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Bond Proof

Page 13

by E G Manetti

  Settling into the chair to the left of Trevelyan, Rebecca arranges her napkin in her lap, followed by her hands, and crosses her ankles. She will not reach for her fork or slate until milord does.

  Picking up his fork, Trevelyan says, “Your report was well done, but I would hear it all from when you entered the free-trader’s suite.”

  Rebecca executes a perfect social smile as she picks up her fork and responds as though engaged in the lightest of social discourse. “The deacon answered the door and invited us within . . .”

  As is his habit, the spymaster listens carefully, interrupting when he wishes further clarification. “You are certain he was shocked when he understood the threat to Monsignor’s daughter?”

  “Yes, milord, and sincere in his commitment to do naught to bring his kinship claim to light.” Picking up the glass of sparkling water, she takes a delicate sip as if it were wine. By the time her bond proves she will have the refined manners of a warrior. Although the hull launch viewing at Sinead’s Shrine Quarters was a casual reception, she was beyond grateful that her lord had insisted on all those decorum lessons. Lilian may be a fallen warrior, but she and her family retain high-ranking friends, and if her lord’s liaison with Helena continues, Rebecca is likely to be included at more such events. Given how happy Trevelyan has been in the last season, she prays the liaison continues a long while. At his nod, she continues her report until she reaches the point where Katleen joins them.

  “Katleen appeared to like them?”

  “Yes, milord, she appeared enchanted and engaged Deacon Raleigh for the length of the walk to the alcove.”

  Trevelyan says naught for a moment, lost in thought. Then he nods, and she continues, finishing with Apollo’s request for a midday conference with the free-traders.

  “I know he went to the alcove quarters,” Trevelyan says. “But I have yet to speak with Apollo about his impressions. Was there aught else?”

  “On the return walk to the Sparkling Vistrite, we discussed the Inversion, and the free-traders expressed an interest in remaining in Crevasse City to attend the Five Warriors’ Festival.”

  “Two more sevendays than they planned. Or perhaps that was always the intent.” Rubbing the back of his neck, he adds, “Raleigh’s desire to leave and join the trap for the raiders suggests his arrival at the same time as the command crew is naught but coincidence, but I dare not trust it. Not with the kinship tie to milord. Either he has another purpose, or the forces of Universal Balance are at work.”


  Milord tosses his jacket on a chair and reaches for his tunic fasteners as he settles on the scarlet couch. His actions are all the command Lilian needs. Discarding her slate and jacket in their accustomed spot, she follows milord, unfastening her top. When she reaches milord, he pulls her astride him, tossing her top aside and gathering her tight to him, his kiss sending thrills along her spine and down her limbs.

  His mouth lifts, and his eyes are heavy with passion as his quick fingers part the amber silk that covers her breasts. Warm, hard hands stroke and tease the tender globes, causing Lilian to contract below her waist and arch into the arousing caress. Setting his hands at her waist, he lowers his head to nibble and suckle one aching tip and then the other. Secure in his grasp, Lilian arches back, thrusting her breasts into the erotic contact, her sex swelling and aching. Gripping milord’s thighs with her knees, she grinds her silk-encased and heated sex against the hard ridge of his erection. Milord’s hands slide lower, cupping her buttocks and pulling her away from what she desires.

  Her sound of frustration is replaced by moans of pleasure as milord sends one exploring hand beneath her skirt and past the now-sodden scrap of silk veiling her aching cleft and the inflamed jewel at her pinnacle. Skirt pushed to her waist, she widens her thighs, offering greater access that milord exploits, thrusting two fingers within while his thumb flicks over her jewel. With practiced movements, he twists his fingers, finding the spot that sets her ablaze while his thumb teases without mercy. Writhing against the tormenting fingers, Lilian desperately wishes to take milord into her.

  Snaking a hand between, she find’s milord’s belt and works it loose, then his trouser fasteners, releasing his shaft into her hand. Long, stiff, the skin silken, it swells and lengthens, and Lilian is eager to have it within her.

  Milord releases her sex, his hands returning to her waist. “Mount me, woman.”

