Cam's Promise

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Cam's Promise Page 5

by Lisa Oliver

  “The conflict of your dual nature,” Cam laughed, but after a quick hug, he moved away and less than a minute later, a large dark brown wolf stood in his place.


  Levi wasn’t the only one who’d not shifted for a while. Cam’s wolf had been just as keen to track down their errant mate as Levi’s had been. So, it was with a sense of relief that Cam let his wolf side come through. Levi looked different from his four footed perspective; taller, broader, and Cam’s wolf was well aware of the strength of Levi’s spirits. But that didn’t stop him bounding over as Levi bent to remove his boots and pants. He sniffed around while Levi removed his clothes, getting a growl for his trouble when his nose hit Levi’s butt.

  Oops. Cam sat back on his haunches, his tongue hanging out. Leaving his clothes in a neat pile, Levi shook his head and then shifted. It was fast. One blink and a large black wolf with dark eyes glared at him, a deep rumble emanating from his chest. Cam knew what to do. He was a good beta wolf. Crouching down, he lowered his head and waited for his alpha to approach. He couldn’t do anything about his perky ears or the way he watched his alpha approach. He was happy his Alpha recognized him and barely resisted the urge to pounce on the solid wolf as he got close.

  The power coming from Levi’s furry form was incredible. Cam was used to Ranger, who was formidable at the best of times, but Levi was in a class of his own. Cam wasn’t sure if it was because his hybrid half was so powerful or if this was all Levi’s genetics but he couldn’t stop a whimper escaping as Levi sniffed him over. A lick along his jaw let Cam know his mate approved of him and he bounced back up, tail wagging madly, eager to play.

  For a moment, Levi hesitated. Maybe he’d never played, but then his wolf side must have given him a push and within seconds the two wolves were running, jumping, and mock fighting, rolling around in the grass together. For Cam’s wolf, it was heaven.

  Chapter Seven

  “Hmm, you up for another round? Not that I’m complaining. I’ve got months of celibacy to make up for.” Cam was gorgeous when he was wearing his “just been fucked” look. His blond hair was sticking up all over the place, his eyes were half closed and his mouth was twisted in a lazy smile. Levi had never seen anyone so stunning. They were in Cam’s room and Levi’s dual nature was finally satisfied his mate was well and truly claimed. But he felt he needed to do something else.

  Swallowing hard, Levi said quietly, “I thought you could take me this time. My wolf reminded me of our manners,” Cam chuckled and Levi could see the humor. Wolves weren’t known for their finesse. “I’ve never bottomed before and I’m unlikely to do it often, but I think I need to be claimed properly. Your wolf needs it and so do I.”

  Cam sat up and Levi closed his eyes as a capable hand stroked his face. “It’s a big deal, your first time. Are you sure you’re ready for this? Not that I’m not over the moon keen, don’t get me wrong. But I don’t want you pushing yourself to do something you’re not comfortable with because of some form of misguided guilt.”

  Levi knew his laugh was shaky. “It’s got nothing to do with guilt and everything to do with us being equals behind our bedroom door. I’ve never done it. Never even considered it before. But with you, I want things to be different. I’ve had years to think about our mating. I want this. I want you.”

  “I’ll do my best to make it good for you.” Both of Cam’s hands were framing his face now and Levi moaned into their shared kiss. Everything about Cam was strong, yet, his touch was so gentle. Tumbling back onto the mattress, Levi found himself underneath Cam and quickly calmed his wolf who wasn’t keen on the position. Exhaling long and slow through his nose he pushed everything out of his mind except the feel of Cam’s hands on his torso; brushing lightly over his nipples, tickling under his arms. Cam’s clever tongue was following his fingers, mapping out Levi’s body and his cock slapped his belly as Cam lifted his bum cheeks.

  “You smell amazing,” Cam moaned as his tongue slathered over Levi’s balls. “You taste even better.”

  Levi jumped when Cam’s tongue dipped into the base of his crease. He’s going to…fuck, yes, he is. Fisting the coverlets, Levi bit his lip to stop from gasping. Back alley hook-ups never involved rimming, but fuck, Levi was ready to sign up for life. Nerve endings he didn’t know he had quivered under a dexterous tongue. His cock sent the signal to thrust, but the silly thing was flapping in the air and there was no way Levi was moving away from Cam’s mouth.

