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Game (Gentry Boys #3)

Page 4

by Cora Brent

  Our mouths were glued together once more when he rolled to his back, pulling me on top of him. Chase was still pressing into the hot crevice between my legs as his strong hands rubbed my back before moving lower, and lower, squeezing the flesh of my ass, causing my body to virtually scream for satisfaction. Instinct was eclipsing reason and I felt my hips bucking crazily as his hands found their way inside the waistband of my shorts. I could feel his hands squeezing, groping on the outside of my panties. Then his hands were inside my panties. I moaned a little as he began moving my body up and down, showing me how hard he wanted to grind. The muscles in my thighs clenched and unclenched, creating an acute sensation that caused me to whimper lightly. It felt unbelievable, especially when he deftly slid my shorts down, followed by my underwear. His hands gripped my bare thighs and moved me so that I could feel the blunt, hard end of him trying to creep into my open body. The only thing preventing him from sliding completely inside of me was the single layer of fabric afforded by his boxers. Jesus, if those things came off too…

  We’d stopped kissing. I could only hang onto him and get carried along by whatever he wanted to do. He moved me hard and spread my legs slightly. Both of us had broken out in a sweat. So many times I’d awoken from dreams, heart pounding, insides throbbing, as my subconscious tried to let me in on a secret I’d never known when awake. I was climbing toward something new and I couldn’t stop. It was fucking incredible. Nothing had ever been this good before. I could feel every bit of how badly he wanted this. I was wild over the idea of what he was doing to me, of what I was doing to him. And then I completely shattered.

  “Shit!” I gasped, halfway to a scream. His hands were between my legs now. When I felt his fingers inside of me I reared my head back. I heard the obscenities coming out of my mouth as everything inside me convulsed and pleaded for more, always more. I needed more. I needed him.

  “Say it, Steph. Say it!” Chase grabbed a handful of my hair and forced me to look him in the eye. His voice was low, almost a growl. “I want to hear it.”

  Fuck me now. Goddammit to hell, I need you and I hate that I need you.

  I wanted to do everything with him. Absolutely everything. I wanted to smother common sense and give in. I wanted everything he wanted.

  Chase rolled on top of me. I was still pulsing, throbbing, in a frenzy of need. I’d never been this far gone before. He pressed his rigid dick against me again and that threatened to unleash another wave of ecstasy. My body had finally tasted the sweet bliss that drove everyone else in the world to madness. I didn’t know how the hell anyone could resist the urge for more.

  “You,” I whispered. “I want this.” An hour ago I would rather have died in the slowest, most excruciating way than utter the next word to Chase Gentry.

  “Please,” I choked out and saw the fire in his eyes. He was close to the edge of crazed lust and the power of it made me tremble.

  He nodded, pleased with me. His voice was rough. “Good girl.”



  Gotcha, baby. I fucking got you.

  I knew it from the way she walked off that elevator. Her steps were shaky, like it was tough for her to keep it together because her pussy was throbbing so badly. And then when I touched her arm and felt the shudder roll through her it was difficult not to gloat about it.

  A split second later she launched into her usual ‘Chase Sucks’ pissed off act but that was only because she was mad that I was getting to her. I pretended to back off. I’d already recognized that Stephanie wasn’t a girl who gave it up easy. If this was going to happen then I would need to play it cool. But as soon as I saw an opening I was damn well taking it.

  I wasn’t lying to her when I said I liked watching baseball. Baseball was a game of inches and that had always fascinated me. A slight wind blows the ball one way and it’s an out. Ball rolls slightly in another direction and it’s headed for the outfield, scoring two runs. The game didn’t have the brute power of football or the quick play of hockey or basketball. It moved slowly, requiring the steady brilliance of exceptional pitching, catching, throwing, and punctuated by a few moments of powerful talent mixed with chance. Who the hell wouldn’t be captivated?

