Page 16
“Thank you so much.”
Glen looked and saw the delight in her eyes and knew everything was going as he planned. He truly could say with deep felt emotion, “You deserved it.”
“Thank you though; you didn’t have to do all this.”
He looked directly into her eyes, “Yes, I did. So, do I finally get my dance? I’ll settle for this one, even if it is the last dance of the night.”
Ecstatically she smiled and replied, “I suppose so,” and Glen took her hand as they went off to dance.
He led her to the middle of the dance floor and made sure Catherine was firmly in his arms before they started to dance. They were both looking at each other and Catherine realized how much she would miss him and how in love with him she was. She cursed herself for messing things up at the beginning, but drove those thoughts away because she wanted to just enjoy tonight. At the end of the dance Glen reminded Catherine that he would be the one to see her home, after all she promised him earlier, and she agreed. Both went to get their things and finally found each other when most of the room had cleared out. Glen led her outside into the limousine and directed the driver to her house.
“Thank you so much for this lovely evening as well as everything else you have done for me in the past month.”
“You did deserve it though.” He smiled at her and brushed a hand over her knee.
But, Catherine was too excited to even take notice, “I just can’t believe I affected so many people and they all had such nice feelings towards me. The night was amazing…”
He finished he sentence, “…and it’s not over yet.”
She hopefully looked at him with big eyes. “No, it’s not.”
As the limousine arrived at Catherine’s house, they both walked to the backyard fountain which had become a common place for them to sit lately. In the afternoons after leaving the office Catherine would go to work setting up her art store and at night they would sometimes have dinner together in the backyard by the fountain. But, lately, that was a rare occasion because Glen usually worked very long hours and couldn’t escape early enough. Today, Glen was determined they would both relax and enjoy each other’s company sitting by the fountain and that was fine by Catherine. Both walked over to the fountain in perfect harmony, hand in hand.
“Catherine, you look beautiful.”
She slightly smiled at him, “I would have looked better if you told me about the party.”
“You always look gorgeous, you know that.”
Catherine blushed and let out a quiet laugh, “You are not too bad yourself.”
He funned with her also, “Really?” and smoothed his hand over his jacket.
“Yes, really. But, don’t you have work to do?”
“Not tonight.”
“Oh no?”
He looked deeply in her eyes as they came close to the fountain and there was just enough light so they could see each other. “No.”
They both sat down together, still hand in hand. With Glen’s free one, he brushed it back over Catherine’s hair and decided to kiss her because he thought if he waited any longer, he might go insane. Their lips touched for the first time in over a month and Glen pushed his hand more deeply through her hair. With that hand, he pushed her head closer and deepened the kissed. Catherine murmured and slightly opened her mouth, but it was enough to give Glen all the access he needed to caress her tongue with his. Even though he knew their kisses were no fluke to begin with, Glen was undoubtedly positive now. Glen broke away from the kiss even though ever fiber of his being wanted to continue. Catherine looked up into his eyes with questions, “I thought we were only going to be friends?”
“I hope you don’t think so, because that would give me an answer I wouldn’t like at all.” Glen said as he got down onto his knee.
Catherine gasped. “What are you doing?”
“Well, I’ve known you for some time and I love you with all my heart. I know neither of us have spoken those words until now, but I do want to tell you how I feel. I’ve waited until I felt you could be secure in knowing where my heart lies and hope yours follows the same path towards me. My family loves you, I love you, and I want to be my wife. Will you have me?”
“Oh, Glen. I love you too.” A tear came down Catherine’s eyes and as Glen stood up, she threw herself into his arms and they embraced.
He didn’t want to stop holding her, but backed away slightly. “Hold on.” Glen pulled out a ring box out of his pocket and opened it. “I would like you to wear my mother’s ring. It’s been in the family for generations and means a lot to me as well as the family. But, I would understand if you want your own, maybe a bigger diamond. I’ll buy you anything you want.”
“No, I love it. Thank you for giving me something that means so much to you.”
Glen slid the ring onto Catherine’s finger that he had fitted for her hand a month ago. It sparkled from the fountain’s light on her finger and Glen kissed her hand. “I love you.”
“I love you with all my heart.” She said as Glen brought his lips down over Catherine’s and she immediately opened her mouth to give him access. Glen deepened the kiss and held Catherine close to his body. Catherine could tell how aroused he was by the moment and could feel his masculinity against her body.
Glen carefully brought Catherine down to the base of the fountain and put his body over her. Glen put his lips down over Catherine’s neck and couldn’t deny the hunger he felt, especially with how good she smelled.
Catherine thought Glen was a taste of heaven and couldn’t believe he was with her, in love with her, just proposed, and kissing her. Everything happened so fast, she only knew true happiness and the taste of his kisses at that very moment. Catherine felt so good when Glen kissed her. Just his lips against her skin on her neck and face made her feel so warm inside. It sent tingles up and down her entire body. Glen moved even further towards her and gruffly spoke, “You want to go inside?”
