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Bringing Claire Home [Elinor's Stronghold 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Berengaria Brown

  That gave Claire plenty to think about. Being nearer the stronghold for winter was a sensible decision, and she’d always grown vegetables at their old property, so the garden beds shouldn’t take too much work to make them ready to plant seed. Of course, they had no seed of their own now, unless… It was possible the seed they’d stored before they left was still usable. That was one of the things Paul would need to check. He could bring to Mitchell’s house any food that was still edible, too. They’d had to leave everything behind them when they fled, but she’d left the food stored carefully to last, and some of it should still be usable. The seed may have sprouted, especially if rain had gotten into the house, but then again, it might be good. At least some of it.

  With some of her fears allayed, Claire felt a lot more confident now as the last miles passed slowly on her return.

  * * * *

  Ivan looked around him with interest. The land was better kept, better looked after than the land near where he’d lived. The nearest stronghold had been a day’s walk from his home, so they’d seen little of their lord, although the land was mostly peaceful with just a few squabbles between nobles, nothing involving the peasants like there’d been here under Lord Jeffrey.

  But here the paths were smooth and weeded, no trees had fallen over the road, and the fields looked productive, although all the harvest had long since been gathered in.

  He was looking forward very much to living there. Even though he’d have no land of his own, with Mitchell and Paul both having a farm, there’d be plenty of useful work for him to do, and he was glad fate had intervened and kept him from becoming a soldier. Besides, there was Claire. He still found it hard to believe she’d agreed to let him share her. He would have accepted her decision to marry Mitchell and cast him aside, but the fact they’d both included him made him truly grateful. He would serve and cherish her all his days and work hard to help the men provide for them all.

  He was really looking forward to meeting the people he’d heard about, too. Old Mary. He’d never known his own grandmother, so seeing Mitchell’s would be wonderful. The lord and lady. They seemed so wise and competent. It made him glad he’d be living here. In fact, the more he thought about it, the more he understood his father and his new wife had done him a favor by making him leave home. He’d found a whole new life, and it was better than his old one, though he’d miss his father, of course.

  Mitchell pointed to a faint glimmer of light on the horizon. “That will be the stronghold. We’ll be there by nightfall.”

  “At last,” sighed Claire.

  Yes, it had been a long journey, but one full of interest to him. Also, the time spent with Mitchell had been important, too, as he felt they understood each other now and were getting used to working together. He and Paul had fallen into an easy routine when working together long ago. But already Mitchell was becoming part of that, a comfortable partner in their daily tasks. That was going to be very important once they were all living together full-time.

  Ivan scanned the horizon, watching the castle gradually come nearer. It was a large stronghold, one worthy of the miles of well-tended fields they’d been passing all day. This was his future, and he was looking forward to it, whatever troubles and joys it might bring him.

  * * * *

  Paul could hardly wait to get home. Now he knew Claire would be safe and cared for, it was as if his whole focus had shifted. Up until now, she had been his to guard and protect. Now he could think about himself and what he wanted. The house would probably need some maintenance, but it was sturdily built and well looked after—apart from the past year—so he was reasonably certain it would be standing and not need too much work.

  As long as the rain had not come through the roof, and providing masterless men had not stolen his property, there should be clothing, cooking utensils, and food still in the house. Some of the food would have gone bad, especially the vegetables, but he hoped there would be some seed left for next year’s crops and enough to help feed them all over winter. Besides, even he could tell they all needed new clothing after wearing the same things for a whole year, and he needed some grain to barter for fabric and thread.

  With Claire provided for, he could even think about getting married himself. Just one woman though. He was pleased Claire had accepted both Mitchell and Ivan. It certainly made life much easier for them all. But as for himself, all he wanted was one woman, someone he could love and respect, but also someone he could have a real conversation with. That was something he’d particularly enjoyed in the forest. Being able to sit around the fire at night and talk to Claire and Ivan about anything and everything. He wanted that in a wife, too.

  But first he needed to see his land. He had to make sure it was still as he left it, that no one had taken it from him, or dug up his strip farm, or damaged his house. It was a real worry now, but at the time, he’d had no choice. Life with Lord Jeffrey attacking people was not to be risked. He couldn’t let them kill Claire or steal their food and watch her die slowly of starvation. His only option had been to flee. But now, now they could return and rebuild their lives, providing his house and land were not badly harmed.

  As they got closer, they started to walk faster, and then they left the road and cut through the fields going directly to Paul’s farm. He couldn’t wait any longer to see his house and land, and the others were content to spend the night there instead of at the stronghold.

  “The lord will manage without his horse for one more night,” said Mitchell.

  “We won’t be able to sleep on the bed. The stuffing will have rotted. But at least we’ll be indoors again,” said Claire.

  Paul couldn’t listen to them. He was totally focused on seeing his farm. He wanted to run ahead, to race to it and look, but they needed to stay together even this close to home. Masterless men could be anywhere, at any time, and it was not wise to relax his vigilance just because they were almost home. Oh how he hoped, wished, prayed everything was as he’d left it. That nothing had been stolen, nothing damaged more than usual effects of the weather. What if his farm was destroyed? What if he had to start all over again from the beginning? He’d do it. He’d rebuild if he had to, but he hoped, hoped, hoped…

  When they finally came out at the path and he saw his land, Paul dropped to his knees in relief. It was as he’d left it, although a fine crop of weeds had grown on his land. But at least that meant the soil was healthy, even though it also meant many hours of hard work to pull them all up.

