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Fueled by Lust: Lucien (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 22

by Celeste Prater

  The sound of many boots echoing down the corridor had Kallon lifting his gaze. There they were. A grinning Maxim was leading the elite guard down the hallway. Kallon’s eyes widened at the sight of a beautiful woman with reddish gold hair and luminous green eyes walking beside him. Her eyes carried the same sadness he saw within the emperor’s. She appeared to be human.

  “Hey, doc. I hope you plan for a quick look and release. These guys are chomping at the bit to get a shower and some decent food.”

  Kallon nodded. “Yes, the emperor was in the same mindset. I heard him give instructions for the galley staff to prepare a feast for them.” He frowned when the lovely woman’s gaze dropped and her smile slipped. She took a deep breath, shook her head, and then looked back up. He immediately came away with an impression of a very strong female with a need for privacy and time to think.

  “Hello. I’m Tana. Maxim said you’re the ship’s doctor. Nice to meet you.” She held out her hand and Kallon lifted it to his lips and planted a gentle kiss to her knuckles.

  “Likewise. I can see that you’re exhausted. I’ll be quick on the exam.” She smiled and he saw that it wasn’t forced this time.

  “Thank you.”

  “Please, go inside and find a table. You can just sit on top. No need to do anything else. My staff will run simple devices around your body, nothing serious. If you need any adjustments, they’ll be painless, I assure you.”

  “Good to know. Thank you.”

  Maxim opened the door and followed her inside. Kallon smiled at each warrior that shuffled by. They all carried the same exhausted look, but he could tell they were extremely happy to be on board. He’d treated each one of them at some point over the last two years. They were constantly getting into some type of scrape. He suffered the usual friendly shoulder taps and shoves as they passed.

  When Ulixes approached, Kallon felt his heart flutter. He was a beautiful sight despite the haggard look. His gorgeous brown hair was wind-tossed or he’d been clenching his fists tightly in the strands. Kallon fought the urge to run his fingers through it. What made his breath catch was the overwhelmingly grief-stricken eyes that finally rose to his. Kallon watched his lips try to rise into a smile before it quickly faded away. The male was beyond sad and it tore Kallon’s heart to pieces.

  “Ulixes. You have no idea how happy I am to see you. Perhaps after you’ve eaten and rested, we can talk?” Kallon was surprised when Ulixes’s gaze dropped.

  “Yes. That sounds nice. I…thank you, doctor.” He quickly turned and walked into the clinic.

  Kallon stood frozen for several moments. Doctor? He hadn’t referred to him by title since the night of their chess game. Shaking his head, Kallon chuckled. What’s wrong with me? The male has been traumatized and is now standing outside a room full of the elite guard with excellent hearing. The last thing he wants to do is flirt. Get over yourself, Kallon.

  Walking into the filled room, Kallon was happy to see that his staff was already deep into the exams. The guard wouldn’t have to wait long before they could find some solace. He approached Tana.

  “Forgive me for being forward, but you’re human, correct?”

  “Yes. I got snatched off a ship in the Atlantic. You’re Insedi?”

  Kallon chuckled. “Yes. I know I must be confusing to you. A majority of the Insedi have dark hair. My mother’s ancestral lineage was Scandinavian. I guess her genes won out over my father’s.”

  Tana lifted a lock of her hair. “German-Irish. Mostly plain ole’ Irish as you can see.”

  “My dear, you are anything but plain.” Kallon smiled at her lovely blush.

  Maxim chuckled. “You got that right, doc. She’s also the emperor’s mate. I’ve been assigned to guard her like a shadow. If the other warriors get wind of her on the ship, she’ll have suitors lining the hallway before they get a clue of her status. The few that did see her tripped over their own damn feet to get a closer look.”

  Kallon was surprised by the loud gasp and the darkening of Tana’s blush. Her mouth hung open for a few beats before she found her voice.

  “Oh, no. You have that all wrong. I’m not anyone’s mate. I’m…we’re…no, it’s not like that. We’re friends. That’s all. Just fellow prisoners.” Her eyes darted frantically to Maxim. “Who told you we were mates?”

