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Escaping the Cataclysm

Page 30

by Keith Robinson

  Sikaris nodded. “God sent me to watch over you. I have been with you from the very beginning. At the Lord’s command, I was with you when Goliath and Hercules attacked you. I was with you when you were captured by the Mayans. The Creator sent me to meet you on the streets of Corinth and direct you toward the vendor who could help you. It was I who took control of the pyramid to direct you to where Noah and his family lived during the Ice Age. The Lord guided me to protect you at the Tower of Babel, and aid you during the time before the Flood.”

  Rebecca and the others stared at him with expressions of shock and awe. “You…you were the one that guided the pyramid to Noah’s cave?” Mack asked. “And all along we thought it was a virus in the computer systems.”

  “Indeed, Arngrim did program the pyramid to return to him,” Sikaris explained. “I only intervened to pilot the ship when you arrived during the Ice Age.”

  A look of hurt and betrayal spread over Rebecca’s face as she glanced at Jeffrey, “But, Sikaris, if you were with us all along, then why did you wait so long to help us before the Flood?”

  Sikaris’ expression filled with compassion. “I am sorry, Rebecca. But there are some things that I do not have the power to prevent. When you arrived before the Flood, you entered a time where the power of the enemy was at its greatest. I was very limited in what I could accomplish. I was forced to watch and wait for the time when God’s judgment was poured out: for I knew that only then would the enemy be distracted enough for me to act openly. That is why I did not intervene until the very beginning of the Flood.”

  Placing his hand on her shoulder, Sikaris looked deeply into Rebecca’s eyes which were filled with tears. “I am a created being, like you. I do not understand all that the Almighty Lord of Hosts does or allows. But rest assured that He always has a purpose. Nothing happens without His knowledge or permission. What man means for evil, God uses to accomplish His will, even though we do not always understand how,” he said, looking directly at Akwen, who quickly turned away.

  “Uh…Sik…your majesty,” Mack fumbled for the right words, “can you…can you travel through time?”

  “No, I cannot,” the angel replied, frowning slightly at being called “your majesty.” “Even though we have a much better understanding of space and time, the Mighty God has limited us so that, like you, we cannot travel through time. This was, in fact, one reason for the Flood. Odin and Arngrim had discovered the key to time travel, and the Lord could not allow them to use that knowledge, for in their hands, they could have used it to accomplish many acts of evil.”

  “But, if you can’t travel through time yourself, then…then how were you able to follow us?” Mack asked.

  “I traveled the same way you did,” he replied. “I was with you in the pyramid.”

  Mack’s jaw dropped. “Y…you mean that you were riding along with us the whole time?”

  Sikaris nodded. “My kind has the ability to remain unseen by human eyes if we choose.”

  “If that is the case,” began Rebecca, “then how did you get here now? When we saw you last, you were heading away from the pyramid to go protect the Ark.”

  “The Mighty King made an exception for me this one time,” Sikaris said. “He allowed me to stay behind and assist my brothers in the defense of the Ark. Once that was completed, He opened time and space to bring me here. But unless I return with you on the pyramid, I will be left in this place in time unless the Almighty were to intervene again for His purpose.”

  “Return?” Jerome said at last. “Does…does that mean that the pyramid works?”

  “Yes,” Sikaris confirmed simply.

  Each of the travelers let out a sigh of relief. For the first time since their journey began, they knew that they would be able to return home. Tears of joy began to spring forth in their eyes as they turned to one another and laughed.

  After several moments, Rebecca turned her attention back to Sikaris. “How come the pyramid will work now when it never worked before? Did you fix it?”

  Sikaris shook his head. “No. It has always worked.”

  Rebecca and the others exchanged confused looks. “What do you mean?” Rebecca asked at length.

  “The only thing that prevented you from traveling back to your own time initially was Arngrim’s pre-programming. Once he had the pyramid in his possession, he removed that restriction.”

  “Den why couldn’t he travel forward into time?” Akwen asked. “Did you stop him?”

