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Dance of the Dragon

Page 4

by Cathryn Fox

  Her sweet voice rumbled through him, and the softness and need lingering in the depths overwhelmed his senses, but as reality inched its way back into his brain, he knew he needed to flee. There was nothing he’d rather do than spend the night with her, but under the circumstances it was completely out of the question.

  “Afraid not.” He offered her no explanation, knowing he needed to retreat to his lair. His body was tired, and he was losing control. If he wasn’t careful he’d soon morph into a being that would turn their intimate moment of ecstasy into one of chaos and confusion. He didn’t want to frighten her, nor did he want her running away from him, disgusted with what he really was. Deep inside he knew she was his mate, but he couldn’t explain how or why. And how could he tell her about his heritage without her thinking he was a crazed lunatic? He needed to get away to think, to sort through matters and figure out what the hell was going on.

  Clearly disappointed, Chloe rolled aside, retreating both physically and emotionally, and he hated himself for having to sever the connection. His gut clenched, but it was best to leave her alone for the night and give himself time to wrap his mind around the turn of events. With a heavy heart, he slipped from the bed.

  The truth was, even if Chloe was his mate, they could never have a real relationship, not a lasting one anyway, the kind she deserved. They could forget about happily-ever-after. He might be a magical fairy-tale creature, but this was no fairy tale. This was reality. A cold harsh reality in which he lived.

  Sure he could indulge in a wild affair once in a while, but anything everlasting was out of the questions. Not that anyone had ever had him thinking of everlasting before Chloe. And despite the fact that she was the catalyst for sparking his magic—and likely sustaining it—he certainly couldn’t ask her to give up her life to stay with him.

  She was a zoologist with a career in Canada—a zoologist in search of a dragon. Even if he told her what he was, and she decided not to run away screaming or announce his presence to the world, he couldn’t ask her toss out all she had ever known to stay with him, to keep his magic alive for his sake, and for the sake of the people residing on the island.

  Honestly, how could he ask her to give up her life, to save his?

  Chapter Four

  Mesmerized with the way he moved, Chloe watched him pull on his clothes and cross the room. Her stomach sank as he glided to the door and tossed her one last look before disappearing through the archway. She berated herself for feeling all emotional inside and cursed her lunacy for asking him to stay the night.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

  She couldn’t deny that she felt a strange connection to him, but his hasty exit cemented the fact that this was just a wild affair, one time with a bad-boy bartender to help break her good-girl ways and keep her mind off matters for a few days. This wasn’t about love or commitment or happily-every-after, and he had every right to leave. They lived completely different lives, and she knew—hell they both knew—what they were getting into when she practically threw herself at him down at the beachside bar.

  Okay, so why did his hasty exit make her feel all weird and lonely inside? Was it because she wasn’t the kind of girl who could love casually, or was it something more?

  She shook her head, wondering if she’d ever stop believing in fairy tales. She loved and missed her late parents dearly, but damn them for buying her all those Disney movies and filling her young, impressionable mind with flights of fancy.

  Chloe stood and paced her room, her body humming and savoring the effects of Jared’s skilled touch. A warm tingle raced through her in remembrance and brought on a shudder. Even though Jared had just made sweet, passionate love to her until day bled into night, with his mouth, his fingers and his cock, she still craved him, craved him with a bizarre intensity that had her head spinning and her body aching. What the hell was it about him that called out to her like a beacon in the night? His gentle hands? The soft, sexy tone he used when talking to her? Or the way he took such painstaking care of her needs?

  God, maybe it really was for the best that he’d run off before she wanted more. If she didn’t already. Oh boy. Yeah it was definitely time to put Jared out of her mind, despite the fact that he made her feel the way no man had ever made her feel before.

  Chloe took a quick shower and pulled on a pretty red-rose print sundress, hoping a walk along the water would help clear her mind, as well as her libido. She grabbed her beach bag and headed for the elevator. She nodded a greeting to the night concierge and noted just how quiet the lobby area was, not to mention the rest of the resort.

