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Page 11

by Karen Stivali

  With a flick of her wrist, she moved her fingers to stroke his balls and drew him into her mouth as deep as possible. As her lips moved up and down his steely length, she sucked in her cheeks and made a point of swallowing every time the tip of his cock reached the narrowest part of her throat.

  “Jesus, Liv…I mean, Sabrina. That feels so good.”

  Olivia knew her husband so well; the pulses and quivers beneath his skin meant he wouldn’t last long at this pace. She slowed her passes and lessened the pressure of her mouth until she gently released him from her grip. She tenderly kissed his hip. “I take it you enjoyed that, Mr. Saunders?”

  “God, yes. Your mouth is incredible.”

  She toyed with his balls, using a featherlight touch of her fingertips. “Surely you want more. Tell me what else you want.”

  His breaths were still a bit ragged. “I want to fuck you.”

  It didn’t matter where they were, whatever the circumstances—whenever he said that, a jolt of electricity shot through her. “Of course you do. That doesn’t really tell me what you want though. I need to know how you want it.”

  “I want to fuck you so hard that you can’t see straight.”

  Olivia’s eyes opened wide. Wow. “I see.” She nestled her ass in the center of the bed near his hip and spread her legs, placing one across the top of his thighs and the other along his side with her foot near the pillow. She grasped his hand, which had been resting on his stomach, and guided it between her legs, teasing apart her now-fevered folds. “Is this where you want to be?”

  Brian drew in a sharp breath. “You’re so wet.”

  She held his wrist firmly as one of his fingers found its way inside her. A soft gasp escaped her lips as she dictated the motion of his hand, in and out. Waves of dizziness washed over her, every pass unbelievably fulfilling. “Is that where you want your cock, Mr. Saunders? Deep inside me?” Pleasurable anticipation ignited between her legs, rolling through her entire body until her toes began to curl.

  “I want my cock in you now, Sabrina.” Brian’s voice came out as a hungry growl. “Right now.”

  Olivia arched her eyebrows. “Right now?”

  “Yes. Now. I’m not kidding.”

  God, I love it when he gets bossy. She popped up to her knees and straddled him, taking his thick dick in her hand and guiding it inside her. A fierce groan came from the depths of Brian’s throat as she sank down onto him. His fingers grasped her hips tightly, digging into her flesh, directing her up and down as he met her body with strong and forceful thrusts.

  She slanted closer as sun streamed into the room, revealing tiny beads of sweat dotting the contours of Brian’s shoulders. She placed her hands on either side of his chest, creating friction between his warm skin and her clit every time their bodies met. The pressure was pulsing in her, building and peaking, building again, until she was poised on the edge of pure bliss. She was amazed when the orgasm didn’t tear through her. It only continued to coil in her belly.

  Brian raised his head off the pillow, still blindfolded, and sucked one of her tightly beaded nipples. Her neck went weak, his tongue teased, each agile lick sending another sizzle through her.

  “Oh God, Bri,” she gasped, her entire body wound as tight as it had ever been, a bundle of unpredictable forces pinging inside her.

  With an unexpected burst of energy, Brian lifted her and flipped her over on to her back. Her head bounced when it hit the bed.

  On his knees, he tore off the blindfold. The flash of his eyes told a story of hard-boiled need. “Jesus, Liv. I have to look at you.” His chest heaved and he gripped her hips, tugging her body to his. Not pausing for even a fraction of a second, he drove back into her.

  His new approach was fulfilling on many levels, physical and cerebral. The pressure clamored through her belly, fueled by Brian’s forceful, insistent thrusts. Sweat dripped from his forehead down onto her breasts and she could no longer contain everything that he’d built inside her. With a sharp tightening, the release burst and rolled through her body. Her internal muscles pulsed around his rigid cock, grasping and releasing before grabbing hold again.

  Brian groaned and his body froze, eyelids fluttering shut. She watched as his facial muscles relaxed while he took several more thrusts. With a deep breath, he collapsed next to her on the bed.

