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Scandal's Daughter

Page 27

by Emma V. Leech

  "Now then, your Grace," he said in a low voice.

  "Oh!" Georgiana said in surprise, interrupting him. "That's me now isn't it?" She gave a little laugh of surprise. "Your grace! How strange it sounds."

  "Yes it is," Sebastian said, sounding rather impatient. "Now do be quiet, love, I want to seduce you."

  "Oh," she said again, trying and failing to smother a laugh. "I do beg your pardon."

  "I should think so," he replied, shaking his head at her and then frowning at the dress as he turned her and discovered the thirty three tiny pearl buttons that ran down her back. "Good God!" he exclaimed. "What manner of sadist went and put all those blasted buttons on the wretched thing!"

  "Sebastian!" Georgiana exclaimed, smothering her laughter with a trembling hand.

  "Well, damn it, love. I'll be here all night!"

  Shaking with silent mirth, Georgiana waited as Sebastian undid one fiddly button at a time, all the while complaining and cursing bitterly about confounded dressmakers. Finally reaching the end of the buttons and his patience, she heard an audible exhale as the heavy satin slithered to the ground. Shivering with anticipation, she stepped out of the gown and kept her back to him as she removed the final items of her underclothes. She cast her stays and chemise aside, with rather less nonchalance than he'd managed with his waistcoat, and turned to look at him wearing just her stockings and garters. For a moment she struggled to look at him, feeling her skin hot with mingled embarrassment and anticipation. But on meeting his gaze all qualms were cast aside more easily than any garment on seeing the love and desire blazing in his dark eyes.

  Without further hesitation he swept her into an embrace, his mouth claiming hers with an impatient urgency that she was only too happy to imitate. He stopped suddenly and took a deep and rather shaky breath as he turned his attention to removing the pins from her hair.

  "I've been desperate to see this all loose about your shoulders," he said, his voice low as his fingers slid through the thick copper of her hair. He watched with obvious fascination as the shiny locks glinted against his large palm and fell against her pale skin. "So very lovely," he said, his voice reverent and husky with need.

  She watched with interest as his face grew a little guarded and his brow furrowed.

  "Love, I know we ..." He cleared his throat and looked strangely ill at ease before he continued. "Er ... dallied a little, together in Cornwall but ..." Another pause in which he frowned a little harder. "Do you ... do you know what to expect? I mean ..."

  Georgiana gave a little gurgle of laughter, delighted to discover that her husband was just as nervous as she was. His reputation for being a shocking flirt and a ladies' man notwithstanding.

  "Oh yes, darling. After all I am a country girl. One does see things in the country you know, and after that Céleste filled in the bits I was missing."

  "Oh thank God," he said, with obvious relief. He smiled down at her, so much tenderness in his expression that her heart seemed to squeeze in her chest. "So you're not nervous then."

  "Only very little," she said, returning his smile. "I know you'll take care of me." She bit her lip and then added with rather more daring than she was truly feeling, "I'm really just terribly impatient. Do get on with it darling."

  "Why you little wretch!" he exclaimed wrathfully, sweeping her up and throwing her on the bed, where she bounced a little and tipped her head back laughing as he prowled over her. "Get on with it!" he repeated, mirth glittering in his dark eyes. "Of all the unmaidenly, improper, wicked things to say to me!"

  He grabbed hold of her hands and pinned them to the bed above her shoulders as he insinuated his large body between her legs. She gasped, surprised again at the weight and size of him, relishing the feel of his much heavier frame against her own. He leaned down and nipped at her earlobe, trailing his tongue over the very edge of her ear, nuzzling the tender flesh beneath and painting kisses along her jaw and neck. Georgiana sighed and squirmed, arching against his body. He allowed her to press against him for a moment, his eyes darkening as she gasped and flushed with mounting desire.

  He chuckled, the sound low and intimate as he moved away from her.

