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Pride Before A Fall (Book 21 in the Godhunter Series)

Page 30

by Amy Sumida

  Brevyn: Vervain and Arach's son, twin brother to Rian, and holder of Ull's soul.

  Brid: (Bride) Celtic Goddess of Prophecy and Learning, sister to Brighid and Brigit.

  Brighid: (Bri-jed) Celtic Goddess of Healing. Dated Thor and betrayed him. Deceased.

  Brigit: (Bri-jit) Celtic Goddess of Metal Work, sister to Brighid and Brid.

  Burdock: Dark-sidhe of Suspicion.

  Cahal: King of the Earth Kingdom.

  Cailleach Bheur: (Coyluck Bear) Celtic Goddess of Winter. The counterpart to Brighid.

  Cait: (Kate) Brownie female working in the Dark Court.

  Caitir: (Kate-teer) Fire-sidhe friend of Vervain's, lives in Misty Meadows.

  Calamus: Dark-sidhe of Stubbornness.

  Campe: Greek drakaina (she-dragon) of Tartarus.

  Cassiel: (Cass-see-L)Archangel of Solitude, Ruler of 7th Heaven.

  Celandine: Dark-sidhe of Loneliness.

  Cerebus: (Sare-ah-bus) Greek Hound God, dog-shifter.

  Cernunnos: (Sir-nah-noose) Horned God of the Celts.

  Charon: (Care-ron) Greek Ferryman of the Underworld.

  Cian: (Key-an) High King of Faerie, married to Meara.

  Ciaran: (Kee-ah-rawn) Leanan-sidhe healer.

  Cid: (Sid) Warden of Ice Block One, demon, and close friend of Lucifer.

  Conn: Finn's twin brother, a Celtic swan-shifter.

  Constantin: Drummer for Dark Horses, a Celtic horse-shifter.

  Cora: Earth pixie turned fire pixie, Artair's wife.

  Craigor: (Krayg-ore) Air-sidhe father of Aradia.

  Credne: (Creh-d-nyah) Celtic God of Artificers and Braziers, one of the triad: Three Gods of Skill.

  Cŵn annwn: (Coon-ah-noon) Hounds of the Celtic Wild Hunt, and of the Underworld Annwn.

  Dagda: Son of Elatha and Danu. Celtic God of Earth.

  Dahlia: dark-sidhe of Vengeance, mother of Zinnia.

  Damiana: Dark-sidhe of Envy.

  Danal: Knight of the House of Air, first fey to find Vervain in Faerie.

  Daoir: (Dah-here) Hidden-One baby boy, son of Taog and Fionnaghal.

  Darius: Intare (werelion) Lieutenant. One of the first lions Vervain met. Dating Lorna.

  Deirdre: (Deer-drah) Hidden-One baby girl, daughter of Taog and Fionnaghal.

  Diarmad: (Dyeer-muht) Earth pixie turned fire pixie

  Diarmat: (deer-mit) goblin.

  Dionysus: (Die-oh-nie-sus) Greek God of Grapes, married to Ariadne, father of Pasithea, grandfather to Morpheus.

  Disani: (Dee-sah-knee)Goddess of the Kafir. Vervain calls her Bottled Water Goddess.

  Dominic: Future angel son of Azrael and Vervain.

  Dughall: (Dew-gull) Fire cat-sidhe.

  Dwarves of Nidavellir: Norse gods who live in Nidavellir, they're talented metal smiths.

  Elatha: Fomorian king, previously prince. Celtic God of the Sun. Father to Bres and Dagda.

  Elena: Vampire psychic and best friend to Eztli.

  Emma Langston: Human rescued from Demeter. Married to Fenrir.

  Epona: (Ee-Po-nah)Celtic Horse Goddess, dated Thor and was married to Constantin.

  Estsanatlehi: (Es-tan-AHT-loo-hee) AKA Mrs E. Navajo Goddess of Change. Member of God Squad. Married to Mr. T, mother of Naye and Toby.

  Eztli: (Ahtz-lee)Aztec vampire turned Goddess of the Blood Moon, married to Blue.

  Fallon: AKA Bhekifa Lungani. Intare Lieutenant. Married to Samantha, father of Zariel.

  Fand: water-sidhe foster mother to Lugh and wife of Manannan.

  Fearghal: (FAR-rell) redcap captain.

  Felix: Fire pixie dating Lissa.

  Fenrir: (Fen-rear) Norse God of the Wolves, father of the Froekn, married to Emma.