  Maxim’s eyebrows rose and he gestured around the room. “All of them. I assumed it was true when the emperor assigned me to guard you and told me to keep the other males away.”

  Kallon watched in interest as Tana’s green eyes flashed and her jaw tightened. She looked pissed and flicked her gaze to the medic completing her scans.

  “Are we done here? I’d like to go now.”

  Hassion widened his eyes and looked over for confirmation. Kallon nodded and gave Tana his best doctor smile.

  “Of course. You must be exhausted. Hassion, how are her readings?”

  “Everything looks okay. She’s a little dehydrated, so she’ll need to drink plenty of fluids.”

  Tana hopped off the table and frowned when Maxim began to follow her from the room. “Uh, thanks. Just take me to my room. I appreciate all of your help.”

  Maxim glanced over his shoulder and gave him the “what the fuck” look, and Kallon shrugged. He was just as dumbfounded. The little spitfire couldn’t get out of the room fast enough to suit her. Well, wasn’t that interesting.

  Looking around the room, his confusion mounted. Ulixes was gone. Not even a cursory good-bye. Kallon felt his stomach flip. Something was very wrong and he wasn’t going to rest until he found out why the love of his life wanted nothing to do with him.

  Chapter 26

  “Do it.”

  Lucien watched with mixed feelings as the compound exploded in a rush of fire. The flames shot high into the night sky and the surrounding area lit up from the glow.

  The remains of the shed Tana had blown lay scattered across the hillside, he could see the tree they’d used for hiding before slipping into the compound, and the container that had held all of her favorite food was lying on its side. Earlier, he’d had the contents removed and brought to the cargo hold for sorting. At least she’d have something familiar to eat on the trip back and there were enough T-shirts and socks to last her a lifetime. He knew how much she enjoyed Ravioli and clean socks.

  Releasing his breath and the past memories along with it, Lucien looked to the left of the view port and watched the Protonecian ship lift into the air. Calpion had a message to deliver and Lucien hoped it would help ease Bellator’s way to the throne. The Nawien vessel followed shortly afterward. The warriors had finally convinced them to return home. After a lot of picture drawing and promises, they were committed to making a visit very soon. Otherwise, the Nawiens were coming to Insedivertus whether they liked it or not. The Athenian was resting snuggly in the docking bay. She’d seen enough action and warranted a rest.

  Turning, he looked to Imbrus. “Did you contact Messor with my message?”

  Imbrus nodded. “Yes. They’re bringing Bellator to the coordinates we provided. He’ll be transferred over to the ship as soon as we arrive. They’ve warned that he’s very upset.”

  Lucien rose from his chair and snorted. “I can imagine. We all have obligations and he should attend to his. He’ll get over it. I’ll be in the galley if you need me. Our feast awaits.” He made it to the doorway, then turned around when Imbrus called his name.


  “I particularly enjoyed the message with the boot. It helped to bring humor to our dire situation when we couldn’t locate you.”

  Lucien frowned. “The boot? What boot?” Imbrus’s eyebrows lowered in confusion.

  “The one in the cylinder. It was most hilarious. I told the others that you were warning that we should kick our own asses if we did not find you. Was that your intent? It was rather clever. It sits in the cargo bay atop the cylinder. Warriors are taking bets on whom it belongs to.”

  Lucien tried to school his features an
d failed several times before he regained control. He couldn’t stop the chuckle.

  “Ah, the boot. No. I wish that had been me. I’ll let Keos know that it was well received. The male is full of surprises.” Imbrus’s smile returned and he nodded.

  “Enjoy your meal. And we’re very happy to have you back.”

  “Thank you, Imbrus. You’ve done a fantastic job and I could never be more proud of you and those that brought this to such a happy conclusion. I’ve told my son this, as well. Very commendable.”

  Imbrus’s eye lit up and he bowed deeply.

  “Oh, and Imbrus? Get me off this fucking planet.”

  Imbrus gave a very rare grin and nodded. “I would be happy to.”