  Yes, please. In a moment she has fully engulfed milord’s hardened sex. Bliss swamps her senses.

  Milord’s hands are on her hips, his mouth against her neck, his words thick with desire as he encourages her to movement. “Find your pleasure, woman. I intend to take mine.”

  Bracing her hands on the sofa back, she rises and falls in counterpoint to milord’s thrusts, each penetration harder, deeper, turning bliss into ecstasy and ecstasy into shattering release. Milord’s grip tightens, and he holds her tight to his pelvis as his shaft pulses within her.

  Resting against milord’s chest, she nestles closer. Milord is always pleasantly warm. The movement tightens her around milord’s still mostly hard sex. He offers a soft sound of pleasure in return and sends a stroking hand along her back.


  Masters Fletcher and Nickolas are by the podium with Cesare when Lilian enters the archives. “It was beyond amusing,” Fletcher says, preparing the Bright Star code training session. Cesare will be joining the command crew in the lessons, as his final few sevendays at Crossed Sabers are but a formality. Cesare’s future is mapped to Mulan and the cartel.

  “Explicit might be a better term,” Nickolas replies, examining the reviewer. “I thought those puppet plays naught but children’s entertainment.”

  “Naught childish in the tale of the elf prince and the tree fairy. I admit to being impressed by the anatomical attributes of the puppets.”

  The two warriors are discussing the entertainment provided at Socraide’s Cotillion. Seventh Day media was agog at the daring of the puppet play.

  Master Cesare turns from the reviewer. “Mistress Lilian, have you knowledge of puppet plays? I understand you are well versed in some of the ancient fables.”

  For a moment Lilian is confused and then realizes that Cesare refers to her knowledge of the Bright Dawn Horror and the revelation of its origins.

  “Some knowledge,” Lilian admits. “My area of expertise does not advance past the morality tales of the third and fourth centuries. Those, we now consider children’s fables. The sophisticated satires of the sixth and seventh centuries are not well known to me.”

  “Satire or child’s fable, it was a welcome relief from illusionists,” Fletcher returns. “I intend no offense, Master Cesare. The illusionist who performed at Mistress Elysia’s cotillion was exceptional. But many of the others have been lackluster.”

  “As you voice,” Cesare says with a grin. “Why do you think my mother designed an alternative?”

  Socraide’s Cotillion was a success by all measures. In addition to the slyly erotic puppet play, the event included some daring new orchestrations for dancing and introduced both Fortuna artichokes and red wine. Lady Estella honored public opinion and appeared in Monsignor Lucius’ wedlock gift of marvelous Vistrite and diamonds. The admired couple did not dance in this semipublic venue. After a mere period, Lucius Mercio escorted his wife from the event, leaving Elysia in the care of Cesare, Seigneur Micah, and Master Nickolas.

  “Had we known that Socraide’s Cotillion would prove so entertaining, we might have left The Blade’s Point for another evening,” Nickolas says.

  Cesare drops into a front row chair. “I am glad you did not. Raphael has returned to Mulan, and had you not been bound there, I would not have persuaded Micah.”

  Doing her best to fade into the background, Lilian hopes the men will continue their discussion. The Blade’s Point is the most exclusive indulgence in Crevasse City. Located at the border of the River Quarter and the Commerce District, the discreet establishment is
identified by naught but a small plaque by the door. Even if she had the funds, the apprentice protocol strictures on decorum would prevent her from entering.

  As with all indulgences, The Blade’s Point offers a wide array of wagering games and spectacles, including erotic entertainment and entertainers. Unlike the others, it provides three separate dining facilities capable of catering to the most sophisticated palates. Even more intriguing, in the early bells of the night, it presents a revolving sequence of entertainments of popular musical and melodramatic acts acceptable in all social circles. Since it opened during the rainy season, it has become the indulgence of choice for the warriors and the wealthiest of the second-level elite. It attracts a corresponding representation of those willing to cater to the whims of the powerful, for a price.

  Master Nickolas steps back from the reviewer. “Neither of you is yet twenty and a legal adult. You should not be admitted without adult companions.”