  Finn: AKA Fiachra MacLir. Swan-shifter, son of Lir, brother of Aodh and Fionnuala, twin brother to Conn.

  Finnian: (Feh-knee-an) Dragon-sidhe, father to Sabine.

  Fionnaghal: (Fee-oh-nah-gal) Hidden-One, married to Taog, mother of Mini V, Deirdre, and Daoir.

  Fionn: (Fee-on) King of the Air Kingdom.

  Fionnuala: (Fee-oh-new-ala) Finn's sister, a Celtic swan-shifter.

  Freyr: Norse God of Fertility. Ruler of Alfheim, brother to Freya.

  Freya: Norse Goddess of Cats, Love, Fertility, Marriage, and Prosperity.

  Froekn: Werewolves. Valiant in Old Norse.

  Gabriel: Archangel, God's Messenger, Ruler of 1st Heaven.

  Gandharvas: Hindu male spirits of nature, usually part animal.

  Garuda: Hindu suparna, first born son of Vinata.

  Gede Babaco: Papa Gede's brother.

  Gede Nibo: (Geh-day Knee-bow) Vodou intermediary between the living and the dead. A member of the Gede.

  Gello: (Jello) Female demon, Holly's best friend.

  Gersemi: Freya's daughter.

  Gish: (dish with a G)Afghani God of War, carries a rainbow quiver.

  Goibniu: (Guh-rev-nyew) Celtic God of Armourers, one of the triad: Three Gods of Skill.

  Granuaile: (Graw-knee-ah-wail) Fire-sidhe nanny to Vervain's twins.

  Green Men: Celtic demi-gods of nature, they hang out with Cernunnos.

  Gruach: (Groo-ah) water-sidhe who's dating Kanaloa.

  Guirmean: (Goo-rah-man) King of the Water Kingdom, father of Morgan.

  Hades: Greek God of the Underworld. Married to Persephone. Member of the God Squad.

  Hanuman: Hindu Monkey God. Dated Rhiannon.

  Hawthorn: Dark-Sidhe of Scorn.

  Hel: Norse Goddess of the Dead. Ruler of Niflheim (Norse territory for the dead who died outside of battle). Sister to Fenrir.

  Hekate: Greek Goddess of Magic. Engaged to Horus. Member of the God Squad.

  Helene: Sabine's youngest sister. Deceased.

  Hera: Greek Goddess of Women and Marriage. Married to Zeus. Mother to Ares, Hebe, Hephaestus, and Pasithea (by Dionysus).

  Hermes: Greek Messenger God. Father of Pan.

  Holly: AKA The Holy Spirit. Mother of Azrael and Jesus, married to Lucifer.

  Horus: Egyptian God of the Sun and Moon, War, and the Sky. Engaged to Hekate. Member of the God Squad. Son of Isis and Osiris, father of Ithy, great great grandson of Re.

  Huitzilopochtli: (Weet-seal-oh-POACHED-lee) AKA Blue. Aztec God of War and the Sun. Vampire God. Member of the God Squad. Married to Eztli.

  Hunter: cat-sidhe toddler, son of Roarke and Anna.

  Hygieia: Greek Goddess of Health

  Hypnos: Greek God of Sleep, married to Pasithea, father to Morpheus, Phobetor, and Phantasus. Deceased.

  Iain: (Ee-an) Fire cat-sidhe.

  Iktomi: Lakota Spider God. Father of Torrent. Deceased.

  Ilario: (Ee-lar-ree-oh)Guitarist for Dark Horses, a Celtic horse-shifter.

  Intare: African demi-gods, werelions. A list of various Intare includes: Lucian, Jared, Ryan, Aaron, Kevin, George, Dexter, Ethan, Christopher, Timothy, David, Troy, Wren, and Alexander. The deceased lions who live with Anubis in Duat are: Rick, Hamish, Alan, and Noel.

  Ira: AKA Famine, Horseman of the Apocalypse.

  Isidore: Sabine's oldest human sister. Deceased.

  Isleen: (Is-lean) Leanan-sidhe chatelaine for the House of Fire.

  Isis: (Eye-sus) Egyptian Goddess of Magic. Daughter of Geb and Nut, wife to Osiris, mother of Horus, and twin sister of Nephthys. Great-granddaughter of Re.

  Jade: drachleen-sidhe female.

  Jambavant: Hindu King of the Rikshas(werebears).

  Jerry: AKA Jehova, the Christian, Muslim, and Jewish God.

