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Bond Proof

Page 24

by E G Manetti

  At the far end of the gardens is the maze. The pyrotechnics that conclude the entertainment will be launched from the center, to be viewed from the pavilions. Those structures will contain the leadership of Serengeti and Bright Star, as well as the elite of the Third System and those visiting from other systems. If they were to die this night, the loss of leadership would leave the Twelve Systems on the brink of anarchy.

  “Incendiary devices beneath the pavilions,” Estella murmurs. “The sound of ignition hidden by the noise of the pyrotechnics.”

  “Trevelyan’s operatives would have checked the pavilions.”

  “Since the Inversion, there has been much movement in the crowd and the devices would not need to be large.”


  Marco accepts a glass of wine from a passing servitor as he scans the crowd. Blythe will be somewhere in Lilian’s orbit. The evocative Inversion has left him with an interest in shared passion, and although he would not call her to him on the eve of her liberty day, that she is present provides an opportunity. There is no haste; Apollo’s hospitality is excellent and there are yet the pyrotechnics to come. Stepping around a group of prelates debating the canonical merits of the Inversion, he is confronted by a willowy figure in burgundy. “Marco, this is outrageous. Jenica should be enjoying this event.”

  Demon shit. He knew when he denied Jenica evening entertainments until her academic performance improved that he would be hearing from his spouse. As is her wont, she has chosen a location where she knows he does not desire a scene. With a small nod, he acknowledges her. “Lynette.”

  Her face is taut with familiar disapproval. “You punish Jenica for her tutor’s failing.”

  “Her tutor was recommended by Dean Joseph. As for Jenica, she lacks not intelligence. That she is not achieving the standard required by Mulan’s Temple is no fault but hers.”

  And yours. Lynette’s obsession with social status has not abated in two decades and she has done all she can to transfer the obsession to their daughter. But there is no purpose to be served in revisiting that ancient argument.

  A petulant frown forming, Lynette says, “You are unreasonable. Elysia is here and Jenica should be. These events are essential for a young woman.”

  Although he has tried, Marco has been unable to keep Lynette from fostering a rivalry between the two girls. She will not accept that only Lucius’ affection for Marco stays Estella from acting against Lynette. Sooner or later, Estella will lose patience and it will be ill for Lynette. All Marco can hope is that he can protect his heir. As it is, “Elysia is not my heir. Jenica has a duty to the cartouche and she will not attend another evening entertainment until her tutor informs me that she has met Mulan’s academic standards.”

  “Dean Joseph will not dare—” Her lips curve into a sneer. “You deny your daughter and bring your apprentice?”


  “Raphael, something is amiss,” Cesare says with studied casualness as he and his brother collect wine from a passing servitor.

  “What say you?” Raphael turns his gaze from the charming brunette that had been holding his attention.

  “Mistress Lilian’s friends have scattered except for the one by the fountain and her driver. They are on watch.”

  Casting his gaze around the gardens, Raphael discovers the little redheaded sister in earnest conversation with her mother and the Lord Prelate Apollo. Seeking Lilian, he finds her with Hercules. The fallen prelate is at her back and a forbidden thorn at her side. The lovely blonde of Trevelyan’s is not in evidence.

  Throwing a companionable arm around his brother’s shoulder, Raphael laughs as he responds, “We must return to Father. Something is very ill.”

  Dodging those who would engage them, they enter the pavilion to find their parents engaged in light conversation. Joining them, they both wear similes as Cesare says, “What goes forward? Father’s apprentice is armed.”

  “Jarrod is a vile Servant of Anarchy,” Estella replies, maintaining her serene demeanor. “If you would please me, discover if there are incendiary devices beneath the pavilions.”

  For a moment, their sons stare at their mother, stunned. Almost as one, their eyes shift to Lucius. At his nod, they turn to each other. After a moment, Cesare places a hand against his brother’s shoulder and shoves. At the touch, Raphael staggers back, offering a loose grin. “Think you so, baby brother?”

  At the barb, Cesare launches himself at Raphael. In moments, the two apparently inebriated scions of the elite are tussling on the ground under the censorious eyes of their parents. Before Lucius can call his sons to order, they disappear under the pavilion and then reemerge, still engaged.

