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Tequila & Tailgates (A Country Road Novel - Book 2)

Page 21

by Andrea Johnston

  Protecting my heart is the number one priority. I’ll deal with the repercussions later.

  I could be helping her. I should be helping her. I’m an asshole of epic proportions for sitting on the back porch with my coffee and not offering to carry Ashton’s boxes for her. I didn’t offer to let her use my truck. Doing any of that would be some sort of agreement to this and I’m far from okay with her moving out. Moving back home.

  When her parents arrived home earlier in the week, we completed the walkthrough and celebrated the completion of their home. While the additional work wasn’t much work in the grand scheme of things, it was enough to put us those weeks behind schedule. Weeks I’m grateful for. Without them, I wouldn’t have had the time I did with Ashton. We wouldn’t have worked through all the animosity between us. We wouldn’t have reconnected and I wouldn’t have fallen in love with her.

  Yep, no sense in denying it at this point. Head over heels, determined to make her mine, wooing in progress love. I’ve gone to the dark side with Ben and I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.

  I’ve heard most of my adult life that the important moments in life just happen. They can’t be planned and they can’t be created, they simply are. Love is like that. I prepared to admit that I started falling for Ashton a little by a bonfire during a game of tequila-infused truth or dare. The night we spent together four years ago solidified what I pretended wasn’t there. Filling my time and my bed with the opposite of her in every way seemed logical and reasonable. A crock of shit is what it was.

  I can hear her talking to herself in the house now. I’m sure part of her conversation is cursing me and my horrible manners. My mother would have my ass if she knew I was out here. My sister already ripped into me last night when we talked on the phone.

  “Dammit, Jameson. That girl drove you down here and she helped you with my daughter. She didn’t have to do that, you know? She could have told you to fuck yourself, I would have. She didn’t. Mom said she didn’t hesitate to come with you.

  Then you walked in my hospital room and I knew it. Instantly. She loves you, Jameson. You love her. It’s high time you get your dumb head out of your even dumber ass.

  “Must I remind you, I almost died, Jameson. Don’t make me kick your ass when I’m better. I’ll do it.”

  No doubt she would. It’s not in my nature to lay down and take it, to roll over and let Ashton walk away. I did it once because I was a dumb kid and didn’t know any better. I know now. I know what we have is real. I also know just how good it is. No, how great it is. Nobody challenges me more and nobody makes me want to be a better man than Ashton.

  My dad used to tell me when I was younger that when I found the woman who pushed me to be a better man, the woman who accepted my flaws, and the woman who found humor in my quirks, that was the one to marry. Marry?

  I’m not sure I’m ready for that. But, to be together and not pretend we aren’t? I’m more than ready for that.

  Her footsteps get closer as she approaches the open door. Turning my head slightly so I’m looking at her, I want nothing more than to beg her to stay. But I won’t. I’m not ready for that; we’re not ready for that. I have a few loose ends that need attention first. Rest assured, it will happen.

  “So, I’m all packed up. I left your key on the counter and the sheets are in the wash. If you want, I can come back by later and re-make the bed.”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  “Okay, well, umm so I told Julia I would go down and visit her when she gets home next week. She promised to keep me updated on Noah.”


  “Look, I don’t want to leave with you mad at me. I really do appreciate everything you’ve done. We had some good times while I was here and I just think…”

  “What, Ashton? You think we can just be friends? Hang out as a group and pretend nothing happened? You want me to watch you with other guys? Do you think I want to know that when you aren’t working you’re probably at that bar meeting guys?”

  “No, I just…”

  “Ah fuck,” I grit out before standing. The look on her face is killing me. “Don’t cry. I’m sorry. I don’t want you to do this. I told you that last weekend.”

  “I know, and I told you I can’t. You’ll break me, Jameson. I can’t handle that. I’m just not strong enough. I wish I could be. I wish I could handle no strings and be casual but that’s just not me.”

