ALIVE WITH YOU (Real Love series Book 1)
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I was determined tonight would be amazing and to let go of the dark cloud over my head. I had my prints and canvases put together with the business cards. All that was left was to get myself ready. I hopped into the shower and thought about what to wear, dressy but punk, hot and kind of badass.
The bathroom door opened. "The sitter just picked up Miles. I want to talk about today. I need to know that you believe me when I say there's nobody else."
"All I have to say is I believe you, and you need to believe me when I say that. I don't want to talk about any of this tonight, though." I stepped out of the shower and pressed my wet body against him. I ran my fingers through his soft hair as he held me close, his strong hands running up and down my wet back. "I'm blocking out the negativity of today and focusing on the positive, and so far, every positive had something to do with you."
He gave me his Prince Charming smile and ran his hands from my belly up to my breasts, cupping them in his palms. Gently, he stroked his thumbs over my nipples as he stared into my eyes, like he was searching my soul. He fell to his knees in front of me and put his lips on my belly. "I love you more than life, Claire. I don't know why Miles said what he did today, but I hope it's true. You own every piece of me; you have since the day we met. Now that I finally have you, I want nothing more than to put a tiny little life inside you. I want to make you a mother again."
I pulled him up and kissed his hands. "You already have. You gave me a son I adore, and if you haven't put a little peanut inside me yet, then you will soon enough."
"You should go get dressed. If you stay naked in front of me too much longer, I'm gonna bend you over this sink."
"You're an ass, but I still love you"
He gave me a hard slap on the ass as I left the bathroom. I looked through my clothes and found nothing that worked. I was starting to get nervous. I wanted to look just right for the occasion. I remembered Tara had left a bag with a few outfits she didn't wear for me to try on, and there it was. My punk rock princess had saved the day. The maroon skirt had black skulls on it and ended mid-thigh. It looked great with the short-sleeve, open-back, mock turtleneck that showed all my upper body tattoos. For an extra twist of punk, I put on my maroon and pink Iron Fist zombie heels with my black, thigh-high stockings. With my long hair flowing, my fingers and toes painted black, and just a little makeup, I was ready to go. I looked in the mirror and actually felt sexy.
I headed downstairs, hoping Gavin would like my outfit as much as I did. He was sitting on the couch watching an old episode of Hard Law when he saw me. My irresistible lover looked so fine dressed in his dark jeans and a tight, black, dress shirt, which enhanced his muscles. I couldn't wait to run my hands up and down his rock-hard abs. When he had his hair tied back the way he did, his handsome face and bright blue eyes lit up the room.
"Well, what do you think?" I slowly spun around for him to get a full view. I strolled toward the front of the TV, but he was already walking toward me, undoing his belt. He lifted my skirt and quickly bent me over the love seat.
"Well now, I see someone wants to be my naughty girl. You know what I like to do to naughty girls, don't you?" With a hard smack to my ass, he shoved the crotch of my panties to the side and started rubbing my swollen clit, changing paces back and forth from slow to fast. "You're so fuckin' hot. Just looking at you makes me hard." He gripped my throat and his dominant voice growled in my ear. "I'm gonna take what's mine now, kitten. I'm gonna fuck you 'til you scream." Shoving himself deep inside me, he pounded hard and fast while tightly wrapping his fist in my hair. The harder he pulled on it, the harder he fucked me. My knees went weak, and I felt my orgasm building up, my inner thighs soaked with my arousal. My pussy was throbbing, and I could feel it clenching. "That's it, darlin', squeeze my cock with that tight little pussy." We erupted, cumming hard together. "Tell me, love, whose pussy is this?"
"Oh, it's all yours!"
"Good girl." He bit my neck then pulled himself out of me.
"I guess you like the outfit." I smiled then adjusted myself. "I need to go clean myself up really quick since you can't keep your hands off me."
"You, my dear, are intoxicating. Don't clean up too much. I want you to walk around with my cum soaking your panties. I want you nice and juicy, and it drives me wild when you smell like me."
"I love when you're so primal, baby. It turns me on to know how badly you want me." I tugged his beard a little. "Let's go before I saddle you for round two, I don't want to be too late."
