Cam's Promise

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Cam's Promise Page 4

by Lisa Oliver

  “Good. That’s good. I mean….” Cam shut up. He was making a fool of himself. But to him, feeding from a body couldn’t be anything but an intimate act. Levi promised explanations later and Cam would hold him to that. “Are you about finished? Did you want dessert? Coffee? Another drink before we head back?”

  “I think I’ve reached my people limit,” Levi admitted. “I’ll get the check.” He lifted a finger and an older waitress came over with a smile. Cam could see she was another reason Ranger liked the place. It was a mom and pop restaurant and apart from a slight widening of the eyes when she first saw them together, Wendy had been polite and friendly throughout the meal.

  “I have my own entrance back at the house,” he said with a wink as Wendy went off to tally up the account. “We don’t have to see anyone else once we get on the bike.”

  “That’d be….” Levi stiffened and then he sniffed. Cam looked up to see three men/wolves approaching their table; “Northern Construction” emblazoned across the front of their tight shirts.

  “I think this is for me,” Cam muttered. He refused to stand up as the three men crowded the table. “Yes, gentlemen. Is there anything I can do for you?”

  “You’re him, aren’t you? The Alpha’s second.” The middle man spat on the floor. All three shifters were showing signs of age, which meant they were either really, really old or they didn’t take care of their wolf spirit. Cam was leaning towards the latter.

  “I’m Alpha Chalmers’ second, yes. Is this important? As you can see, my mate and I have just finished our meal. I’m sure any complaints you have can be directed to the office in the morning.”

  “This won’t wait. What’s all this about holding enforcer challenges in the first place? The alpha should be hiring back the men his father employed when he was around. There’s no need for challenges.”

  “Were all three of you in the previous alpha’s employ?” Cam looked around. Things were about to get messy.

  “Yeah, we were and we got no notification we’d been fired. We want our jobs back.”

  “Then you should be speaking to the alpha directly.” The worried looks the three men shared suggested they didn’t want to mess with Ranger. Maybe they should have paid closer attention to his mate.

  Letting out a long sigh, Cam smiled at Levi. “Excuse me please, mate. I need to handle this outside. Gentlemen?” He pointed to the door as he stood up. He didn’t have time to explain the situation to Levi, as much as he’d like to. Instead, he followed the men outside, facing them as they stood in the middle of the street.

  “Now then, as the previous alpha’s enforcers, you were aware the position wasn’t held legitimately by Mr. Chalmers at all. He was simply a regent, holding the place until Aiden came of age, right?”

  Joe looked at his friends, brothers, or whoever they were and the other two shook their head.

  “Do you remember Aiden’s grandmother? The last true alpha of this territory?”

  “No. We were brought in from the Southern territory when the elder Alpha Chalmers took over. He never said nothin about any of this shit and we don’t care about it, either. We was employed to be pack enforcers and as we haven’t been fired, we want to know why the hell there are notices up everywhere goin on about this bleeding challenge. Thems are our jobs.”

  “And yet you run a construction company?” Cam waved at the shirts the men were wearing. “Any enforcer worth his salt knows the job is full time. Where were you three when the Alpha Regent was arrested? There were no enforcers in the house when he was taken.”

  Joe shrugged. “He didn’t need us around. It ain’t like anyone would challenge him anyways. No one dared. Those were our jobs and we want ‘em back. I got a letter from the bank today tellin’ me I had to start payin’ on the house I’m in. My kin got them too. Those houses are part of our pay package.”

  “Not anymore.” Cam flexed his shoulders. “The way I see it, you have three options. One, you can challenge for a position.” Cam was sure they wouldn’t be successful. “Two, you can continue with your construction work and make payments on your houses just like any other citizen who chooses to live in the Northern State territory or three, you can leave the territory with the same rights and conditions as everyone else here.”

  “Or, we can challenge you for your position and then no one can kick us out anywhere.”

