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“Wait, Miss Richmond.”
Glen slowly rounded the desk or come face to face with Catherine. “You’ve been working with me four months and been here five. You avoid me and the first time you go out of your way to talk to me was only to talk about your office.” Glen knew he could be getting himself into trouble, but thought the hell with it and continued. “Not about lunch or anything else?”
“What about lunch, boss?”
“Having lunch, you know I do eat.”
Stunned, Catherine tentatively continued, “Well, yes sir. But, normally you look as if you have no time to eat with someone or do anything more than shovel it down.”
“Well, what about dinner?”
“I’m sorry boss; I’m supposed to ask you about dinner?”
Reluctantly, he guessed she wasn’t taking the hint and then it dawned on him why women got upset when men played dumb, because they felt like he did now. “I suppose not. Well, I’m going to need you at one o’clock to take down a letter for me. Oh, and send the Jack Harrison to my office, as soon as possible.”
“Yes sir.”
With that, Catherine left the office only to run through her mind another problem. Why did Mr. Serentini want to see Jack Harrison? If she remembered correctly, he was the head of internal affairs for the company. She hoped it had nothing to do with her, but reminded herself that wasn’t possible and she was really careful the entire time working there. So, she called Harrison and told him to be in the office as soon as possible. A few minutes later he walked off the elevator and Catherine buzzed Mr. Serentini to let him know Mr. Harrison was there. For some reason he wanted her to come in as well. So, Catherine led him down the corridor to Mr. Serentini’s office.
Glen glanced at Catherine and only said, “Take notes.”
“Yes, sir.” Catherine felt uneasiness overwhelm her as she took her place at Mr. Serentini’s right side, pulled up a chair and sat to take notes on the meeting, which was not uncommon. But, for some reason, she was extra jittery today. Catherine dated the top of the paper, recorded who was there, and braced herself to remain calm.
“Mr. Harrison, we have a problem in the company. An insider is leaking information to the competition, primarily to James Martin if not others as well. I want a full scale investigation started now. Don’t waste any time with formalities and keep me informed. You have full access to any files on the premises as well as the computers. Get a team ready to start searching the database. Hire a specialist if you need. I want this person caught. But, I don’t want to be disturbed by any useless information if you are not positive about it. Thank you, dismissed. Oh, and Jack, I do expect a briefing at least once a day, even if it is brief. Please wait outside and I will have Miss Richmond come out to assist you in anything you need momentarily.”
They both watched Jack Harrison walk out the doors to await Catherine to join him and to start the investigation.
“Now, Miss Richmond you are obviously now aware of what is going on. I want you to print up a report of what just occurred, telling of the investigation.” Nonchalantly, he continued, “Specifically, I want this to include telling the person if they come clean now, I will not press charges. Therefore, they will avoid criminal prosecution,” he told Catherine. As she was ready to leave, he added, “Remind everyone in this memo that they all signed confidentiality statements when they started working here. Have the memo distributed within the hour. Also, I want you to make sure everyone gets a copy, even the mailroom staff. Once you are outside, help Harrison to anything he wants in the office and make sure he has full access to any files, especially the computer ones. He is an old friend of the family and can be trusted. Be back at my office at one sharp, do not be late.”
She muttered, “Thank you, boss,” and felt like throwing up as she headed out of the office, but held herself together as she walked out the door to only bump into Mr. Harrison. She had forgotten he was even there but politely added, “Is there anytime I can help you locate?”
“Actually, yes, I need the keys to the offices on the eighth floor along with all the computer codes. I’m pretty sure they are kept in your computer, would you mind if I did a quick check after lunch time?”
Nervous, hoping he would find nothing that linked her but not showing it, she smiled and told him, “Not at all.”
“Good, other than the key right now, I’ll see you after lunch.”
Catherine went in the back of her filing cabinet and took out the keys, “I will need those back though, as soon as you’re done.”
“Thank you Miss Richmond. I’ll see you soon.”
He seemed like a nice enough man, so she was friendly in return and added as he was getting into the elevator, “Alright, don’t hesitate, if you need anything.”
Just before the doors closed, he assured her, “I won’t.”
Catherine sat down to type the memo to the office staff even though she knew it was really her it was directed towards. She really was worried, especially about criminal prosecution. Could that really happen? For the rest of the day Catherine was knee deep in work and almost forgot to see Mr. Serentini at one. The thanked the stars she remembered and went into the office. He asked her if she sent out the memo and if everyone got it and Catherine replied in the affirmative. Then she took down a letter for him to some associates and went back to work. She tried to hurry through the rest of the day so she could see her Uncle as soon as she got off. It was imperative she find out if she could be prosecuted. She already felt guilty enough, but that would be even worse. It turned out, even with rushing, that her day lasted until seven at night and she took a cab straight to her Uncle’s house. She would have rather it been sooner, but there was nothing that could be done. At this point Catherine didn’t even care if he was in the middle of dinner or not.
