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Bond Proof

Page 41

by E G Manetti

  At Master Straus’ summons, Lilian rises and descends to the floor of the chamber to meet milord by the podium.

  At Master Straus’ nod, Lilian presents her slate to the associate master. It contains both the terms of her bond and the record of her duty to milord and the cartel. Well over half the entries are sealed to milord’s security-privilege, the only evidence that Lilian executed her duties the bright scarlet of milord’s seal. The content matters not; the volume of the sealed entries is testament to both Lilian’s loyalty and diligence.

  Lips twitching, Straus intones, “Serengeti accepts the bond proof.”

  Receiving the slate, milord barely glances at it before setting his seal.

  Lilian is no longer an apprentice. She is not yet a free woman and protégé.

  Without a word, Monsignor Lucius mounts the judgment station and takes his place with Lord Gideon and the colonel.

  As Lilian turns to face the tribunal, she is joined by Apollo, who passes her the thorn. As Lilian sheathes the blade, Seigneur Thorvald comes to stand on her other side. The rustling in the hall indicates she is not the only one surprised by the militia seigneur’s action. Eyes flashing to Apollo and then Monsignor, she finds neither man betraying aught but polite interest.

  I am the sum of my ancestors.

  Straus raps his podium and the hall quiets. “The woman known as Lilian of Serengeti has proven her bond and her honor to the Serengeti Group. The cartel finds her credit worthy.”

  The crimson stone sparkles in the Lord Prelate’s chain of office as he intones, “Adelaide’s Thorn Lilian has proven devoted to the Order of the Five Warriors and an enemy of the Servants of Anarchy. Adelaide and the Five Warriors accept her contrition and acknowledge her honor.”

  Seigneur Thorvald sets his hand on his dagger, his tones ringing through the hall. “I address this judgment as General Thorvald of the United Forces of Order.”

  Sounds of amazement fill the hall, and Lilian is betrayed by a sharply indrawn breath. The title has not been used since the pirate actions, when the seigneur commanded the combined commercial, governors’, and eventually free-trader militias.

  Ignoring the spectators, Seigneur Thorvald addresses the tribunal. “The woman known as Lilian of Serengeti and Adelaide’s Thorn has proven a courageous and selfless soldier in armed combat against superior forces. Her Blood Guilt has been redeemed through the shedding of her own blood and the slaying of the enemies of the Order.”

  I am the foundation of my family. Lilian presses her lips together against the swell of emotion and prick of tears.

  “The trial proof is complete,” Straus states. “How voices the tribunal?”

  The colonel nods. “The Governing Council accepts the trial proof.”

  Prelate Gilead raises a hand in benediction. “The Five Warriors and Adelaide Warleader accept the trial proof.”

  Rising, Monsignor sweeps the hall with his gaze, the dark eyes alight with intelligence and determination. “The Order of the Twelve Systems accepts the trial proof.”

  Straus strikes the podium. “It is so sealed. The woman known as Lilian of Serengeti and Adelaide’s Thorn has proven her honor in Trial by Ordeal. She is henceforth a free citizen of the Twelve Systems with all rights, privileges, and credit restored.”

  Honor is my blade and shield. There is a rushing sound in her ears and the hall shimmers, her vision narrowing. She must not faint. The master medic will discover that she has missed another meal, unable to force more than juice past her lips.

  Honor knows not fear. The lightheadedness passes, the rushing sound becoming the applause and cheers of her consortium along with Masters Simon and Chin, Mr. Stefan, Mr. George, and several of the associates who survived the battle of Serengeti.

  Master Straus permits the display while the tribunal vacates the judgment panel, Lord Gilead and the colonel exiting while Monsignor moves to the podium.

  At Monsignor’s gesture, the hall quiets as Master Straus hands Lilian her slate and protégé contract. She accepts it with a nod, unable to speak, too overcome with the differences between the sealing of this contract and the day she sealed her apprentice contract. With a few quick taps, she sets her seal.

  Monsignor’s eyes hold approval as he accepts the slate, his smile warm and reassuring. Turning it to set his seal, he hesitates, his lips tightening. Horror? Amusement? Something else? She cannot determine.

  Honor endures. Monsignor sets his seal and passes the slate to Master Straus. The associate master scans the slate, a slight widening of the eyes his only indication of surprise. After confirming the contract in the cartel archives, Master Straus returns the slate to Lilian.

  Facing the assembled, the associate master announces, “Lilian Thornraven, you are contracted protégé to Monsignor Lucius Mercio. May the Five Warriors favor you as you execute the duty of a shieldbearer.”

  Without a word, Monsignor turns and exits the chamber, Lilian walking next to him, on his left.