  “Hmm, I knew it,” Cam sat up, wiping the saliva from his chin. “You taste amazing. Pass me the lube?”

  Lube. Shit. No matter how often guys had sex with each other there was no getting past the prep stage; something Levi knew was necessary, otherwise that length Cam was sporting would hurt. But that didn’t stop him wishing Cam was already inside him, making him feel good. He handed over the battered tube, hoping they’d left enough in there. Use lots.

  “There’s no need to be nervous about this bit. I’ll take it slow.” Cam laid over Levi’s body, kissing him hard. Levi wanted to pull away; to tell his mate not to go slow. To just shove his dick in there and get on with it. Slow meant he had time to think about what was coming next…or not. Cam’s mouth was doing a damn good job of distracting him but even so, Levi might have jumped when something solid pressed against his ass.

  “Just a finger, just one little finger.” Cam had big hands. There was nothing little about his finger, but Levi focused on enjoying the smoothness of Cam’s neck; the way his mate shivered as he sucked on Cam’s earlobe.

  “Second finger coming up.” Levi wanted to tell Cam not to bother with the running commentary. He was doing his best to ignore what was going on from the waist down, although his cock was begging for attention. He went back to licking the sweat from Cam’s skin, nibbling over his mating scar.

  Hmm, a drop of his blood would take the edge off, but Levi wanted to wait. Emotions flowed through the blood and the taste would be all the sweeter once Cam was inside of him. Which was going to be soon. Levi winced as a third finger stretched his ass. It didn’t hurt. Levi was well versed in what pain felt like. But he felt odd in the pit of his belly and huffed.

  “You are too damn tempting for me, babe,” Cam said quietly. “Do you think you’re ready?”

  I was ready ten minutes ago. Levi nodded and then closed his eyes. Think of something else. Think of how your cock feels when it sinks into your mate’s body.

  “Watch me.” Levi opened his eyes to see Cam’s boring into his. “We don’t want any furry incidents.”

  He’d have to explain to his mate, at some other time, about how his vampire half was holding down his wolf and refusing to let him do anything beyond whimper. Vampires were usually switches – fucking and being fucked, they didn’t care. Levi was just glad his wolf side enjoyed a taste of freedom in the woods earlier.

  But that wasn’t the sort of thing he could bring up now. Despite his mental reservations, his body was open and willing and Cam was taking full advantage. There was a furrow across Cam’s brow and his tongue was peeking out of his full lips as he held onto his cock with one hand, bracing his body with the other.

  Actually, watching his face isn’t a bad idea. Levi ran his hand down to his own cock and gently tugged it as he felt the blunt end of Cam’s pushing against his hole. His body resisted, but not for long and Levi arched his back as he felt something like a swollen ball push through his thick muscles to rest on the inside. Inside! Levi wasn’t going to freak.

  “You could try breathing, babe,” Cam said with a wince. “Then maybe it wouldn’t feel like your body was tugging the head of my dick off.”

  Long breaths out. Levi knew the routine. He’d had many a man quail at the crucial moment when they tried to accept his length. Huffing and then breathing out, huffing and more breathing out, Levi felt it when his body finally relaxed its strangle hold on Cam’s cock.

  And Cam clearly felt him relaxing, too. But instead of seeming impatient, as Levi had been in the pa
st with others, Cam’s smile widened. “You have no idea how chuffed I am to be the first you trust with your ass.”

  I do. It’s written all over your face, but as Cam started to gently rock into him, Levi relaxed, fascinated by the play of emotions crossing his mate’s face. Something Levi had noticed from the first time he’d scented him; how Cam threw himself into every moment, milking it for all it was worth. Just like now. Pleasure, pride, and lust blended with a strong dose of affection. Cam showed it all and Levi couldn’t help but respond to that.