  Unconsciously he picked up a handful of soil and let it run through his fingers. Yes, yes, it was good soil. No damage had been done to it.

  He looked up and felt Mitchell and Ivan standing behind him, one at each shoulder. “Come, let’s check out how your house has weathered this past year,” said Mitchell gently.

  “The roof looks solid,” said Claire from atop the horse where she had a better view than the men.

  A few more minutes and they reached the house. It looked as it had when they’d left. Claire was correct. There seemed to be no roof damage. Taking a deep breath, Paul unlatched the door and pushed it wide open. Nothing had been touched, but the smell of fermenting fruit proved the fruits and vegetables had not lasted a full year.

  “Ew. You’ll have to dig me a pit to bury the rotten fruit,” said Claire, looking through the doorway.

  “If we stay here tonight, we could do that, and we’d have the horse to carry your possessions back to the stronghold,” said Ivan.

  “And the grain. The grain is heavy. That is, if it is still good.” Paul hurried to the back wall of his home where the grain bags were piled in a neat row. There was no sign of damage from small animals. The door had been firmly latched, but rodents seemed able to get in through the tiniest of gaps. However, this time, it appeared all was well. There were no nibbled holes in the sacks.

  “I’ll take care of the horse while you explore your domain,” said Mitchell, helping Claire down and unpacking the rolled bundles from the horse’s

  * * * *

  Ivan built a fire while Claire collected water then began cooking them a meal. With delight she chose some of the vegetables she’d stored, things they hadn’t eaten in a long time, knowing they’d all enjoy the variety in their diet. If they were going to stay there all the next day, she’d bake bread. Bread would be wonderful. It’d been so long since they’d had it, and she had some wild honey stored which they could spread on it. Pure heaven!

  She watched with a secret grin as Paul walked around touching everything then went outside. She knew he’d be looking at the land again. She was thrilled for him that it was in good heart. Of course he’d have set to work repairing anything that needed it, and there were a lot of weeds grown on his land, but life would be so much easier for him to not have to begin again.

  Once their meal was bubbling in her pot, she began sorting out the spoiled fruits and vegetables. Because she’d stored them very carefully, so each vegetable didn’t touch any other one, hand did not affect its neighbors should it go rotten, and less than half the fruits and vegetables were spoiled. That would make a big difference to them this winter. Mitchell would have stored plenty of food for himself and his grandmother, but now there were five mouths to feed, not two.

  By the time the meal was ready to eat, Mitchell and Ivan had dug a hole and buried the rotten food, Paul had climbed on the roof and checked no thatch needed mending, and Claire had looked over her food supplies and was content with what remained. It was enough, she thought. Not ample, but enough. Especially if the men were able to catch a wild boar, or even enough small animals. There were probably nuts still to be gathered and maybe even some late-blooming berries. They would survive.

  Claire was also hoping the men would fuck her that night. It’d been a long time since her night with them, and she longed for them to take her again. Of course, Paul would be there, too, but they’d had to throw out the rotten bedding and hadn’t yet gathered fresh, so they’d be lying on the ground in their cloaks just like in the forest anyway.

  When it was full dark, Paul picked up his cloak. “I’ll stay outside with the horse. You can use the house.” He looked a little embarrassed, Claire thought, and suddenly she realized that he and she had always been together. He’d always looked after her. Now that had all changed.

  Quickly she ran across the room and hugged him. “You’ve been a wonderful brother to me, Paul. No woman could have had a better brother than you. You’ve been my parents and my friend as well. I love you.” She kissed his cheek, which blushed even redder. He nodded, patted her shoulder, and left.

  Ivan fetched a pile of leaves and bracken that had been left near the fire. Claire had assumed it was for fuel, but now realized these were softer foliage, and Ivan had gathered them for their bed.

  Again she realized how much he cared. All these men cared for her and looked after her. In many ways, she saw herself as self-sufficient and independent, and yet the men were there in background, watching over her, protecting her, anticipating her needs.

  Hot cream dripped from her cunt onto her thighs. How could she not love such men as these? She was beyond fortunate to have three men who loved her, her brother and two husbands. As soon as they returned to the stronghold, she would look around for a wife for Paul. She’d search for someone who he could love and who would love him in return, who would bring him the joy she’d found with Mitchell and Ivan. Or maybe, she thought naughtily, two wives!

  Then Mitchell and Ivan were standing before her, crowding close to her. “Are you ready for us, our bride?” asked Mitchell huskily.

  “Oh yes. I’ve been longing for the night you’d both take me again.”

  “Me, too,” said Ivan.

  Quickly they undressed, laying their clothes on top of the foliage Ivan had gathered for their bed. Claire sat on her dress, crossing her legs, watching the men. Their cocks were both standing up like swords, showing how much they wanted her. In the dying light from the fire, she could see how red the head of Ivan’s cock was and how the head of Mitchell’s cock glistened with his essence.