  And this was why Cam wanted out of the restaurant. There was no way Luigi’s was going to be trashed simply because some bigots hadn’t learned to work with the change in command. Waiting just long enough for Joe to throw the first punch, he fought back; kicking one guy in the nuts as he slammed a solid punch into Joe’s stomach. The damaged nut guy sank to the ground with a groan, cupping his groin, but the third man grabbed him from behind. Cam was used to being ganged up on. Using the man’s body weight as leverage, he kicked up and caught Joe’s neck between his calf muscles, pulling him down with a satisfying clunk on the bitumen. Suddenly, the man holding him was gone and Cam turned to see Levi tossing him to the ground.

  “I had it handled,” Cam panted. Joe groaned and stirred and he quickly kicked the man in the head. “It was a challenge fight.”

  “Challenges are done one on one. Every shifter in existence knows to interfere with a challenge is an automatic forfeit. I should kill them all.” Levi was pissed. If his clenched fists weren’t proof enough, his fangs and blazing eyes definitely were. Noticing they’d garnered an audience, Cam pulled out his phone.

  “Ranger,” he said cheerfully when his call was answered. “We need to transport three to the brig. They’re fans of Aiden’s dear old dad and got pissed off about the enforcer challenges. We’re outside Luigi’s.”

  “On my way.”

  Cam pocketed his phone. He’d preferred if Marcus and Shadow had come. It would’ve been better if he could’ve transported them himself, but they had taken Levi’s bike.

  “Sorry about the date, lover,” he grinned at Levi, trying to break some of the tension. Levi had all three men trussed up like Thanksgiving turkeys. Cam wondered where he got the rope until he saw Luigi scowling at the three men.

  “You guys are no good for our town.” Luigi snarled at Joe who was frowning at the crowd. “Our Alpha is good now and you had to come and cause trouble. Stupid. Stupid people don’t eat my food.” He flicked the guys off and stalked back into the restaurant.

  “One more tip in how to win friends and influence people.” Cam saw Ranger’s Lamborghini flying down the road with his SUV following behind. “Okay, people. Can you stand back and let the alpha and alpha mate through, please? Let’s get this shit off the road so we can enjoy the rest of our evening.”

  A few of the crowd laughed and they cleared the road, allowing Ranger to pull his car to a screeching stop, complete with tire smoke.

  “What happened. Who are these bastards?” Ranger looked Cam up and down, probably making sure he was all right. Cam was more worried about Levi, who was standing statue still, his arms crossed. Cam wanted to go to him; wrap his arms around him and inhale his scent, but with that look on Levi’s face, he didn’t dare.

  “Previous enforcers,” he answered Ranger. “They’re upset because they lost their jobs without warning, so challenged me for mine.”

  “You won three challenges?” Ranger looked impressed and Cam didn’t want to let him down, but he had to be honest.

  “More like a three on one deal. Levi intervened after I put two of them down. Seemed only fair, seeing as the challenge was void the moment that one caught hold of me so that one,” Cam pointed, “could punch the shit out of me.”

  “I won’t have brawling in this town.” Aiden frowned. “This is the business area, there could have been children here. If anyone wants to fight, that’s what the challenge circle is for.”

  “Yeah, well, they were the guys who were supposed to build that, too,” Cam sighed. “I’ll get Newton to go through the pay records and see how many other people have been paid for work they’re not
doing. After I’ve found a new contracting firm to set up the challenge circle.” Damn it. He could see his time with Levi slipping away.

  “We can build the challenge circle.” Two young men from the crowd stepped forward. “I’m Kyle and this is my brother Michael. We used to work construction here before these guys threatened our business. All we’ve been able to pick up is the odd job and we could do with the money. You have my word we’ll do a good job.”

  “Add intimidation to these guy’s charges.” Cam nodded at Kyle. “You’ve got the job. It must be finished by Friday morning. I’ll pay you double your going rate if you get it done on time.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Kyle showed his neck. “You too, Alpha, Alpha Mate.” The poor guy was going to get a crick in his neck.

  “Come and see me in the office tomorrow. At the pack house.” Cam turned away but not before he caught Kyle and Michael hugging each other and doing a happy dance in the street. He grinned. It was a nice feeling doing something for others.

  Marcus and Shadow had gotten out of the SUV and were loading up the prisoners. Cam walked over to Levi and hesitantly laid his hand on the man’s arm.