The doorbell rang inside. The butler, Herbert gallantly opened the door wearing the same tuxedo he had worn for almost twenty years. He was a thin, gangly man who was cross to most people and ran the household in a swift manner. Most people say the servants act like the people they work for and Herbert was a prime example of just that; he was as stuffy as her Uncle and just as grumpy. Catherine’s mind sprang to Albert Serentini and she thought he would not have a butler that was stuffy, but kind and sweet. What was she doing to these nice people?
“May I get your coat ma’am?”
“No. I need to see my Uncle.”
Herbert looked at her bitterly, “That is not possible ma’am. It is dinner time as I’m sure you well know.”
Trying to control her temper, she added, “I realize that, but this is important.”
“I’m sorry, I will not disturb him during dinner, as per request.”
Catherine was at the end of her rope and did not want to be dictated to by her Uncle’s butler and screamed, “Uncle James!”
The butler tried to control her, “Please, ma’am, he’s entertaining guests at the moment. Go into the drawing room and I will have him come see you.”
Catherine’s look told the butler he would mind his own business and stay out of hers. She again screamed, “Uncle James!”
A man who never showed weakness crossed the room and was not at all pleased at having a surprise in the middle of a dinner he was hosting. James Martin liked being in control all of the time and therefore did not care for any kind of disruption at all. Sternly, he ordered, “Keep your voice down Catherine.”
“No. I must talk with you now.”
“Go to the drawing room and you can attend me shortly.”
“I need to talk to you now!”
The look Uncle James gave Catherine told her she would be mindful to shut her mouth and do as he told her. So, Catherine followed Herbert into the drawing room. After what seemed like two hours James Martin walked into the drawing room to lecture his niece on how to behave properly. “Have you lost all of your manners?”
“I need to talk to you and it just couldn’t wait.”
�I do realize you gave me some useful information. But, since the bit about Mr. Briam working with Mr. Serentini, you have not been very useful to me. Never walk into my house like that again. Even if you do think it is important.”
Caving in, she muttered, “Yes, Uncle.”
Done with his ranting for now, he relaxed and sat down, “Well, what was so urgent?”
Catherine handed her Uncle the ‘announcement’ she typed up earlier in the day. Martin picked up his glasses and started to read it. He put it down.
He was obviously not at all concerned. “What do you mean, so? Can I be prosecuted? What does this mean?”
“Absolutely nothing. It doesn’t matter. You will finish our deal as stated before or you won’t have the art, the store or gallery or whatever you call it, or anything else your mother wanted you to have.”
“I need to know if I can I be prosecuted?”
“It doesn’t matter. You may leave now.”
“Leave.” He waved his fingers at her in dismissal.
“No. I want the keys to the safe at the bank.” Catherine had been meaning to bring this up and felt there was no time like the present.
“What do you need from the safe?”
Catherine thought it might be better to lie and talk about something trivial so it might be easier to get they keys. “Just a few papers, my birth certificate and such.”
A flag of suspicion crossed over her Uncle. He could usually tell when people lied to him, it was one of the reasons why he was known as a tycoon in business. “Why do you need that now?”
Lying never came easy to Catherine and she had to think fast, “I thought I would apply for a license.”
Slyly, he walked over to where she was sitting. “Now, Catherine, you know better than to lie to me. What is real reason you want the keys?”
She knew there was no point in continuing the lie and decided to tell him the truth, maybe he would be nice to her, “I would like to contact my father’s family overseas and the information is in the vault.”
“I see. I’m sorry Catherine. I cannot let you have the keys. After all, you could have refuge there and a way out of our deal. Now, I don’t have time for any of this. Complete what I told you and everything will be given to you.”
“But, Uncle, surely you have some compassion and will let me write them?”
“No. I’m getting tired of you talking back to me. Leave now and don’t come back unless I send for you!”
Disgusted and still very frightened by her Uncle, Catherine got up and left. Why Catherine couldn’t get over her childhood fear of the man, she never could tell. She decided to walk for a little while to clear up some things in her head. The whole time her Uncle knew she was breaking the law and still made her go through with his ludicrous plan. Catherine knew what she was doing was dishonest, but never dreamed it was illegal. She hated herself even more every second. Catherine realized she might be in love with her boss even though they didn’t talk much. She couldn’t mistake that feeling of care, friendship, and what could be love. Catherine hated the fact that she was deceiving the man who was so wonderful to her at the same time. How could she do all this for someone she truly despised? She knew her mother never got along with Uncle James. They never had family dinners, even on the holidays. Catherine now knew why. Her Uncle was a horrible man and she was cheating an amazing one. Catherine wanted to quit. But, that would mean everything her mother lived for would be over and gone and Catherine couldn’t bare that thought. He wouldn’t even let her contact her father’s family. She knew they hadn’t been spoken to in a long time, especially after her father remained in the states, but they might have some compassion. Unfortunately, Catherine guessed there was no hope. She felt like she wanted to fall down and cry and when Catherine finally got to her apartment door, she opened it, fell on her couch, and did just that. The tears started flowing down her face and a million questions entered her mind. Why did her mother have to die? Why did she have to go out to Uncle James’s house that night? What happened with them at his house? What happened to make her just run into the street? What made that car hit her? Everything bombarded Catherine at once like a rock wall. But, she needed to keep going on. She needed to get the art and the gallery out of her Uncle’s slimy hands. She needed to keep to her task. She needed to deceive the people who were the ones being truly nice to her. With that realization, Catherine cried herself to sleep and vowed to get her Uncle back some day.