We met Tara and Dylan at the Penne Vista and were greeted by Sarah Jenkins. She shook our hands then proceeded to hug Gavin, pressing her breasts against him. When she finally let go of him, she ran her hands down his chest. "Nice to see you, Mr. Price! Can I call you Gavin?"
"Of course you can." I could see how awkward he was feeling, but he held it together.
Tara whispered in my ear. "She'd like to call him more than that while he plows her out."
"You're an asshole, Tara!" I had to force myself not to laugh.
Sarah turned to us and smiled. "Right this way, ladies."
As we were escorted to our spot, Gavin and Dylan took seats at the bar. It was the most interesting bar I'd ever seen. It had a sapphire blue top, and the entire bottom was a huge fish tank full of exotic fish. They had to be saltwater fish because they looked like they were straight out of Finding Nemo. I had to take a picture to show Dave; he'd love it.
This gallery was huge. Only a wing of it was being used tonight, and that on its own was impressive. The bright white walls and pillars were a perfect contrast to the black marble floors. Black leather love seats were randomly placed next to glass end tables. There were sapphire blue suede benches wrapped around the bottom of each pillar. Once I started hanging my pictures, I noticed Sarah's facial expression had changed a bit. She was looking at my hand with what I wanted to think was an unintentional grimace on her face. Tara smiled at her, which seemed to snap her back into focus.
"What a beautiful ring. Who's the lucky man?" She glanced over at the guys. "I'm assuming that gentleman over there with Gavin."
Tara chimed in before I could answer. "No, that one is mine. Gavin finally picked up his balls and told Claire how he felt. Can you believe he bought that rock two months ago? They weren't even a couple. He thought of her when he saw it and knew one day he'd get the nerve to propose." She looked at Gavin then back to me. "When you're as tight as these two are, dating isn't necessary."
I smiled at Tara. "Enough about me!"
"Own your story, girl. It's not often people get a real life happily ever after." She had a point, so I let her finish. "For the last two years they've been joined at the hip, they're best friends. No physical relationship at all, just the pure love of two soul mates waiting for the right moment to admit to themselves and each other that they were meant to be." She took a sip of her wine and smiled. "Now someone needs to write a love story about that!"
"Well, Ms. Michaels, you're one lucky woman."
"Yes I am!" I smiled and waved at Gavin, blowing him a kiss as I watched her walk away. "Way to be a bitch, Tara, and good job staking your claim on Dylan. I'm kind of thinking she'd rather have Gavin though."
"Do ya think?" She laughed until she noticed a blonde Barbie-type walk up to Dylan. He was smiling as they were talking, and he jotted something down on a piece of paper. She shoved it in her little Michael Kors clutch bag and continued to flirt with him.
"Claire, what do I do? He just gave her his number, and I can't go say anything; it's not my place." Her face turned white as a ghost and she got shaky. "Oh God, I'm going to be sick. I should have just fucked him, what was I thinking?" Why did I even think I had a real chance? Just look at her. She's the total opposite of me. She's the type I see him wanting to be with. Girls like me don't walk the red carpet. I don't want all that. I just want him."
"Tara, chill for a minute. Regardless of the fact that you aren't interes
ted in him for his career, the public looks at him as Aaron Dean. Women are going to approach him, and he's going to have to be personable, make small talk, sign an autograph, and maybe take a picture. She approached him. He chooses to spend all his time with you. Shit Tara, he's here because of you." I hugged her so she'd calm down.
We looked at them, and Dylan was pointing at Tara. He winked at her and called her over. Barbie looked at us and walked away. There was a half-hour left until the doors opened so we headed to the bar to be with them. Gavin pulled me in for a hug and kissed my forehead.
"Sweeter than a thousand!" Flashing his sweet smile, he kissed my hand and whispered in my ear. "I hope you didn't mind Mr. Dominant sneaking out before we left. No matter how hard I try, sometimes I can't control myself with you."
"I like when he decides to visit. There's nothing like a good spanking every now and again."
"I hope you know all that dirty talk is just playful. I don't ever want you to think I consider you my property; you're my queen. If anything, you run the show, you have me under your spell."