  The familiar office appears strange without Nickolas’ collection of fifth- and sixth-century daggers adorning the wall or the Crevasse-stone effigy of the Fourth Warrior resting on the storage console. The enameled ebony desk with its gold accents and the small conference table with two scarlet chairs are as they have always been. The techno grouping is new and elaborate with three reviewers where Nickolas had two. Where there was once a scarlet leather desk chair, there now resides an equally fine black leather chair with scarlet trim. Turning her gaze from the chair to her mentor, Lilian is met with another smile. “Scarlet is not a hue that favors you.”

  Pulling her gaze from his lips, she manages to reply, “My thanks.”

  Eyes dancing, he nods at the package centered in the conference table. “Do you not wish to open it?”

  Three feet square and plainly wrapped, Lilian is certain it is not jewelry. She cannot imagine what it could be. Releasing the bindings, she is overcome with awe. “It is exquisite.”

  The enamel depiction of the First Warrior and Adelaide Warleader in hand-to-hand combat dates from the second century and is by the same artist whose enamels grace Jonathan’s Museum. Milord’s—no, Monsignor’s gifts have always been lovely. For Monsignor to have discovered something so perfectly designed to please her fills Lilian with unalloyed delight. Turning her enraptured gaze from the splendid work of art to Monsignor, she finds an echo of her delight. “Monsignor, I do not believe I am able to adequately express my appreciation.”

  Monsignor’s eyes alight with mischief, he shifts his stance so that his breath whispers across her lips. “Consent to join me at midday and I am certain you will prove well able to do so.”

  Heat unfurls, her breath catches, and her center tightens. I am the sum of my ancestors. Forcing back desire, Lilian manages a small negating shake of her head.

  “You are quite certain?” His lips are but a hairsbreadth from hers.

  I am the foundation of my family. “Yes, Monsignor.”

  He steps back, smiling. “As you will.”

  Why does he appear pleased? Before Lilian can consider her mentor’s unanticipated reaction to her rejection, he settles into a conference table chair, his knees open. It is a posture with which Lilian is well familiar. Monsignor wishes her to step between his spread thighs. The wicked glint in his eyes is also familiar. What game is this? She knows he will not attempt to compel her or offer intimate contact she has refused.

  Stepping into position, Lilian examines Monsignor’s expression, seeking some hint as to his latest inexplicable act. His right hand skims her hip, the contact setting off shocks of surprise and desire.

  Monsignor chuckles, his questing fingers resting on the warbelt. His gaze moves slowly from her face, down her torso, to her waist, and then her hips. It is as intimate as a caress. Lilian’s nipples tauten in response, as does the region below her navel. He misses none of it. His voice is husky when he says, “There is one final matter for this day.”

  What does h

  Monsignor captures the clasp lock. Over two years gone, he sealed her into the belt with his DNA. Today her bond is proved. With a soft click, the lock releases. Lilian may don the belt, or not, as she pleases. Lilian gazes at the dark locks of Monsignor’s lowered head as she struggles to control her breathing, her responses. I am protégé. I will not fail. I will not fall.

  “Lilian, unless you wish those passing in the corridor to discover you in my lap, I suggest you step back.” Monsignor’s voice holds both promise and amusement.

  With more leap than step, she moves away, allowing him to rise. The compelling face holds far too much satisfaction. Impossible man. Clever, devious, impossible man. She should have suspected his ready acceptance of her refusal to continue in his bed. Monsignor has no intention of releasing his will in this. He will attempt to subvert hers.

  Monsignor’s smile holds a hint of the diabolical. “I cannot imagine how you could have thought otherwise.”

  He has read her mind. Again.

  Smile broadening, he turns to leave. “Enjoy your midday meal.”

  Dropping into the black leather chair, she spins to the windows and the shining cityscape beyond. Excitement, confusion, trepidation, and optimism blend in an intoxicating cocktail. In defiance of all expectations, this day she lives.

  chalice bearer: Thornraven, volume 1

  In February 2020 Lilian and Lucius’ story continues with volume 8 of the Twelve systems chronicles.

  After three years of trial, Lilian is free and Monsignor Lucius Mercio’s protégé—her greatest ambitions realized, but at a cost. Fearful of Lady Estella's wrath if Lilian has refused to continue her liaison with Lucius. She is stunned to discover that Estella is entering her final days and wishes Lilian to return to Lucius and help him through his grief.

  Lucius has barely recovered when Lilian must leave him and her home to journey to Desperation in the Sixth System. There, she will confront her deepest fears when the theft of dangerous technology forces her to travel into the furthest depths of the Crevasse.

  The worst of Lucius' grief at Estella's loss has barely passed when his world shatters again. Lilian has disappeared into Desperation Crevasse. He cannot lose them both. Determined to rescue Lilian, no matter the cost, he races toward the Sixth System and deadly danger.

  In the frigid wastes at the bottom of the Crevasse, Lilian and Lucius will discover an ancient legacy of the Five Warriors and Adelaide.

  The Apprentice Protocol

  Apprentice Protocol

  The bonded will submit to and execute the bondholder’s will in all matters.

  The bonded will address the bondholder with deference and submission.