  Jesus: AKA The J-Man, Christian God, son of Holly and Jerry, and Guardian of the GRAYEL.

  Juniper: Dark-sidhe of Apathy.

  Kadru: Hindu Mother of the Nagas.

  Kaitlin: Human girlfriend of Ull's, ate an apple of immortality to wait for him.

  Kali: Hindu Goddess of Empowerment. Married to Shiva.

  Kanaloa: (Kah-nah-low-ah) Hawaiian God of the Ocean. Squid-shifter. Dating Gruach (water-sidhe).

  Karni-Mata: Hindu Goddess of Rats. Dating Teharon. Member of the God

  Katrina: Farinne-sidhe.

  Kirill Alexeyevich: Intare Ganza, married to Vervain.

  Kuan-Ti: (Kwahn-tee) Chinese General turned God of War. Friends with Blue.

  Laise: (Lash-ah) Leanan-sidhe who designs the nursery.

  Lamiai, The: (Lah-me-eye) Greek vampiric demi-goddesses who hang with Hekate.

  Laurell: Dark-sidhe of Weakness.

  Leto: Greek daughter of the Titans. Mother to Artemis and Apollo.

  Lesya: (Lay-shah) Daughter of Vervain and Kirill. Lioness-shifter.

  Liatris: Queen of the House of Darkness, married to Rowan, mother of Sinnea and Baidhen.

  Lir: Celtic king turned god, father of Finn, Conn, Aodh, and Fionnuala.

  Lissa: fire pixie.

  Loki: Trickster God of the Norse. Fenrir's father. Shapeshifter.

  Lorna: Water-sidhe, mother of Morgan.

  Luchta: (Loo-ch-tah) Celtic God of Carpentry, one of triad: Three Gods of Skill.

  Lucifer Morningstar: AKA Satan etc. (I'm not listing all his names). Father of Azrael and married to Holly.

  Lugh Mac Cein: Celtic God of Skill, Crafts, Arts, Oaths, Truth, and Law.

  Lusaset: (Lew-sah-set)Egyptian Primal Goddess, Re's wife. Deceased.

  Ma'at: (Mah-aht)Egyptian Goddess of Justice. Daughter of Set and Nephthys, sister of Anubis, Re's great-great-granddaughter.

  Mace: Dark-sidhe of Anger.

  Macha: (Mock-uh) One of the three aspects of the Morrigan. Fury incarnate. The red-haired goddess of Fire, Victory, Protection, and Fertility.

  Machatan: (Mah-cah-tan)Cherubim who looks like a Harley wheel.

  Mairi: (Mah-ree) fire cat-sidhe.

  Maman Brigitte: Vodou lwa of Crosses and Gravestones. Wife of Baron Samedi.

  Manannan Mac Lir: (Ma-nah-nahn) Celtic God of the Sea, foster father to Lugh. Guardian of the Celtic Otherworld, and ferryman to the souls of the dead.

  Mandrake: Dark-sidhe of Jealousy.

  Marasa: Vodou twin lwas, members of the Gede.

  Meara: (Meer-ah) High Queen of Faerie, married to Cian.

  Meilyr: (May-leer) Imp.

  Michael: Archangel and Ruler of the 4th Heaven.

  Mimir: Norse Giant God of Wisdom. Taught Odin how to bring back Sabine's soul. Dating Isleen.

  Moirai, The: AKA The Fates. Lachesis the Alotter, Clotho the Spinner, and Atropos the Unturnable.

  Morgan: Prince of the Water Kingdom, son of Guirmean and Lorna.

  Morpheus: Greek God of Dreams, one of the three Oneiroi, son of Hypnos and Pasithea, brother to Phantasus and Phobetor. Member of the God Squad.

  Morrigan: (More-ri-gahn) One of the three aspects of the Morrigan. The Great Queen or Phantom Queen. Battle Crow.

  Morvran: (More-v'ran)Celtic God of War. Deceased.

  Nala: Hindu were-monkey leader.

  Nagas: Hindu snake-shifters.

  Nainsidh: (Nan-she) Bean-nighe woman who gives Vervain a prophecy.

  Nayenezgani: AKA Naye. Navajo God of War. Twin brother of Tobadzistsini. Son of Mr. T and Mrs. E, married to Atahensic (deceased). Father of Teharon and Tawiskaron.

  Neala: Phooka mother who's married to Righ.

