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A Daring Affair

Page 6

by Tremay, Joy

  “Who was that?” Eric repeated tightly. This time his voice held a hint of irritation that had her bristling.

  “Just someone I met this morning,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.

  “You shouldn’t be talking to strangers.”

  Mia raised her eyebrows at his imperious tone. “I’m sorry, but he displayed the aloha spirit, and his dog was cute,” Mia said pertly.

  He had no right to tell her who she could talk to. After all, he had ignored her all week, except to ask her to file, take dictation, and get him coffee.

  Eric snorted. “Aloha spirit?”

  “That’s right, something which certain people have been lacking lately,” Mia couldn’t help adding. She nearly flinched under his piercing stare, but she refused to be intimidated by him. Eric deserved some kind of verbal smack down.

  “I see,” Eric said slowly, “you think I’ve lacked aloha spirit?”

  Something in his eyes warned her not to provoke him further, but Mia didn’t care. He had hurt her feelings by treating her coldly the past week. She was tired of hiding her feelings and wanted to vent.

  “There’s been a definite lack of warmth at the hotel lately,” Mia said peevishly, “and it’s not because the air conditioning has been too strong.”

  Mia gasped as Eric placed his hands on her shoulders, his fingers caressing her soft skin.

  “You’re treading on dangerous ground, Mia,” he warned in a rough voice.

  His fingers were setting her skin on fire. The Eric who had retreated from her all week was back, and she saw the attraction in his eyes in full clarity. She suddenly had an epiphany - he hadn’t lost interest in her; he had just been hiding it from her.

  “Am I?” she asked boldly, her eyes challenging.

  Eric bent his head, and she found herself caught in a mind-stealing kiss that took her by surprise in its ferocity. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, kissing her with a passion that made every molecule in her body come alive. She wrapped her arms around his neck and arched up against him, unconsciously pleading for more. He suddenly released her, but she continued to cling to him.

  “You have the sweetest lips,” Eric said, his breathing harsh.

  “What just happened?” Mia asked, amazed at how quickly she had gone up in smoke in his arms.

  “Something I couldn’t resist any longer,” he reluctantly admitted as he stared down into her wide eyes.

  “Why did you resist in the first place?”

  “Because I wasn’t sure if it was right,” he answered before he bent his head and kissed her again, this time at a more leisurely pace. She met his mouth eagerly before he released her.

  “Now I just don’t care anymore,” he added, touching his forehead to hers.

  “Good,” she said, secretly applauding his rash behavior.

  Mia arched into him, reveling in the feel of his hard body flat against hers. She let out a little moan as he bent his head and began kissing her neck.

  Eric lifted his head to stare into Mia’s dazed eyes.

  “We should stop,” he said huskily.

  “Please, don’t,” Mia pleaded, rubbing her lower body into his. He groaned and she felt his hand drift down to caress her bottom.

  “You feel so good in my arms, Mia,” he said. “But this shouldn’t be happening.”

  “Why not?” she asked, releasing a frustrated breath.

  Her body was so heated that she didn’t care if they were in the middle of a beach, where anyone could see them. Eric caressed her cheek with his thumb, temporarily assuaging her mounting frustration. The tender gesture warmed her heart, and she gazed steadily into his eyes, urging him to continue.

  “You’re my assistant, Mia,” Eric said slowly. “We can’t do this.”

  “It’s Saturday. I’m not your assistant on Saturday,” Mia said, attempting to subvert his logic.

  Eric shook his head and released her reluctantly.

  He glanced behind him and said, “Kimo will be back in a few minutes to go surfing with me. He’ll find us doing this.”

  “I suppose it wouldn’t do if Kimo found us this way,” she conceded reluctantly, twisting her lips.

  Eric kissed the top of her head. “No, it wouldn’t. Do you want to watch me surf? I need to cool off.”

  “I need to cool off, too,” Mia said with a pout.

  They saw Kimo in the distance, carrying two surfboards. She had to find a way to convince him that at least after office hours, there was no reason they couldn’t indulge in a little romantic fun.

