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The Vampire Pirate's Daughter

Page 16

by Lynette Ferreira

It is almost time for William’s afternoon nap anyway, so when I get up to my room and after closing the door behind me, I lay down on the bed with him. Stroking his back softly I tell him a story from my history. I leave out the blood and violence, but I share with him my first hand experience of a romantic era long gone.

  When I hear his soft gentle breathing and I feel him relax in my arms, I bury my face in the pillow and I feel the sobs shudder through my body.

  I fall asleep emotionally exhausted. The years or Andrew did not change the way I felt about Callum.

  Later William and I go to the kitchen to have dinner. I notice thankfully that there is a new moon and I realize relieved that they have all gone out early. I have stopped long ago to follow the cycles of the moon.

  After dinner, William and I play a game of snakes and ladders and then we watch an animated movie together.

  It is late when I eventually get to bed and although I had an afternoon nap, I fall asleep quickly, most probably because I force all and any thoughts from my mind.

  William sleeps in his own room adjacent to mine, but I always leave the connecting door open.

  I wake up with a start and I sit up against the headboard of my four-poster bed. All the lights are off and I am unable to see in the dark – those days are long gone.

  I feel my bed sink as someone sits down on the edge of my bed and then I hear his voice. He sounds irritated, “There is a weird noise in this room. It resonates against the walls.”

  I remain silent, pretending that if I cannot see him, he cannot see me.

  “I am sorry I was gone so long, I have a good reason.”

  I cannot help myself and I say adamantly, “I don’t care.”

  I feel his hand on my arm. “But I care. I care that you are upset.”

  I pull my arm away from his hand. The tears run silently down my cheeks again and I feel the bed move when he stands up. He is leaving and it is okay, good riddance.

  I breathe in deeply when he lies down on the bed next to me and abruptly I move away from him, while I hiss annoyed, “What do you think you are doing?”

  He laughs softly, while he pushes his arm in under my head. He pulls me closer to him. “My red-haired girl, how I have missed you.”

  I feel him suddenly pull away from me. I feel his hand press against my chest softly and I move away swiftly.

  He says shocked, “It’s you. It’s your heart.” He shifts away from me and he asks, “How did this happen?”

  “This is what happens when you leave and think everything will still be here waiting for you!”

  “Is this why that boy was hanging onto you?”

  I laugh sarcastically. “What is it to you?”

  He says loudly, in an angry tone, “It has everything to do with me!”

  “No. When you stayed away year after year, it became less and less your business.”

  He explains hesitantly, “Just after I left here, I was approached by the Four Judges and they made me a proposition.” His tone becomes scornful, when he adds, “A proposition, I could not refuse.”

  I knew a proposition by the Four Judges could not be refused - that was one of the laws of our society.

  Callum continues, “All this time I had to do their dirty work for them.” He laughs bitter. “I have had a quick education into the so-called civilized world of vampires today.” He stands up from the bed and then I hear the door open and close behind him.

  The persistent, irritating, importune tears run down my cheeks. I feel desperately sad, words cannot explain the total despair I feel.

  The next morning, I am too afraid to go down to breakfast. I did not want him to look at me accusingly, while I shoveled soft-boiled eggs and toast into my mouth. When William wakes up, he runs into my room and for a moment, I forget my sorrow.

  Soon after Amanda comes into my room and I sigh exasperated when I look up from the picture I am drawing with William.

  I ask annoyed, “Is there absolutely no privacy in this house? Everybody thinks they can walk in and out of my room as they please.”

  Amanda looks at me apologetically. “I am sorry. I thought I would let you know that Callum left with Peter. Peter is eager to show him the vineyards.”

  “I don’t care.”

  She sits down next to me. “I know you do.”

  I look at her forlornly. “Amanda, what am I going to do?”

  She smiles. “Just keep breathing, Susie. Keep breathing and believing.”

  “Believe in what?”

  “Believe in love, my dear.”

  She smiles and pulls me up by the hand. “Come on, it is a lovely day and you cannot stay here all day. Besides William needs his breakfast.” She leans over to William. She tickles him in his sides and she laughs loudly, when he squeals with delight.

  I sigh exaggerated. “And then how do I explain William? I told Callum when he left I would wait for him, I even agreed to marry him.”

  “He actually asked you to marry him?”

  “Yes. He was gone so long. Ten years, and so much has happened to me. I am so different from the girl he left behind.”

  “Just carry on everyday as if Callum was not here.”

  “He was so shocked when he learned I was human,” I complain.

  “Just like the rest of us, he will get used to the idea.”

  “I cannot go out there. It is too complicated.”

  She insists, “Nonsense, you are going with me now.

  She picks William up from the ground easily, then she pulls me gently by the arm and reluctantly I follow her out of the room.

  When we reach the kitchen, she puts William in his chair and leaning down to him, she asks, “What do you feel like eating today?”

  While he decides, Amanda tells me, “Today I will finish your section.”

  I stand looking in the fridge, trying to find something easy to make and I say, “I cannot let you do that. Besides, I think I should just face it head on, there is no use in avoiding the inevitable.”

  She smiles encouragingly. “That’s my girl.”