  The bonded will defend the bondholder’s estate, life, and honor by any method necessary unto the death of the bonded.

  The bonded will permit only the bondholder carnal access to the bonded.

  The bonded will engage in any and all carnal activities the bondholder requires.

  The bonded will not presume to know the bondholder’s will.

  The bonded will adhere to the letter and the spirit of the governing protocols.

  The bonded will not bear arms in the presence of the bondholder.

  The bonded will not speak unless addressed.

  The bonded will answer truly to any inquiry.

  The bonded will flank the bondholder at all times.

  The bonded will defer to and honor all of greater rank.

  The bonded will not complain.

  The bonded will respond to instruction without hesitation.

  The bonded will learn from observation and not require instruction.

  The bonded will offer contrition for transgressions.

  The bonded will accept and learn from correction.

  The bonded will not by voice or action slander or otherwise question the honor of the higher ranked.

  The bonded will behave with discretion.

  The bonded will present a modest demeanor.

  The bonded will execute its duties diligently and to the full of its abilities.

  The bonded will maintain a strong, healthy physique.

  The bonded will not overindulge in drink or other excess.

  The bonded will not wager or benefit from wagers.

  The bonded will honor all commerce commitments.

  The bonded will not engage in illicit commerce.

  The bonded will dedicate itself to acquiring the skills offered under the bond.

  Serengeti addendum

  The bonded will respect and honor the protocols and strictures of cartouche and cartel.

  The bonded will defend the wealth and honor of the cartouche unto death.

  The bonded will defend the wealth and honor of the cartel unto death.

  The bonded will accept the authority of the associate master or other delegate in the absence of the bondholder.

  The bonded will be permitted one and one half period of respite each commerce day.

  The bonded will limit respite to fifteen minutes except for one period between midday and first bell plus thirty.

  The bonded will not consume food or drink except within the designated sections of the cartel.

  The bonded will proceed at an orderly pace.

  The bonded will adhere to cartouche and cartel guidance in matters of garb.

  Devotional Litanies

  The Warriors’ Litany

  I am the sum of my ancestors.

  I am the foundation of my family.

  Honor is my blade and shield.

  Honor knows not fear.

  Honor endures.

  Honor acts as duty commands.

  The Warriors’ Litany—Archaic

  I am all that my family was.

  I am the stone laid for the future.

  Honor is both shield and blade.

  The honorable do not bend to fear.

  The honorable do not yield.

  The honorable accept duty’s scourge.

  Socraide’s Credo


  Master desire. Master pain. Master pleasure. Mastery of body.

  Master fear. Master anger. Master joy. Mastery of mind.

  Master ambition. Master sorrow. Master affection. Mastery of spirit.


  Universalist Acclamation

  We began as cosmic dust.

  We are formed from stellar glitter.

  The stellar is within and without. We are one.

  We are ephemeral and eternal.

  We end as we began and begin again.

  Cosmic dust.

  Militia Devotion

  May Socraide’s luck guide my aim.

  May Rimon’s wrath fire my resolve.

  May Mulan’s wisdom drive my strategy.

  May Jonathon’s honor strengthen my courage.

  May Sinead’s subtlety confound my enemies.

  Glossary of the Twelve Systems


  Acolyte: A junior prelate.

  Adelaide Warleader: See Warleader, Adelaide.

  Anarchy: The three centuries of warfare that almost destroyed the Three Systems that were the foundation of the Twelve Systems.

  Ancients: The founders of the Three Systems, a society lost in the Anarchy.

  Artesia: The third planet in the First System and the location of Mulan’s Temple.


  Ben Claude, Rimon: The Second Warrior. His dominion was the two habitable planets of the Second System.

  (The) Blade’s Point: Exclusive Crevasse City indulgence owned by Tiger Sylvester..


  Cartel: A powerful commercial interest that controls a significant aspect of commerce to the exclusion of all others.

  Cartouche: (1) The device or coat of arms representing a warrior family. (2) A warrior family that can create ranked members also known as seigneurs.

  Cohort: A commerce enterprise that controls a particular industry or market in a geographical region or stellar system. Example: ag
ri-cohorts dominate the agrarian enterprises in specific systems. No single agri-cohort controls sufficient systems to dominate the entire industry as would a cartel.

  Consortium: An association of individuals or enterprises assembled for a specific commerce endeavor.

  Crevasse-crawler: A terrier-sized rodent resident in the Crevasse.

  Crevasse-wallower: A chemically addicted inhabitant of the Crevasse.

  Crevasse (singular/plural): A deep fissure or canyon from which Vistrite is mined.

  Crossed Sabers Academy: The premier warrior academy in the Third System.


  Damaris Collective: Named for its founding principal, Meredith Damaris, the Free-Trader collective settled the Eleventh System.

  Discipline Master: A prelate skilled in the martial discipline of a warrior sect.

  Doxy: A sex worker (derogatory).


  (The) Fifth Warrior: See Standingbear, Sinead.


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