  “Micah wears a signet and I the heir’s badge,” Cesare scoffs. “They would be blind to all else.”

  Having once been a minor with a platinum heir’s badge, Lilian knows the truth of Cesare’s statement. Milord will be glad to know his protégé had sense enough to escort Cesare rather than risk the young man going on his own. Her hope that the conversation will proceed with more information on the indulgence is thwarted with the arrival of the command crew.


  Gray and Black Commerce

  Self-sufficient in many respects, the Eleventh System lacks the internal means and external access to achieve the same level of technical advancement as the rest of the Twelve Systems. Almost every aspect of technology used on the two planets is at least a decade behind that in use beyond the Eleventh System.

  This limitation is artificially created by Matahorn to ensure a market for products that require sophisticated technology to produce. Medical supplies, environmental toxin cleansers, even certain agricultural products can be imported more cheaply, even with Matahorn’s commissions, than they can be produced within the planets. Some cannot be produced at all at the level of quality demanded by Twelve Systems’ health and safety protocols. ~ excerpt from A Social History of the Twelve Systems, an academy text.

  Sevenday 141, Day 5

  Lilian crosses the scarlet threshold at eighth bell well pleased with the events of the past few days. The deacon is proving creative in developing counters to the black raiders who threaten Mercium. That he is prone to laxity in matters of decorum is not unexpected, as the Eleventh and Twelfth Systems are known to be crude in manner. The Nightingale command crew is proving diligent in its commitment to training. Although Lilian has been unable to quell her disquiet, it does not overset her. The hint of a pattern that taunted her since the arsenic poisoning has dissolved.

  The ebony desk is unoccupied. Pivoting toward the scarlet couch, she finds milord intent on the reviewer. As she rounds the couch, milord shutters the reviewer and sets aside his slate. With a smile he beckons Lilian to him and pulls her into his embrace. Surfacing from milord’s kiss, Lilian struggles to order her thoughts. It is beyond difficult as milord has her across his lap and is exploring her thighs with one warm, arousing hand. Milord claims another brief kiss and then sets her from him. “Seigneur Herman opens negotiations with the entertainment consortium and Raleigh this midday. By the dry season, The Warriors’ Expansion will be available in the Eleventh System.” Milord’s gaze is searching. “Think you they will discover aught other than commerce advantage?”

  Milord refers to the hidden lure to Despoilers within the entertainment. With so much of the workings of the cooperative societies hidden, it is difficult to determine if aught of the foul sect has taken root in those worlds. “I know not, milord. I pray to Adelaide and the Five Warriors that there is naught to be found but erratic and impractical commerce activities. Seigneur Trevelyan and the Shrines would have the reassurance that there is naught of concern.”

  Lucius agrees. Another fissure in Matahorn’s control of the Eleventh System is of benefit to both Serengeti and the Twelve Systems. That it will aid in the elimination of the vestiges of the Despoilers is a service to the Five Warriors. That it will annoy Horatio Margovian offers Lucius delight. As does the darkness in Lilian’s eyes that denotes her desire has yet to dissipate. Master desire. Midday will see Lucius with Herman. “Attend me at the penthouse at eighth bell.”


  With midday at liberty and the green season at its most welcoming, Lilian leapt on Chrys’ suggestion they enjoy their meal at the museum café. With Mr. Stefan trailing them through the buffet line, the two Ravens gather more curious glances than usual. Although some of that may be due to the amount the guard piles onto his plate—by Lilian’s standards, it is enough to make a meal for her, her mother, and her sister, but it is not the first occasion she has shared a meal with Mr. Stefan and it is modest by his standards.

  Once they are settled, Chrys asks, “How much do you know about gray commerce in the free-trader systems?”

  Pausing her fork halfway to her mouth, Lilian wonders at the topic. Knowing Chrys will have a purpose, she completes her action, chewing while she marshals what she knows. “The definition of gray and black commerce there is somewhat different than in the rest of the Twelve Systems. Almost from the first, there were schemes to circumvent the Matahorn commission fees. To a large extent, that which is considered smuggling in the rest of the Twelve Systems is something of a game in those systems.”