  * * *

  As Eric sat on his surfboard, watching Kimo take on a wave, he contemplated what had just happened between himself and Mia on the beach. His jealousy had been roused when he had seen Mia talking to a handsome stranger. He had not liked seeing her talking with and smiling at another man, and his gut had churned at the thought that she might find the stranger attractive.

  All he knew was that after a week of subduing his attraction to her, he couldn’t subdue it any longer. He kissed her because he needed to. He kissed her because he had to. His body needed hers, and only by sheer force of will was he able to stop himself from dragging her to his condo and taking her to bed. Mia would have been shocked at the intensity of his longing for her.

  * * *

  Mia sat on the beach, watching Eric surf with Kimo. Her body was still humming from the recent scorching kiss she had shared with Eric. Just seeing him and his gorgeous body surfing the waves made her want to drag him out of the water and go somewhere private. She was annoyed that he had stopped kissing her because of some professional boundary he thought he was crossing.

  Of course she knew that most people were wary of getting sexually entangled with their boss. There was a high potential of the situation becoming a complicated mess. But they were in a tropical paradise, and only a robot would be able to withstand the powerful chemistry between them. She was going to have to find a way to get it through his thick skull that she didn’t care if he was her boss and she was his assistant. She wanted him, and he wanted her. It was just that simple, and she wasn’t going to let him pause long enough to think the next time he kissed her. A girl could only take so much frustration.

  “What are your plans for today?” Eric asked Mia as he approached her, holding his surfboard at his side.

  Mia had watched him surf for almost an hour before he had finally decided to call it quits. She wanted to answer, “I’ll go anywhere with you,” but bit her tongue. It was best that she take it subtly with him, then lure him in for another kiss before he could even blink. “I don’t have anything planned, but I wanted to explore a little of the island,” Mia answered, hoping he would take the hint and play tour guide.

  Eric hesitated, looking intently down at her.

  She read the indecision in his eyes and silently willed him to ignore his uncertainty.

  “Well, I can recommend a few places,” he said slowly.

  Mia’s disappointment at his answer must have shown in her eyes, because he shuffled his feet and looked down at the sand.

  “Why don’t you take her on the Road to Hana?” said Kimo as he came upon them.

  Mia smiled brightly at Kimo, appreciating his suggestion.

  Eric shook his head at Kimo. “It’s a long drive,” he said vaguely.

  “So?” Kimo asked, shrugging. “It’s only half past eight - you’ll get there in no time, especially with the way you drive. It’s a great road trip, and Mia will love the scenery,” he added, oblivious to the strained undercurrent between Eric and Mia.

  Kimo grinned at Mia and said, “The Road to Hana is awesome, with lots of breathtaking natural waterfalls, lush foliage, and tropical forest greenery. Make sure to bring your camera, bug spray, and sunscreen.”

  “Thank you for the suggestion, Kimo,” Mia said gratefully. Kimo was the kick Eric needed to keep him from being so by-the-book with her.

  “Maybe another time,” mumbled Eric.

  Kimo looked at Eric with a puz
zled frown at his reticence.

  “What’s the matter, brah? Don’t tell me you have to go back to work. You work hard enough during the week. Mia works just as hard, but if you’re too busy today, I can take her.”

  Eric frowned at his friend and shook his head.

  “No, I’ll take her,” Eric said firmly.

  “Thank you, Eric. I would like that,” Mia said graciously, giving him a wide grin. He glanced at her with an unreadable expression.

  “Let me take your surfboard, Eric,” offered Kimo, “I’ll drop it off at your place before I head down to Lahaina for some breakfast.”

  Eric handed him his surfboard while Kimo grinned at them both.

  “Have a great time, kids!” Kimo said with a shaka gesture before walking away.

  “Bring your bikini. You’ll like the waterfalls,” Eric said, “I’ll see you in the parking lot in half an hour.”

  “You don’t sound too excited.”

  “I’m containing my excitement,” he said wryly and turned away before she could say anything else.

  Mia watched him walk away with a deep sigh. She hoped she wouldn’t regret insisting on going on this road trip with him.