  He ran his hand over his cock head, collecting the juices and smoothing them down his shaft. Cam swiveled his hips and something electric sparked inside Levi’s body. He groaned and then groaned again, because somehow, between the pressure on his cock and the way Cam’s stroked that spot inside, he was close to coming. His balls were tight and suddenly Levi needed to come. Not content with lying like a lump, his hips finally moved and that caused Cam to speed up.

  He’s fucking me into the mattress, and Levi rejoiced in every second of it. He’d never felt so wanted or cherished. Cam hadn’t stopped watching his face. Nothing about this fuck was random. It was them, coming together the way all mates should, and as Levi felt his cock spurt he tilted his neck, offering his submission.

  Cam growled and struck; his teeth covering Levi’s mating mark perfectly. Levi’s wolf howled and his vampire cheered. Fuck, it gets crowded in my head sometimes, Levi thought as he relaxed back into the mattress. His ass was damp and sticky but his soul was calm.

  “Feed,” Cam said gently, nudging Levi’s face to his neck. “Can’t let your vampire side miss out.”

  Sipping quietly on Cam’s neck, Levi wrapped his arms around his mate and held on tight. He was never letting go again.

  Chapter Eight

  Cam surveyed the new challenge circle and the surrounding stands. He should have felt guilty he and Levi spent the entire previous day in bed, but Kyle and Michael hadn’t let him down. The circle was flat and swept clean and Cam could tell without checking it would be regulation size.

  The stands were sturdy and constructed out of thick wood, set a decent distance away from the circle. Although, as with anything shifter, they ringed the circle almost completely. Only one stand was set apart from the others, which would be where the Alpha, Alpha Mate, and Enforcers would sit. At the moment, those enforcers consisted entirely of him, the assassins, and Shadow, so Cam wasn’t worried about Aiden’s safety, although Ranger was.

  “I can’t see anything here that Ranger could complain about,” Levi said, coming to stand next to him. “You’ve got no high buildings to hide snipers. Aiden will be protected by enough bodies so no one will be able to get to him.”

  “Ranger still thinks his mate is a precious wallflower that can’t cope with the midday sun.” Cam laughed as he pulled Levi close. It was Ranger’s call, before first light, demanding he check security for the challenges, that pulled the two of them out of bed. “I’m sure Aiden’s going mental with Ranger’s protective instincts. I’m glad you’re not like that with me.”

  “I am,” Levi twisted his face in the facsimile of a smile. “I just know how to hide it better.”

  “Just as well.” Cam tilted his head for a kiss but a sharp cough had him turning around. “Kyle, I’m not sure you’ve met my mate, Levi.” Kyle’s eyes widened and his cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink. The assassin tattoo would do that to anyone, although Cam was biased. He thought Levi was the epitome of male perfection. “You’ve done an amazing job. I transferred your fee through the bank this morning.”

  “Thank you very much, sir.” Kyle tilted his head. “We’ve had three other job offers that came through while we were working here. This is going to mean a lot to my parents.”

  “What is your family’s situation?” Cam leaned against Levi’s chest, enjoying the heat and strength. “Is there anything else the Alpha can help you with?”

  Kyle looked at the ground and scuffed the dirt with his boot. Cam noticed they were barely holding together. He felt a flutter of discontent in his belly, sure he wasn’t going to like what Kyle would say. “I’m sure the Alpha has enough to do without worrying about our family.” Yep, Kyle was on the defensive. More shit from the ex-alpha, Cam thought.

  “But there is something that does affect the whole town,” Kyle continued. “We don’t have any medical facilities. My dad,” he looked up at the clear blue sky and then back at Cam. “My dad was one of the original enforcers for the current Alpha’s grandmother. When the older Mr. Chalmers took over, all the enforcers were fired; no pension, no nothing. My dad tried to get other work; my mom didn’t want to move from here. He was working for Northern Construction but he fell through a roof and broke his back. He was unconscious and by the time he was found, he couldn’t shift. He hasn’t been able to shift or work since.”

  Cam’s heart went out to the young man. Now he was paying attention, he could see Kyle was wearing the same jeans from two days before and while his t-shirt was clean, it was almost transparent. “I am glad you told me. I thought there was a medical facility in town. Are you telling me no one there would treat your father?”