  But I could have feigned an interest in dog racing if that was what she had decided to watch. I’d heard rumors about Stephanie Bransky and what she was involved with; the kind of heavy duty gambling trade reserved for gruff men in smoky rooms or Martin Scorsese films. At first glance it seemed improbable that this petite blonde chick was capable of swimming in such murky waters. But after I watched Stephanie for a little while I saw how wired she was. She was sharp, she was intense, and she was the goddamn sexiest girl I ever saw. All the torn cutoffs and potato sack shirts in the fucking world couldn’t hide it. The fact that she wouldn’t allow me to even breathe too close to her only made me harder, to the point where I was beating my shit four times a day at the thought of dominating that girl.

  Truly had refused to dish on her roommate and I respected that. She’d waved her hand with impatience when I brought up the bookie business and was nothing but tight-lipped about whatever she knew of Stephanie’s history with guys. It was fine. I’d find out everything for myself.

  “I’ll be right back,” Stephanie grumbled, grabbing a shabby backpack.

  When she disappeared into the bathroom I knew she was warring with herself. I smiled as I listened to the water run in the next room and unbuttoned my shirt. I imagined her fretting in front of the mirror, suffering through an avid internal argument about how she needed to force me out of there. Yes, she was telling herself that was exactly what she needed to do, but underneath all that she wanted me and she just couldn’t bring herself to show me the door.

  Stephanie was flustered when she emerged from the bathroom and saw me sitting there shirtless in the dark.

  “Top of the ninth,” I told her.

  “What the hell are you up to now?” she demanded, hands on her hips.

  But she didn’t order me to leave. She’d already decided what she wanted. She just hadn’t admitted it yet. This night was locked up. It wouldn’t take me long to prove it.

  “I win,” I said to her a few minutes later after a flip of a card, a supposedly innocent game.

  “I guess you do,” she answered, looking nervous and uncertain.

  I had no intention of stopping at a kiss. She knew it. But I played along until she was really worked up, arching her body against mine so I could feel the sweet promise of her pussy pressing against me. She apparently had a thing about getting totally naked and I was cool with that, for now. Steph pushed my hands away from her tits and shook her head, so I found other things to do. She liked it when pulled her on top of me and slipped my hands into her shorts. She liked it more when I slid her underwear down. Goddamn, but it almost fucking ended me when we started dry humping. I hadn’t done that, hadn’t needed to, in a hell of a long time. I was as eager as a teenager rolling around in a backseat.

  I want in. I want in so bad, honey!!

  But she was close to coming. Her breathing had changed. She was letting out these soft little gasps and I could feel the tension in her body as she tried to get herself over the peak. Nothing on earth could make me interrupt this. I held her hips and got a deeper grind going. When I was sure she was on the brink I slid two fingers easily inside her as she reared her head back and let out a slew of filthy words. Her eyes were closed, her curly blonde hair fell into her flushed face and even with her stupid shirt on she was nothing but sheer sex. It was the biggest erotic victory I’d ever known.

  I still made her tell me. I forced her to look me in the eye and admit that she wanted more. She did it willingly.

  “Please,” she moaned and I knew I would replay that sound in my head ad nauseam; the sound of beautiful, obstinate Stephanie Bransky begging for my dick.

  “Good girl,” I told her and rolled on a condom.

  I was dying to take her shirt off and mess with her tits
but she kept pulling it down over herself and I didn’t want to risk throwing cold water on the mood. I’d get to all that later.

  When my hands went around her slim hips I let my thumbs graze her until she started moaning lightly. Then I did what I’d wanted to do since the first day of class in August, before I even knew her name, before I knew that she was anything more than just some tempting chick sitting three rows in front of me in the lecture hall.

  “Holy shit!” I yelled as I got deep. I couldn’t remember when the first thrust had ever felt this fucking good. But I also couldn’t remember a time when I’d held out so long for a girl I was into. Sex was never exactly the same from one girl to the next but they were all similar enough that I couldn’t be bothered sorting them out in my head. Getting into Stephanie was different. Maybe because I’d spent a lot of time desiring her, thinking about her. I wasn’t used to that.

  I forced myself to slow down, trying to savor everything about this. Stephanie clutched me tighter and spread wider, unable to stop herself from crying out.