  “Shit, Olivia. That’s one hell of a wake-up call.”

  She giggled, batting her lashes playfully as she struggled for breaths. “Don’t you mean Sabrina?”

  He pursed his lips, scooting closer and pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “No, I mean Olivia. My amazing, beautiful wife, Olivia.” His warm eyes settled on hers as he twined a lock of her hair in his fingers. “You know how much I love you, right?”

  Her heart beat a still-excited rhythm against her chest. “Of course I do. I love you too.”

  He nodded in agreement but his eyes were dead serious. “Because you can call off this whole thing tonight if you want. Just say the word and I’ll cancel.”

  Breathing felt impossible for a moment. “Are you having second thoughts?” Maybe he’s even more nervous than I am. Her eyes scanned back and forth, trying to read every emotion on his face.

  “I just want to make sure you are absolutely okay with all of it.”

  Chapter Six

  After a breakfast of strawberries and slightly cold Belgian waffles washed down with champagne, Brian showered while Olivia worked on her hair and makeup. He studied her as he stepped from the shower enclosure, toweling himself dry. She was dabbing at her chin with makeup when she caught him watching her. A bright smile and sudden blush lit up her entire face.

  She’s so beautiful. Sometimes it’s hard to believe she’s mine.

  “You’re watching me primp?”

  “I’m just watching you, period. I can’t take my eyes off you.” He snugged the towel around his waist and went to her, placing his hands on her hips. “You are a gorgeous woman, inside and out. I want you to know that.”

  “Thank you. That’s very sweet. You are, of course, ridiculously handsome.” She turned and rose onto her tiptoes, pecking him on the nose. Even that one small touch was enough to make him want to scrap their afternoon plans.

  He’d planned a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art that day, to satisfy Olivia’s artistic cravings. School plays and crayon stick figures on the fridge were now her best chance at experiencing art and culture at home.

  From the early days of their dating life, she’d amazed him with her creativity—raggedy sketchbooks filled with drawings and bits of verse or things that had simply come to mind. His brain worked nothing like that. Business. Calculation. Planning.

  Painting had been an even greater passion of Olivia’s in college, although it had been difficult with a roommate not fond of easels and canvases littering the living room. Once he and Olivia moved in together senior year, he was quick to empty out half of his home office to make space for her to spread her creative wings.

  “I mean it, Liv. I know I take you for granted sometimes, but I don’t mean to.”

  She tilted her head and her eyes became watery. “Thank you for saying that.”

  “That’s what this weekend is about. You and me remembering what’s important.”

  “Each other.”

  “Each other.” He took her hand and peered into her warm, sweet eyes. “So we’re supposed to call Michael this morning before we head out.”

  “Oh, okay.” Her lips spread into a thin line.

  “He said it’s better to establish the ground rules beforehand. Just so that no one is left surprised or hurt or feels pressured to do something.”

  She nodded. “Makes sense.”

  He wandered into the room and scooped up his phone from the desk, then plopped down on the end of the bed and patted the spot next to him in invitation. She managed a small smile before perching herself beside him.

  Once he hit the speed dial, Brian’s pulse picked up as if he’d downed a double
espresso. An uneasy mix of relief and disappointment followed each ringtone until Michael answered.

  “Brian, hey. Glad you called. I was on my way out.”

  “Is this an okay time?” Brian wiped his clammy hand on the towel around his waist.

  “Yeah, perfect. Is Olivia there?”

  “She is.” He caught her eyes as she chewed on her fingernail. “So, how does this work?”

  “In my experience, it works however you want it to work, as long as everyone agrees to the ground rules ahead of time.”

  “Okay. Well…” He cleared a stubborn lump in his throat. “No actual sex. I mean, no intercourse.”

  “Gotcha. No penetration. It’s totally your call. So you’re fine with oral and manual?”