  A moment later she found herself outside, inhaling the fragrant air. Stars glistened high overhead as the warm night air fell over her like heavy blanket and moistened her body. She glanced around, searching for something, anything to help keep her mind off Jared. A noise near the water pulled her focus and she followed the sound.

  Her sandals snapped against her heels as she sauntered down the wooden boardwalk. When her feet hit the sandy beach, she pulled off her footwear and stuffed them into her bag. She drew a rejuvenating breath and squished the gloriously warm sand between her toes.

  Off one end of the beach, at the foot of the majestic mountain, strategically positioned torches provided sufficient light for her to see a cluster of the guests gathered around a cozy bonfire—despite the warm tropical air—boiling shellfish, while other vacationers frolicked in the surf. Chloe’s stomach rumbled, a reminder that she hadn’t eaten in hours.

  As she moved closer, a few of the guests noticed her and waved her over. The two men she’d seen at the bar earlier that day, the same two who’d been pumping Jared for dragon information, made room for her on the wooden bench between them.

  “A rose between two thorns,” one of them said glancing at her rose print dress, and everyone joined in the laughter. After a round of introductions she learned that the shorter man with the light blond hair was Blair Thorne, and the taller one, Blair’s cousin, the one with the cute grin, smoldering bedroom eyes and short hair similar to Jared’s, was Trey Thorne. At least now the thorn comment made more sense, she mused.

  Chloe made small talk for a few moments then sat back and inhaled the burning lumber. Blinking her eyes to adjust to the moonlit night, she followed the fiery embers as they took to the sky and burned to a crisp. The ashes sailed away on a breeze, drifting over the tall wooden fence and landing silently on the lush mountainside. Chloe’s gaze surfed over the thick foliage and for the briefest of moments she thought she saw movement. She squeezed her eyes shut and opened them again, but her glance only met with tall trees and foliage.

  A trick of her tired eyes, maybe? Or a dragon perhaps? She shook her head and practically scoffed at the ludicrous thought. Trey handed her a plate with warm buttery lobster, bringing her attention back around to him.

  “Mmm, yummy. Thanks.” She tossed Trey a grateful smile.

  “My pleasure.” Trey licked his lips, but with the flirty way he was looking at her, she’d hazard a guess that it wasn’t the lobster that had him salivating.

  Just this morning she would have welcomed such attention. After all, hadn’t she decided a lot of hedonistic sex was exactly what she needed to take her mind off matters? But after being with Jared, intimately, and feeling his mouth and hands on her body, she had no interest in flirting with Trey.

  Cripes, had one time in Jared’s arms ruined her for all other men?

  Chloe bit into her succulent lobster and sat back, pulling herself away from conversation and only half-listening to the light-hearted chatter around her. As her mind wandered, her thoughts raced to Jared. Where the heck had he run off to? She glanced around, looking for the staff sleeping quarters.

  Suddenly the hairs on the back of her neck began to tingle and she felt like she was being watched. Before she even realized what she was doing or thinking, her eyes shot to the mountain. Lit by the full moon, a few birds hovered over the treetops. But other than those feathered creatures, a
ll was still and quiet. She scanned the surf and the length of the long sandy beach, and diligently tried to shake off the uneasy feeling.

  After a long moment of sitting, she grew restless and edgy. Chloe excused herself from the small crowd and made her way to the water. As she walked along the shore toward the mountain, a burst of sultry heat moved through her veins, instantly bringing back salacious memories of Jared’s intimate touch. He pussy clenched with yearning and it was almost as if she could feel his hands on her, touching her with hunger, savoring every inch of her as he reintroduced himself to her body. Goose bumps broke out on her arm, and she was practically panting with want when she reached the sturdy fence guarding the mountain.

  What the hell was going on?