  “Chase!” she shouted and then shuddered as she came again.

  “Fuck,” I groaned and couldn’t hold out any longer. I came so hard I felt like I was inside out.

  When I finally withdrew we were both shaking and sweaty. She turned her head to the side, her hair over her face as I checked the state of the condom. I was afraid it might not have held up but it was fine. I got rid of it and ran my knuckles over her smooth cheek.

  “Damn, girl,” I said softly but she pretended she didn’t hear me. She pulled the comforter over herself and continued to face away. I propped myself up on an elbow and tried again.


  “Your phone keeps ringing,” she said in a toneless voice and I frowned. The damn thing had been blowing up for the past ten minutes but it was the lowest of priorities at the time. With a sigh I grabbed my pants off the floor and fished out my phone. Creed was calling.

  “What?” I growled.

  The grumpy gorilla growled right back at me. “What do you mean ‘what’, shithead? You disappeared an hour ago.”

  “You can’t live without me for a little while?”

  “Reception’s wrapping up and Cord’s been looking for you. So quit wandering around the goddamn casino and get your ass back here.”

  “Despite the fact that you are way too attached to my ass, Creedence, I’ll be back down in a few minutes.”

  Suspicion crept into his voice. “You are in the casino, aren’t you?”

  I glanced at Steph. She sat up, her lower body covered with the comforter, her arms hugging her knees. She still wasn’t looking at me.

  “Yeah. I’ve been sticking quarters in the slot machines. Now get off my case and tell Cord I’ll be down soon to kiss the bride.”

  I hung up and started pulling on my pants. In the background the baseball game had already concluded. The Dodgers were headed to the World Series.

  I reached for Stephanie. “Let’s go downstairs. Maybe they saved some cake for us.”

  “No,” she grimaced, her pretty face troubled. “I’m done being dressed up for tonight.”

  “I didn’t say you have to dress up. I like what you’re wearing now.”

  She glared and pulled her blanket tighter. “I’m naked from the waist down.”

  I laughed. “That’s why I like it. Seriously, just throw on your shorts and come with me.” I sat down at her feet, reached for her hand. “Let’s make a night of it, Steph. Come on, we’re in Vegas. Anything you want, baby.”

  Her face reddened and she took a deep breath. I didn’t know what the hell was up with her, other than the painfully obvious fact that she didn’t fuck around on a regular basis. She gave me an arch look. “I just want to get some sleep.”

  She meant it. Stephanie had sunk back into her ‘Chase Sucks’ habit and I didn’t have time to beg for her attention right now.

  “All right,” I shrugged, taking my hand away.

  She sniffed. “And just so there’s no confusion, I won’t be answering my door tonight.”

  My words were sharp. “What the hell makes you think I’ll be knocking?”

  It was the wrong thing to say. She flinched, hugging her knees closer. I should have known better. Her bitchy behavior was only skin deep.

  “Steph,” I started to say, but she threw a pillow at my face.

  “Get lost, Chase.”

  I tried to make a joke. “That would be tough, sweetheart. I possess keen navigational instincts. They are unlikely to fail me suddenly.”

  “FUCK OFF!” she yelled.

  “Jesus.” I stood up. The walls were thin and the last thing I needed was some nosy screwball to call security. I grabbed my shirt off the floor and started heading to the door. “You ever decide to lighten up and behave halfway decent, give me a call.” I turned around, my hand on the doorknob. I didn’t really want to leave her. And if she had just given me the smallest sign that she wanted me to stay I would have, no matter who pitched a shit fit.

  But Stephanie Bransky had gone ice cold. For some reason she’d made the choice to close herself back up and feel nothing. It seemed impossible that barely ten minutes ago we were locked together in primal ecstasy.

  “Good night, Stephanie.”

  “Goodbye, Chase.”

  As I walked down the long corridor I was bothered. There were only a handful of times over the years that a girl had kept my attention for more than a few short weeks. Even those weren’t memorable. The strange thing was, sometimes it really appealed to me; the idea of building something that would last with someone I was actually excited to see every day. It didn’t shock me when Cord got knocked on his ass by Saylor. It had been a little jaw dropping to watch Creedence fall in love. I thought I would be more likely to catch him French kissing a diamondback rattler than saying ‘I love you’ to a female.

