to Alston, and he chafed at the delay in their departure. Anders left him to make arrangements for their transport. Alston himself had nothing to do. He had no clothes with him, but that was a minor detail as far as he was concerned, and he paced the room while his mind probed for ways and means of getting at Quill Graham. But he was working in a blind alley as far as trying to get some sense out of his imagination was concerned. Facts were what he needed, and facts were not forthcoming. Graham was only one amongst a number who might have wanted Rex Alston out of the way four years ago, but Graham seemed to be the type of character who might have tried to get Alston removed.

  Carmel came back to Alston, and he took the girl into his arms. He seemed to be under some kind of magic spell where she was concerned now. In the past she had never aroused the deeper emotional feelings in him, but since he had decided he must be in love with her all his thoughts and senses concentrated upon making it appear true.

  The girl looked into his face. Her blue eyes were shining with hope, and Alston felt his pulse race as he studied her.

  “I do hope we can get away all right,” she said.

  “You won’t regret this, Rex, I promise you! I’ll make you the happiest man in the world.”

  “I’m with you all the way in that object,” he retorted. “I just hope we can get away with it. But you know nothing much can happen around Star Cluster Seven without Graham getting to know about it. I think we’ll be in trouble the minute I leave the palace.”

  “Don’t be a grouch,” she retorted. “You wouldn’t be safe staying here any length of time anyway, because Graham is always coming here.”

  “We’re in Anders’s hands,” Alston said. “He’s one man we can trust. But I won’t feel easy until we are well out of this.”

  Anders returned shortly and his face was set in grave lines. Alston felt his nerves tighten as he took in the man’s expression, and a premonition of disaster took hold of his mind. “What’s wrong?” he demanded.

  “Should something be wrong?” Anders countered softly.

  “I can tell by your face,” Alston glanced at the girl. “I’m not an alarmist, but I can smell trouble and I don’t like that look on your face, Frank.”

  “Graham has been to see the Governor,” Anders said. �
��He is suspicious of the events surrounding your death, Rex, and he wants a detailed search made for your remains. He says he is going to reopen your case until proof of your death has been obtained.”

  “What’s brought about this change of mind in him?” Alston demanded.

  “The Governor told Graham that Carmel didn’t want to see him again, and I could see suspicion hit Graham immediately. He stood up to the Governor with surprising lack of respect. I don’t like the way events are forming, Rex. I begin to suspect that Graham has been playing a deep game all along, trying to take advantage of the fact that Carmel was obviously in love with you from the start of your association with her.”

  “How could he use that?” Carmel demanded. “As a matter of fact I did tell Graham that I was in love with Rex. He asked me to marry him a few months ago, and I gave Rex as the reason when I turned him down. It seems that Quill Graham is a very jealous man.”

  “He was jealous of me when I was in Starfleet Command,” Alston said bitterly. “It seems that he’s vindictive with it.” He studied Anders’s face for a moment. “What do you think of this situation, Frank? What is Graham after?”

  “The Governor’s job at least, I should say! The thing is, we have no idea what he’s been doing behind the scenes. He’s got agents everywhere, working for him in all departments, gathering information and passing it on.”

  “What about this place?” Alston contained the alarm he felt. But his face was harsh. “Do you think he knows I’m here and not dead?”

  “Well I wouldn’t like to comment on that, but he certainly has doubts about you being dead. It could be that he’s got this place under surveillance, and perhaps you’ve been spotted.”


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