  She shook her head and fought valiantly to clear it as she turned her attention to the waves splashing against her feet. She walked out to her knees, hoping the waves would help cool down her lascivious libido. It didn’t.

  Once again her glance darted to the towering mountain, which made her feel so small and insignificant, and her hands went to her stomach where need gathered in a ball. Her breasts tightened and tingled as if she were being touched, licked and pleasured in the way only Jared knew how. She arched her back and gave herself over to the erotic sensations.

  Her mind swirled and a heated whimper gurgled in her throat. “Oh, God,” she cried out.

  The tingle traveled to her stomach and lower until it reached the apex of her legs. Involuntarily, her thighs widened in heated bliss, eager, ready, anticipating…

  Images of Jared paying homage to her body flashed in her mind and brought on a shudder. Her stomach clenched and desire moved through her, but strangely enough, she couldn’t identify those feelings as her own. It was as though she could feel Jared’s needs weaving their way through her body, as though they were somehow connected.

  “Are you okay?”

  Chloe gasped and spun around to find Trey studying her. His curious gaze moved over her body and noted the way she was clutching her stomach.

  She relaxed her hands, swallowed and blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “I think I might have a bit of sunstroke from all the heat today.”

  “Can I help you back to your room? Or perhaps we can go to mine.” He pointed to the cove where a row of huts overlooked the water. “I’m close.”

  In that instant she felt a flash of anger, so strong and volatile it caught her off guard and frightened the hell out of her. Never had she experienced such raw, explosive emotions before. Then came the possessiveness. Quick. Powerful. Threatening. Where were these emotions coming from?

  Dumbfounded and uncertain as to what was happening, Chloe wiped a bead of perspiration from her forehead and stepped back. “No. I think I’ll head back to my room. Thanks anyway.” As she separated the distance between them, the anger disappeared as quickly as it had come, and warmth settled in her veins, making her feel cozy and sleepy, the same way she’d felt after making love with Jared.

  Disconcerted with the quick change in her temperament, she rushed back to her room. Once inside she flopped down on her bed and pulled the covers up to her neck, but before she even had time to reflect on the strange events of the night, heat moved through her body once again, and she felt Jared’s hands on her flesh, touching, stroking, caressing and pleasuring every erogenous point on her body, and just like that, she orgasmed.

  Oh God, what the hell as going on…?

  Jared had retreated to the sanctuary of his mountain, but still couldn’t settle down and sleep, not with his thoughts so preoccupied with Chloe. He’d paced restlessly around the mountainside, but when he’d spotted her sitting between two men at the bonfire, he’d held off on morphing to his natural form for as long as humanly possible.

  Drawn to her, he’d watched from afar, his heart filling with need and want, wishing things were different between them, but knowing even his newly reenergized magic couldn’t change the outcome.

  Sure he knew she was his mate, although why or how he’d yet to figure out, but he also needed to back off, no matter how much it went against his nature and tore at his heart—his very existence. He had nothing to offer Chloe here on the island and it wasn’t like he could leave and go back to the city with her.

  And even though she’d rejuvenated his magic, he’d just have to somehow find other ways to keep it alive for an eternity—not necessarily for him, but for the good people of Ryuu. Because for him, an eternity without Chloe was an eternity of loneliness and suffering. How could he possibly go on without the one and only woman meant for him by his side? But how could he let the island folk down? The people who’d offered him protection, keeping his existence a secret from the rest of the world.

  As he’d sat watching over her, he’d let his mind wander, envisioning his hands and mouth on her beautiful body. Touching, caressing and making sweet passionate love to her all night long. But when that young man that he’d served at the bar earlier that day had approached her as she walked in the water, fierce possessiveness rose sure and swift, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do to tame those raw emotions.

  Fortunately, after her brief exchange with the young man, she’d made her way back to her room alone, soothing the beast inside him. And once again he’d found himself visualizing the two of them in that bed, making frenzied love until they both fell asleep exhausted, but sated.