  Descending from the pavilion, Lucius strides to his sons and drags Cesare off his brother. “Enough.”

  At Lucius’ command, they come to attention and achieve remarkable sobriety. With a shared glance of chagrin, they follow their silent and angered father into the pavilion. At rigid attention within the pavilion, they explain themselves. “There is naught beneath.”


  “Lucius’ sons are ill governed,” William remarks to his father. At Lorelei’s insistence, they abandoned the central pavilion in favor of the famous gardens.

  “Something is amiss, Father,” Lorelei says. “I was in converse with Cesare less than a half period gone. He could not have become drunk so quickly.”

  Neither William nor Horatio has failed to note Cesare’s fascination with Lorelei. Nor do they doubt her powers of observation.

  “For what purpose do they feign drunkenness?” William examines the family grouping.

  Horatio is not speaking, nor is his attention on the Mercios. Scanning the throng, he notes Thorvald and Trevelyan moving about the gardens. With their passing, the militia shift positions. Further examination discovers Lilian engaged with free-traders and the Nightingale captain. The woman is armed. “William, locate your brothers and see them and Lorelei from this place. Something is ill.”

  “Father—” William begins to protest.

  “Peace, I will follow anon. I must speak with Gilead,” Horatio says, turning away, certain his will shall be done.


  “Raphael, locate Elysia and escort her from this place,” Lucius says. “Cesare, send George to me and then locate Prelate Apollo. Inform him that the pyrotechnics must be delayed.”

  “Clever, Lucius, very clever,” Estella offers softly. At her sons’ confused stares, she explains, “I will soon become overwhelmed by boredom as the pyrotechnics are delayed. As I exit, most of the others will follow. It is too bad for Prelate Apollo. His hospitality will be unfairly disparaged. It cannot be helped.”

  With a nod, his sons depart while the Grim Twins blend in with pavilion servitors.


  At Katleen’s warning, Apollo abandons his role as canonical scholar for warrior. If Despoilers are present, they will be intent on destroying Serengeti and Bright Star leadership. After three decades as a discipline master, he is well versed in battle tactics. He will not collect the targets in a vulnerable location.

  Apollo passes the word not to only his prelates, but also the shrine attendants for the Fourth and Fifth Warriors. The pyrotechnics display has met with a mishap. The assembled are welcome to remain as long as they please. There will be no further entertainment. He sends his executive servitor to instruct the caterer that no more refreshments are to be served. His guests will not return to the pavilions and when the food and drink run out, they will depart. A half period, no more.


  I am the sum of my ancestors. Lilian’s fingers toy with her conservator’s seal to keep them from drifting to her thorn. The captain of the Nightingale has become increasingly terse as the conversation has moved from religious ritual to discussion of his history in the pirate actions. He has betrayed naught, but they have succeeded in keeping him distracted. She dare not look about to determine if the rest of the command crew have been seized.

��Lady Estella is taking an untimely departure,” the Nightingale communications officer interrupts. In the central pavilion, milord is handing Lady Estella to Mr. George, the male grim twin nearby.

  With obvious impatience, milord gazes about the garden, suggesting he searches for his wayward children. Beyond him, captured in the light of one of the primitive torches, the Nightingale’s navigator is approached by two of the Serengeti Militia and taken into custody.

  I am the foundation of my family. The security officer and medic are also being taken into custody. Her hand finding her thorn, Lilian scans for militia headed toward their group but finds none.

  With a roar of rage, Jarrod backhands Virgil out of his way and races into the gardens. His actions eliminate all doubt as to his identity.

  The communications officer pulls forth a pistol and brandishes it at the group. “I will slay the first to move.”

  Fireburst from Flavia’s pistol sears the officer’s chest and she drops to the ground. Flavia steps out from behind Lilian and takes aim at Sadico’s racing figure. The range is too far; the burst does naught but singe the foliage. As he races, Sadico pulls forth a fire-pistol and fires three times into the sky. At the signal, a score of servitors and a handful of the governor’s militia release fire-pistols and fire into the mingling warrior elite. The warriors scatter for cover, their formal blades no match for fireburst. Guards and servitors scramble to close with their charges. In moments, the warriors are returning fire.