  As I waited for the elevator I ran into the same pair of girls who had been staggering down the hall earlier. The blonde was heavily made up, her lipstick smeared over her teeth, her eyes unfocused.

  “What’s your name, hottie?” she purred, sidling up to me. She smelled like milk and I didn’t want to know why.

  “Save your breath,” I answered before I abandoned the elevator in favor of the stairs. “You look expensive and I’m short on resources.”

  Before I closed the stairwell door I caught her gaping expression, which changed to anger as my words sunk in and she realized I’d been calling her a hooker. Really, I knew she wasn’t and it wasn’t a nice thing to say, but then I wasn’t exactly in a nice mood.

  Running down nine flights of stairs was a good idea. It helped burn off some of the frustration over having the one girl I was really interested in being with tonight scream at me to fuck off.

  As I headed down the hall back to the small reception room I tucked my shirt in and smoothed back my hair. It would be better if I didn’t look like I’d just finished boning away.

  Cordero still knew immediately. He saw me walk into the room and excused himself from a conversation with Saylor and her dad.

  “What the hell?” he hissed and I realized he was genuinely irritated. It suddenly occurred to me that maybe I shouldn’t have taken off during my brother’s wedding party to go roll around, even if it wasn’t just with some raunchy chick I’d picked up from the bar. Cord knew I’d been into Stephanie for a while now. Still, it was probably a shitty thing to do so I took the scolding.

  “Sorry,” I shrugged.

  Cord crossed his arms and all at once seemed a decade older than I was. He had a steady job, a wife, a kid on the way. Two of them, actually. I worked sporadically, half heartedly took a few classes at the university, and had just exited rehab.

  “I really am sorry,” I told him and he relaxed, shooting me a wry smile.


  “Yeah,” I admitted, looking around for Creed. “Look, don’t mention it to King Kong, all right? He seems to have a problem with me fucking ar
ound with his girlfriend’s roommate.”

  “Nah,” Cord said, watching Creedence in the corner as he shared a loving moment with Truly. “He’s just worried about you is all.”

  I was annoyed. When did the two of them become so united in this parental quest to save me from myself? It was bullshit, like the way they’d always called me ‘little brother’ just because I was the last one pulled out of the womb. The divide seemed to be growing lately as they leapt over to manhood and I was still, more or less, floundering.

  “You guys need to quit hovering over me.” I pushed him. “Go on, man. Take your bride upstairs and have your way with her. You know once those babies come climbing out you’ll be lucky to get a quick hand job once a month.”

  “Bullshit,” he snorted. “I can assure you that’ll never be a problem with me and Say.”

  I laughed. “Showoff.” Then I got serious. “Really, keep this Stephanie thing between you and me, all right? She’s not the type who’s too big on news getting around.”

  I could tell Cord was thinking about needling me on this. In the end though he just grinned and grabbed me around the neck. “Give me a hug, little brother.”

  I hugged him hard and felt a little teary eyed. Creedence and Cordero had been everything to me since the day we were born. The three of us had scratched out of a hellhole together and managed to grow up only by the grace of this brotherhood.

  Suddenly I felt as if my chest was being squeezed in a vice. Creed had crept over and seized both of us in his ridiculously strong grip.

  “Don’t damage him,” I warned, pushing Creed away. “Saylor will have your head.”

  Creedence only grinned. He glanced over to where Truly was hugging Saylor. A look of wonder crossed his face. “Damn, so many changes. I almost can’t keep up.”

  “Nothing’s changed,” Cord scoffed, and then looked over at his wife. “And everything’s changed.”

  I slapped him on the back. “Go on, Mr. Gentry. Perform your marital duties.”

  “With pleasure,” he smiled, his eyes on Saylor. She turned and beamed at him. He folded her into his arms and Truly came to Creed’s side, squeezing his arm. She noticed me.


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