  After an exhausting trip through the corridors and multiple greetings from other warriors meandering the ship, Lucien hesitated at the door to the galley. Would Tana be inside? She’d been invited, but Maxim said she wasn’t responding through the door she refused to open. Maybe it was for the best if he didn’t see her. Even this small separation from her was playing havoc on his emotions. He’d had to stop himself several times from just going to her room and begging her to forgive him. A simple image of her face covered in disappointment or worse, hatred, kept him frozen at the end of her corridor. It would kill him. No, best to leave her alone and let whatever feelings she’d had for him fade away.

  Pushing inside, he glanced quickly around the large room and fought the gut-wrenching sadness at not finding her there. Gods! He’d turned into a sap of the highest order. If he kept flip-flopping on his emotions like this, he’d go mad. Pasting on a big smile, he looked at all the happy faces of his warriors lined around tables now filled to the brim with recognizable food. Maxim was arm wrestling with Sotarios and Kallon was studying Geleon’s lifted elbow. He frowned when he saw one face missing from the crowd.

  “Where’s Ulixes?”

  Altair shrugged. “I couldn’t get him out of his room. He said he needed to sleep. I’m sure he’s still shook up over the thing with Basilius. Anyone would be.”

  Lucien nodded in agreement. “Yes, but he’ll work himself through it. He’s very intelligent and resilient. He’ll be okay.” The large crate in the corner caught his attention and he gestured to it.

  “What’s in there?”

  Keos sauntered up to the box with a smug look on his face and patted it. “This, my emperor, is proof.”

  Lucien frowned. “Proof? Of what?”

  Keo’s grin was infectious and he winked. “You’ll see.”

  Leaning forward, Lucien whispered conspiratorially, “Perhaps it contains Sotarios’s missing boot?” He enjoyed watching the big male’s face flush and his eyes widen.

  Moving closer, he cocked his head. “No worries, warrior. It resides in the cargo bay at the moment. Perhaps you might want to get it back to Sotarios before the story of how it was discovered reaches his ears. If you don’t get a black eye from him or Geleon, I’ll be most surprised.” Keos swallowed hard and blinked a few times before his grin slowly returned. He was probably looking forward to the sparring. He snorted and called out to Maxim.

  Hey, Maxim. As soon as Sotarios whips your ass, you want to join us over here?”

  Maxim looked up and Sotarios slammed the big warrior’s wrist to the table.

  Leaping up, Maxim glared at the victor. “Damn! That wasn’t fair. You cheated.”

  Shrugging, Sotarios grinned, rose from the table, and joined the other warriors gathering behind the crate. They all bent and shoved the heavy box out into the open area of the galley. Keos crooked his finger at Maxim.

  “Come on over. We brought you something.”

  Eyes widening, Maxim walked over and stared at the crate. “For me? Cool. Let’s see it.”

  Keos removed the side and Lucien promptly burst out laughing. There sat the front horn of the beast. Maxim’s face was priceless.

  “What the fuck is that?”

  “The beast. Well, part of him, anyway.”

  Maxim squatted in front of the box and stared in wonder. “First of all, I don’t like you using that name, so you’ll have to come up with something else. Secondly, Geleon tried to tell me of the animal you killed. I didn’t believe him, so he has my deepest apologies. Third, you will be the talk of Insedivertus and I’m extremely jealous.” Looking up, his face was pleading.

  “Emperor, any chance you might let me out to hunt one of these? This makes the kruthka look like a baby.”

  Chuckling, Lucien bent down and patted Maxim on the shoulder. “Denied. He damn near killed my elite guard. One is enough. Plus, if Imbrus did as I said, then we are most likely away from that damn planet already.” Rising, he looked over to Keos. “I was wondering why it took you all so long to return from the compound. What made you think to bring the horn back? That was a good idea.”

  He looked over when Geleon lifted his arm and pointed to the doorway.

  “She did.”

  * * * *

  Tana froze as soon as she stepped into the room. All heads had swiveled her direction at Geleon’s announcement. She immediately regretted the need to swallow her pride and fill her growling belly. Shit! Cleaned up and dressed, the whole damn lot of them was gorgeous beyond comprehension. Lucien, in a sleeveless, purple tunic with his hair pulled back, was worthy of a full-on faint. She felt her face flame up and cursed the Irish again before she found her voice.