I ran my hands up and down his firm chest. "I know, baby."
Dylan pulled Tara next to him and lifted her chin. "I hope you don't mind, but I told that chick who was just undressing me with her eyes that I was here with you." He softly kissed her lips. "Tara, I saw your face when she came up to me. I only signed an autograph. I wouldn't take a picture with her, and I damn sure didn't give her my number. Am I here with my beautiful date, who I can't seem to tear myself away from, or my friend who happens to be a girl? I'm pretty sure it's a date; at least, I was hoping that's what it was. Women will flirt with me, and I'll smile and talk to them because I have to." The tip of his tongue ran up her neck before giving her little nibbles. "I'm here with you, gorgeous. No random fangirl is changing that."
"I'm not even gonna lie, I was a little intimidated by her, but you called me gorgeous. Mr. Cross, you've just made me a very happy girl."
Tyler snuck up behind us and pinched my ass. "Tonight is the night, doll. I'm so proud of you!"
Dylan nodded to Winston. "Fangirls are among us." He picked up Tara and spun her around. "This one needs some thicker skin if she's gonna be with me." He gave her a peck on the cheek. "It's almost 7. You guys should go stand by your pictures."
Tara and I made our way back as the doors opened. Waiters in tuxedos floated through the crowd with champagne and hors d'oeuvres. Some people seemed like true horror fans, some we could tell were going to re-sell. My pictures of Tara were big sellers, and the diner one was a hit, also. The picture of Miles was just for display; I didn't feel right selling a picture of my son.
Tyler took over my station so Gavin and I could look around for a bit. We looked at the different types of pictures people had. There were so many different takes on horror. I fell in love with a picture of a crow perched on a black metal fence; it reminded me of the movie. I talked to the photographer a little and ended up buying the canvas for the shop. Gavin pointed out a picture that made the ones I took of Tara look like they were from a children's book. It looked like a horrible picture of a rape.
"That's too raw even for me, and I can be a sick fuck." He shook his head at the photographer. "Not to mention that kind of looks like my ex."
"I think she looks really familiar too. She kinda looks like that chick from the shop who creeps me out. I can't picture her doing that though, but who knows."
We walked up to the picture and stared at it for a minute before approaching the photographer. I began to talk to a guest who'd recognized me from KC's while Gavin spoke to him.
"Who is this in the picture?"
He shrugged his shoulders. "Not sure what her name is. She's a freak and a half, and a loony bitch, but she's hot as hell and was literally begging them to do that to her. She signed off on me taking pictures, but I can't remember her name." He looked at me and then at Gavin, "Your girl is beautiful and looks like a real lady. Why would you look twice at this tramp?"
"She looks just like my ex. Her name is Mara. She has different hair and more tattoos than I remember, but I haven't seen her in five years."
"I took this about two weeks ago at a party in LA. Sam, that's it, her name is Sam."
Gavin said goodbye to the photographer and stepped back toward me. "Let's go see how Ty's doing."
"Tara just went into the bathroom. I'm going to do my girlfriendly duty and join her. I'll meet you back there."
I went in the bathroom and Barbies 1 and 2 were in powder room section loading more makeup on their faces. They were talking about Tara, and I knew she would hear them.
"Can you believe he's here with that freak show? It has to be a contest or publicity thing. There is no way someone like him would choose that over this." She ran her hand down her body.
Barbie 2 chimed in, "Maybe she's a co-worker. Either way, he's leaving here with us. Threesome tonight, girl!"
There was no way I could keep my mouth shut. I was hoping once she heard my voice, Tara would come stand up for herself. I joined them in front of the mirror, acting like I wanted to touch up my lipstick. "Oh, I recognize you. You're the girl who tried to pick up Dylan. Sorry, but he prefers to spend his time with a classy woman."
She gave a fake laugh. "If you call rainbow hair and a face full of metal classy, then you're deranged."
"Wow, big words for a Barbie doll. She has more class than both of you combined."
