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Christine Dorsey

Page 20

by The Rebel's Kiss

  And the more she admitted, to herself anyway, that she was attracted to him—powerfully. Yet there was still so much she didn’t know—so much he kept to himself.

  Samantha stripped down to her shift and lay on the cool sheets. It was a long, draining day, and sleep should be easy to find. But the longer Samantha lay, twisting this way and that, hoping for a comfortable position, the more she realized slumber was a long way off.

  Finally she sat up, staring out the window, listening to the lonely wail of a faraway wolf.

  The barn was dark. No lantern light shone through the slits Luke and Pa had cut through the sod. She could imagine Jake asleep, his long, lean body stretched out on the pallet, his arm thrown up over his head.

  Closing her eyes, Samantha shook her head, willing the vision to disappear. But it wouldn’t. She’d seen him like that before. She’d lain with him. He was a Rebel and he was leaving. And she couldn’t get him out of her mind.


  If she couldn’t sleep, she refused to waste her time mooning over some Confederate soldier. She’d do something useful. Pulling her wrapper around her and tying the belt at her waist Samantha went back into the parlor. She lit the lantern and set about mixing flour and yeast to make bread. She wouldn’t bake it tonight; the stove was out. But she would knead it and let the dough rise.

  The slice of moon was high when Samantha covered the sweet-smelling mound of dough with clean linen and brushed off her floury hands. She felt better. Cooking and baking always did that for her. But she still doubted she could sleep. If anything, her body tingled, more awake than ever:

  Samantha wasn’t sure where the idea for a bath came from, but once she had it, there was no letting go. It had been a while since she’d an honest-to-goodness, dunk-down bath. Sometimes she went wading in the creek, but she hadn’t even done that since the Rebel had showed up. Most of the time she had to make do with a scrubbing from the china bowl in her bedroom.

  But not tonight. There was not a soul to see her; everyone was asleep. And she intended to luxuriate in a tub—even if it was a cut-down barrel.

  After carrying five buckets of water to the old barrel behind the house, Samantha remembered why she didn’t do this often. But thoughts of what it would feel like sinking into the swirling liquid kept her going. Satisfied that there was enough water to cover her bottom, Samantha went back to the house for some clean clothes, a towel, and the soap she’d made—the batch she’d added the essence of prairie flowers to.

  The tub was small, but if she folded her knees up under her chin, Samantha managed. The water lapped up her shins and the curve of her hips as she threw back her head and stared at the wondrous black sky and the myriad spattering of stars. Why hadn’t she ever thought to do this before?

  ~ ~ ~

  Jake tried, but he couldn’t keep up. Orderlies kept carrying litters into the tent and dumping their grisly baggage of bloodied humans at his feet. Their twisted tangled limbs fell to the straw-covered floor and they clawed at him with bony fingers.

  Jake lunged for the man nearest him, lifting him onto a makeshift table made from the parlor door they’d stripped from its hinges. Was he in a parlor? Jake swept a quick look around him. Yes, he was in a house, a field hospital, but he couldn’t fathom where. Or what battle was being fought.

  All he knew was it was bloody, and no matter how hard he worked, how hard he tried, how hard he prayed, he could not do enough.

  The man before him groaned and Jake quickly examined him, looking for the cause of the blood and gore that covered his body. Flies buzzed brazenly around, hovering close to the man’s foul-smelling leg.

  Jake reached for his saw and a scream came from the man... or was it from Jake? It sounded again, this time closer.

  Jake jerked awake and lurched to sitting. His breath came in painful gasps and he could feel the rapid pounding of his heart against his ribs. Jake closed his eyes and forced his mind to accept the obvious.

  He wasn’t in a field hospital. The war was over. He was in Samantha Lowery’s barn with sweet-smelling straw for his bed and a handful of animals for company.

  His racing heart slowed, his breathing calmed as reality sank in. It had been a dream—a dream he’d lived—but a dream all the same.