  * * *

  Conflicted was not an emotion Eric was familiar with. He had wanted to spend the day with Mia, but after pondering about her while he rode the waves on his surfboard, he had decided against it - until Kimo had suggested it. Kimo had put him on the spot when he had told Mia they should take the drive on the Road to Hana. A long road trip was not conducive to keeping her at arm’s length, especially when they reached a waterfall where she was bound to scamper around in a skimpy bikini. He gritted his teeth and looked inwardly for an arsenal of rapidly deteriorating self-restraint. Kissing her this morning was impulsive and reckless, two attributes he was wholly unfamiliar with.

  * * *

  Mia was grateful that she had never been prone to carsickness because the winding roads of the Hana Highway would make even those who were the least prone to motion sickness feel a little ill. There were many curves through narrow passes over more bridges than she could count.

  She had opted to wear a dark purple bikini underneath a purple tank top and gray shorts. She wore her most comfortable flip-flops and brought a blue and white striped beach bag, which contained several bottles of water, a towel, and other essentials. She glanced over at Eric and admired the way his white T-shirt outlined his muscles, and liked the tropical print of his dark blue cargo shorts.

  “How many bridges have we passed?” Mia asked as she looked out at the lush, tropical rainforest before her in wonder.

  She had already taken quite a few pictures of breathtaking coastal views, and now they had entered this tropical forest area. She pointed her camera at the expansive beauty before her.

  “There are a total of 59 bridges along Hana Highway, most of which are only one-lane wide,” Eric answered.

  “Did you count them?” asked Mia teasingly.

  “I’ve had to play tour guide plenty of times. It helps to know details.”

  He drove with confidence as he maneuvered his Porsche through the tight, winding roads. Other cars moved out of his way as he drove as fast as the locals, undaunted by the sometimes perilous turns and curvy roads.

  “Wow, this is amazing,” Mia commented as she continued to stare at the bountiful tropical vegetation, plants, flowers and trees hugging the highway.

  “Hana Highway is a 64-mile, 103 kilometer long highway connecting Kahului with the small town of Hana. If we don’t stop to take pictures, we can be in Hana in about two and a half hours.”

  “Oh, but I have to stop and admire those waterfalls,” Mia protested.

  Eric looked as though he appreciated her enthusiasm. As they came upon one particularly spectacular set of waterfalls with three parallel cascades, he pulled over abruptly and deftly parked the car.

  “Here’s one that you can take pictures of,” he said as Mia jumped out of the car. She crossed the street to take pictures of the breathtaking waterfalls. Other tourists had gathered around the natural wonders, their cameras flashing.

  Mia was impressed with the side by side, triple waterfalls as she snapped away, and made sure to capture every angle of the waterfalls. She was so immersed in her appreciation that she didn’t even know Eric had come to stand beside her.

  “I’ll take you to the Seven Sacred Pools in Haleakala National Park. You’ll be really impressed by the waterfalls and pools there,” Eric said at her side.

  As the spray hit her face, Mia looked up at him, smiling widely. “I can’t wait,” she said.

  They both paused to look at the waterfalls one more time before walking back to the car.

  “Are you hungry?” Eric asked as he started up the car and drove back on the highway.

  “A little.”

  “We’ll stop at this fruit stand where they sell home-made banana bread. It’s the best banana bread in Maui.”

  “I love banana bread,” said Mia, “but I don’t have it often.”

  “We’ll also stop in Hana to get a late lunch,” Eric said as he continued to skillfully maneuver the car through the winding roads at a fast pace.

  “Is Hana a very small town?” she asked curiously.

  Eric nodded. “It’s one of the most isolated communities in Hawaii.”

  “Have you been there often?”

  “Several times, mostly with Kimo. We used to go there to visit friends, but those friends have since moved to Oahu. They found the town a bit too quaint after a while.”

  They reached the outskirts of Hana without further delay. Eric parked near a fruit stand and Mia chose a banana bread loaf from a smiling vendor.

  “Mahalo,” Eric said, paying for the bread before Mia could reach into her beach bag for her wallet.

  “You didn’t have to pay for it, Eric.”