  Nefertum: (Neff-fur-tum) Egyptian God of Perfume, Aromatherapy, the Healing Art of Flowers, and the Sunrise. Son of Sekhmet and Ptah.

  Nemesis: Greek Goddess of Revenge.

  Nephthys: (Nehp-sis) Egyptian Goddess of Mourning. Daughter of Nut and Geb, wife of Set, mother to Ma'at and Anubis, great-granddaughter of Re.

  Nepra: (Neh-prah)Egyptian Spirit of the Corn, lives in Re's territory.

  Nora: Phooka turned into first water phooka, engaged to King Guirmean. Daughter of Albion and Sonasag

  Nuada: (New-ah-dah)Celtic God of Healing, has a silver arm.

  Odin: AKA The Allfather, AKA Oathbreaker. Norse God of the Occult. Married to Sabine in the past, now married to Vervain. Father of Thor, Balder, Vidar, and Vali. Member of the God Squad. Has two ravens; Hugin and Munin, and two wolves; Geri and Freki.

  Oran: (Ah-ran) Fire cat-sidhe.

  Osiris: Egyptian God of the Afterlife. Married to Isis, father of Horus.

  Pan: Greek God of Nature. Member of the God Squad.

  Papa Gede: (Papa Geh-day) Vodou lwa, member of the Gede.

  Pasithea: Greek Goddess of Relaxation. Married to Hypnos, mother of Morpheus, Phobetor, and Phantasus. Creator of Net.

  Pele: Hawaiian Goddess of the Volcano.

  Persephone: (Per-sef-oh-knee) Greek Goddess of Spring. Married to Hades. Member of the God Squad. AKA Bunny-Nose.

  Phantasus: (Fan-tah-sus)One of the three Oneiroi, Greek God of Illusion. Brother to Morpheus and Phobetor, son of Pasithea and Hypnos. Deceased.

  Phobetor: (For-bet-tore) Greek God of Nightmares. One of the three Oneiroi. Son of Hypnos and Pasithea, brother to Morpheus and Phantasus.

  Poseidon: Greek God of the Sea. Married to Amphitrite.

  Ptah: (Pa-tah) Egyptian Creator God. Married to Sekhmet, father of Nefertem.

  Qaus: (Kow-sus)Arabian Weather God associated with rainbows.

  Rainieri: (Rain-nee-er-ree) AKA Rain, lead singer for Dark Horses, a Celtic horse-shifter.

  Raphael: Archangel of Healing, Ruler of the 2nd Heaven.

  Re: Egyptian God of the Sun. Vervain's boyfriend. Father of Sekhmet, Bastet, and Shu, was married to Lusaset (deceased).

  Rebecca: Human sorceress and necromancer. Deceased.

  Rhiannon: Celtic Goddess of Horses. Dated Constantin and Hanuman.

  Rian: (Ree-an) Vervain and Arach's son, twin to Brevyn.

  Rikshas: Hindu bear-shifters. Demi-gods.

  Rind: (Rin-d) Norse Giantess, mother of Vali.

  Roarke: (Roar-k) King of the Fire Cat-Sidhe, father to Hunter.

  Rosemary: Dark-sidhe of Greed.

  Rowan: King of the House of Darkness, married to Liatris, father of Sinnea and Baidhen.

  Rue: Dark-sidhe of Hunger, father of Zinnia.

  Sabine: Vervain's name in her past life when she was married to Odin.

  Samael: Archangel of Death (Yes, there's more than one) and Ruler of the 5th Heaven.

  Samantha: Froekn(werewolf) married to Fallon and one of Vervain's best friends. Mother of Zariel.

  Samara: Future daughter of Vervain and Arach. Dragon-sidhe and Princess of Fire.

  Samuel: AKA War, Horseman of the Apocalypse.

  Sarama: Hindu Goddess of Dogs, Bitch of Heaven.

  Sarasvati: (Sare-ras-vah-tee) AKA Sara. Hindu Goddess of Knowledge. Married to Brahma. Member of the God Squad.

  Sekhmet: (Seck-met) Egyptian Warrior Goddess of Healing: Lioness-shifter, daughter of Lusaset and Re, twin of Bastet, mother of Nefertem.

  Scotaidh: (Sco-tee) Imp.

  Sebastian: Future angel son of Azrael and Vervain.

  Senna: Dark-sidhe of Malice.

  Silenus: Greek God of Prophecy. Drunkard. Companion to Dionysus.

  Siuna: (Sh'ooh-nah) Female fire pixie dating Diarmad.