  Leaving Monsignor Hercules and the groaning Keeper Virgil to the Serengeti guards, Lilian sprints after the fleeing pirate, Flavia and the free-traders hard on her heels.


  Lucius watches Estella disappear into the quarters, heading for the front entrance and the safety of his transport. Turning back to the gardens, he scans for his children as the sound of fireburst breaks out. Turning to the sound, he spies Jarrod’s—no, Sadico’s racing figure as it fires into the sky. Accepting a fire-pistol from Joyce, he crouches in the cover of the pavilion as a fireburst fight breaks out. Sighting a woman in servitor garb firing into the scrambling warrior elite, he takes aim. As he finds his mark, a fireburst from his left targets another Despoiler firing from the shelter of a stone planter. Turning his head, Lucius discovers Horatio and his bodyguard, both armed and taking aim. With a nod at his rival, Lucius returns his attention to the courtyard and gardens.

  Beyond the fountain, Lilian’s black-clad form races toward the maze behind Sadico’s fleeing figure. Flavia is but a pace behind her, the free-traders close after and then her consortium. How they managed to acquire fire-pistols, he can but guess. Most likely Trevelyan or Thorvald. From the fountain, Stefan and Clarice sprint toward the maze.

  Five Warriors aid them. Able to do naught for his apprentice or her allies, Lucius returns his attention to the battle in the courtyard and near gardens. The initial attackers have been joined by a handful of others with fire-rifles in the uniforms of the governor’s militia. Although the rifles are few, their range provides them untold advantage over those armed with naught but pistols.


  Fletcher Detrenti, Nightingale lieutenant and moon racer, finds the brunette with whom he is engaged tedious and allows his attention to wander. He discovers Lilian with Hercules and the free-traders, but absent her friends whose only purpose was to guard her. She moves, and her thorn is visible. “Nickolas.”

  With an annoyed expression, Nickolas turns his attention from the blonde he was charming. Ignoring his friend’s ire, Fletcher nods toward Lilian. “The conservator is armed.”

  Before Nickolas can speak, Jarrod backhands Virgil and flees. At Flavia’s fireburst, Fletcher pushes the brunette into the cover of the stone niche, Nickolas bringing the blonde. More fireburst follows. Motioning to the women for silence, Fletcher peers over the shielding wall, Nickolas at his side. Fireburst from the central pavilion suggests Monsignor Lucius is well. Fletcher has no notion where Kemeha is—they were in the pavilion to the right of the monsignors—but after the Inversion, he lost track of his mentor. As shieldbearer, his place is at Kemeha’s side, as Nickolas must go to Monsignor Lucius.

  Fireburst from the right reveals two men in the uniform of the governor’s militia firing into an arrangement of teak furniture that has been toppled to provide cover to the warriors within. The assailants are within blade’s reach. With a silent signal to Nickolas, Fletcher takes position. At Nickolas’ nod, both warriors drive steel into the backs of the rogue militia. Vaulting the wall, they pull their blades free and clean them on the garb of their enemies. The women emerge, daggers drawn, and strip the dead of their weapons. Neither woman owns skill with a rifle but both are quick to claim the pistols.

  “Fletcher, do you discover Monsignor Elenora, inform her Jarrod and mayhap the entire Bright Star command crew are Despoilers,” Nickolas says as he resettles his short sword so that it will not interfere with the rifle.

  “Despoilers? What say you?” Fletcher demands, adjusting his blade.

  “The original Servants of Anarchy and the true authors of the Battle of Serengeti,” Nickolas returns. Eyes blazing, he adds, “You wished a battle, you shall have one.”


  As Cesare seeks Apollo, Raphael discovers Micah’s mother in converse with Monsignor Elenora. It is beyond rude to interrupt the monsignor. Courtesy demands that Raphael wait to be acknowledged. Neither woman is in any haste to acknowledge the young warrior who was brawling with his brother but a few moments gone.

  Never patient, it takes but moment for the urgency of his mission to override Raphael’s training. “Monsignor, I beg your pardon, you should depart at once. There is something amiss. My father and mother are certain that Captain Jarrod is a Servant of Anarchy and we are all endangered.”