  Brian was a bit taken aback by the minutiae. He’s going to go down on my wife. The details made it abruptly real, a titillating and still daunting reality. “Yes. That’s sort of what I had in mind.”

  “That works. Believe me, everyone is still satisfied by the end of the night.”

  Scenarios rifled through Brian’s head. What if Olivia gets so carried away that she begs him to fuck her? She gets like that when she’s really turned-on.

  “And your participation will be to watch, right?” Michael asked.

  “Yes. Definitely. Is there anything I need to know about that?” The voyeuristic aspect of the fantasy was a big part of the allure, but he’d put little thought into what it would actually be like to take on that role.

  “You do whatever makes you feel comfortable. You don’t have to decide that now, although you may want to discuss it with Olivia. I’ve had husbands and boyfriends sit across the room. I’ve also had them close enough to touch their wife or girlfriend, sometimes sitting on the bed.”

  “Okay.” Michael’s claim that he’d done this “a fair amount” might have been an understatement.

  “There’s typically some dialogue between the committed couple. I only tend to talk to her, to make sure she’s happy and likes the way I’m touching her. I can talk really dirty to her if you want that.”

  “Um, I think just the regular way is probably fine.” The lump in Brian’s throat had returned. “That sounds good.”

  “You think you can deal with this, Bri? Some guys get pretty jealous. They can’t handle it, even when they think they want it.”

  Can I keep my jealousy in check? This was such unfamiliar territory. Brian did very little in life without being absolutely certain of the outcome. “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “Great. The only other thing I’ll mention is that I will discreetly leave when it’s all over. There’s no need for a big social gathering afterward.”

  Again, a detail Brian hadn’t considered. “Good to know.” Probably for the best. I doubt I’ll want to shake your hand.

  “Perfect. Can you put Olivia on the phone?”

  Brian’s Adam’s apple bobbled when he handed her his cell phone. “He wants to talk to you now.” The look in his eyes made it difficult to know what he was thinking. She wasn’t even sure she’d ever seen that look on his face.

  Olivia took the phone, but it slipped out of her hand and tumbled across the floor. Her heart fluttered as she picked it up and fumbled to turn it right-side up. “Michael. Hi.”

  “Hey, Liv. It’s so nice to hear your voice. It’s been a long time, huh?”

  Her shoulders dropped and she relaxed. Small talk. I can do this. “It has been a long time.”

  “Too long. Every time I see your husband, I think to myself that I’m getting the raw end of the deal. You need to come into the city with him more often. For dinner and drinks.”

  That would be a markedly different get-together than what we’re planning for tonight. She hadn’t seen Michael since the twins had been christened. This was not how she’d imagined a reunion, not that she’d thought about it much at all. “I know. I need to get out of Westport more often.”

  “So how are you feeling about tonight?”

  Why can’t he ask me a yes or no question? “Uh, nervous, I guess. Excited a little.” Why did I say I was excited? She glanced over at Brian and remembered that she was making his longest-held fantasy come true. She was excited, but not about Michael so much as what she and Brian were discovering as a couple.

  “Excited only a little?” He laughed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t say that. But I do have to be honest and tell you that I never thought this would happen. Not in my wildest fantasies.”

  Your wildest fantasies? She managed a nervous chuckle. “I guess you never know what will happen in life.”

  “You know, Liv, even though this is Brian’s fantasy that brought this on, tonight is still about you. You call the shots. If you decide something is too much or you can’t go through with it, just say the word.”

  “Wouldn’t that be totally unfair to you?”

  “There is no fair. We all need to keep an open mind. You never know how you’ll react to the situation until you’re in it.”

  “Can I ask you a question?” She gnawed on her lip.

  “Of course.”

  “What do you get out of this, exactly?”

  Michael laughed on the other end of the line. “On a most basic level, there’s sexual gratification. I find the psychological aspect of it fascinating—a man sharing his wife with another man for his own pleasure. It’s quite a complex idea.”