  Snarl: Ellingran faerie male.

  Sokar: (So-car) Egyptian God of the Buried. Brother to Ptah, resides in Aaru.

  Suparnas: Hindu falcon-shifters.

  Tagas: (Tah-gahs) Angel of Music.

  Taog: (Took) Hidden-One who's married to Fionnaghal, father of Mini V, Deidre, and Daoir.

  Taraghlan: (Tare-ah-gawn) Air-sidhe.

  Tawiskaron: (Tah-wisk-kah-ron) Mohawk Demon God of Darkness. Teharon's twin brother and son of Nayenezgani and Atahensic. Deceased.

  Teharon: (Teh-hah-ron) Mohawk Creator God of Healing. Son of Naye and Atahensic, twin brother of Tawiskaron. Dating Karni-Mata. Member of the God Squad.

  Tefnut: (Teff-newt) Egyptian Goddess of Moisture, wife of Shu, mother of Nut.

  Tepu-yn: (Teh-poo-in) Egyptian Spirit of the Corn, resides in Re's territory.

  Thaddeus: AKA Ted, Antichrist, Horseman of the Apocalypse.

  Thor: Norse God of Storms. Son of Odin and Iord, brother to Vali, Vidar, and Balder. Prince and Guardian of Asgard. Member of the God Squad.

sp; Thoth: (Toth) Egyptian God of Knowledge.

  Thrud: Norse Goddess of War. Thor and Sif's daughter, brother to Ull.

  Thunderbirds: Native American bird-shifters.

  Tobadzistsini: AKA Toby. Navajo God of Darkness. Son of Mr T and Mrs E, twin brother of Naye.

  Torrent: Demi-god creation of Iktomi. Made of god magic and Internet magic. Dating Artemis and member of the God Squad.

  Trevor: AKA VéulfR, AKA Honey-Eyes. Froekn Prince and Heir Apparent. First born son of Fenrir. Married to Vervain.

  Trillium: Dark-sidhe of Obsession.

  TryggulfR: AKA Ty, Froekn(werewolf) 3rd son of Fenrir, Brother to Trevor and UnnúlfR.

  Tsohanoai: (So-ha-noe-ayee) AKA Mr T. Navajo God of the Sun. Married to Mrs E, father to Naye and Toby. Member of the God Squad.

  Ull: (uh-LL) Viking God of Justice. Son of Sif and stepson to Thor. Deceased.

  Una: (Oooh-nah) Fire cat-sidhe.

  UnnúlfR: Froekn (werewolf), 2nd son of Fenrir, brother to Trevor and Ty.

  Vali: Norse God of Archery and Hunting. Son of Odin and Rind, adopted son of Sabine, brother to Vidar, Thor, and Balder.

  Valkyries: Odin's warrior goddesses. They include Brynhildr (Brin-hill-da), Eir (Air), Herja (Her-yah), and Kara.

  Vampires: This pertains mainly to the Aztec strain, children of Blue and Eztli. They include: Ajax, William, Alexandra, and Jason.

  Vanaras: Hindu were-monkeys. Demi-gods.

  Vayu: Hindu God of Air. Father of Hanuman.

  Vejasmate: Ty's mother, Goddess of the Vilkacis (Latvian werewolves)

  Vero: Future son of Trevor and Vervain. God of Moon and Wolves, Froekn (werewolf).

  Vervain: main character- the Godhunter. Also a Hidden-One child called Mini V for the sake of clarity, daughter of Taog and Fionnaghal.

  Vidar: Norse God of Vengeance and Silence. Son of Odin and Sabine, brother to Vali, Thor, and Balder.

  Vilkacis: Latvian werewolves, children of Vejasmate

  Vinata: Hindu Mother of Suparnas.

  Violet: Dark-sidhe of Heartache.

  Xi Wang Mu: (See-wang-moo) Chinese Mother Goddess. Dating Kuan-Ti.

  Yarrow: Dark-sidhe of Exploitation.

  Yemanja: (Yay-mahn-yah) Vodou lwa (low-ah) of the Sea. Also Santerian orisha (La Sirene) of the Sea.

  Zachariel: (Zah-care-ree-all) Archangel of Healing.

  Zariel: First Intare (lion-shifter) ever born. Daughter of Fallon and Samantha.

  Zeus: Greek God of the Sky. Married to Hera, father of Athena, Artemis, and Apollo.

  Zinnia: Baby dark-sidhe born to Dahlia and Rue.


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