  Geleon smiled and looked to his right. That’s when she realized Lucien’s eyes were wide in surprise. He caught her glance and quickly returned to his normally cool demeanor. Good, she freaked him out. Serves him right. She tried to focus on the warrior’s words.

  “We’d just left the compound when we came upon Sotarios and Ulixes escorting Tana to the ship. She took pity on us.”

  Tana swallowed hard and walked up to the table. Glancing down, she saw a platter of raviolis and a bowl of chocolate pudding, and her gut clenched. Trying to maintain nonchalance, she grabbed a plate and starting loading it with whatever was within reach. She tried her best to sound calm.

  “It wasn’t pity, Geleon. There was so much tension coming off every one of you, it was the only thing I could think of to get your minds off of things.” She glanced over to Maxim squatting in front of the horn and smiled. “Besides, I’d left something at the camp so it worked out for both of us.” She caught Lucien’s quick frown before he morphed back into the emperor again. Sitting down before her knees gave out, Tana glanced up and cocked her head.

  “Come on, guys, let’s eat. You can explain some of your foods to me.”

  She laughed when the warriors swarmed the table and fought for the spot on her right. Sotarios won with a hard punch to Haemon’s kidney. The doctor that treated her earlier rose from the table and gestured for Haemon to take his seat next to Altair.

  “Haemon, take mine. I ate earlier. I was just here to check Geleon’s arm. Please, sit down.” He glanced over to her and smiled. “Good to see you again, Tana. I must go, but would like to converse with you later if you don’t mind.”

  Tana nodded. “Sure. Should I just come by the clinic?”

  “Yes, that would be perfect. If I’m not there, one of the staff can call for me. Anytime you’re ready.” He said his good-byes to the others and walked to the door.

  As she gawked at the exceptionally long braid hanging down his back, which she had obviously failed to see earlier, she noticed the seat to her left was left untouched. Glancing around, she saw Lucien standing at the end of the table and eyeing the open spot. It was that or sit at the neighboring table all by himself. Tana felt her mean streak rise up and shine in all its glory. She patted the table.

  “Come on, Lucien. Oh, I’m sorry. Emperor Lucien. You can sit here. I won’t bite. Not hard anyway.”

  Lucien’s jaw clenched and one eye narrowed when a few muffled snorts sounded from the end of the table. Well, that got his attention. He walked around the table, sat down without fanfare, and began loading his

  “You can call me Lucien. I’m the same male that pulled your ass out of the pond, and don’t forget it.”

  Tana felt her brow lift and heat shoot up the back of her neck. So, he wanted to remind her of the spanking? Fine. She twirled her spoon in the pudding and let her voice purr out in defiance.

  “Oh, I beg to differ. I think you were completely different. If I recall, you looked like a demented berserker who wasn’t getting his way. Right now, you just seem like a polite leader of a neighboring planet. I almost didn’t recognize you with your shirt on.”

  Tana realized two seconds later that she’d bitten off more than she could chew. She was staring at his scrumptious ass as he stomped out of the door. The only problem was that it was upside down and his shoulder was shoved into her gut. She had a flashback to the day he didn’t want her going back for the guns. So, this was his answer to uncomfortable situations. She batted her hair out of the way and stared at the line of smiling faces waving at her. She vaguely heard, “About damn time,” before the door slid shut.

  Tana sighed heavily and didn’t even try to fight him. She knew how strong he was and she’d only tire herself out.

  “Put me down, Lucien.”


  “Is this how you handle all of your disputes as emperor? You just snatch up the object of your ire and haul them around? I bet you don’t get many dignitaries to your planet.” She yelled out when he popped her squarely on the ass.

  “Enough. You know full well that’s not what I do. You’re being petulant.”

  “Okay, fine. Let’s play this straight then. Why are you even bothering with me? You could have just walked away if you didn’t like what I had to say. Oh. Wait. I get it. You’re going to lock me in my room and then you can go back to your feast and pretend I don’t exist.”


  “Then what are you going to do?”


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