Tara approached us. "Class and self-respect. Honey, he hasn't left my side for weeks, and I still haven't slept with him. And believe me, I could have. You throw yourself at him as soon as you see him and expect him to want you? That doesn't make you classy, doll, it makes you a whore!"
We left and headed to my spot. "I'm so proud of you Tara. Way to put those bitches in check."
Dylan came up behind Tara and wrapped his hands around her, kissing her neck and shoulders. "Let's get out of here, doll. I want you all to myself." She had a huge smile on her face. The Barbie twins had seen it and stormed off.
As the show ended, Gavin told me to go grab a drink while he took what was left to the truck. I sat at the bar just thinking about how awesome the night had been. I had completed my first expo and done very well with it. Most of my copies had sold, and people took cards for KC's. Having Tara there to talk to people about the shop was smart. She raked in a few new clients. Three different modeling agents approached her, and she was asked to do a spread in Lady Tattoo Magazine. I told her if she made it big because of my pictures, I wanted a black and purple Harley Davison. Too bad the Barbie twins didn't see her talking to the agents; that would have been priceless.
It was just after 11 o'clock, and even though I was beyond tired, Winston and Tyler were meeting us at my house at midnight. I knew there were times when I should have said no when it came to hanging out, but I hadn't figured out how to do that yet.
A tall, muscular, Italian man came and sat next to me. His big smile matched his Jersey Shore cockiness. He was handsome and dressed in a navy blue, three-piece, designer suit. "Can I buy you a drink? You look like a Malibu kind of girl, nice and sweet."
"Actually, I'm a Corona girl, and my fiancé will buy it for me. Don't act like you didn't see the ring; I saw you look at it."
"Oh, I saw it. The question is why would he let such a beautiful creature out of his sight? It leaves room for men like me to move in."
"Really. What kind of man is that?"
"Rich, mysterious, devastatingly handsome, and great in bed. Should I keep describing myself, or would you like to try?"
"Well, I won't lie, you are handsome, but you forgot egotistical and rude."
"Ouch, that hurts. Can you at least tell me your name?"
"I suppose that won't hurt." I looked at the bartender with a smile. "My name is the future Mrs. Gavin Price. Go find another target Mr. Ego."
The bartender slipped me a corona and laughed. "I've seen girls shoo guys like him away, but that was classic. He really thought he was getting some
where. He must be dumb as a post to think a woman with a rock like that would look twice at him. This is an art gallery not a night club." Her gaze went to my side. "You must be Mr. Gavin Price."
"I am."
"Well then,"—she raised her eyebrows at me and smiled—"he didn't have a chance. You've got yourself the sexiest guy in the room and his ring. Congrats to you both!"
Gavin's attitude and expression were a mix of anger and satisfaction all wrapped up in one. "Whose ass do I have to kick?"
"Down boy! There will be no ass kicking of any kind, but if you'd like to fondle me in front of that egotistical prick, by all means, mark your territory. We both know you want to." I moved to the barstool directly in view of Mr. Ego. "Sit down, lover boy. Let's show everyone who I belong to."
"Mmm… I like the sound of that, my little minx. What do you have in mind?"
"I want you to look at him while you slip your fingers inside me, then suck them clean."
"There's my naughty girl. I'll gladly show him who owns your sweet ass, just know I'm fucking you senseless as soon as we get home. I don't care who's at the house, I'm gonna tear that pussy up."
Mr. Ego's eyes met mine as Gavin pulled me into his chest. So many times he'd said I was his, that my body was his, and it wasn't t until this moment that I truly understood the strength of those words. The heat from his body radiated through his shirt, burning my back. What I imagined would be a simple push inside me to prove a point turned into me struggling to suppress my moans and whimpers as he finger fucked me right there under the bar. The look on his face was so dominant that Mr. Ego got up and left. He slid his long fingers out of me and slowly sucked my juices off. Chills ran down my spine. The thrill of it took my breath away.
"Take me home and fuck me, please Gavin."
My lust-filled eyes made him go to his dark place. Sliding a fifty to the bartender, he pulled me outside to the truck, pinning me against it. With his strong hands wrapped around my throat, he growled, "You taste so fuckin' good. Did you like that? Did you like being watched?"