  “Lie on your side. You don’t know how often in the forest I wanted to lift your skirts and thrust my prick deep into your cunt as we lay on our sides. Tonight my wish will come true,” said Mitchell.

  “Your ass is beautiful,” said Ivan, lying behind her. “My cock fits perfectly between those round ass cheeks, and I can drive into you so easily from here.”

  “Would you like me to suck you first and make you wet?” she asked.

  “That will make it easier for you as I enter you. But first, let me suck your breasts. I’ve missed them.” Ivan’s head bobbed over her breasts, and he sucked her entire area into his mouth, pulling hard on her nipple with his lips, before releasing her with a pop and sucking her other beast. Then he kneeled up, his cock level with her mouth. Eagerly she sucked the head of his cock, flicking her tongue into the slit to taste his seed, before licking up and down the shaft, getting him nice and wet. Naughtily she sucked first one of his balls, then the other, just for pure enjoyment.

  The men both lay down, arranging her legs so they could each line their cocks up with her entry, and then Mitchell pushed into her cunt, stretching her wide open and filling her up. It had been more than a week, and she was pulled wide to allow him inside, but it was a good feeling of being filled and possessed. There was no pain.

  Then Ivan pressed at her ass, and she pushed out against him. He played with her ass for a while, using his fingers and his cock to open her up, before he slid inside. There was a burning feeling as he entered, but it excited her and made her ready for what would come. When Ivan was fully inside her, again she felt very stretched, almost bursting with them both, but her channels adjusted to accommodate the two of them together.

  Mitchell and Ivan wrapped their arms around each other, holding her tightly between them, and began to withdraw from her then ram back in. Slowly at first they moved, dragging their cocks out until she felt suddenly empty and lonely, before pushing back inside her, until she was full to bursting once more. Over and over again, they repeated the movements, gradually thrusting harder, deeper, faster, until the sweat was pouring off everyone’s body, and they were pounding into her.

  She was held so firmly she couldn’t move much, but she used her internal muscles to grip their cocks and tease them, and occasionally she had enough leeway to wiggle her hips or slide her hand up an arm or across a chest.

  Excitement was building inside her, and she knew she’d reach her pleasure very soon. She managed to tighten her muscles again, gripping both cocks with all her strength, and was rewarded by deep groans from both men. Then the pleasure exploded inside her, and her cunt and ass began to quake, which caused more groaning from Mitchell and Ivan. Cream poured from her as wave after wave of joy rolled through her body.

  “Too much, too wonderful,” said Ivan, and his seed poured hotly into her ass, giving her another blast of excitement.

  Mitchell pressed his lips to hers, working his tongue deep into her mouth. Gladly she kissed him back, loving his warm lips and passion. As she did so, his seed poured into her cunt, causing the rippling waves to continue rolling through her again and again.

  “Give me an hour to recover, and then we’ll swap. I want your ass, too, this night,” said Mitchell as they sank back onto the leaves.

  Chapter Six

  But it was Claire who woke first and decided to have some fun. She’d had very little time to explore their bodies, and she wanted to know all about these men who belonged to her now. Were their nipples as sensitive as hers? Were their bellies ticklish? What would they do if she licked across their chests as she wanted to?

  Claire slid out of bed and dug a stick into the coals of the fire, reigniting it enough so she could see outlines and shapes in the room. It wasn’t much light, but it was enough, and fuel was too precious to waste unnecessarily.

  She crouched by the side of their pallet, planning how to tease them both simultaneo
usly. The simplest way to do it, and to be in control of both of them, was to sit on their legs. Gently she pushed Mitchell closer to Ivan. He grunted, but moved across. Good. She carefully climbed over them both, placing her ass firmly on the two middle legs, and using her thighs to hold the two outside legs trapped. Then she bent forward and began sucking nipples. One of Mitchell’s, one of Ivan’s. Mitchell’s other nipple, Ivan’s other nipple. The men tasted different. Ivan was saltier than Mitchell. Claire savored their distinct flavors, ensuring she could always recognize which was which.

  “I’ve never been woken up like this before,” said Mitchell.

  “No, nor have I. But I could get used to it quite quickly,” replied Ivan.

  Claire laughed quietly, but remained focused on her journey of exploration. She ran her hands over each man’s chest, noting where their muscles were, now much hair they had, and how their skin responded to her touch. Mitchell was a big man, his shoulders much broader than Ivan’s—or anyone else she knew—and his body was heavily muscled, with a trail of dark hair across his chest and leading down to his cock, where it became a dark nest of curls.

  Ivan was muscled, too, but not as broad, and his bones were more prominent, especially the caps of his shoulders and his hips. His hair was lighter than Mitchell’s, although still brown, and he had less hair on his chest. Or possibly it was simply that it looked like there was less of it because it was a paler color.

  Claire’s gaze followed the line of hair down to the men’s cocks, both of which were standing up. Mitchell’s cock was actually waving a little as if trying to attract her attention. Well yes, she was going to suck it, and Ivan’s, too, but not just yet. First she wanted to really look at them and get to know everything about them.


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