  “Yes,” Sikaris stated. “As I mentioned previously, Arngrim could not be allowed to use the machine.”

  “So, if the machine is working properly, then why did we suddenly jolt out of time when we arrived here?” Rebecca asked.

  Sikaris regarded her with a smile. “The machine was not allowed to travel further back into time because of its passengers. If you had gone back further, you would have arrived before the Fall of Adam and Eve. But that was a time before sin. Your presence was not allowed, for you are descendents of Adam after the Fall, and so you carry sin within you. As such, you were therefore prevented from going any further into time by God’s holiness.”

  Rebecca and the others were silent for several seconds as they processed all that they had learned. At last, Goliath spoke, saying the one thing that had been on their minds from the moment the pyramid had first launched. “Then there is nothing preventing us from going home. I say we pack up our things and get moving. No more side trips. Once the core is charged, I say we see how far it will take us.”

  The others nodded their agreement. Despite their excitement, Rebecca felt a sense of pain and despair. What will happen when we get there, she wondered. What will happen to Jeffrey? What about Lisa? How can we just return to “life as usual” after all we’ve been through?

  As they sat quietly on the grass, Sikaris walked over to stand beside Mack and Dr. Eisenberg. “You have both done well. Plant the seeds of your faith deeply so that the evil one will not be able to snatch it away from you. Mack, you have a family now. Let your Eternal Father teach you. Know that you are His son, and that nothing can separate you from His love.”

  Stepping over to Jerome, he looked down at him. Unable to meet the angel’s gaze, Jerome stared at the ground. “Jerome, you have allowed sinful man to poison your understanding of the truth. You have rejected the Savior because of the actions and false teachings of men. Read the Word of God to find the truth. Then, teach it to your family, for the Word will bring life to all who read it.”

  Tears fell from Jerome’s eyes as Sikaris moved to stand before Goliath, who rose to his feet. Despite his obvious fear, the giant fought to maintain his composure in the face of the angelic being. As the others watched, Sikaris’ expression became stern. Goliath’s knees began to shake until, unable to stand further beneath the gaze of the angel, the giant collapsed to the ground.

  “Goliath, wicked men have filled your life with pain,” Sikaris said. “Because of this, you have used your pride and hatred as a shield. As long as you do so, you will never experience true love or joy. Do not seek revenge on those who have wronged you. They will receive their punishment in due time. Instead, you must release your hatred. Only then will you be truly free.” Goliath didn’t respond, but simply huddled on the ground.

  Moving away from him, Sikaris went to stand in front of Akwen, who immediately began to weep. “Akwen, you have also used pain as a weapon against others and against your Maker. You must trust Him to bring justice to those who hurt your daughter. But you must also remember that, in the eyes of a holy God, the sin that those men committed was no greater than your own sins. You have let bitterness rule your life and rob you of joy. Forgive those who have wronged you, even as Christ has forgiven you.” Akwen continued to weep as Sikaris continued on to Lisa.

  Kneeling on the grass, Lisa had her head bowed and was praying silently as the angel approached. “Lisa, daughter of the King, know that your sins are forgiven by both your Savior and by the one whom you have wronged. However, the
consequences of your sin still remain. Trust has been broken, and strong bonds of friendship have now been severed. Yet, you must persevere in your new faith. Seek out others who are mature in the Lord and let them guide you. And you must teach your daughters the truth before it is too late. They are already being enticed by the world. Pray for them, and seek out answers to the questions they have about God.” Lisa nodded and glanced up at Sikaris, who smiled warmly down at her and placed his hand on her head.

  Turning, Sikaris strode over to where Jeffrey lay several feet away. As he approached, Jeffrey put his arms over his head as if trying to hide from the angelic being. “Jeffrey Evans, you also have broken a sacred bond and deeply wounded the one you vowed to love. Many hard years of rebuilding the trust you once shared lie ahead. But they will be made all the harder if you continue to reject the Savior’s free gift of salvation. He knows your sins, and He is willing to forgive you. Only by receiving His forgiveness will you be able to be at peace.”