“Mmmm?” She couldn’t hear the words he spoke over her pounding heart.
As he was still showering kissing over her he muttered, “Inside, soft bed, nice sheets, not a hard concrete floor.”
“Mmm, whatever you want.”
Glen took control for his emotions; probably the hardest thing he ever did, got to his feet, and picked up Catherine as he rose. Cradling her close to his body, he walked toward the door. Once there he fumbled with the door for a few moments before he got it opened and walked upstairs into the master bedroom. He calmly put Catherine down on the bed, took off his shoes, and lied down half next to her and half on top of her.
Catherine decided to take some control and she grabbed him closer, kissed him once and muttered in his ear, “I want you, now.”
Glen groaned and rolled completely on top of her and stripped off her shirt as Catherine started fumbling with the buttons on Glen’s. In the end, she got frustrated and ribbed the shirt off his body. They were both looking at each other as Glen stripped himself of his pants and slowly pulled off Catherine’s skirt. Glen started kissing her again and she, in turn, started feeling warm again and felt his finger slip inside her. She started sensing as though she was on top of the world until she felt him slip fully inside her a few moments later. It sent her over the edge and Catherine started shuttering as she knew true bliss. It felt so good to her and she knew there was nothing else in the world, for the few other people she was with before did not mean a thing to her or do anything that ever felt like this; it was as if Glen and Catherine were made for each other. His own release came soon after and he lowered himself down to collapse on top of her. They fell asleep tangled in each other’s arms and Catherine was both happy and satisfied they were finally together. Both knew they were with their perfect person, the one they were made to be with.
Several times during the night one awoke the other by either kissing the other or by unintentionally moving slightly and the cycle started over. Each time they realized how lucky they were and Catherine and Glen felt so c
ontent and happy together the entire night.
Catherine woke up, rolled over, as the light came through the windows. She glanced over, took a look at the clock, and gasped. The noise immediately woke Glen up, “What’s wrong?”
“It’s noon! You have to be at work. You’re extremely late.”
“Not today.” He said turning on his side and putting his arm over her.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, today is my first with you, just with you, I cancelled work.”
Catherine relaxed against the pillows and Glen put his head on her shoulder. “You know, a girl could get used to this.”
“Good,” and Glen picked his head up and started kissing Catherine again.
She giggled, “Don’t you think we should take a rest?”
He immediately stopped, opened his eyes, and looked directly at her. “Do you really mean that?”
Catherine looked at Glen devilishly, closed the distance, and started kissing him. “Of coarse not.” As he returned the kiss passionately, Catherine pushed him back on the bed so she could be on top of him. This time she wanted to tease and tantalize him. Catherine planted kissed on Glen’s face, neck, and shoulders. Then she put her tongue on him lower and lower until she reached right below his belly button.
“Baby, you’re killing me.” He started to pull her up towards him and pulled his head towards her, which flexed his abs.
But, Catherine caught him and pinned them back on the bed. “No, it’s my turn.”
Glen knew he could overpower her, but let Catherine do whatever she wanted. “Alright he murmured, but I can’t take much more of this.”
Catherine moved her tongue back down lower than his stomach and even lower until Glen couldn’t stand it and moved Catherine on her back. “Hey, I wasn’t done yet.”
“Yes you are.” He grunted into her neck as he kissed her forcefully. Glen started to tease her back as she squirmed underneath him. He even found a spot that made her squirm more than usual on her side right around the level of her stomach. He tormented her until he couldn’t take it anymore and made love to her again. Again, they fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Catherine woke up at two thirty and there was no one beside her on the bed. Just as she started wondering if she dreamt the whole thing, Glen walked into the bedroom carrying a tray. But, the only thing Catherine noticed was that he was only wearing a towel. As soon as Glen noticed the direction of her gaze, he told her, “Not now sweetheart, we need to eat first.”
Only then did she notice the tray and salivated in anticipation. “I am hungry.”
“I hope you don’t mind, I raided your kitchen.”
“Of course not, I’m happy you thought to, thank you.” She said as she started nibbling on a piece of toast.
As he looked at her, she grabbed another piece of toast and grabbed the fork to dig into the French toast. “Hey, don’t eat all of it, I thought I made enough for two, but apparently I was mistaken.”
Catherine smiled as she stopped to breathe between bites, “I guess you worked up my appetite.” She put down the utensil and toast and looked directly at Glen. “So, was I dreaming, or did last night really happen?”
“I hope so; otherwise I’d look a little funny standing in your bedroom wearing only a towel.” He said while giving her a quick good morning kiss.
Catherine looked down at her hand to see Glen’s ring on her finger. “I still can’t believe it. I’m so happy.”
“I’m glad you are…so, when do you want to get married?”
“Wow, married. I’m so happy I don’t even know, I didn’t even think about that. When do you want to?”