  “There’s no one there to do the treating.” Kyle pointed up the road where the medical building stood starkly modern among the older style shops and houses. “Northern Construction kicked out the staff years ago and uses it as their headquarters.”

  Frowning, Cam asked. “How many men make up Northern Construction apart from the three bozos already in jail?”

  “There was just the three of them in charge – Joe Fontain, his brother Patrick, and his cousin Nyle. Those were the three you got the other night. They also worked as enforcers for Mr. Chalmers. My dad was a contract worker, same as anyone else who worked for the company. Joe said that’s why he didn’t owe my dad any money to help out after he was hurt.”

  “Maybe you should have torn their heads off, babe.” Cam patted Levi’s thigh. “I wish we’d known about this sooner Kyle, but we know about it now and your family will be taken care of. You should be enjoying life at your age. How old are you? Nineteen, twenty?”

  “I’m twenty-five, sir. I’ve been working since I was sixteen.”

  “The same age as our Alpha, Aiden. You must come up to the house sometime. He’d love to get to know you. I realize the damage done to your father’s back is probably permanent now, but there will be a doctor in town by Monday and his first job will be to do all he can to make your father more comfortable.”

  Cam noticed Kyle’s eyes shifting about and mentally thumped himself. “The doctor will be paid from the fund the Alpha has set up to help the people of this town. So, there will be no charge no matter how many visits are required or whatever treatments he needs. The next order of business is to get you into a proper business. I think Northern Construction needs new premises and a new owner. I’ll draw up the papers to arrange for that company and any assets associated with it, to be transferred into your name.”

  “Mine?” Kyle looked panicked and hopeful all at once. “I didn’t finish schooling, I don’t know how to run a business. I’ve just been trying to make money to make mom’s life easier.”

  “My friend, Sean, will help you with the business side of things. He’s been getting bored.” Levi actually smiled and Cam’s heart thumped hard. “He’s another assassin like me, but believe me, he’d love to help you and your family now we’ve decided to settle here.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” Kyle ran his hand through his blond hair. “I was just trying to help my parents, you know? When my dad got hurt, no one at the pack house would help. We’ve been living on charity from our neighbors. But times have been tough all over.”

  “That is something Aiden is aware of and is doing his best to help with. A lot of money and resources were stolen from people like your father and this town. And that’s another thing. You said your father was an enforcer. Under council laws, he had a right to a pension if he ever left his position or was lai
d off. An enforcer position is twenty-four seven and that kind of dedication is always respected in packs.” Cam pulled out his phone. “Give me your father’s details and I’ll make sure he’s paid the going rate for pensions, backdated to when he was first laid off.”

  “But that was years ago. That’s a huge amount of money.” Cam could tell Kyle was trying to work out how much it might be. A pension was usually eighty percent of a man’s wage.

  “And it will be in your account this afternoon and he will receive a monthly amount starting from the beginning of next month.”

  “I don’t understand.” Kyle looked as if he was going to cry and Cam gave into his urges and stepped forward to give the man a hug.

  “You and your dad, your whole family, deserve a lot better than old man Chalmers ever gave you. This is the least we can do. Now,” he added slapping Kyle on the back and moving away. “Perhaps you’d like to share the good news with your family. I’ll be busy with these enforcer challenges for a couple of hours, but I promise that money will be in your account today.”

  “You have no idea; this is life changing for all of us.” Kyle shook his head and brushed away his tears. Straightening his spine, he said, “Thank you. It’s good to know the town will soon be back the way it was when the Alpha’s grandmother was alive. My dad remembers her fondly.”

  “All the more reason for you to come and have a meal with Aiden. He’d love to hear those stories. Now go on, Sean will be in touch later today. Start looking for a new home for Northern Construction – the doctor will need his rooms back. But first, speak to your family. Let them know things will change for the better.” Cam made a mental note to ask Sean to go around and see Kyle’s family personally. With luck, there would be other things that could be done to make Kyle and his family’s life a lot easier.

  “You were good with him,” Levi said as Kyle tilted his neck and then sprinted off. “I imagine he feels like he’s won the lottery today.”


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