  Taking a small step backward, Sikaris directed his next comment at both Lisa and Jeffrey. “Both of you by now have realized that what happened to Rebecca on 2021PK was more than just a dream. It was a vision given to her by the Lord of all Creation. As I was with you on this journey, it was I that was with her on that journey. Look at me,” he said gently.

  Compelled by his command, Jeffrey, Lisa, and the others looked up at him and gasped in shock. Where the handsome angel once stood was a bizarre, six-foot-tall, cat-like creature with black, bat-like folds of skin that stretched between his muscular wrists and his powerful ankles. Golden-brown hair stuck out from the creature’s scale-like skin. The only indication that any of the onlookers had that this was the same angelic being that spoke to them moments before was the deep, violet eyes that stared down at them reprovingly.

  “This was the form that I took when Rebecca first met me,” Sikaris said. “You would do well to trust her word in the future. When you return home, listen to her and learn about God’s magnificent creation. But remember, that as with all that you learn, you must always check it with scripture. For man is fallible, but the Word is infallible.”

  Having finished his admonitions, Sikaris turned toward Rebecca as his form reverted back to his angelic appearance. “Dearest Rebecca, you have done well. You heeded my warning and built your faith on the Rock that cannot be shaken. Great will be your reward.”

  Taking a deep breath, she asked the question that had been on her heart since the moment Sikaris had arrived. “Can you…can you heal Jeffrey?”

  Sikaris cupped her face in his hands. “Dearest Rebecca, I am sorry. I have not been given the authority or the power to heal either his body or his soul. That is something that only God Himself could do.”

  Lowering her head, Rebecca began to cry softly, her hope evaporating. Then, as she considered what Sikaris had said, her thoughts began to race and her heart beat wildly. Staring up at him, she could see that he had already guessed what she was thinking. “Would He allow it?” she asked. “Would it change anything?”

  Sikaris looked down at her and smiled. “I believe that in His eternal wisdom, He has already made provision for you to do what is in your heart.”

  Hugging Sikaris briefly, Rebecca released him and looked around at the others, her hope renewed. “Gather everything together! We’ve got to be ready to move out as soon as the ship is powered up.”

  “What is it?” Dr. Eisenberg asked. “What’s wrong now?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. It’s just that we do have one more stop to make before we go home,” she said as she looked over at her husband, her heart swelling with excitement.

  1. Genesis 4:15,16

  2. Genesis 3:20



  Pieces of clay and straw rained down from the roof onto those gathered in the house below, causing them to look up in surprise and shock. The crowd of bearded men filling the moderately-sized, brick dwelling began to whisper among themselves, causing the teacher to pause in his exhortation. As more and more of the ceiling began to fall, it became clear that someone was tearing up the roof. The clay and straw soon caused those directly under the widening hole to become angry and protest loudly. However, since the house was filled from wall to wall, the men began to push and shove against those around them, trying to get out from beneath the falling debris.

  Three of the religious leaders, dressed in their fine robes, became indignant that the intruders would be so calloused as to not only interrupt the meeting, but would be so rude as to drop roofing materials down on them. The owner of the home began to complain loudly about the damage being done to his roof as the rest of those gathered in the room spoke to one another with voices filled with anticipation.

  Yet, through all of the commotion, the master remained silent, observing everything that was transpiring with interest.

  Finally, when the hole was wide enough, the onlookers below watched in amazement as a man lying on a mat was lowered through the opening. On the flat roof, four figures could be seen holding ropes that were attached to the mat, gently lowering it down. Men jostled each other, some trying to get out of the way, and others hoping for a better view of the event.