  Ashton turns, walking away from me. Figuratively and literally. I won’t follow her, there’s no reason to make this more complicated than it already is. She’ll come back and she’ll be with me. That you can be damned sure of.

  “Mr. Strauss, it’s been a pleasure,” Toby, the swarmy car salesman, says, extending his hand.

  “Jameson. Thanks. It’s going to take some getting used to, but she’s a beauty. I’m glad you have a buyer for my old girl; she’s been really good to me.”

  A few more minutes of small talk before I accept the keys from him along with my folder of papers. This is the first step in putting the past behind me and moving forward. There’s been no reason for me to hold on to a truck I first bought at nineteen years old. I’m a damn business owner, for goodness sake. The gas I’m saving with a newer truck is probably worth the payment I have now.

  The afternoon Ashton moved out, I talked to my dad on the phone. He suggested if I was serious about growing my business and planning a future, I needed to sit down with my accountant and develop a plan. So, here I am a few weeks later, buying a new truck and the proud owner of a five-year plan to build my business and eventually create a family.

  A family wasn’t in the original plan, but after witnessing what happened with Julia first hand, it was something I thought more and more about. Then, speaking with Stephen and watching him with Hope and Julia while they visited Noah and waited for his release, I knew that was what I wanted.

  I haven’t spoken to Ashton since she moved out. Julia has tried telling me how she’s doing but I finally told her to stop. I’m working to set the foundation for Ashton and me. Julia’s thoughts and updates only cloud that and make me want to say screw it and demand she come home.

  I’ve been out a few times with the guys, but never when she’s working. I hate knowing that when she isn’t at work, she’s at Doris’s Tavern doing God only knows what and with whom. I also purposely avoid the responsibility of designated driver on those nights because, if I’m sober, it’s a strong possibility I’ll be driving myself out to Doris’s Tavern. There are no scenarios where that plays out well for me.

  Checking my phone for the time, I decide to see if Ben’s home. He’s mentioned a few times that he may want to bite the bullet and have my company finish the work on his house. Might as well have an official conversation about it. Plus, I’d like to put a few miles on this new truck of mine.

  Me: You at home?

  Ben: Yeah, what’s up?

  Me: I was going to swing by. Have a real conversation about the house?

  Ben: Sounds good.

  Me: Who else is there?

  Ben: Just me. Piper is at my mom’s.

  Me: Be there in thirty.

  Thirty minutes later and I’m pulling up the drive to Ben and Piper’s farm house. It’s almost impossible to remember what this place looked like last year. The amount of work he put into the house when he and Piper were on the outs set the foundation for what it is now. For weeks, he was an unbearable asshole, hiding away from his life and those in it. He spent most his free time out here, working himself to death on this house. I still don’t understand how he assumed none of us knew he was in love with Piper. But, he did. Thankfully they’ve moved beyond that and are happily planning their wedding.

  Driving around the side of the house where I know he’s been keeping his building supplies, I make sure he isn’t working with a saw or anything else that could maim him before laying on the horn. Jumping a little, he flips me off before putting his measuring tape down and walking toward th
e truck.

  “Nice wheels. What happened to the beast?”

  “Time to grow up, I guess. Plus, I need a fucking tax deduction. Writing that check was brutal.”

  Laughing, Ben steps back, allowing me to open the door. Motioning for Ben to slide in the driver’s seat, I shake my head as he begins pushing every button and sliding his hand along the soft leather seats with little moans of pleasure. Offering up a few whistles before climbing out and closing the door, he’s shaking his head at me.

  “It’ll be a long time before I have anything this nice. This fucking house and wedding are bleeding me dry.”

  “The wedding? You’re getting married here, how expensive can it be?”

  “It actually isn’t. Piper’s so easy going and wants it simple so the cost isn’t too bad itself. But, we do live a little outside of town so she thinks we should provide buses so everyone can drink and nobody drives. Plus, we need like ten shitters so people aren’t in my house.”