  Jake stood and peeled the sweat-dampened shirt from his body. He hadn’t had the nightmare in a while—was hoping it, too, was a thing of the past. Taking a deep breath, Jake leaned against the stall. At least he hadn’t relived the awful night his wife had died... or the day he’d buried his son. Jake rubbed his hands down his bristly chin.

  No doubt about it, dreaming of Samantha Lowery was preferable to this. Even if it did have him waking with a painful erection and guilt.

  He needed to get out of here. Off this farm. Out of Kansas. The crop was almost harvested. In a few days he’d have fulfilled that part of the bargain. But he couldn’t leave Samantha and Will alone, knowing what he did about Atwood’s threats.

  Jake socked his fist into the stall, startling his horse. Where was the Union Army when you needed them? Where was the damn Union Army now?

  Pushing away from the splintery wood, Jake gave up on the notion of getting any more sleep. His blanket was hot and twisted, and he felt restless.

  He’d go down to the creek, cool off a bit. No need to light a lantern, he knew the way. Without bothering to pull his boots on, Jake left the barn. The moon lit the way as he tramped across the yard.

  The cabin was dark and Jake let his imagination wander to what lay behind Samantha’s bedroom window. She’d be stretched out, covered by nothing but a thin sheet, her breasts rising and falling with each breath she took.

  The urge to head for the front door was strong. Just to get a peek at her, he told himself, but knew he was lying to himself. He wanted to make love with her—like before.

  Only this time it would be different. This time he’d take his time and please her as much as she had him. He knew last time his release had come too soon.

  It had been too long since he’d been with a woman and his desires had run too hot and frenzied. But whatever the reason, it wasn’t fair.

  Jake rounded the cabin and stopped, his heart leaping into his throat and his skin prickling hot. Samantha stood in a tub, her back to him, one hand high over her head. She held a cup and slowly poured the trickling water over her moon-pearled skin. Jake’s mouth went dry as he watched her.

  And then as if she sensed she was no longer alone, she turned her head, slowly, sensually, until her eyes met his.

  Chapter Thirteen

  For long moments Samantha forgot to breathe. She stood, pale and motionless as a marble statue. Her hand still held the empty cup as the last of the water skimmed over her skin. She could see Jake’s gaze follow the path of shimmering droplets down to the small of her back, then over the firm swell of her buttock. And she could swear the moisture sizzled on her flesh.

  A respectable woman would cover herself. Or shriek and shrink away. Samantha knew that. But she couldn’t. All she seemed capable of was standing in shin deep water and watching the heat and passion in his stare. His green eyes shone like polished jade in the moonlight. And like a lodestone they drew her.

  Air, thick and expectant, now rasped into her burning lungs. Samantha wet her dry lips and swallowed. He hadn’t moved since she glanced over her shoulder and saw him standing in a patch of moonlight. He wore only his gray pants, no shirt, no shoes.

  There was no white bandage to mar the broad perfection of his gleaming, hair-sprinkled chest. But she could definitely make out a puckered scar below the hollow of his shoulder.

  Was it seconds or minutes since he’d interrupted her bath? Samantha couldn’t say. Time seemed measured by the pounding of her heart, the deepening of her desire.

  Slowly, fluidly Samantha began turning toward him. Odd as it seemed, she didn’t realize she’d moved until she saw the flame of white hot passion that lit his eyes. It spurred her on, till she faced him squarely.

  Jake’s eyes narrowed as he took first one, then another step toward her. She was more beautiful than he could ever remember a woman being. All glowing and ivory white in the moonlight. He almost feared if he touched her she’d vanish.

  But she wanted to be touched. Her breasts were full and rose-tipped, her nipples hardened and thrust toward him. He itched to feel them beneath his palm. His eyes slid down her flat stomach to the delta of golden curls and his mouth went dry.

  His movement toward her was no more designed than her turn to face him. Some things cannot be stopped, cannot be altered. Jake reached her in half a dozen strides. The hands that clasped her to him were not tentative or even gentle. This was no time for a mild-mannered kiss.