  “They have no restrictions on smuggling?” Mr. Stefan asks.

  “They have restrictions, but most are Matahorn restrictions and given little reverence.” She looks to Chrys. “From what we discovered when Monsignor first explored the Mercium trade, only the trade in decadents or people is considered smuggling as we understand it, and both are penalized as the blackest of commerce. Although we cannot prove it, we suspect that more than one member of the Damaris Collective’s governing council participates in smuggling.”

  At her words Chrys nods. Whatever this is about, it involves Raleigh. “Do you recall me mentioning my aunt who trades with the Eleventh and Twelfth Systems?

  “The one who brought lifesaving potions and supplements when your siblings were ill?” She suspected when Chrys first told the tale his kinswoman was a smuggler. Now she is certain.

  “My aunt’s commerce with the Redemption healer enclave is decades established. It was the source of the potions that saved Rhyliss.” Chrys toys with his knife. “For the past decade, the enclave has experienced access to supplies and technology well beyond what Matahorn licenses. Every member of the enclave supports Raleigh’s election to the Collective council.”

  “He is the source of the supplies,” Stefan says. “Monsignor Lucius will not be pleased.”

  “Monsignor will not be surprised,” Lilian admits. “We thought it probable that the deacon participated in gray commerce, but we did not know the nature of it. Within the free-trader worlds, it would not be considered a crime unless he stole the supplies. As it is, his Mercium transports are searched before each launch to be sure there is naught but Mercium and the other listed goods within.”

  Should Horatio Margovian discover that Lucius’ Mercium agent is a smuggler and kinsman, he will use the knowledge to extort every ounce of advantage possible. Neither Chrys nor Stefan is within the security-privilege of the hedge kin, but it is enough that they know the Blooded Dagger Mercium agent circumvents Matahorn commissions. That the information was difficult to uncover is some comfort. That Chrys could discover it is not. “Let us hope Seigneur Trevelyan’s play against the black raiders achieves success quickly. It is possible Serengeti will require the evidence of Matahorn perfidy to counter their demands if Raleigh’s circumventing their controls becomes known.”


  With a grunt, Lucius slams into the training chamber mat. It is not the first time Trevelyan has thrown him, but the spymaster does not customarily employ full force. Shaking off the ache of the impac
t, Lucius rises. “What angers you?”

  Scrubbing both hands over his close-cropped scalp, Trevelyan says, “The free-traders have me on edge. Keeping them segregated from the command crew is trial enough; keeping them hidden from the Margovians will be more so.”

  Springing to his feet, Lucius reaches for a water vial. “Even if Horatio learns that Raleigh is hedge kin, he will do naught with the information. If it were not Elysia’s cotillion year, it would have no value. Attempting to use my child as leverage in commerce would set a precedent none wish.”

  “True enough,” Trevelyan agrees, taking the other vial. “I suspect it has as much to do with ill memories of the Eleventh and Twelfth Systems as aught else.”

  The settlement on Redemption was not the last the pirates destroyed before Lucius and Trevelyan caught up with Sadico in his stronghold on Gemini Prime in the Tenth System.

  The cannons from Lucius’ flagship send green flares through the twilight, searing the mounded pirate dead to ashes. Two of his militia come forward with the canisters and collect the ash. When they reach the edge of the system, the ashes will be spilled to drift anonymously in the void. Turning from the launch pad, Lucius follows the sound of pipes, Thorvald at his side. In the center of the settlement, what was once a garden is now naught but burnt stumps. The Universalist known as Trevelyan sings a lament in a clear tenor as the survivors of the attack, most of them children, circle the stacked urns in a series of graceful movements that are vaguely reminiscent of warrior disciplines.

  It has taken all day to tend to the dead. When they sifted the fallen, they found two more wounded pirates and but seven survivors among the Universalists, including two Trevelyan terms avatars. Once the Universalists complete their ritual, the children will be taken into the building where they sheltered during the attack.


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