  “Tell me you aren’t planning to call them shitters on the day of the actual wedding.”

  “I can’t even call them that to Piper now, she gets all freaked out.”

  “Come on, show me how much you suck and need me to save your ass.”

  “Fuck off. I don’t need your help, but if I’m going to have this place ready for the fall wedding Piper wants, I need to get a move on.”

  Following Ben into the house through the kitchen, it’s my turn to whistle. This room is straight out of a magazine. The nuts and bolts of the room were here when he bought the place but the work they’ve done since is spectacular. I’m able to see Piper’s stamp here and there, bringing a modern flair to the traditional farm house kitchen. The tall ceiling, white-on-white tile backsplash, and shabby chic white cabinets with a light granite counter makes the room look larger than it probably is. A door to the side clearly marked “pantry” with a bench and shoe rack just outside of it screams traditional. The stainless steel appliances and two large ceiling fans bring a modern touch to the room. All while prisms dance across the walls from the intricate stained glass on the door.

  “Damn, Ben. This room is fantastic. You guys did a great job.”

  “Yeah, it’s Pipe’s favorite room. Well, other than the library. She thinks she’s that Disney character the way she goes on and on about her books.”

  “Belle,” I say, following him down the hall toward the other half of the house.


  “The character is Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Hope loves that movie. She and Ashton watch it a lot.”

  “Ah, well whatever. There’s the half bath and foyer. Since we aren’t much for formal, we turned the formal dining room into a TV room or mancave if you want to get trendy. And, here is Piper’s library.”

  I step into the room deemed “Piper’s library.” Touches of Piper are everywhere. Books fill the shelves on either side of the fireplace, a dark leather couch blankets the large wall, and a large red chair sits in the corner with a side table and reading lamp. Photos of Ben and Piper, their families, our friends, and a few of them as kids are scattered throughout the room. The large wall above the couch is blank and I look at Ben questioningly.

  “Our wedding present from Landon. He asked that we trust him and leave it blank.”

  “Ah, I’m sure it’s one of his pieces. I have a small one in my bedroom, carved out of barn wood. Your sis … You’ll both love it.” That was close. Ben’s said a few times he would be fine with Ashton and me together, but I didn’t want to tell him by referencing my bedroom.

  “I still can’t believe he has all of that talent and continues to work for his dad. Anyway, the downstairs and landscaping are pretty much done. It’s the upstairs that’s giving me a shit time. Converting that smaller bedroom into ‘an epic closet’ has been a pain in the ass. And don’t get me started on the bathroom.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Following Ben up the stairs, he shows me two small bedrooms and the main bathroom, which is the last on the punch list because it’s currently the only working shower in the house. Ben admits that Piper has been begging him to take me up on my offer to take over the project because she loves my master bathroom. The reality is she wants me to duplicate my bathroom here. After a few measurements and notes, we head back down to the kitchen. Handing me a beer, Ben leans on the counter and takes a long drink from his bottle before speaking.

  “Just tell me, pull off the Band-Aid. How much?”

  “I told you, it’s my wedding gift. You’re further along than you made it seem. I think if I put two guys on it, we can have most of this done in about four weeks. Of course, if another job comes up, I’ll need to put them on that, so it may take longer. But, I guarantee it’ll be done by the wedding. Really, I think the biggest hurdle will be getting the plumber here to work on that master. The rest, my guys will handle.”

  “Fuck, I should’ve listened to you and Piper. Four weeks and no more saws? No more sawdust? No more drafty upstairs? Sign me up. What do you need? Blood? Our first born? Well, maybe not that.”

  “Yeah, no kids. Thanks though.”

  “How about my sister? She’s all yours if you get this done in four weeks.” Ben has no idea what he’s just offered up and how pissed Ashton would be if she heard him.