  His lips took hers open-mouthed and hungry—and she could do naught but respond in kind. Her skin was water-slick as he lifted her from the tub, holding her high against his hardness. Jake wanted to take it slow this time, but he honestly didn’t know if he could. Already he throbbed, his desire near ready to explode.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers pressing insistently into the damp curls at his nape. His chest abraded her breasts, her toes barely touched the ground, and Samantha thought she’d surely melt. His big hands clasped her buttocks, his tongue invaded her mouth, and Samantha wriggled and moaned with the ecstasy of it.

  Only the need for air made them break off the kiss. Samantha threw her head back and Jake skimmed his lips down her neck and across the ridge of her collarbone. He was more aroused than he ever remembered being, and he didn’t want to lose the feeling.

  Slowly he lowered her until she stood in front of him. He saw the bewilderment on her face as he stepped back. But before she could question his action, his hand cupped her breast, his thumb rubbing over the sensitive peak and she swayed toward him.

  Leaning forward he scooped her into his arms, lifting her high against his chest. She seemed surprised at first with this new arrangement, but Jake shifted, settling her more comfortably. “I want you long and slow,” he mumbled. “And all to myself.”

  He gave her no time to protest, though that was the farthest thing from her mind, as he carried her toward the barn. Ripe musky smells assailed Samantha as he pushed through the door. It was nearly black inside, but Jake found his way to the makeshift pallet in the stall. He lowered her carefully, sucking in his breath when she let her fingers trail down through his chest hair and catch at his waistband.

  Jake yanked off his pants and lay down beside her, touching her, trying to slow his racing pulse. His lips found hers again, and this time he took the time to explore. His tongue followed the generous curve of her upper lip, then sucked the lower into his mouth.

  “I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” His whispered words filled the silence around them. Straining to see her, Jake could distinguish only a vague pale outline. But he knew she was pleased. He could feel her smile.

  The darkness cocooned them. Unable to see more than the faintest shadow of Jake, Samantha luxuriated in her other senses. The feel of his hard muscles, the smell of his manly body, the taste. She was drowning in a sensual sea, and had no desire to save herself.

  When he shifted on top of her, Samantha’s legs opened to accommodate his body. It was like the last time... only somehow different. His kisses, his hands on her flesh, were driving her wild.

  Samantha arched, reveling in his gasp when she brought his shaft near her moist heat. His fingers skimmed down her body and her own breath caught. She thought the pleasure couldn’t go any higher. She was wrong. His flesh slid across hers, dipping and stroking, and the tension intensified.

  Her legs spread shamelessly, her body bowed, and a maelstrom of ravishing sensation spread through her. Flashing lights appeared where before the darkness had reigned. She trembled, convulsed, clutched at the corded strength of his shoulders. And she knew what she’d missed the other time.

  But he didn’t give her an opportunity to sort out the earth-shattering feelings that had rocked through her.

  “Are you all right?” Jake whispered on a raspy breath.

  “Yes. Oh, yes,” Samantha gasped. And then he entered her.

  There was no pain this time; only the sweet, sensual slide as he drove into her. His power and size expanded her body; filled her completely.

  And once again Samantha felt herself whirling, her head and body spinning like the core of a tornado. She clutched him. She met his fiery kisses with urgent hunger. And as his thrusts became deeper, lightning fast, thundering into her, she sparked, and then exploded. Waves of ecstasy rolled over her, then lashed back to him. Jake shuddered and groaned. Then unable to hold out a moment longer, he had his own tumultuous climax.

  Thoroughly spent, Samantha collapsed onto the woolen blanket. Jake still rested between her legs. His face was buried in her silken curls. He shifted closer, his breath fanning across her ear. “I must be heavy.”

  “No,” Samantha sighed. “Not really.”

  She felt his smile this time before he rolled away. Samantha expected him to settle beside her and stirred at the sudden lack of heat when he didn’t. “Where are you going?” Did he really plan to leave after what they’d shared? Eventually he would. Samantha knew that. But so soon?

  “I’m over here.” Samantha raised on elbow to stare into the darkness toward the sound of his voice. “I want to see you this time,” he explained, a moment before a blossom of light bloomed in his hand. He cupped the flame that threw stark, erotic patterns of shadow and brilliance across his big body.