“Well…you do want children, don’t you?” Glen didn’t even think about that or ask until now and prayed her answer was yes. He didn’t know what to do if she didn’t.
With a sigh of relief, he smiled and told her, “Then, I want to get married as soon as possible.”
“What about in May? It’s lovely that time of year.”
“May? You want to wait three months?”
“Is that a long time?”
Even though he wanted to make her his wife as soon as possible, Glen gathered he could wait. “Are you sure?”
“Well, yes, if you don’t mind. I want to try and get in touch with my relatives overseas. Maybe they’ll even come; it would mean a lot to me, even though I haven’t seen them since I was a child.”
Glen cupped her face in his hand, “If it means that much to you, I’ll wait. But, if I’m waiting I want a grand wedding, is that alright with you?”
“It’s fine with me. But, how will I be able to handle booking all of that and handle running my store?”
Glen took a bite of the toast, “Don’t worry, my sister will be back from Europe in less than two seconds if she knows there will be a wedding and especially fast if you tell her you want help. But, be careful, she does get excited about this type of thing. Just surprise me with everything.”
Catherine hugged Glen, “I’m so happy, Glen. I just want to stay in your arms forever.”
“You will be. You will be.” Catherine fell asleep in Glen arms with the breakfast try still at the bottom of the bed feeling ever so contented.
Chapter 17
Eighty days until Catherine Richmond was Catherine Serentini she thought as she was sitting at a café by her mother’s home. Catherine still couldn’t believe the high she’s been on since the night she left the company. Her mother’s house was finally hers to live in, the art store and the art were both returned to her, and most importantly Glen was in her life. She was there waiting for Lauren, Glen’s sister, who had just gotten back from overseas to help out with the wedding. When Lauren got in she hugged Catherine hello, ordered a coffee, and sat down. “So, are you excited?”
Catherine couldn’t hold back a smile and sarcastically said, “Only a little.”
“You couldn’t fool a fly, it looks like you are about to burst.” She said taking a sip of coffee.
“Admittedly, yes, I am. I just don’t know how I’m going to pay for this wedding. All my funds are tied up in the art store and I haven’t even discussed anything with Glen. I probably should right away, before we agree to anything out today.”
“Glen didn’t tell you? Oh, that means I get to.” She said bubbling.
“Tell me what?”
“All in time, all in time. So, I tried to get here sooner, but I just couldn’t manage it, but I’m here now. So, did you book the ceremony yet? Tell me everything.”
“What, you can’t just change the subject like that. Tell me.”
“I promise, I’ll tell you today, just not his second. The ceremony?”
Catherine explained, “I had to book that, I just couldn’t wait. I found the most beautiful vineyard just outside the city, which will look gorgeous in May and I even found the perfect hotel close by for the reception. It was so perfect, I couldn’t wait.”
“It sounds amazing, did you tell Glen yet?”
“No, he wants everything to be a surprise, which means you can’t tell him yet as well.”
“Alright, alright. Well, I made an appointment with the dressmaker and we have to be there in ten.”
“A dressmaker? I thought we were going to shops. That is much too expensive.” Catherine was starting to think employing Lauren’s help might not be the best idea if everything was going to be so overpriced.
“Well, only the best will do and she’s the best. Any idea what you want yet?”
“I have a vague picture in my head. But, I don’t think this is the way to go and it must be so expensive.”
“Nah, it is only about three hundred dollars, give or take a bit.”
Catherine thought maybe this idea wasn’t so bad after all. “Wow, that’s pretty cheep for a dress.”
“Not the dress, the consultation.”
Catherine almost choked on her coffee. “What?” She squeaked out.
“It’s alright, G
len will pay for it.”
Lauren sounded so assured. “I don’t think so. Glen and I didn’t discuss money for the wedding yet. But, even if he pays for some things, I don’t think he’ll pay for my dress.”
Lauren got up to start walking out and Catherine took that as a cue to follow. “Remember what I had to tell you earlier?”
“Well, I don’t really have to tell you anything. Just really show you.” Lauren pulled an envelope out of her pocket and gave it to Catherine. She opened it and pulled out five credit cards with her name on them. “Did I forget to tell you that I saw Glen this morning, that’s why I was late. All of those are wired to his master accounts and you have full access to everything. He said, and I quote, tell her to spend as much as she wants on everything, but don’t you spend anything. It is all up to Catherine.”
“He can’t be serious. I can’t spend his money.”
“He said it is both of your money now. Anyway, I’m excited about it, all of it. So, do you have a dress in mind?”
“I don’t know about this… I don’t think I could even spend that much of his money either way.”
“Common, at least have the appointment and talk to Glen later, he probably won’t even be home right now and if you get a hold of him at the office, I’m sure he’ll be hard at work.”
Catherine knew he wouldn’t be home and knew he needed to work at the office, but she needed to go home and think a few things over, “Can we reschedule the appointment, this is too much for one day for me.”