  “You okay?”

  “You could have been hurt,” Levi whispered but Cam didn’t have time to reply. His feet left the ground and his mouth was being ravaged by Levi’s lips. Okay, so that expression is worry, not anger. Must remember that Cam thought as he went limp in Levi’s arms and let him have his way.

  Chapter Six

  Levi never imagined the bond between them could be so intense. Sure, his wolf hated him when he walked away from Cam after claiming him the first time, but his vampire half was a perfect counterbalance, preaching patience and sensibility. Levi hadn’t wanted to upset Ranger and he wasn’t sure enough of Cam to tell his secret. But now both halves of his inner self were firmly on the “protect Cam at all costs” wagon and Levi’s nerves were stretched to breaking point. How could he not have guessed Cam would be pack second if Ranger was Alpha Mate? The pack second - a job that came with challenges, fights, and danger.

  You’ve seen him fight before. You’re on the main street for fuck’s sake. Levi didn’t care. Cam was in his arms, his legs wrapped around his waist and he was taking all of Levi’s harsh attentions like a champ. Both wolf and vampire needed to claim him and for a moment, Levi couldn’t think of a single reason why he needed to hold back.

  “Levi!” Oh, that was why. Ranger was on one side of him, Marcus on the other. Levi wrenched his mouth from Cam’s long enough to snarl. No one was getting near his mate.

  “Don’t mind them, they’re newly mated. Can’t keep their hands off each other.” Levi heard Aiden’s laughter following his words and guessed that was for the crowd’s benefit. Meanwhile, Marcus and Ranger had him firmly gripped by his biceps, moving him towards the SUV.

  “You put me in that wagon and those prisoners will be dead before we get back to the pack house. I’m not having them near Cam again.”

  “You can’t fuck Cam on the street, either. Do you want people seeing him naked?” At least Shadow thought it was funny, but Levi didn’t. No one was allowed to see his mate’s delicious body in the throes of passion.

  “We’ll take the bike.” Ranger’s claws left scratch marks in the leather of his coat as he pulled away; Levi would take that out of his hide later. For now, he had a hot and panting mate in his arms and a cock threatening to burst the seams of his pants.

  “I’m okay,” Cam whispered against his cheek. “A few bruises, maybe a scrape or two, but I do know how to look after myself.”

  “Don’t push me on this now.” Levi stared at his bike. He was going to have to put Cam down and neither side of his personality was pleased.

  “You can bet we’re going to talk about this later.” Cam landed on his feet with a thump. “Get on the bike.” He crossed his arms and waited.

  Be understanding of his moods, Levi remembered Ranger’s advice. Aargh. More like bullshit relationship crap. He climbed on and got the bike started, barely waiting for Cam to be seated before he took off down the road.

  He’s got no reason to be shitty with me. He could’ve been hurt. Levi’s mind supplied him with graphic images of Cam beaten and maimed. Lifeless eyes staring back at him like so many had before. He closed his eyes and then they flew open again as the bike jolted. Spying a stand of trees, he pulled over, uncaring of how the rough ground would affect the bike’s suspension. Turning off the key, he leaned forward on the handle bars, breathing heavily.

  “Levi. Levi, what’s wrong?” Cam’s hand was warm on his shoulder.

  “My fucking dual nature.” Sitting up, he swung his leg over the handle bars, jumping to the ground. He needed distance. He needed words. “Have you ever come across a vampire when you were working with Ranger?”

  “A few times.” Cam seemed relaxed enough now and at least he stayed on the bike. “Not often. The shifter council usually passes on complaints about vampires to the vampire council. But yeah, I’ve come across a few. Vicious bastards when they’re angry. Is that what’s wrong with you? You’re angry at me?”

  “Yes. No.” Levi shook his head. “No. I’m not angry with you. It’s hard to explain. You have your wolf nature. You’re a beta wolf. You fight, you care for the safety of the pack, and you love with your whole heart when you share it.”

  “It’s my nature. It’s the way I was born to be.”