  Outside the house, a woman wearing a robe with the hood pulled up fought desperately to reach the door of the house. However, the crowd was so tightly packed that she could not get through as everyone was pressing in to see and hear the teacher. With her entry into the house barred, she made her way to a window, where she felt her heart leap with excitement at the scene that was unfolding within. Climbing up on the window ledge, she was able to see over the heads of the crowd inside and let out a gasp as she caught a glimpse of the teacher standing near the far wall. Grabbing the edge of the window for support, she swayed as tears blurred her vision. Although he looked stronger than she had expected, he was not as handsome as he had been portrayed. However, she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was the one she sought.

  She was gazing upon her Lord and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

  Inside the building, Jesus looked up at the four men on the roof, a smile spreading across his face. Although the evening sunlight made it difficult to see their features clearly, it became quickly apparent to him that three of the four men had a deep love for their paralyzed friend. Even more than their love, they contained a faith far greater than most that he had encountered in his ministry. Even the fourth man, who was by far the tallest of the group, seemed confident that this teacher from Nazareth would heal his companion.

  As the mat settled onto the floor right in front of the Master, a hush fell over the crowd as they stared expectantly at him, wondering what he would do. Crouching down, Jesus looked at the man, his face radiating compassion.

  Jeffrey felt his heart constrict and the blood leave his face as Jesus looked at him. Jeffrey turned his head away as the guilt and shame of his past burst forth into his consciousness. Why had he allowed the others to bring him here? Here he was, lying before Jesus the Christ! Although he had always denied that Jesus was the Son of God, one look into his eyes and he knew the truth. The realization caused him to nearly faint with shock. Jesus is God, and His holiness and justice could not allow sin to go unpunished.

  Jeffrey knew the Ten Commandments, and he felt as if the very stone tablets upon which they had been written were crushing his body. You shall not murder. In his mind’s eye, he saw the saw the bus crash through the railing and fall onto the road below. He also saw the hollowness in Jaime’s eyes following the abortion. You shall not commit adultery. He remembered the look of betrayal that had crossed Rebecca’s face as she learned the truth about his affair with Lisa. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. You shall not steal. You shall not lie. You shall not covet. You shall have no other gods before me! Images flashed through his mind of times when he had broken each of them. He was guilty, and he knew that hell would be his final destination when he died. The weight of his guilt caused his breathing to become labored and, for a momen
t, Jeffrey thought that his heart might rupture. Oh God, please forgive me! I know I don’t deserve it, but please…please forgive me!

  Then, as he was about to succumb to his pain, Jeffrey heard a gentle voice speaking to him as if from a great distance. For several seconds, his mind couldn’t comprehend the words. Suddenly, their meaning hit him, bringing with them a rush of intense emotion.

  “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.”

  As the words permeated through Jeffrey’s soul, he felt the weight that was suffocating him lift. For the first time in his life, he felt free! The chains that had bound him for so many years had suddenly dropped away. Despite all that he had done, the God of the universe had forgiven him. Jeffrey suddenly realized that although he had come for physical healing, that was not what he had needed most. He needed healing in his soul, and God, in His wisdom, had given Jeffrey what he needed, not what he wanted. He knew in that moment, that even if he was never able to walk again, he would worship God and serve Him until death.

  Tears of gratitude and relief rushed forth as Jeffrey’s body heaved with sobs. Feeling Jesus’ hand on his shoulder, Jeffrey turned and grasped it as if he was a drowning man in the ocean and it was his only lifeline.

  He remained in that position for what seemed like hours, losing all sense of time. Gradually, he began to realize that the crowd in the room was murmuring. Although they were speaking in Hebrew and Aramaic, Jeffrey was familiar enough with those languages to understand them.

  “Why does this fellow talk like that?” one whispered.

  “He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” another asked quietly.

  Suddenly, Jeffrey understood. They didn’t believe that Jesus was God! From their perspective, he was claiming a privilege that only God commanded. Only an extremely foolish or arrogant man would presume to forgive someone who committed wrongs against someone else! However, what the crowd failed to see was that Jeffrey’s sins had been committed against Jesus, for He was the Lawgiver. He was God.


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