  As Jared thought more about Chloe and her ability to spark his magic, he knew he needed answers, to get to know her better and discover if there were other ways to prolong his powers, because he suspected that once she put an ocean between them, his magic would begin to fade. If he had any chance of surviving he needed to know exactly who she was and where she’d come from.

  But how could he come right out and question her, without arousing the inquisitive scientist in her, and how could he be expected to control his fierce need when he was around her—his life mate.

  He somehow had to find a way, because there was more at stake here than just his existence.

  Chapter Five

  Despite her confused yet sated state of mind, sleep came easily, and Chloe awoke feeling more refreshed than she had in years, bright eyed and ready to face the new day. Her logical brain had given up on trying to find an explanation for last night’s strange events including the erotic assault on her mind and body. Perhaps it really was a touch of sunstroke, or perhaps it was just wishful thinking.

  Either way, she needed to get on with the day and get Jared out of her mind. And the best course of action was by avoiding any contact with him and indulging in the resort’s activities. She was certain she’d seen a sign-up sheet for jet-skiing in the lobby.

  She took a quick shower, threw on a pair of shorts and T-shirt, grabbed her beach bag and made her way to the restaurant for a coffee and muffin.

  After eating, she passed through the lobby, signed up for a few activities and stepped out into the bright early sunshine to enjoy the morning before the entertainment got underway.

  Shading the sun from her eyes, she glanced at the sleeping mountain to her right—all was still. No movement. Nothing. She then scanned the cluster of trees and thick foliage near the private cove on her left. With very few guests, who’d yet to venture out on the beautiful morning, she practically had the island to herself.

  Basking in the quiet, she decided to walk along the shoreline and explore the thick forest to study the indigenous Ryuu fauna. She traipsed to the water barefoot, savoring the warm rays on her face and the feel of the pristine white sand beneath her feet. God, she would miss this when she returned home.


  Honestly, she didn’t even know what that was anymore.

  As her heavy sigh sounded in the still morning air she gave herself a reality check. The truth was: A, she had no job to go back to. B, she had no family to fall back on. And C, she had no man waiting for her with open arms. Sure she had girlfriends, but she’d been so dedicated to her career, proving to her boss that she
was more than capable of succeeding in field research, that those relationships had fallen by the wayside.

  Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t hear the approaching footsteps until an intruder was upon her.

  “You’re up early.” His warm breath washed over the back of her neck and brought on a shudder.

  Oh hell, just hearing his deep, raspy tone did delicious things to her insides. She spun around and came face to face with the most gorgeous man she’d ever had the pleasure of sleeping with. Looking like sex incarnate, he was dressed in a knee length bathing suit with droplets of ocean water glistening on his sun-kissed skin.

  “I could say the same about you,” she responded, trying to keep her voice in check as his mere nearness made her breathless.

  Jared slicked his wet bangs back and narrowed his eyes in genuine concern as his glance surfed over her body. “I’m an early riser. What about you? Couldn’t sleep?” The instant he stepped closer, a rush of warm familiarity rolled through her and had her insides aching for him.

  Her gaze raced over his body and she found herself leaning into him, seeking his warmth, his touch, his comfort. When she realized he was waiting for an answer, she forced herself to tear her focus from his beautiful, sculpted chest, and meet his green eyes.

  “Actually I slept well.” Her body quaked in remembrance of the powerful orgasm that had ripped through her before she’d drifted off. God, it really had felt like Jared had been with her, touching her, making love to her. “Jared. About last night…”

  He placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her along the sand toward the forest. “What about last night?”

  Jeez, what was she supposed to say? Did you somehow magically tap into my mind and make love to me? As if such magic existed. Okay, she needed to get a grip here. Otherwise she’d soon find herself believing in dragons too.

  “I enjoyed it,” she said.

  His grin turned wicked. “Same here.”


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