  I laugh, without wanting to. “You are only three years older than me now, so you can stop mothering me, you know.”

  “I know, but how do you stop an entrenched habit. I think even if you grew to be fifty years older than me, I would still feel the urge to protect you.”

  I say distracted, “Actually, I feel like steak. We have only had pasta the last few nights and I feel carnivores.”

  Jumping with fright, I hear Edward laugh when he walks into the kitchen. “We just can’t get the vampire out of you.”

  I look back over my shoulder toward him, straight into Callum’s eyes. Quickly I glance toward Amanda accusingly and then I take a pot of yoghurt from the fridge.

  Sitting down next to William, I ask him, “Have you decided what you want yet, William?”

  He looks up at Amanda. “Manda is making me waffles.”

  I smile down at him. “Lucky boy. We could get used to this, can’t we?”

  He smiles sweetly, while he waits patiently.

  From the corner of my eye, I see Callum lean against the wall across from me and sadly, I think he is trying to avoid being too close to me. Self-consciously I put the spoon ladled with yoghurt into my mouth. I feel Callum’s gaze burn into me. Herman says something to Callum and Herman has to repeat himself, before Callum turns toward him and says, “Sorry, were you talking to me?”

  I eat in silence. Callum is making me feel uncomfortable and it feels as if the yoghurt lodges itself in my throat.

  I wait for William to finish his waffles and we leave the house together. We get onto the wagon and then while Claude drives the wagon, William and I sit on the back, our legs hanging over the edge of the cart.

  The day passes as any other day. I work my section, while William runs circles around me. He chases butterflies and eats grapes. Whenever I look up, I see Callum looking at either William or me pensively where he is picking grapes in the next row.

  That evening I get the steaks from the freezer. I defrost them in the microwave and then I fry them. These days I cannot stand the rich iron taste that lingers in my mouth when I eat my meat raw. I have tried medium-rare, but have settled for well done.

  When the char-grilled steak is ready, I put them on two plates and then I quickly toss a green salad. I drink glass after glass of wine to swallow the meat down. The wine does make me feel warm and oozy, so I laugh at everything everybody has to say. I see Herman look at me troubled.

  When William and I are finished eating, everybody leaves the kitchen as always. Amanda takes William with her, while I stay behind to wash the dishes. When Callum walks out of the room, it feels as if my stomach unclenches and it is the first time since we started eating that I feel I can breathe.

  I take my time washing the dishes.

  When I walk into the lounge, the fire is blazing in the hearth.

  Callum is sitting with William on the floor and they are playing a game of checkers.

  Hurriedly I walk over to them and I lift William up off the ground, while I say quickly, “Come William, bath time.”

  William complains and I see Callum stand up. He looks at me annoyed and then he says softly, “Let him finish the game.” He laughs ironically. “I won’t eat him.”

  I gasp and with a protesting William wriggling in my arms, I leave the living room.

  Amanda say angrily, “That was not funny, Callum.”

  To placate William, I promise him that we would watch his animated movies late into the night and that we would sleep in the lounge. He always enjoys doing this, because it feels like camping.

  After I dry William and dress him in his pajamas, I organize the den. I throw a blanket on the floor and I bring bowls of popcorn, crisps and chewy sweets from the kitchen.

  We lie down on the blanket on the carpeting on our stomachs. I put my chin in my palms, while I stare into the fire and the warmth is immediate. Soon William is immersed in his movie.

  He falls asleep the same time as every other night.

  Turning onto my side, I stare into his angelic face, while I brush the hair from his brow. I lay like this until I fall asleep.

  I half wake up and I feel cold. Automatically I move into William and instinctively he puts his little arm over me. I snuggle into the warmth of him and then I notice a shadow in the room. Immediately I open my eyes fully and I see Callum looking at me intently. When he sees me looking up at him, he stands up quietly from the chair and he silently leaves the room.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  William and I have eaten and I have washed the dishes. Everybody has already left the château, except Justin and us.

  I turn to Justin. “What are you going to do today?”

  He sulks. “I have to work in the cellar today.”

  “Have fun. Wish me luck though, I am going to look for Amanda and discuss a trip I have been contemplating.”

  Justin looks at me questioningly. “A trip, this is unexpected.”

  “Very impulsive for me, isn’t it?” I laugh nervously.

  He says while he walks toward the cellar, “Good luck, I doubt Amanda will let you go.”

  I take William by the hand and we walk to the vineyard in search of Amanda. I know it will take some convincing, because even though I am practically an adult now, after two hundred plus years, Amanda still treats me like a child. I do not have to ask her permission, but years and years of habits are hard to break.

  She is talking to Callum and I hesitate for a moment, before I walk toward them.

  William runs to Edward and then I hear him shriek loudly, when Edward swings him high into the air.

  Amanda and Callum stop talking when they see me and I say, “Amanda, can I speak with you.”

  Callum looks over his shoulder toward Edward and William and then back at me thoughtfully.

  I turn away from him and follow Amanda. I ask her, “What were you discussing? Callum looks more upset than usual.”

  “It was nothing important,” she says dismissively.