  "Where are you going?" she demanded, sitting up on her elbows. He sat back and undid his cravat with obvious and painstaking care, a smug grin hovering over his mouth. With a huff she laid back, glaring at him as he carefully folded the long length of pristine white silk and returned to his buttons. Each one was undone with great care and growing amusement on his part as Georgiana narrowed her eyes at him.

  "You are a very unkind, husband," she said, with a sniff, but was quite unable to tear her fascinated gaze away as he removed his shirt to reveal a hard, muscular frame. The more of his finely tailored and sophisticated clothes that were removed, the more she was struck by the contrast of the virile masculinity that had been hidden beneath it. He seemed all at once a great deal less civilised and far more rugged. The thought made her heart thud harder. She continued to watch, knowing he was well aware of her scrutiny as her eyes took in a broad chest, lightly dusted with dark hair that led in a tantalising trail beneath the band of his trousers. She caught her breath, and the sound at least had the result of making him hurry. Putting all pretence at a studied nonchalance aside, Sebastian cast his boots into the far corners of the room and removed the remaining items of clothing as fast as he was able.

  She blinked as he prowled back to the bed once again, more than slightly daunted as Céleste's encouraging words returned to her and were put in the light of the impressive figure of her husband.

  "What, nothing to say, love?" he teased, his mouth slightly quirked as one hand slid up the back of her leg and tugged at her garter. She watched, her mouth dry as he drew first one silk stocking and then the other from her legs as his hands continued to stroke and caress her.

  "Good Lord, don't tell me I've finally rendered you speechless?"

  "O-only ... momentarily," she gasped as his naked form finally pressed down upon her. The feeling of his hot skin so close to hers was enough for any further thought at proving him wrong to be banished from her mind. Yes, yes indeed she was speechless. Entirely robbed of any coherent thought or grasp on the English language as she was reduced to a incoherent bundle of nerves that could do nothing more complex than gasp and murmur with delight as his lips and hands began to explore her.

  "Oh!" was the most rational sound she was capable of as he kissed a path to her breasts and drew one aching nipple into the warm heat of his mouth. She whimpered, and arched into him, sinking her hands into his dark hair and grasping at the thick locks. She allowed her hands to slide down his neck, exploring the great expanse of silky skin that covered his broad back and shoulders.

  Grasping at the heavy muscle of his arms she moved restlessly beneath him, aware of a growing sense of emptiness, a need to be joined with him that made her impatient. He chuckled against her skin, clearly more aware than she was of what it was she needed as he worked his way down her stomach, painting her skin with his tongue as he descended lower. She shivered, too intrigued to be embarrassed by the intimate path he was set upon. With delicate fingers, he parted the curls at the apex of her thighs and with a last, lingering look of challenge in his eyes, lowered his mouth to her most delicate skin.

  Momentarily startled she hauled in a breath and then gave a perfectly shocking moan as pleasure radiated through her body. Georgiana had never felt so completely exposed, and not just physically. There was such trust in this, such pleasure in knowing that he wanted to love and please her. She was lost in the feel of his tongue, sliding over her, at times teasing, at others demanding as he alternately lapped and tormented her. Any sense of embarrassment that she might have felt in looking down and seeing that dark head bent between her thighs dissipated with the knowledge that she was loved.

  This was very different from the only other time they had been intimate. Then she had been so dreadfully afraid, certain that he was toying with her and unable to relinquish h
erself fully to the joy of his touch. Now she allowed herself to be overwhelmed by it, rushing with greedy abandon to the pinnacle of pleasure as he continued to tease and indulge her tender flesh with his mouth and tongue.

  She sucked in a breath as she felt the intimate touch of his fingers as they slid inside her, first one, then another, caressing and stroking in unison with his tongue as mouth closed over her once again. Her thighs fell further apart with wanton sensuality as her hips rose towards him, encouraging him as she cried out and clutched at the bed clothes as the climax shook her and she fell into a voluptuous sea of bliss.

  Chapter 37

  "Wherein our hero and heroine discover the future is wonderful place."