  “You’re my guest for the day, so I’m treating,” he said, grinning at the look of pure pleasure on her face as she bit into the banana bread.

  “You weren’t kidding,” Mia gushed. “This is the best banana bread I’ve ever tasted. It’s so moist and fresh. There are tiny pineapple chunks in it, too. Here, have some.”

  She offered him a bit of the bread, but instead of taking it with his fingers, he bent his head and took out a big chunk with his teeth. Her mouth went dry as he grinned back at her boyishly.

  “What did I tell you?” he said. “I can eat an entire loaf in one sitting. Kimo can eat two. I’ve watched him do it.”

  Eric placed his hand on her back and guided her over to another vendor stand a few feet away. Mia placed the banana bread in her beach bag, enjoying the touch of his hand on her back.

  “Let’s get some shave ice,” he said, capturing her hand in his. She was pleasantly surprised at his gesture, and relished the feel of his large hand enveloping hers.

  “Isn’t shave ice a snow cone?” she asked as they waited in line to order.

  “Mainlanders call shave ice snow cones, but in Hawaii the ice is finely ground so that the flavorings can be well-absorbed,” Eric answered. He pointed at the menu posted on the truck. “What flavor do you want to try?”

  Mia peered at the many flavors and shrugged.

  “I don’t know - there’s so much to choose from.”

  “I recommend the guava or passion fruit.”

  “Okay, I’ll take passion fruit,” Mia said, looking forward to quenching her thirst with the snack.

  Eric gave her a cone-shaped cup and watched her take her first taste.

  “This is so good,” Mia said, licking her shave ice. She caught Eric staring at her and became self-conscious.

  “What? Do I have ice dribbling down my chin?” she asked, wiping at her chin with a napkin.

  Eric shook his head. “I love the way you appreciate everything Hawaiian.”

  “What’s not to love? I’d live here if I could,” Mia said, continuing to lick her shave ice.

  “You would?”

  Mia nod
ded. “It’s beautiful, and the food is scrumptious. The people are friendly and welcoming, and the weather is absolutely gorgeous. Is it always this warm year-round?”

  Eric led her to a nearby bench and draped his arm along the back of it. His fingers began to caress her bare shoulder and she suppressed a shiver of excitement.

  “Yes, even during winter, it’s still warm and balmy with showery periods. Certain areas get lots of rain between November and March, particularly Hana, which is why it’s so lush.”

  “Warm weather in the winter? Yes, I would definitely want to live here,” Mia said.

  She focused her attention on eating her shave ice, but his proximity was wreaking havoc on her senses. She wasn’t prepared when he swept her hair back and touched her neck.

  “You’re so pretty, Mia,” he said softly.

  “You’re not so bad yourself, Eric,” Mia said, her gaze captured by the intent look in his.

  Eric bent his head and kissed her lips gently. She closed her eyes and savored the kiss that ended much too quickly.

  “Why is it that I always find myself kissing you in public?” asked Eric wryly as he looked around him.

  “I don’t know, but maybe you can kiss me again?” she asked daringly.

  He touched her cheek gently. “You enjoy tempting me, don’t you?”

  “Is it working?” she asked mischievously.

  He sighed deeply, then stood up abruptly. He looked down at her with a shake of his head. “Come on, Miss Irresistible. We’ve still got a ways before we reach Haleakala National Park and the Seven Sacred Pools,” he said, reaching down to take her hand.

  She gladly placed her hand in his as they walked back to his car.

  * * *

  Eric continued to drive swiftly along Hana Highway and thought about why he couldn’t keep his hands off his very pretty assistant. He had told himself that he wasn’t going to hold her hand, touch her, or kiss her during this road trip, but that’s precisely what he had done. There was something about her that he couldn’t resist, and he couldn’t stop himself from showing her very public displays of affection. When they reached the national park, he hoped he could keep himself under control, especially when she revealed herself in her bikini. Her purple bikini straps had been peaking from underneath her tank top all day, driving him crazy. If just a peek of her bikini turned him on, how was he going to control himself when they reached the park?


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