  “Pimping out Ashton now?” I joke, but he’s not laughing. “You’re serious. Oh man, don’t let Piper or Ashton hear you say things like that. But, in all seriousness we’ll get this done. I expect you’ll be here helping too.”

  “Of course, I’ll be here. I’m so relieved right now, you have no idea. Next time I’m a stubborn ass, just remind me of this. Another beer?”

  Looking at the clock, I realize I have nowhere to be and toss back the rest of my beer in one drink and taking the new one offered.

  “Speaking of your sister, how is she?” I ask, keeping my tone and voice casual.

  “She’s the same as usual. That’s not true. I’d say she’s more bitter than before. But it’s not bitterness, it’s something else. Piper says she’s heartbroken. I told her that can’t be possible because I told you not to break my sister’s heart.” He points his bottle in my direction, a scowl on his face.

  “I didn’t. I actually think it’s the other way around,” I say, looking down at the table while peeling the label of the bottle I’m holding.

  “What do you mean? You aren’t saying she broke yours.”

  For the next two hours, Ben listens to me tell him everything. Well, almost everything. I left out the things no brother wants to know about his sister. Trust me, I have one, I know. I also didn’t tell him about Doris’s Tavern. I know that part of her life is private and off limits. I already screwed up by finding out about it, I don’t need to make matters worse. To his credit, Ben kept a cool head about it and only threatened to kill me a few times.

  “So, let me get this straight, you and my sister hooked up years ago and never told me or anyone. Then, you basically hated each other for four years, making everyone around you miserable. But you didn’t really hate each other, you were probably in love with one another and just never admitted it. You only dated girls that were the opposite of Ashton because you couldn’t have her. But, the reality is, you don’t know that because you never talked about it?”


  “Then you two idiots started up a friends with benefits deal while she was living with you. Because, side note, that never works. She broke it off because she has feelings, which it should be noted you reciprocate, but she didn’t care and moved home. Of course, after you told her you want a relationship. Now you haven’t talked in weeks. And, somewhere along the way she became like best friends with both your sister and employee? Is that about it?”

  “I never hated your sister. I hated that she was hateful and a snarky brat to me regularly. But otherwise, yep that’s about it.”

  “Huh, I think I need something harder than beer after all of that. Whiskey?”

  “Nah, I’m going
to have to drive home and probably have to sit here another few hours and eat something as it is.”

  “Well, I’m having some because this is a lot to digest. Plus, I’m trying to figure out why I’m not surprised and why I don’t want to kick your ass.”

  Laughing, I take the glass of water he offers and finishing half of it in a single drink. “I’m glad you don’t want to kick my ass. Let’s just say I learned a little from how you and Piper handled things. I’m going to change your sister’s mind, but I wanted to talk to you first. I don’t want there to be any issues between us.”

  “We’re cool. I’m still processing all of this but I’m not pissed. I feel like I’m supposed to be. If this were a movie, there would be a big moment or something. I trust you and know that at the end of the day you’re both stubborn and ornery, but eventually you’ll work this out.”

  I don’t disagree with him. As I’m standing to refill my glass, Ben’s phone rings. From his side of the conversation I can tell it’s Piper and she’s still with his mom in full wedding mode. After a few minutes of conversation and Ben assuring Piper he’s perfectly capable of feeding himself and me since I’m here, he finally hangs up. Pulling a plate from the refrigerator, he places it on the counter as he sets his phone down.

  “Steak and potatoes? Piper’s going to eat with my mom, Ashton, and Minnie while they work on wedding stuff.”

  “Sure. I’m glad they’re letting Minnie hang out with them. I think she needs that.”

  “What’s her story anyway? Two kids?”

  “Not my story to tell. But, watching Owen realize she was a package deal was pretty entertaining. It was like she put up a ‘keep out’ sign or something.”

  “No trespassing is more like it,” Ben snorts, taking the plate of steaks and potatoes out to the grill. I follow him.


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