  It took more than a few minutes before Sebastian could coax his wife to open her eyes again. There was a satisfied smile lingering over her lips that he couldn't help but feel a little smug about however, so he allowed her a few moments to recover. He couldn't help but think this a heroic, possibly even saintly gesture, as his own body was screaming for release and his lovely Georgiana temptation incarnate.

  Stroking his fingers over the satin skin of her belly, he lingered at the soft curve of her breast and cupped his hand around the warm, inviting mound. She gave a deep sigh of contentment and stretched, arching further into his hand with a luxurious gesture that made his body taut, and his own needs refused be ignored a moment longer. Moving over her he pushed her legs open and settled himself between them, sliding his aching shaft over the slick, swollen skin he had so recently pleasured. She gasped, her eyes flying open as he smiled down at her.

  "I hoped that might get your attention."

  Her eyes grew hazy again as he continued to slide against her and he felt a possessive surge of desire as she let out a soft moan and raised her hips to meet him.

  "Oh, love," he whispered against her skin as he dropped his head to claim her mouth. She met him with her own, their tongues sliding together in rhythm with their bodies as Sebastian moved to enter her. She was everywhere perfection, and he was beyond desperate to be inside of her. That she was here at all seemed at once too impossibly wonderful to be true and startlingly real. That after so many obstacles had been set in their way, after he had made so very many idiotic decisions, that she should be here, his wife, seemed nothing short of miraculous.

  He groaned as her tight heat encompassed him and he slid a little further into the decadent pleasure of her body. Aware of her hands clutching at him, at the sudden tension in her body, he forced himself to still, though it took every ounce of self control not to simply plunge into her and find the release he had longed for, for such an eternity.

  "Am I hurting you?" he asked, his voice rough, hating that he had forgotten himself to the extent that he hadn't asked her sooner.

  To his surprise she gave a little laugh and shook her head. "No, no ..." she whispered. "It's just so ..."

  He moved, just a fraction deeper inside of her and she caught her breath, her eyes going wide as her head tipped back, exposing her throat to his searching lips. He kissed every inch of skin that he could reach as he moved deeper, in excruciatingly small increments designed to drive him out of his mind. Every muscle in his body was rigid, locked down with the need to keep control as he tried desperately not to hurt her.

  But then he felt her hands slid down his back to the taut muscle of his buttocks and she pulled at him, raising her hips at the same time, encouraging him deeper. Any lingering shred of self-control fled in the face of such wanton need and he sheathed himself inside her with one deep thrust. She gave a startled cry of surprise but to his everlasting relief he felt her relax beneath him as he continued to move, her body meeting his as her breathing became faster and harsher. He allowed his weight to fall upon her, gathering her body in his arms and abandoning any pretence that he had any control over this at all. He was lost, beyond anything but the pleasure to be found in the woman he loved, in the need to be with her, a part of her.

  "Oh, God," he whispered, the words full of surprise and wonder that anything could feel like this, so much more than he had ever expected. The idea that he had almost lost this, that if the fates had conspired harder against him she could even now be in Beau's arms not his, made emotion claw at his heart. "I love you," he said, the words harsh and true as he thrust into her and pleasure stole any last reserve he may have had. "Oh, my sweet girl, I love you so."

  He heard the soft words of her reply but they became lost in the raw cry of his climax. Shuddering as the force of his release tore through him he believed nothing could be more perfect until he felt her clutching at him with desperate hands. He moaned against her hot skin as her body tightened around him, sending him hurtling into the white light of rapture as her cries of elation took them both further than they had ever been.

  They lay together, a tangled mesh of sated, sweaty skin and limbs as their breathing slowed and the languid stupor of satisfaction made their bones feel too heavy to move.

  "Am I crushing you?" Sebastian asked, wondering if he could find enough energy to move away from the delicious pillow of her body.

  "Yes," she sighed, rubbing her face against his neck. "It's quite wonderful."

  A chuckle rumbled through his body and she began to laugh too. "Oh stop, that ... that tickles," he said.