  Turning to Solomon’s widow, he says, “Lady Chloe, know you the direction of Micah? I am certain Elysia will be with him.”

  Before either startled woman can respond, fireburst is heard. At the sound, Elenora’s guard drags her charge into a nearby stone porch. Three more firebursts sound as Raphael follows the guard’s example and drags Micah’s mother to safety. Throughout the pavilion area, fighting breaks out. Wherever Elysia has gone, Raphael must trust Micah has sense enough to get her free of battle.


  Sadico? Despoilers? Marco stares at Blythe as he struggles to accept her words. Turning to seek Lucius, he sees Flavia slay the Nightingale’s communications officer. A moment later, three rounds of fireburst turn his attention to the fleeing form of Jarrod.

  Demon shit! Grabbing Lynette’s arm, he pulls her with him as he uses the other hand to propel Blythe to the far side of the fountain. Fireburst sounds from every direction as he crouches in the shadows. A terrified servitor crawls into the shadows with him, and then two shrine guards. There is chaos in the gardens and pavilions as the surprised guests race for cover, Jarrod’s conspirators firing into the crowds.

  Screams from nearby reveal three figures crouched by a stone bench, a dead shrine guard slumped nearby. A man in servitor’s livery fires as he closes with the trapped guests. Next to Marco, a shrine guard pulls her pistol and fires. The servitor jerks and spins. The guard fires again, and the servitor falls. A second Despoiler approaches the bench and the second guard rises and fires. As the Despoiler turns to return fire, the trapped guests flee into the shadowed gardens. Fireburst strikes the fountain inches from the second guard, forcing them back.


  The stone bench is chill beneath Elysia’s back, but she cares not, enraptured by the pleasure of Micah’s kisses and the welcome weight of his body atop hers. A burst of sound startles Micah’s lips from hers. At first, she thinks it pyrotechnics. The sounds that follow can be naught but fireburst, the sound familiar from her sessions on the Serengeti firing range.

  Micah’s eyes are wide, the finger he presses to her lips firm. Silence. Why does he wish silence? The rustle in the garden is not that of small animals, but the furtive mov
ements of men and women working their way past the hidden bench and into the maze. The quiet sounds end. Micah lifts his heading, tilting it as he listens. Elysia can hear naught but the thundering of her heart.

  Micah’s mouth is by her ear. “There is a battle at the pavilions. We will keep within the shadow of the gardens and find our way to the shelter of the alcove quarters.”

  At her nod, he rolls from Elysia to the ground and pulls her with him. From the courtyard comes the continuing fireburst of battle. Pulling Elysia to a crouch, Micah leads the way.


  Lilian halts within the entrance of the maze, allowing her eyes to adjust as she considers the path. Eight-foot walls of foliage block the torchlight, the two moons not yet risen. Only the glow of the city that surrounds the Garden Center relieves the darkness. The darkness will not hinder her; she passed many bells in the maze as a child. The pattern is as familiar as the chambers of Katleen’s house. Behind her, Flavia is silent. At the sound of footfalls, she turns and finds the free-traders entering, followed by Chrys, Rebecca, Douglas, Clarice, and Stefan. They are ten. All but Lilian and Clarice bear firearms.

  Caoimhe, Bran, and Raleigh are armed with the small, easily concealed weapons that hold six-burst packs and no more than ten paces in range. Chrys, Rebecca, and Douglas have the same militia pistols as Stefan, each with a twelve-burst pack and fifteen paces of range. “Stefan, yield your secondary pistol to Clarice.”

  Without a word, the driver hands over the concealed six-burst weapon. Moving into the maze, Lilian locates the break in the hedge she seeks. “Clarice and Caoimhe are to remain concealed by the hedge. Do any of the Despoilers attempt to leave, slay them.”

  At Caoimhe’s sound of protest, Lilian says, “Clarice is not a trained assassin, but she is quick and quiet. She will not fail you. Nor is this her first battle with the Despoilers.”

  “We have all faced them before,” Chrys adds. “Heed Lilian in this and we will triumph again.”

  At Raleigh’s nod, protest ceases. “We fight in unfamiliar territory. That Lilian and her friends have fought these demons and live is sufficient.”


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