  “Exactly and you’re perfect the way you are.” Levi wasn’t sure what part of his nature pushed those words out of his mouth, but they made Cam smile so he’d take that as a win. “My nature is different. I am Alpha wolf which means I’ll protect my mate till my last breath, but I’m also overbearing.”

  Cam coughed and might have said something but Levi chose to ignore it.

  “The vampire half of me is hellishly strong. As strong, if not more, than my wolf side. He’s also smart, quick to anger but highly controlled when it comes to emotions. When I first met you, it was my wolf who wanted the claim. After my wolf claimed you, it was my vampire who gave me the strength to walk away.”

  “Your vampire half doesn’t accept me as his beloved?”

  You’re being an asshole. Stop upsetting him. “Vampires don’t know for sure someone is their beloved until they’ve fed from them. When my wolf half claimed you, I refused to swallow any of your blood. My wolf wanted the mark and I was powerless to stop him. You have to remember, at the time, I thought Ranger would kill me, and I didn’t know you’d accept my hybrid status,” Levi added when he saw he was upsetting Cam more. “I just couldn’t help myself. Being around you that last time…I lost control.”

  “Nice to know your wolf side gets a say in some things.” Levi was sure he saw Cam’s lips twitch.

  “That was before. My wolf has always seen and wanted to protect you as a mate. My vampire side was cautious, but now he’s claimed you, too. Then you got into a fight and my dual nature ganged up on me. I knew you could handle yourself. My spirits know it too, but they still wanted to kill everyone in a ten-foot radius of us.”

  “Hence the mad need to fuck me in the middle of the main street. I get it. I might only be a beta wolf but your ass was looking like a steak dinner to a starving dog once the danger passed.”

  Really? Levi resisted the urge to look over his shoulder. He wasn’t sure how to respond to that, so he ignored it. “Please understand. Anything you knew about alpha wolves goes double for me. My vampire now sees you as his sole reason for living. I can’t promise I won’t over react when things get tough.”

  “I can accept that, provided you realize I am a strong wolf in my own right.” Cam slipped off the bike and came closer. “But you almost crashed the bike with me on it, and that doesn’t sound protective. What happened then?”

  Levi closed his eyes. “I’m a killer. I’ve got a lot of deaths on my conscience. I remember every one of them. That thing before…I don’t know why. My brain was filled with images of you being maimed and beaten. It was three
against one on that street. Then in my head, I saw you staring at me with lifeless eyes. I lost it.” The last words were mumbled but Levi trusted Cam’s hearing.

  “I can’t imagine what that must have been like.” Cam’s arms held him close and Levi rested his head on his mate’s broad shoulder. “But you don’t have to figure this out now or cope with any of this on your own. I’ve had a lot of experience of dealing with Ranger’s drunken ass when he can’t cope with the memories. At least with you, I can distract you with my naked body.”

  “Ranger goes through this too?”

  “And Marcus, although, since he and Ranger have both mated they seem a lot more settled. I worry about Sean. But you’ll find that same kind of peace once we’ve been together a while.”

  “At least my dual natures are working together now. These last months have been tough.”

  “I know.” Cam’s tone held no hint of censure but Levi mentally kicked himself.

  “Did I tell you how sorry I am? I had no right to make you suffer all these years.”

  “I think we’ve both been suffering,” Cam brushed his cheek and Levi melted. “But I’ve kept your promises for you when you asked me to. Will you keep one for me?”

  “Anything.” Now Levi had committed himself, he’d do anything for his mate.

  “Promise me you’ll never leave me or ignore what we are to each other in front of anyone else again. Please.”

  “You give me the easy promises to keep.” Levi licked across Cam’s jaw. “You have my word as a man, as a wolf, and as a vampire.”

  “Thank you.” Cam kissed the top of his head and Levi marveled at how easy it was for his mate to be affectionate. He had a lot to learn. “So, are you ready to go back, or shall we give your wolf it’s freedom and have a run while we are here?”

  Levi laughed as his wolf howled. “My wolf is dying to meet yours. But step over by the bike to shift, would you? Me and my vampire can think of plenty of things to do with your naked body that doesn’t involve running on four legs.”


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