  With a supreme effort he moved just a little, easing out of her body and regretting the little wince he saw tighten her eyes.

  "I've hurt you?" he asked, looking down at her and feeling like a brute for not having taken more care.

  "Oh, no!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide as she reached her hand up and touched his face, such love in her eyes that something close to pain bloomed in his chest at the wonder he felt. He could never lose this. "It was ..." She stopped, her mouth still open but the words had apparently deserted her.

  "It was?" he asked, feeling just a little anxious after all.

  "I don't have the words," she said, laughing, a surprising amount of reticence in her eyes until she found what she wanted to say. "It was perfect."

  Sebastian let out a breath of relief and pressed his mouth to hers. "You are perfect," he murmured, with absolute sincerity.

  She gave a delightful gurgle of laughter that made happiness jolt through him. "If you think that, your Grace," she said with mischief dancing in her eyes. "Then I can assure you, you're in for the most shocking surprise of your life."

  He smiled at her, cupping her lovely face with his hands. "As long as I am the only one in your heart or your bed, I think I can handle it."

  "Oh, you say that now ..." she replied, the mischievous look growing brighter. "But just you wait until the Siren gets to Paris. Can you imagine what damage I can do to your ducal reputation in such a decadent place?"

  He allowed her to push him onto his back as she climbed over him and sat astride his hips. He felt his body grow hard again at the closeness of her and put his hands to her waist.

  "Oh, I think I know how to keep you in line, little minx," he said, grinning and raising his hips to nudge his hardening body against her soft flesh. She gave a little gasp of surprise and stroked one hand over his chest, her face growing suddenly serious.

  "I don't need anything or anyone but you. Just love me, Sebastian. That's all you need do."

  "I have every intention of it, darling."

  She smiled at him, suddenly looking a little shy as she leaned down and kissed his forehead, his eyelids, his cheeks, nose and finally his mouth. "I love you," she breathed against his lips. "I'm so happy I don't know whether to laugh or cry or ... quite what to do with myself."

  He chuckled at that and tumbled her onto her back as her body opened to welcome him with enthusiasm. "Well, love, in that case it's a good thing that your stuffy, top lofty husband has a very definite idea."

  "Yes," she murmured, laughing against his skin. "A very good thing indeed."

  The End


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  Would you like to know what happened to Beau? Don't miss Book 4.

  The Devil May Care

  Out June 2017

  Dishonoured and ashamed, the ton's scandalous darling, 'Beau' the Marquis of Beaumont, is forced to flee England to escape debtor's prison after his callous father refuses to help him.

  After a chance encounter, it appears his only remaining friend is to be found in the unlikely person of Miss Millicent Sparrow.

  Miss Sparrow lives up to her name. Damaged and terrified by her cousin's violent abuse, Milly is used to being overlooked and prefers it that way, until the desperation of her bleak world is gilded by rakishly handsome Beau's extraordinary friendship.

  When his father dies suddenly and Beau inherits the Dukedom, he seeks out Miss Sparrow, the author of the lively letters that helped him through his banishment. To his shock he finds a woman in despair and moved by pity, offers her the protection of his name.

  But Milly becomes impossible to overlook, and the more Beau needs his wife, the less interested she seems in her gorgeous husband.

  For this rake, getting a woman's attention has never been so hard.

  Lose yourself in Emma's paranormal world with The French Vampire Legend series….. Book 1 is a FREE download on major online retailers….

  The Key to Erebus

  The French Vampire Legend

  The truth can kill you.

  Taken away as a small child, from a life where vampires, the Fae, and other mythical creatures are real and treacherous, the beautiful young witch, Jéhenne Corbeaux is totally unprepared when she returns to rural France to live with her eccentric Grandmother.

  Thrown headlong into a world she knows nothing about she seeks to learn the truth about herself, uncovering secrets more shocking than anything she could ever have imagined and finding that she is by no means powerless to protect the ones she loves.


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