  Interesting. Even though Michael had ended up in the world of finance, he’d always been fascinated by human behavior. He would have majored in psychology if his dad hadn’t put his foot down. “Oh, okay.”

  “It’s not just that though. I also like feeling as though I’ve helped bring a couple closer. A lot of people say that the experience changes their sex life for the better.”

  And that’s the whole point of our weekend away. “That sounds great. Thank you for everything.”

  “See you tonight.”

  Olivia gulped a too-big breath of air. “Yes. See you tonight.”

  * * * * *

  A very grumpy cabbie dropped them off in front of the Metropolitan Museum of Art at 82nd Street and 5th Avenue.

  “We could’ve walked, you know,” Olivia said after Brian had muttered “asshole” while paying the driver.

  “I know, but you’re wearing heels and I didn’t want your feet to hurt.” He clasped her hand as they began to climb the massive stone steps.

  “I could have worn different shoes.”

  “You know how I feel about the CFM boots. You should wear them whenever possible.”

  She smiled and shook her head as they made their way through the impressive archways and columns into the main entrance. The cathedral ceiling opened up above them and the considerable din of people talking and milling about echoed through the marble-floored hall.

  Olivia had only been to the museum one other time, when she and Brian spent a night in New York on their way back to Virginia after he’d taken her to meet his parents in Connecticut. Having loved art her entire life, this was more than a treat. It was heaven.

  “Where do you want to start?” Olivia asked, plucking a museum map from the information desk.

  “You’re kidding, right? The guy who wouldn’t know a Monet if it bit him on the ass?”

  She crinkled her lips. “You don’t give yourself enough credit. Just because you don’t remember the names of the artists doesn’t mean that you can’t appreciate art.”

  “So says the very sexy scholar.”

  She smacked him on the arm. “Come on. We’ll make our way back to the American Wing. I remember you liking that the first time we came.”

  They wandered through the Egyptian art with a short stop for Brian’s benefit in the Arms and Armor gallery. They took their time in the American Wing as planned, hand in hand. Even when particular paintings or artifacts failed to capture Olivia’s imagination, which wasn’t very often, she loved being in the museum—the history, the artistry, even the smell was somehow appealing. Being there with Brian made it even bette

  “Now where?” he asked after they’d walked through most of the European Sculpture and Decorative Arts.

  Olivia tugged on his hand. “You know where I want to go.”

  He gave her a grin she’d seen thousands of times, one that still made her lightheaded. “Of course I do.”

  As they stepped into the Modern and Contemporary Art wing, she had the same thrill she’d had the first time they’d been there. So many of the works were ones she had studied in school. From Picasso to de Kooning, Matisse to Warhol, there was something fascinating to take in at every turn. Even when she’d seen many of these on the first trip to the museum, it was as if she was discovering them all over again.

  Olivia sighed when they approached the painting she’d most looked forward to—Georgia O’Keefe’s masterpiece, “Black Iris”. “I love this so much. I could stare at it for hours.”

  Brian pulled her closer and put his arm around her. “Tell me what you see. Because I look at it and I wonder why my mind is always in the gutter.”

  She had an inkling of what he was thinking. “No. You tell me what you see first.”

  “Fine. I see some of my favorite parts of a woman.”

  Olivia giggled. He was right. O’Keefe had enlarged the flower to such detail that it did indeed have a very personal and sensual nature. Olivia felt as though she was being drawn into the painting as she studied the graceful lines and subtle shadings of grays and pinks and white. “I love the way she found profound beauty in the everyday, in the littlest thing.”

  He pressed his lips to her temple. “Tell me more.”

  She inched closer to the painting but Brian followed, keeping his grip on her shoulders. “She painted this in the 1920s. It was very bold for the time.” She glanced over to admire his chiseled profile as he looked ahead. “I just think she was very brave to paint like this. She didn’t care about what anyone would think. She created what was in her heart.”

  He turned to her and his small grin bloomed into a broad smile. “You are amazing. There’s so much going on in that head of yours. I love seeing you get so excited about something.”


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