Chapter 7
Catherine woke up in a pool of her own tears. She had decided last night some time between crying and sleeping that the charade would have to continue. But, it still upset her today that it was the only way. So she decided to stop giving her Uncle anything useful in her reports. Maybe she would even slip in some false information. If he wanted information, it would be there; just not any that was useful or truthful. With a new attitude, Catherine felt pleased with herself and wanted to put her plan into motion quickly. But, first things first, she would have to get dressed and go into work like nothing ever happened between her and her Uncle. That would take some doing if she was going to get her eyes looking close to normal without the puffiness that existed from crying all night. So, Catherine got up and into the shower and started what ended up being a two hour process of getting ready. By the time she was done, no one could tell she didn’t sleep much and cried almost all night, but she was running late and ran out the door to set out and find a cab.
A taxi took her to the office and she said hello to Ernie and walked into the elevator. As usual, she found her desk was a mess. Catherine wondered why that would surprise her. But, at least nothing was out of the ordinary. She guessed Mr. Serentini didn’t feel the same respect or care for her or he would have at least paid attention to her when she explained her organization system to him yesterday. Catherine decided to begin her daily routine, as usual. She put the coffee on to heat and started reorganizing her desk. It even looked nearly visible when the coffee machine went off. So, she took the coffee into her boss, put it on his desk, and walked out the door not even hearing that Mr. Serentini was calling after her. As Catherine was walking down the hall, she heard her phone going off.
In order to get it on time her pace quickened, she picked up the phone, “Yes, Mr. Serentini?”
“Miss Richmond, come in here.” Glen barked into the phone.
Clearly disturbed and frightened that Mr. Serentini knew her secret, Catherine walked into the office prepared for the worst. “Yes?” She meekly asked as she walked up to Mr. Serentini’s desk.
Still writing, he started, “You know, I try to apologize…”
Stunned, she didn’t understand. “Apologize?”
Serentini stopped all work and looked directly at Catherine. He hoped he was doing the right thing, but to have any office peace and cut off at least a half hour of his searching in the morning, Glen went on, “Yes. This morning when I was looking for something on your desk, I realized I didn’t pay the greatest attention to what you were talking about with organization and all. Well, I’m sorry I made your office, specifically your desk, a mess again. There is no explanation; I suppose I was just preoccupied. Will you show me your system again?”
Happy and yet shocked and enormous amount off relief fell off Catherine’s shoulders and she agreed. They walked together down the hall where her office was located. When they were standing in front of the elevator and she started explaining.
“Well, the files from over a year ago are all the way in the top cabinets because they aren’t in use often.”
Glen was trying so hard to concentrate, but all he could think about were Catherine’s hips, then her lips, and everything else. When Catherine turned around to see if anything was sinking in, she was so close to Glen they were almost touching. Glen couldn’t stop himself, bent down slightly and kissed Catherine. He knew he wouldn’t have to lean down very much to kiss her and it felt perfect. Her lips felt so soft to hi
s and made Glen shiver. He felt the moment when Catherine stopped being surprised about the kiss and leaned into him. That action alone turned Glen on so much. He realized he had never been so affected by a kiss. Glen realized he should stop this before it got out of control. So, he pulled back and barely got out the words to tell Catherine he would have the organization lesson later before he got back in his office and half relaxed against the familiarity of work.
Catherine was so exasperated by the kiss. She had never felt that way about physical contact before. She would even admit that she didn’t have much experience in that department. But, still never realized a kiss could hold such emotion, specifically since Mike, he last boyfriend’s kisses didn’t please her a bit. At first the kiss surprised her and then just turned into passion. She could still feel her heart in her lungs from the excitement. Catherine sank back into her chair and wondered how she was so affected by a kiss. She fell back into organizing the mess left in her office and couldn’t help wondering what it would feel like to be back in his arms.
At about eleven o’clock Glen realized he would like to get out of the office today for an actual break, not just a fast one. Perhaps he was using his need for a break as an excuse to be with Catherine, but at this point Glen did not care. It was killing him have her just outside the office and not being able to see or touch her. He tried to remember if there were any appointments scheduled for today and finally grasped the fact he didn’t remember because there was so much on his mind. Glen didn’t know but hoped not or it would ruin his plan. So, he paged Catherine. “Miss Richmond?”
“Yes, boss?”
He thought her voice sounded so good. “What’s on the schedule for this afternoon?”
“Actually, today is pretty light, you only have a meeting at twelve o’clock with Jack Harrison and other than that there is nothing planned. Is there something you wanted me to schedule, sir?”