  I sense though that it involved me, so I insist, “Tell me, Amanda!”

  She sighs exasperated. “I was trying to convince him not to do something he might regret.”

  “Like what?”

  “He wanted to know what happened to you, how it happened and I explained it to him. Now he wants to go after them.”

  I gasp shocked. “He is so upset that I am human? Does it really bother him that much?” I feel sad, I want to go to him, run to him, and implore that he not be foolish, but he hates me.

  Amanda asks, “Why did you want to talk to me?”

  I remember. “I want to take William on a trip - a trip around the world.”

  She frowns. “When?”

  “I want to leave next week.”

  “But it is almost Christmas?”


  “No, you cannot go next week. We always enjoy Christmas with William and I wanted to have a ball this year for New Years.” She pinches her lips together for a moment and then she says agreeable, “I could agree that you go on this trip, but…”

  I groan.

  She continues unperturbed, “We will first have Christmas and New Years and then after that you and William can go on your round the world trip. You do not stay away for years, Amanda, I’ll miss William.” She looks toward Edward who is chasing William playfully and she adds, “We will all miss William.”

  Although I will not be leaving next week as I planned, she still agreed, so I laugh happily. “I won’t stay away, because I’ll miss you too much as well. Besides, William will need to start school soon enough.”

  “Whose silly idea was this?”

  “Mine. Why?”

  “You have been around the world hundred times over.”

  I smile. “Yes, but never as a human. The experience will be different.”

  “It will still look the same, girl.”

  “But it will feel different.”

  She sighs, but she smiles thoughtfully. “I am serious, Susie, not for long.”

  “I promise.” I smile and jump up and down gleefully. I lean into her and say, “Thank you. Thank you.”

  When I let her go, she says, “Now run along, Callum needs help with those baskets. Maybe you can convince him not to be foolish.”

  My heart sinks into my shoes and I sulk, “Must I?”

  “Yes, you must.”

  I walk away from her toward Callum. With each step closer to him, my heart beats slower and I can hear the ‘doof’ every time my foot touches the ground. I reach him and I say softly, “Amanda says I have to help you.”

  He looks toward me and then over my shoulder at Amanda reproachfully. He says, “It's okay, I’ll manage.”

  I am suddenly maddeningly angry. “Do I stink Callum, now that I am human? I just want to help you!” I turn hurriedly to walk away from him and he grasps me by the elbow.

  He leans down to me and he hisses close to my face, “What do you expect? I leave and I complete a compulsory service for my community, so that we can continue living in your blissful ignorance. So that the humans you love to integrate with do not find out the truth about you. When I get back, you are a human and you have a child. I feel like a fool now for suggesting we do not go all the way, for telling you that I want to marry you.”

  The insult feels like a slap through my face. The surprise is so devastating that I can only glare at him defiantly. Thoughts are racing through my mind looking for something to say in retaliation. I open my mouth to tell him to be quiet, because I cannot think of anything witty to say. His lips cover mine unexpectedly and I feel my legs buckle under the emotional wave that washes through me. His arms fold around me and he buries his hand in my hair, pulling my head closer to his. I feel warmth spread through my stomach. He lets me go abruptly and looking into my eyes, he grimaces. He turns from me and he walks away.

  I stay standing there staring after him. The love I feel for him is undisputabl
e, even to me. I turn and I run home. Storming into the house, I run up the stairs two at a time. I run into my room, sweeping the door closed behind me. I fall onto my bed and I stare up at the canopy over my four-poster bed. Soon William and I will leave and I will not come back as long as he is here.


  Amanda and I start to decorate the house for Christmas. When William sees what we are doing excitement starts to ripple through the château. Since William’s second Christmas, everybody has a renewed interest in the festive season and I even notice Peter getting excited. Irritated I notice Callum spending more and more time with William and at night when I lie with him in bed, William cannot stop talking about Callum. I decide to talk to Callum, to tell him to stay away from William. However, since that day in the vineyards we have not spoken to each other at all. I do however notice that he stares at me absorbedly whenever we are in the same room. I observe the way he smiles when I spend time with William and we share a joke. I convince myself that I loathe Callum with a passion bordering on hatred.

  At Christmas, William races through the stack of presents and I love watching his little face light up with each new present he opens. Although there are so many, he is truly happy about each and every one. The rest of the day, he spends playing with his new toys in the den and I curl up on the couch with a book. The fire is blazing brightly and I hear Amanda, Edward, Justin, Peter, Herman and Claude in the living room. They are arguing loudly, but jovial, about the new name for the vintage. Our best vintage since we started wine production. Edward is happy, because at last, we can rival Francois and he wants it to give homage to William, my father, and he wants the name to reflect this. The rest of them do not agree with him and they call his rivalry petty, which aggravates Edward even more.

  I sense the moment Callum enters the den and I feel annoyed, but William jumps up from the carpet and runs excitedly to him. Frowning, I look up at Callum and I notice him smiling down at William. He ruffles William’s hair and then he picks him up. He lets William sit comfortably in the crook of his arm and then he says softly, while looking at me, “I want to talk to your mom. Why don’t you run along and go see Amanda quickly?”


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