  Samantha tried to look away, but couldn’t. She watched unabashedly as he touched match tip to wick and spread a pale glow over all but the eves and far corners of the barn. The cow and horses didn’t seem to notice Jake as he moved back to the stall where Samantha lay, but she was aware of nothing else.

  Suddenly shy, Samantha took a deep breath and glanced around for something to cover her nakedness. She could find nothing. Her clothes, even the towel she’d planned to dry with, were in the yard near the tub. It was too late to do anything but burrow into the straw. Jake stood over her, the tin lantern held high. Then he turned and hung it on a hook.

  “I... I really should go back to the cabin.” Samantha tried to seem as unaffected by their lack of clothing as he was.

  “I know.” Jake settled down beside her. She went quite readily into his arms as he lay down, her body contradicting her earlier statement.

  Jake closed his eyes. He had no business cuddling her to him or tangling his fingers in her thick blond curls. But then he had no right to do most of the things he did with her. And it hadn’t stopped him.

  She wriggled closer, letting her fingers drift toward his scar. “Does it still hurt,” she murmured.

  “Not much.” Jake took a deep breath as her hand continued to skim over his chest. Light, feathery stokes that made his body quicken. He felt himself grow hard and tucked his chin to see if she noticed. At first he thought her unaware of what she did to him but then she tilted her head and he saw the teasing sparkle in her blue eyes.


  He tried to keep his breathing steady. “Hmmm?”

  Her fingers found and followed the line of chest hair that arrowed southward. “What did you mean when you said you wanted to see me this time?”

  Jake’s burst of laughter came almost as quickly as his movements as he flipped her beneath him. “What did you think I meant?”

  But Samantha was too busy laughing to answer. Jake settled into the cradle of her body, weight resting on his elbows. He grinned at her good humor then splayed her hair out on the blanket. It shone like gold against the gray wool.

  “You’re very beautiful.” He dipped and brushed a kiss across her lips to hide some of the emotion surging through him. He loved to see her laugh—to see her happy. But when he moved to look at her again, her expression had sobered. “What is it?” Jake touched her cheek.

  Samantha’s breathing brought her breasts in contact with his chest. “You don�
�t have to say that. I know the way things are.”

  “Then tell me.” Jake searched the depths of her cerulean eyes.

  Samantha wanted to look away, but the pull of his intense gaze was too great. She swallowed and began. “We have... nothing permanent. You will leave soon. And I can accept that,” she added quickly. “This...” Samantha’s hand lifted, then fell as if in defeat. “Just happened. Neither of us wanted it to.” She took a deep breath and her voice firmed and she shocked him to his core with her next statement. “But I don’t want it to stop.”

  Samantha lowered her lashes. How could she have said something so... so brazen. If he didn’t think her a hussy before, he most certainly did now. Heat raced through her body, and it had nothing to do with the feel of his hot flesh pressed to hers.

  “Samantha.” Jake’s finger caught under her chin. He waited for her eyes to meet his before he continued, “I don’t want it to stop either.”

  With a skim of his hand down her body, he began to show her how he felt.

  ~ ~ ~

  Samantha sighed and rested her head on Jake’s shoulder. This last time they made love only deepened her resolve to take what happiness she could before he left. But it also frightened her. He’d been so loving, still was, as his thumb made gentle patterns on her arm. And Samantha found there were some things she simply had to know.

  “Jake?” Her body felt drowsy and replete, but there was an underlying tension in her voice.

  “Hmmm?” He was going to have to get up in a moment and take her back to the cabin; otherwise they’d both fall asleep. For all Samantha’s assurances that she could handle this turn in their relationship, Will couldn’t if he found them asleep like this come morning.

  “Who is the woman in the daguerreotype?” Samantha had tried to forget she ever saw it, or that he called out a name in his delirium, but found she couldn’t. Her heart lurched when she felt Jake tense.

  “My wife.” Jake twisted his head to catch a glimpse of Samantha. “She was my wife. She died.” His words were crisp and succinct.


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